One knife.


Above the sky, countless flying boats.

Southern wilderness. Northern Wilderness.

Lord of the Great Holy Land, Son of God, Son of God!

One by one, they are like bubbles that have been punctured. One by one, disappearing out of thin air!!



Ten thousand!

In a blink of an eye. All the people who came this time were annihilated under Leon’s sword.

Around the entire border of the Eastern Wilderness, the screams and wails of countless people were faintly heard.


Like a true god, Li Ang stands in the void. A cyan robe set off the god-like temperament.

Li Ang’s expression, from beginning to end.

Nothing has changed.

It was as if the Lord of countless holy places. For him. It’s just a swarm of ants.

The wind is light and cloudy.


At this time, Li Ang looked down at the bloody aura that was constantly wafting around. Those blood qi were all incarnated by the great holy masters of the Southern and Northern Wilderness.

For Li Ang’s blood gourd, it is undoubtedly the best nourishment.



Between heaven and earth, one flesh after another. Like a torrent of blood, it converged towards Li Ang.

In the end, all of them entered the blood gourd in Li Ang’s hand!

So far.

The whole world is completely silent!!

Even the river below has not been stained with a trace of blood!

“It’s shocking…”

“It’s unbelievable…”


There were countless people from the sect who came to watch the battle this time, and each of them had extremely shocked expressions. Can’t help but sigh!

Especially Leon’s means.

Come by boat and fish in the river.

Use the Heavenly Saint Strong as bait!

Snap your fingers and annihilate 10,000 people in the two wastelands!

“Two holy places… More than a hundred Heavenly Saint powerhouses…”

“It can’t even withstand the might of Li Xianren’s sword!”

“It’s horrible… If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it anyway…”

Countless Zhongzhou sects. They all sighed!


And those major sect forces that originally arrived with the Northern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness were all extremely gloomy and embarrassed to the extreme! !

Now, with the annihilation of the major holy places in the southern and northern wilderness!

These two wastelands…

It’s completely over!!

“Li Immortal is invincible!!”

This moment.

In the distance, within the Eastern Desolation Realm, countless Eastern Desolation Holy Lords.

It is also a sound that shocks the heavens and the earth!

Resounding for nine days!

Until this moment. They understand.

What is truly invincible!

The wind is light!!

And many people from the Zhongzhou Sect. Recognized the Queen Daughter of Yexi not far from Li Ang, who also had a respectful expression at this moment, and just wanted to step forward.

I saw that night light waved his hand. It seemed to signal everyone to be quiet.

Immediately, the people of the major Zhongzhou sects retreated.

And at the moment.

On a mountain peak in the distance, the Xuantian Holy Lord was also looking at Li Ang with beautiful eyes.

Hurriedly asked, “Li Ang… Are you leaving? ”

Leon put his hands behind his back and hung the blood gourd around his waist. Look at the void in the distance.

Indifferently said: “It’s about to leave.” Now the two great wasteland holy places have been destroyed by me. From now on, there will be no threat in the Eastern Wilderness. ”

“I can protect you for a while, but I can’t protect you for the rest of your life, what will happen in the future.” It’s up to yourselves…”

Leon is heard leaving. That Xuantian Holy Lord, Bai Qingyi and the others also had complicated expressions.

Among them, the two white-clothed Li Chanxuan turned out to have slightly red eyes, and they were reluctant.

Only the Xuantian Holy Lord finally sighed helplessly.

Leon finished speaking.

Even if it is not much to say. With the two of them on the side, they turned into two golden streamers.

Disappeared into the sky!

Only the people of the major holy places in the Eastern Wilderness held their fists one after another.

Bend over.

“Everyone in the Eastern Wilderness, send Li Xianren!!”

“Congratulations to Li Xianren!”

Shouts after shouts. Straight into the sky!

But Li Ang and Ye Xi are one step at a time.

In the blink of an eye, he left the Eastern Desolation Realm directly. Fly in the direction of that middle state!

Walk to one place.

Ye Xi suddenly spoke, “My Ye Clan’s royal clan is ready to hire you as the guest secretary of my clan, can you accept it?” ”

The night sun is above the golden group, the gallop and the void. The long hair is flowing, and the royal temperament is unmistakable. Stunning and world-wide.

At this moment, she thought for a while and continued: “Taishang Keqing has a very high status in my clan, and my Night Clan has not hired Taishang Keqing for a hundred years, the last time I hired it. He is also a pseudo-emperor strong man who is famous for shaking the Heaven-shaking Xuan Continent. ”

“If you agree. With your talent, after I soar to the Tai Void Immortal Realm. I will make you an elder of my clan. ”


If someone from Zhongzhou is present, he will hear Yexi’s words.

I’m afraid that countless people will be dumbfounded!


Night Clan Holy Clan. For today’s largest ancient family in the Xuan Continent!

It is the true Lord of the Tianxuan Continent!

Any person can enter the Night Clan Holy Clan and become an ordinary guest secretary and leader.

Then it will glorify the Tianxuan Continent!

Leon heard this. He shook his head lightly.

‘Lee’s vision. It’s not just an elder of the Night Clan. ’

‘I can be a guest secretary of the Night Clan for the time being. After that, I will start preparing to break through the Emperor Realm…’

‘Too Void Immortal World. is Li’s ultimate goal. ’

It’s just that Li Ang naturally won’t say some things clearly.

He just immediately asked, “Too Void Immortal World, how much do you know?” ”

Hear the four words “too virtual immortal world”.

It was that night light, Du’s expression changed slightly, and his face was full of yearning: “The Tai Void Immortal Realm is the real upper realm.” As far as the message left by my tribe is known, in the immortal world. Too virtual is just one of them. ”

“And I Tianxuan Continent. After all, it is just an inconspicuous lower plane of the Tai Void Immortal World. ”

“The Tai Void Immortal World has its own heavenly arrogance, and those are all immortal venerables that cross the universe. Heavenly girls and fairies, just like the fairy world, know the vastness of the universe. Starry Sky Ten Thousand Races Mystery. ”

There was also a sigh in Ye Xi’s tone, as if he was extremely expectant and puzzled by the mystery of the endless avenue: “Those of us who are inferior, only the best. Only then do you have the opportunity to soar to the Tai Void Immortal Realm… It’s just that the chance is too slim…”

“Back then, there was a Tianjiao in my clan. By luck, he was favored by the fairy who led the immortal land, and overwhelmed another ‘Green Thunder Emperor’ at that time. Success soared. It’s just that after that, after only a month of arrogance, the soul card was shattered. Obviously, in that too virtual immortal world, it has fallen! ”


On the face of the Queen of the Night and the most beautiful face, a touch of pride emerged.

“The last time someone soared to the Tai Void Immortal Realm was a hundred years ago. In these hundreds of years, no new emperor has been born in the Taixuan Continent, and the blood of the ancestors and emperors flows in my body, and I am the one who has the most opportunity! ”

Leon heard this.

The expression also changes slightly!

Green Thunder Emperor?

The inheritance of Li Ang’s body is from the hands of the Green Thunder Emperor.

Leon remembers it now.

When he obtained the inheritance of the Green Thunder Emperor, the Green Thunder Emperor told him.

At the beginning, the Green Thunder Emperor fell in love with a fairy!

For the sake of that fairy, he was angry and even did not hesitate to fight against the people of the fairy world. However, in the end, the fairy chose another person to soar, and he. It is also a crushing ending!

Right at this moment.

Ye Xi also continued: “The reason why I called you here this time is actually that I want a helper. ”

“Helper?” Leon wondered.

Ye Xi nodded and said, “In a month.” It was opened in a Great Emperor Ruin in my Holy Realm. There was a residual emperor qi in that ruin, which was the key to breaking through the emperor realm. If I get it, I can directly break through the Emperor Realm. Soar to the fairy world! ”

“The waste of the other great holy clans is to obtain imperial qi and have no hope of becoming an emperor for life. On the contrary, it is a violent creature. ”

“You come with me. Help me get the imperial qi. After I ascend, you will be the Taishang Elder of my clan!” ”

Leon heard this. nodded.

However, the heart is sighing.

‘Only one person can soar to the immortal world. ’

‘It seems that you and I…’

‘There’s a war…’

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