Xuanhuan: I, Who Have Unlimited Revisions, Will Be Arbitrary for Eternity!

Chapter 211 Gu Yang: Then be a little more serious! (One more order!)\r

Gu Yang's voice fell.

Seven Star Son and Prince Chixiao were feeling a little despised by Gu Yang.

But right now.

Heisha devil also stepped forward and stared at the Seven Stars and the Scarlet Heaven with a strange expression.

"You two, it's quite hidden!"

The black devil couldn't help but snorted.

Although he, together with the Seven Star Son and the Scarlet Heaven Prince, are collectively known as the Three Demons in the Southern Wasteland.

But in fact, they basically never played against each other.

They also don't know much about their own cards.

He did know that the Seven Star Son and the Scarlet Heaven Prince both possessed royal bloodlines and treasures.

I didn't expect...

These two guys have already awakened the emperor bloodline to this level!

After complaining, the Heisha devil no longer hesitated.

Inside, there was a pitch-black terrifying Devilish Qi soaring into the sky.


A terrifying aura pervaded the entire space.

It made the countless arrogances around him stunned.

at the same time.

The Seven Stars and the Scarlet Heaven also stared straight.

"Black Demon Treasure Body!"

"My dear, didn't you say that you have already shot with all your strength? Why is there a treasure hidden now?

The two stared strangely at the Heisha Demon and couldn't help but say.

They clearly remember that when this guy was fighting Gu Yang before, he clearly stated that he had already shot with all his strength.


Still hiding such a hand of Heisha Treasure!

Obviously, this black evil devil looks like a muscle, but in fact, there are a lot of cautions!

And heard the two people's complaints.

The black devil pouted.

"Hehe, Gu Yang doesn't use Realm, I don't use the treasure body, isn't this normal?"5

"It's called fairness.

As soon as the black devil said this.

The Seven Star Son and the Scarlet Heaven Prince looked at each other.

There are many reasons.

But immediately, the three of them stopped arguing.

His eyes instantly turned to Gu Yang.

At this moment, the three of them have already exploded all their means.

They wanted to see if Gu Yang could stop the combined attack of the three of them!

the other side.

Countless Tianjiao saw the Seven Stars and their various methods, all kinds of emperor bloodlines, and all kinds of treasures being displayed.

They looked dumbfounded.

This is so...

The emperor bloodline and treasure body, which are almost rare to see on weekdays, are now seen three at a time.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the Three Demons of the South!

At the same time, they looked at the other side with some curiosity.

There, Jiang Taichu had cupped fists on his chest with both hands, and he didn't seem to have any intention of getting involved.

Should be out of the way.

on stage.

A group of powerful kings are also staring at the three southern demons below.

His eyes were full of emotion and envy.

"As expected of the three southern demons, they all have treasures~々!"

"Yeah, especially the Seven Star Son and the Scarlet Heaven Prince, who have awakened the royal bloodline!

"If there is a genius like this in our domain, it would be very lucky.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of the Seven Star Region, there are indeed many geniuses in it! 39

"These are just the three demons in the south, and the demons of the Jiang family haven't shown their means yet. 99

Speaking of this, the kings did not look at Jiang Taichu again, and shook their heads with emotion.

on the high platform.

There was also a hint of satisfaction in the eyes of the Heavenly Sword Emperor and the other two powerful emperors.

"This kind of bloodline and physique are of the highest quality."

"I'm looking forward to it, how will Gu Yang respond?"

"Oh, it will be really interesting.

The three emperors smiled and nodded.

And right now.

The black devil was the first to bear it.

"I'll go first!"

"I want to see, my Heisha Treasure broke out, Gu Yang, can you still withstand my full blow?"

The black devil howled.

The treasure body burst out with all its strength.

The pitch-black terror Devilish Qi swept away.

Wrap him up.


There was a sound in the sky.

Seeing him raise his hand, Devilish Qi immediately shot straight into the sky.

"Evocation! 39

He shouted loudly.

Immediately, a purple-blue Devilish Qi seemed to float from the sky, pouring directly into his body.


The breath in his body suddenly became incomparably powerful and surging.

And it seems to be because of the Heisha treasure body.

This Devilish Qi entering the body... the improvement brought to him is actually much higher than before.

It also increased the upper limit that his body could withstand.

Aware of this, the Heisha Demon immediately revealed a surprise.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his right hand.

The terrifying Devilish Qi is brewing and rolling in it.


The next moment.

He threw a punch.

Combining the Heisha body and the power of the ancient demons.

The power contained in this punch... soared directly to the power of five million dragons!

The power of one million dragons is the power of one true dragon!

That is to say...

The power of the black devil devil's punch has actually reached the power of five true dragons!

What kind of terrifying power is this?

Even Gu Yang, pushing the Dragon Elephant Collapsing Heaven Art to the limit, combined with his own control of power, can only burst his power to the power of a real dragon.

Now this black evil devil has burst out with the power of five true dragons!

And this also caused bursts of exclamations from all around.

The powerful kings on the stage couldn't help but suddenly change their expressions.

"How can such terrifying power erupt!"

"The power of the five true dragons is the general ascension realm, and it can't withstand the impact of such power!"

"If I'm not mistaken, Gu Yang just burst out with the power of a real dragon, and now the Heisha Demon has burst out with such terrifying power, can Gu Yang be able to stop it?"

The powerful kings were talking a lot, and they were obviously amazed by the power displayed by the Heisha Demon.

"Haha, Gu Yang... It looks like they won't be used anymore!"

The black devil felt the surging power in his body, and he suddenly became extremely confident.

He even laughed out loud and laughed.

Immediately, a punch smashed in front of Gu Yang.

Seeing this, Gu Yang couldn't help but smile.

"`"That may not be the case.

To this extent, the competition in terms of strength is no longer necessary.

So Gu Yang raised his hand.

The Realm of 10% Fist unfolded impressively.


The terrifying power of Realm instantly wrapped the Black Sha demon in it.

Under Realm's suppression, the power of the Heisha Demon was suddenly reduced.

Aware of this, Heisha Demon's complexion suddenly became a little ugly.

"Damn! This Realm's power... is so terrifying?"

The black devil took a deep breath, but there was a trace of grimness on his face.

"Don't try to suppress me!

The black devil roared.

Impressively, he raised his fist again.

"Shadow Shadow Fist!"

For a moment.

Above his fist, an incomparably rich Devilish Qi erupted.

The power contained in Devilish Qi was even more terrifying.

see this.

Seven Star Son and Prince Chixiao couldn't help staring at each other.

"It's the emperor (Li Nuo's) Fist Technique!

"It seems that the evil is finally willing to be real. 99

The black demon smashed towards Realm with a punch.

The pure power contained in it actually made Gu Yang's Realm of 100% fist produce a ripple and vibration.

see this.

The powerful kings on the stage could not help but be shocked.

"It really shook Realm?

"As expected of the first arrogant of the Heisha Demon Sect, it is indeed terrifying!""

"This Shaying Demon Fist is the Fist Technique of the Heisha Demon Sect? The Heisha Demon Sect has invested a lot in this demon.

at the same time.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yang couldn't help but nodded slightly.

It seems that this black evil devil, the level is not bad.

In this case...

Be a little more serious then.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Gu Yang's mouth.

Then, he slowly raised his fist to strike.

(ps: Ask for automatic subscription, ask for rewards, ask for flowers, ask for ticket support, ask for everything!!! By the way, insomnia is a bit serious these days, and the work and rest are broken. The author is adjusting his work and rest, so next There are only more than 2,000 words in a few sheets, sorry...).

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