Quiet! There was a deathly silence, time seemed to stand still at this moment, and everyone’s eyes were fixed on Li Ang, who seemed to be a god in mid-air.

As for the ancient pavilion master who was killed by Li Ang with a sword, his body was broken in two, and even his soul did not have time to escape, he became history and disappeared into the torrent of history, no one remembered or wanted to mention it.


Li Ang raised his hand again and lightly touched towards the various divine powers in the void that were coming towards him, and in an instant, the space trembled, and all the divine powers were invisible.

These divine powers are limited, and compared to Li Ang, they are not worth mentioning at all.

But Li Ang’s sword slashed the true god, and the figure of turning into a divine power with one finger was deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone, and no one dared to act rashly, and no one wanted to give their lives in vain.

“Hmph, my family master is in front of him, and he won’t retreat yet!”

Li Wen reacted extremely quickly, and as soon as he saw Li Ang showing his might, he immediately stood up to shock everyone.

And with Li Wen’s reminder, everyone woke up like a dream, if they don’t ask for mercy and softness at this moment, I’m afraid they really don’t want to live.

This also has the next scene, around the Juxian Pavilion, countless people looked at Li Ang with trembling, and said busily; “Please forgive the seniors, I waited before I didn’t know Mount Tai, offended the seniors, I hope that the seniors have a large number of adults, bypass me and wait.”

Li Ang fluttered suddenly, his dull gaze swept over everyone, and no one dared to look directly at him.

He was able to slash the Ancient Pavilion Master who was at the peak of the True God with one sword, but in fact, he also used a clever means to swing a deliberate sword according to the Ancient Pavilion Master’s own weaknesses.

Because the ancient pavilion master once took the pill that forcibly broke the realm, resulting in his own immortal power being unable to exert all of it, if he encountered the interference of xenomorph immortal power again, it would be more difficult for his own strength to be exerted.

And Li Ang’s previous sword contained the unique operation method of the Blood Flame Immortal Gate, which had extremely strong erosion characteristics, and while breaking through the golden light of the ancient pavilion main protective body, a large amount of Akatsuki sword energy poured into his body, greatly weakening the strength that the ancient pavilion master could exert.

In this way, you can achieve a sword to kill!

Otherwise, a true god peak, even if Li Ang can defeat, but if you want to kill, it is not an easy task, and it is difficult to do it without some effort.

“Wait and beg me to bypass you, but before each of you killed me to receive a reward, will you easily let go of those who want to kill yourself?”

Li Ang looked at everyone coldly, his tone was cold, and the murderous intent in his eyes was not concealed at all.

Hearing this, everyone’s hearts were cold, and just when they were desperate, a middle-aged man stood up in the crowd, and he boldly preached to Li Ang.

“Senior, can you listen to the next words?”

“Whatever you want to say, you might as well say it bluntly.” Li Ang looked at the middle-aged man with interest.

The middle-aged man is busy; “If you guessed correctly, the senior has been trapped in the pseudo-god realm for a long time, and I know that a secret realm is about to open, and it is rumored that there is a genius earth treasure that breaks the realm, which may be able to help the senior.”

Upon hearing this, Li Ang’s eyes shone, he came to the Tianyuan Immortal World thousands of miles away, just to find an opportunity to break through the shackles, and the secret realm mentioned by the middle-aged man may really be able to help him.

Immediately, Li Ang still pretended to be plain and said slowly; “Secret realm? When you say this news, you just want me to spare your lives, which is not impossible, but it depends on how much value the information you provide. ”

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