“That place is a small town, let’s go to that place and ask for directions, after all, they are the aborigines in this place who know this place best.” Young Master Yun Xi said excitedly.

“Okay, in that case, let’s go over and see the situation.” Li Ang nodded, followed Young Master Yun Xi and flew towards the town in front of him, the speed was not very fast, but it didn’t take long to come to the town.

“Don’t miss it when you walk by…”

“Fresh fruit! ~”

When walking on the street, you can see a steady stream of pedestrians, and at the same time, the vendors on the side of the road are selling hard.

“It’s not easy, finally able to see humans like us.” Young Master Yun Xi said with a sigh on his face.

After taking a look at the situation on the side of the road, the two decided to go to the inn to inquire about the news, after all, the average shop Xiaoer will know some things in all aspects.

Walking into the only inn in this town, you can see that in the inn, there are many kinds of rivers and lakes eating and drinking in the inn.

“Xiaoer, come here.” Li Ang smiled and waved his hand to greet Xiaoer who was not far away.

“Just now a group of customers came to the store, there are some insufficient staff, the arrival is a little slow, and please ask the two to take care of it, do you have anything you need?” Shop Xiaoer finished the work in his hands, so he hurriedly ran over, and his face was full of apologies when he looked at Li Ang and Young Master Yun Xi.

Li Ang said with a smile: “Two bowls of rice, plus a plate of side dishes, and I want to ask you something at the same time.” ”

While speaking, Li Ang turned over and took a spirit stone out and handed it to this shop boy.

“Guest, how can you give me a stone for dinner?” Dian Xiaoer looked at Li Ang a little confused, and said, “Don’t you have any silver?” Why use this stone to pay the bill, although it looks good, but it is not used for us at all. ”

As soon as he heard this, Li Ang knew that they were collecting gold and silver, so he turned over his hand and took a piece of gold, and said: “Is this okay?” ”

“Yes, yes.” Shop Xiaoer looked happy, looked at Li Ang and said: “This guest official, what do you have to do, ask the little one, the little one definitely knows everything and says everything.” ”

“Well, what’s this place called?” Li Ang asked with a shallow smile.

Dian Xiaoer directly understood that these two people should be outsiders, so they didn’t know the situation here, so he said with a smile: “This place is called Yuelai Town, under the jurisdiction of Donglin City, and there are four towns of the same size as this Yuelai Town around.” ”

“Then is there anything special in this neighborhood recently?” Li Ang looked at him curiously and asked.

As soon as he heard this, Dian Xiaoer’s eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said: “Yes, in the northwest of the town, nearly a thousand miles away, in a valley, I heard that there is always a golden light flashing, and I don’t know what’s going on, because the strength of our people here is low, so no one has gone down to check the situation, and the situation has been going on for a long time.” ”

“Golden light?”

Li Ang nodded lightly, glanced back at Yun Xi, smiled and turned back to the shop Xiaoer and said: “Okay, thank you for informing about this, you go and order food for us, if there is anything, I will call you over.” ”


It should be some kind of chance.

After stepping into the secret realm, there are some days.

Good luck…

Is it finally here?

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