Xuanhuan: I Medicine Emperor Han Feng, Has Life Simulator

Chapter 84 Dou Huang turned into a god in the early stage, late stage Dou Zun looks at the door! (Su

Han Feng's acting style has always been neat and tidy.

Now that you have made up your mind.

Then there is nothing to hesitate, just do it.


Before leaving, Han Feng also decided to solve the problem of the expansion of the evil domain.

For a long time, Han Feng has plans to expand!

After all, the power of the evil realm is going to develop, how can it only stick to one site?

The Ten Thousand Snake Domain where Tian Snake Mansion is located!

It is Han Feng's next target after the evil domain.

That's right!

It's the Snake Mansion!

Compared with the realm of sin, the background of Tian Snake Mansion is undoubtedly much deeper.

after all!

Compared with the chaos and fragmentation of the evil domain, the Serpent House is a truly unified Sect.

And occupying the entire Ten Thousand Snake Domain, its strength is definitely among the top ranks of the Northwest Continent.

Different from Zhongzhou!

The Northwest Continent is not as strong as the Central Province, but it is not rubbish. There is not even a Dou Zun level power.

Tian Snake House is a Dou Zun force!

In addition to Tian Snake Mansion, there are several other Dou Zun forces, which are the main components of the Northwest Continent.

Han Feng knew this.

In the future Zhongzhou, with the thousand-year preparation of the Demon Race, a world of great competition has opened up!

At that time, all the eight ancient Great Emperor clans will participate in the war!

The so-called early stage Douhuang blows into a god, late stage Dou Zun looks at the door...

In that world of great strife!

Dou Zun?

500 is not as good as a dog!

To put it bluntly, because of the existence of the protagonist, it is impossible for the Dou Qi Continent to be calm in the future.

The plot has to develop and the protagonist has to grow!

Inevitably, it will set off the sky and clouds of the entire continent.

Now that Han Feng is here, he certainly can't let the protagonist make trouble.

Undoubtedly, he will also add more waves to this turbulent situation!

The world of imperial clan is a world of great struggle!

Some Sacred Land forces were left behind, annexed, slaughtered, destroyed...

But there are also some forces that seize the opportunity to take advantage of the situation and continue to grow, eventually becoming an existence comparable to the imperial clan.

And Han Feng!

have such ambitions.

From beginning to end, there has never been any backer behind Han Feng.


All he can do is to be his own backer.

Since some forces can do it, why can't he?


Only then will Han Feng leave the meteorite Sacred Land and come to the sinful realm.

And he intends to start from the unification of the evil domain, and then expand and develop along the way, creating a party that belongs to his own top power...

at last!

Compete with the imperial clan and participate in the world of that great battle.

This is the ultimate goal of Han Feng!

Such a big ambition!

If it came from someone else's mouth, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

Of course (bhdb) And, people with such ambitions!

It's Han Feng!

That's different. He has the confidence, the qualification, and the ability...

Times make heroes!

In this world, there are not many people who can grasp the current situation and take advantage of the wind.

Such people!

Destiny is often the protagonist in the majority.

And Han Feng doesn't believe in fate, he believes in himself, if he can't be the protagonist of destiny, then he will kill the other party...

Become a destiny villain!


Han Feng intends to conquer the Ten Thousand Snake Domain and Tian Snake House in person.

But now!

Now that he has Tianyao Venerable, it is of course the most suitable for him.

And Han Feng can also free up his hands to find the third fire!


Called Tian Yao Venerable and others, Han Feng also told Tian Yao Venerable about everything.

Tian Yao Venerable thought about it and said:

"Master wants to move the Snake Mansion? This is easy to do!"

"I have dealt with Tian Snake Mansion once, and its Sect is the Sect of the Imperial Beast. There is no strong man in this generation of Tian Snake Mansion."

"Although the current palace lord barely has the fighting power of Dou Zun, it is only because he has the blessing of the eighth-order heavenly monster python, and he is a mediocre person! 55

"The only thing that needs to be guarded against is the snakes and beasts they envoys!"

"It's not as good as this, I'll pick a few new faces in the evil realm, and let them find a way to worship in the Heavenly Snake Mansion. 99

"Then the inside and the outside should be combined, trying to find a way to Restrictions to live in the eighth-order Tian Ming Python, and then attack its Tian Snake Mansion?!

Hear what Venerable has to say!

The Earth Emperor Sect Leader, the Black Flame Valley Master, the Black and White Er Lao and others also nodded.

Demon python!

This is an extremely rare upgraded snake-type vicious beast.

It is said that it has a deep relationship with the nine secluded pythons of the three major Magical Beasts groups in the Magical Beasts world.

Eighth-order Heavenly Demon Python!

Its strength, in the human world, is comparable to most of the five or six star Dou Zun.

Really need to think long term!

Don't be too reckless.

As everyone knows, Han Feng directly waved his hand and said:

"Where's the trouble with it?

"Tian Yao, send a letter directly to the Tian Snake Mansion and tell them, take the initiative to bow down to me, and I can treat them well in the Myriad Snake Domain!"

"If they ask you why, you tell the other party...

"Just say that I, Han Feng, have mature celestial eyes! 39

hear it here!

Everyone was stunned.

Rao is the second old black and white, the Lord of the Black Flame Valley and the others, and they couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Suddenly they felt...

Compared with his own gang of villains in the evil realm, Han Feng in front of him seems to be more like a bully leader than himself?

"Master! 35

"So, is it simple and rude?"

The two elders, Black and White, didn't know the origin of Tian Snake Tong, so they were somewhat confused at the moment, and smiled embarrassingly.

And this time!

Tian Yao Venerable came back to his senses and laughed.

Immediately, he changed his mouth to say:

"Of course it's that simple and rude!"

"Obviously the master can use absolute strength to subdue the opponent, naturally he doesn't need a complicated plan like me!""

Speaking of which!

Tian Yao Venerable also exclaimed with an expression on his face: "If he surrenders to the Heavenly Snake Mansion, even if he is acquainted, we will save our efforts.

"If you don't surrender, hehe, there is no need for the Heavenly Snake Mansion to exist!"

Listening to Tianyao Venerable's tone of voice changes!

The Black Flame Valley Master and the Earth Emperor Sect Leader looked a little weird.

good guy!

You didn't say that just now.

This forced you to pretend, almost thinking that what we said just now is the same as what we said?

Weird look at everyone!

Tian Yao Venerable coughed, his expression did not change in the slightest, and said: "Master's Tian Snake Eye is the first strange eye in the mainland."5

"All Magical Beasts with snake blood will be controlled by them!

"It's a bit nasty to say, as long as the master is willing, the eighth-order celestial python can rebel against the palace lord of the snake in minutes.

"As long as the Heavenly Snake Palace Master is not stupid, he knows how to choose!


Tian Yao Venerable couldn't help but glance at Han Feng.

Snake Eyes!

Rao is Tian Yao Venerable, and at this moment, he is also showing an astonishing expression.

I thought it was enough to look up to this master!

But didn't expect it!

Han Feng is far more terrifying than he imagined.

In the eyes of Tian Yao Venerable, Han Feng is mysterious. When he knew that Han Feng could melt into the fire of Indistinguishable Dao, he thought that the mysterious veil of the master would be lifted.

But now!

Han Feng suddenly said that after he still has the Tianyao pupil, Tianyao Venerable suddenly found out!

He thinks he knows Han Feng!

In fact, he only saw the tip of Han Feng's iceberg.

As for talking!

How many secrets are hidden under the water of Han Feng's iceberg?

He didn't know at all.

A mysterious existence like Han Feng, Tian Yao Venerable can't say no knowledge, and never even imagined...

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of master did I recognize for myself?"

"It's horrible! 99

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