God… Divine Sea Realm??


This is the moment.

The whole basilica. Not only the people of the Heavenly Sword Sect and the Qingmen Sect.

Even this time, the others who came to the wedding banquet.

It’s all shocking expressions!!

Such a young Divine Sea Realm Grandmaster?

Not to mention the Great Yan Dynasty.

Even in that super dynasty, it should be rare!!

“This young man… Didn’t it mean that he was abandoned by the Heavenly Sword Sect? ”

“Heavenly Sword Sect… Actually gave up a grandmaster?? ”

“This is ridiculous!!”

Countless chatters came from all around.

This made everyone in the Heavenly Sword Sect look embarrassed. The face is like a stewed eggplant!!

After all, this scene is too unbelievable!!

“This… Not seen in months… How did Lee Ang become a grandmaster? ”

Xu Tianlei, the sect master of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and Ye Jiuzhou, the Great Elder.

I just feel my scalp bursting!!

It is Xu Tianlei, and it is only the early stage of the Divine Sea Realm. And in order to reach this step, he practiced hard for decades!!

“This… No way!! ”


And Ye Sirou was even more like being hit hard!!

The beautiful eyes are full of disbelief. Shaking his head desperately!!

The body trembles!!

“How could he be a grandmaster?”

“He must have used some kind of crooked magic!!”

Ye Sirou’s voice trembled!

And in that mid-air, the young sect master of the Qingmen Sect, Qing Qianjie. Already made a move, directly aimed at Leon!

The first to react was none other than Qingxuanzi, the sect master of the Qingmen Sect, who hurriedly yelled: “My son retreats quickly, invincible!” ”


It’s late.

I saw Li Ang raising a sword on his waist. A golden sword light flew out.

Turn into a touch of pure yuan sword qi!

“Go!” Leon drank softly.


A sword qi shot out!

Almost in the blink of an eye, it was the blue head. Cut down in an instant!

That Qingqian was desperate, and even a scream. None of them were ever sent!


Because it was too fast, the head of the blue thousand was instantly detached.

His body is still stuck in mid-air!

“Boy, you dare to kill my son???”

Qing Xuanzi saw his son being cut off instantly, and his head was bruised!

Just want to rush to kill Li Ang!

“In this world, there are people I Li dare not kill? If you have an opinion, come and claim death! ”

Leon finished speaking.

Big hand, a stroke in the air!


As Li Ang’s voice fell.

That golden sword qi fell vertically. Converge into a golden long rainbow and slash away!


That Qing Xuanzi originally stepped in mid-air and stepped towards Li Ang.

As a result, it was Li Ang’s golden sword qi. Intercept and stop in advance.


“Emperor… Imperial soldiers?? ”

The moment I saw that golden sword qi. Qingxuanzi was dumbfounded.

He smiled.

It’s like a dream!!

“Run !!!”

In the next moment, Qing Xuanzi felt that his scalp was a little bursting!

Without the slightest hesitation. Turn around and want to leave.

But in the end, it was still slow for a moment.


I saw Li Ang’s pure yuan sword qi on Qing Xuanzi’s waist. Flashed in an instant!

Cut that Qingxuanzi directly into two!!

A fountain of blood burst into the sky.

Qingxuanzi, a generation of Divine Sea Realm grandmasters, the sect master of Qingmen Sect. Killed on the spot!

Leon. Straight waist cut!!


The whole hall, countless people.

I can only feel the numbness of my scalp!!

This… Also called being kind to people??

This.. Also called just want world peace??

Leon… Simply a demon!!

A demon who kills without blinking!!

Even Xu Tianlei, the sect master of the Heavenly Sword Sect, Ye Jiuzhou, and the others. It’s all dumbfounded and dumbfounded!!

Just as the whole audience froze.

From that day the Sword Sect was far away.

One after another, the sound also came slowly!

“The Great Yan Royal Guard has arrived!!”

“The Great Yan Empress has arrived!!”

“The Celestial Star Dynasty has arrived!”

“The Moon Dynasty has arrived!”

“The Ancient Dynasty has arrived!!”

Hearing that voice, Xu Tianlei was instantly ecstatic!!


“The royal family and the royal daughter are here?”

“How many other dynasties are coming??”

“My Heavenly Sword Sect: Saved!!! ”

Just as Xu Tianlei’s voice fell!

It’s to see.

A team of people and horses entered the main hall of the Heavenly Sword Sect one after another.

The leader is the Great Yan Empress. Chen Xueyao.

As well as the Great Yan Royal Guard.

Behind him were several other dynasties who were friendly with the Great Yan Dynasty.

One by one, the figures converged, making the somewhat empty hall of the Sword Sect that day instantly full of popularity again!

(Ask for flowers, review votes!) )

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