
“My prince of the Zhao clan!!”

This is the moment.

The Ancient Saint Clan Zhao people. The expression is distorted to the extreme.

One by one, the pupils can’t help but enlarge!

Face full of disbelief!

He… The Zhao family is a generation of heavenly pride!

Zhao Hengtian, the prince of the Zhao clan!


He’s dead?

Turn into blood water??


That Zhao people. The wailing continues.

Zhao Hengtian as the prince of the Zhao clan. It is one of the top Tianjiao in the entire Xuantian Holy Land today, and he has the opportunity to compete for Emperor Qi and even soar to the level of the Immortal World!


A generation of Tianjiao, the tomb of the emperor died tragically.

The Zhao Clan Holy Clan has worked hard for so many years. All in vain!

“It’s over…”


The countless elders of the Zhao Clan’s holy clan also turned pale.

The body trembled.

“It makes me wait… How to go back and explain to Emperor Zhao? ”

“It’s over!!!”

In the midst of a burst of wailing.


It was also a faint smile.

He had previously stepped into the sarcophagus space, where there were two tests.

One of them is the Revenant Seduction, and the other is an endless treasure!

If you are deceived by those treasures. At most, Genshin is imprisoned forever, but his physical body will not be destroyed. ’

‘It seems that Zhao Hengtian failed to pass the beauty pass…’

‘Hmph, it’s better to die than to be imprisoned forever.’ ’

Li Ang thought for a moment, too lazy to pay attention.

Directly moved, a few steps into the door of the sarcophagus!

Now his goal!

It is a breath of emperor qi in this emperor’s tomb!

Gain imperial qi and enter the imperial realm.

Soar to the fairy world!

This is Leon’s ultimate goal.


Behind the sarcophagus door, there is an extremely empty dark space.

Nothingness and chaos.

One by one, the blood qi is constantly circulating. Rare figures around.

Looking like that, anyone who stepped into the sarcophagus stone door should have been randomly teleported to a certain location in the depths of the emperor’s tomb.

Leon is extremely fast. Turned into a stream of light, speeding over the emperor’s tomb.


His eyes also scanned the surroundings.

Look for information that will be useful to him!

Time is like the wind!!

In the blink of an eye, a week.

Blink of an eye!!

And this week, Li Ang has been desperately searching around!

【Dilapidated burial chamber】

【Dilapidated burial chamber】

【Dilapidated burial chamber】


In Leon’s eyes, the tombs around him fluttered by.

It’s all broken. The inheritance inside can simply be described as pitiful!

‘It’s been a week. ’

It’s me relying on the system. You can see directly through the inheritance in each burial chamber. ’

‘Still nothing, can it be said that this emperor qi? Really have no relationship with Li? ’

At this moment, Li Ang looked at the information displayed in the system interface, and couldn’t help but shake his head.

Lee Ang walked to one place.

It’s an abandoned city. There are countless ruins.

Right at this moment.

Behind Li Ang, a cry for help also came instantly!

“Leon, save me!!”

Then came the meeting.

In the distance, behind a ruin.

A petite figure. Fly quickly, behind her.

Follow closely with the three-headed Heavenly Saint level demon beast!

And the one who fled.

It is Lu Xinyan of the Lu clan!

Leon saw this.

Think about it, and then!

With a slap on the waist, a sword qi shot out.

It was directly slashing behind that Lu Xinyan!


One sword across the sky!

I saw the entire imperial tomb space. It was all golden light, and that sword was thousands of zhang, turning into a monstrous golden rainbow, and finally it slammed into the three Heavenly Saint Demon Beasts.


The three-headed Heavenly Saint Demon Beast let out a low wail.


It was in Leon’s sword light. Instant annihilation!

“Thank you… Thank you!! ”

At this moment, Lu Xinyan also walked towards Li Ang in a few steps.

Frightened, he said, “I just broke into a burial chamber. Unexpectedly, in that burial chamber, there were demon beasts guarding the town! ”

Lu Xinyan’s face was full of gratitude, and she looked at Li Ang: “If I didn’t meet you, Xinyan was afraid that she would die in the hands of that monster beast… It’s scary…”

“Li Ang, this monster beast has been solved by you, come with me to get the treasure in the tomb!”

After Lu Xinyan finished speaking, her body moved and flew towards one place.

Leon frowned!

You must know that this time they came to the depths of this emperor’s tomb, and all of them were randomly teleported!

The entire imperial tomb is deep and extremely large.

It was Li Ang who galloped all the way for a few days, and still did not reach the end.

It’s a place where you can meet acquaintances.

Very suspicious!

Right at this moment.

In Li Ang’s mind, a prompt sounded.

‘Hidden information? ’

【Lu Xinyan】

[Hidden message: Warning! This person was transformed into a remnant soul of the Heavenly Emperor! 】

[Hidden message 2: If you follow along, the Heavenly Emperor will be disappointed. You can get the gift of the Emperor of the Heavenly Heaven, one chemical martial art, one creation technique, one imperial soldier, and one elixir hundred plums! 】

[Hidden message 3: If you pierce the identity and the Emperor of the Heaven is satisfied, you will get the true inheritance of the Emperor of the Heaven, you will get the Emperor Qi, and you will get a fruit of the creation of the gods! ] 】

[Hidden message 4: If you don’t take it, after one month.] Ye Xi passed by here and obtained the true legend of the Emperor of the Fallen Heavens. Ascend to the immortal world, refine the divine body, and eventually become a generation of god queens! 】

See the information in your eyes.

Li Ang was also extremely shocked!

“What’s wrong?”

Lu Xinyan saw Li Ang stay in place. At this moment, he also asked back.

Li Ang slowly spoke: “You are not Lu Xinyan.” ”

“If I’m not mistaken, you should be the Heavenly Emperor, right?”

A word falls!

Lu Xinyan’s expression changed slightly. He immediately shook his head, his face full of doubts: “Li Ang, what are you talking about?” I am Lu Xinyan. ”

“Do you remember being in that alien rift? Did I persuade you to let you leave the main city of the alien race? ”

Li Ang was expressionless.


Then, with a snap of your fingers, grab the weathered blade.

Directly a golden knife qi slashed out and bombarded the body of ‘Lu Xinyan’.


I saw Lu Xinyan and her body directly turned into a pool of blood.


But the blood water is more and more, it is like a sea of blood!

Ultimately. It completely flooded the entire space around where Li Ang was.

Even Leon was completely submerged.

At this moment, Li Ang is in a sea of blood. Glimpses. In that sea of blood, there was a figure, walking in the blood water, step by step, walking in a certain direction.

Leon saw this. Without the slightest hesitation!

Follow all the way!!


As Leon advanced all the way, the blood around him.

Finally, it slowly faded.


Leon suddenly discovered!

He has come to a strange space!

This space, birds singing.

The surrounding is full of green grass.

And ahead, under a huge ancient tree.

An old figure sits quietly.

He was too old.

The face is wrinkled and the breath is weak. It was as if even a wisp of wind coming from everywhere was enough to blow him away.

The old man, at a glance, seemed to pierce through ten thousand years.

Extremely exhausted.

A hoarse voice sounded: “I am the Emperor of the Heavenly Death…”

“I’ve been waiting for 10,000 years for this breath.”

“Finally waited for the latecomers…”

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