“Holy Product… Martial arts?? ”

Heaven and earth are silent.

There was only a blood-colored sword, across the void. The blood qi stretches for hundreds of miles, like a galactic bridge across the starry sky. 、

So that at this moment the entire secret realm, thousands of people.

They all felt a tremor from the soul!!

Tiankai and Shengxi.

Completely stupid.

Especially Tiankai, saw Li Ang’s sword. The expressions are all starting to twist!

Holy martial arts!!

Even in that holy place, it is an extremely rare existence. Only the Holy Land Holy Son, those top heavenly pride in the Eastern Wilderness. is qualified to cultivate and study!!

Leon is just a loose cultivator!!

How can it be… Have a sacred martial art?

Li Ang sat in a green shirt, and seemed to be an immortal.

At this moment, he seems to be standing in the universe. Heaven and earth are the only one person.

Above him, a huge blood sword condensed. Roaring heaven and earth.

At this time.

Leon finally spoke.

“How about Super Dynasty?”

“What about Tianjiao? In my opinion… One sword can kill! ”

Finish talking!

Leon didn’t hesitate at all.

“Sword up!”




With Leon. Word by word.


That huge blood-colored sword. It is thousands of feet tall, releasing monstrous blood qi. Towards that day Kai and the Holy Dawn.

Cut it off!

Saint martial arts, blood sword burning the sky!

‘Escape!! ’

‘Stay here… Only dead !!! ’

Huge sword qi. Shrouded down.

Tiankai’s expression gradually became hideous and distorted!!

The huge Buddha statue that the spiritual treasure before him turned into. In just a few moments, it was the blood sword of Leon. Directly chopped into powder!

“This… What

a brilliance…”

“Too strong… Too strong… Even the Tianjiao of the three super dynasties. None of them have the slightest ability to fight back…”

“It is the children of the Holy Land. That’s just it, right? ”

Countless people, their expressions were shocked to the extreme.


I saw Tiankai, it seemed that he was performing some ancient secret technique. His whole body became extremely blood-red and extremely fast!

A bounce turned out to be a direct jump out of thousands of miles!

Flee directly to the secret side!!

“It’s horrible!!!”

Tiankai ran away, covered in cold sweat!!

“Only the Great Grandmaster of my dynasty’s Tianyang Mirror can kill this son!!”

“Monsters: It’s a monster!!! ”



Next second.

Li Ang’s blood-colored sword was directly cut down from mid-air. A sword to cut down.


The entire ruin was split in two in an instant.

A huge rift that was thousands of miles long appeared.

The earth is collapsing.


The next second, from that rift. The monstrous blood qi turned out to be like a wave, washing towards the sky!!

There are thousands of sword qi!!

“This… How can it be?? ”

Tiankai saw that he was about to escape from the ruins and escape from the secret realm!


Right at his feet, an incomparably huge sword qi. Rush directly towards him!

His pupils shrank!!

“Spare me!!!”

“The master spared me!!”

“My cultivation!! No!! ”

He doesn’t want to die!!

He had even been invited to the Holy Land!

A few months later, the gates of the Holy Land opened.

He can directly enter the Holy Land and worship under the banner of a famous teacher!!

His life… It’s just the beginning!!

He doesn’t want to die!!


Next second. The blood-colored sword aura like a wave completely submerged him.

Tiankai’s physical body is in that sword qi. Turned into blood, not even bones, but never left. Turn into a pinch of blue smoke and dissipate invisibly.

It was as if there had never been such a person in the world.

The second Tianjiao, die!


A sword cut out.

Heaven and earth are silent.

Li Ang’s expression was indifferent.


At this time, Li Ang also discovered. Not far in front of him, among the ruins.

A shadow turned out to be a violent cough a few times, and his breath was weak.

Li Ang’s expression changed slightly.

“My sword. It is the arrival of the strong in the early stage of the Sky Yang Mirror, either dead or disabled. She is a Divine Sea Realm, can she survive? ”

At this time.

Only then did Li Ang discover that at this moment, Princess Shengxi’s body was wearing a golden armor. It’s just that the armor is now extremely damaged, like waste.

‘Body Protector Spiritual Treasure? ’

‘Worthy of being a super dynasty man. There are indeed a lot of heavenly treasures on the body. ’


Princess Shengxi, her beautiful eyes are full of horror!!

Unexpectedly, she used the ‘phaseless golden armor’, and she was still hit hard!!


At this time, Princess Shengxi also stood up and glanced at Li Ang extremely charmingly. Looking like that, it was as if he had completely surrendered to Leon.

Princess Shengxi is such a beauty, she has always looked condescending before. At present, such a posture makes countless people in that secret realm have a little straight eyes.

“Gongzi’s means are fully displayed, and he should be a heavenly man. This imperial soldier belongs to Gongzi. I hope that Gongzi can spare the little sister’s life. ”

At this time, Princess Shengxi came from that ring. It turned out to be a golden token!

Then he said: “Gongzi, this token is an invitation to the ranking battle jointly issued by the eight holy lands of the Eastern Wilderness. Only the top Tianjiao of the Super Dynasty will be obtained. With the strength of Gongzi, he will inevitably become famous in that ranking battle. Join the Holy Land and become the top Tianjiao in the Eastern Wilderness! ”

Leon took the token, his expression unchanged.

There seemed to be no reaction to seeing Leon. The next moment.

Princess Shengxi turned out to be affectionate, and her voice was extremely soft: “If you want… Xiaomei can also be your Taoist…”

At the same time, Princess Shengxi’s heart was also cold.

‘Hmph, as long as I can get out of the secret realm. I will let the masters of my clan tear you apart and kill you completely!! Take back my invitation! ’


Leon’s next words.

But it made that Princess Shengxi’s expression change instantly.

I only heard Li Ang say lightly: “Taoist? ”

“You deserve it too?”

(Ask for flowers, review votes).

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