Xuanhuan: Me! Banker, Start Fairy Loan!

Chapter 129 The Bank Resisted The Robbery, And Overcoming The Robbery Business Prospered (Full Order

In the light curtain, Lei Fenghuang didn't cause any damage to the golden light giant palm, and his speed didn't decrease at all.

The golden light giant palm rushed all the way, directly smashing the cloud of calamity in the sky.

In just an instant, the originally dim sky became bright again.

The endless heavenly spiritual power poured down in an instant, all the monks were overjoyed, meditated quickly, and quickly absorbed it.

Inside the bank, Lin Xuan was a little disappointed looking at the extra robbery in the warehouse and said:

"Hey, it's a pity, this Thunder Phoenix can't be like these little Thunder Dragons."

If other people knew Lin Xuan's thoughts, they would probably be shocked by the legendary Alzheimer's disease.

People regard him as a peerless enemy, but you still think he is too weak.

Lin Xuan looked at it, and after Gu Qinglian's breakthrough was stable, he continued to lie on the massage chair, teasing his little brontosaurus.

Time passed slowly, inside and outside Taikoo City, there was a breath of breakthrough from time to time.

But this is just the threshold of their current state.

If you want to go one step further, you must cross the catastrophe.

Outside Taikoo City, a man in black frowned after feeling the aura that could no longer be suppressed from his body.

He glanced at the doorman, and his expression instantly became firm. He suddenly got up and walked towards the city.

After revealing the breakthrough business he wanted to handle and his performance points, the gatekeeper didn't stop him. As soon as 750 entered the city, he felt a strong sense of innocence attacking him.

If it were in the past, he would be extremely happy, but now, as he is breaking through, these heavenly spiritual powers are poison.

He didn't dare to wait for a moment, and rushed towards the building full of endless Dao rhyme at the end of the avenue.

After explaining the reason to each of the gatekeepers, who were stronger than him, he walked slowly towards the bank lobby.

No matter how anxious he was, he didn't dare to bother these murderers and the woman in the square with a fiery red phoenix pattern embellished between her eyebrows and her whole body shining with a strong aura.

He didn't want to break through the realm with great difficulty, only to be slapped to death in the end.

It took ten minutes before he cautiously arrived at the entrance of the bank lobby.

At this moment, he realized that the scale inside the Taikoo Bank was many times larger than it appeared from the outside.

The next second, when he saw the scene in the hall, he froze in place.

I saw that the white-faced boy in the bank actually, actually teased the Thunder Dragon as a pet.

At this moment, he didn't dare to step into Bank C.

After all, that is the product of the condensed in the Heavenly Tribulation, Thunder Dragon, will he be swallowed by accident.

Inside the bank, Lin Xuan, who was teasing Xiaolong, seemed to sense that someone was coming.

Turning his head to look, he found a man in black robe standing at the door with a frightened expression on his face.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan showed a smile, put the six little dragons on his shoulders, and said slowly:

"Are you here to handle the robbery business?"

Lin Xuan's eyesight is not what it used to be.

Just by looking at it, without looking at the information on the light curtain, you can basically guess what this person's needs are.

Discovering this change in himself, Lin Xuan felt slightly happy.

Perhaps, this is the benefit of breaking through the realm.

Hearing this, the black-robed man standing at the entrance of the bank hall nodded quickly.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan felt even happier.

After so much preparation, someone finally took the first step.

Then, with a slight movement of his mind, a golden contract appeared and flew straight towards the man.

【Crossing robbery business】

【Price: 10000 consumption points】

[How to use: Just break through the realm normally]

[Introduction: It allows the handlers to survive the catastrophe 100% of the time. If there are special needs, you can add a note for the price. 】

Seeing the man's puzzled eyes, Lin Xuan said:

"Press the palm of your hand and that's it."

Hearing this, the man hastily followed suit.

Afterwards, he walked out of the bank lobby, came to the square, and began to sit cross-legged and break through.

Because the suppression was so strong before, he just let go of the suppression and prepared to break through.

Endless clouds of calamity struck in an instant.

Seeing this scene, everyone became nervous.

After all, they (caei) all watched in on the man just now.

In less than half an hour, they actually started to break through, and they became more and more curious.

Ten minutes later, Jieyun's condensation had reached its peak.

Several huge white lightning arcs emerged within it.

This time Jieyun did not have thunder creatures appearing like before.

Seeing this, everyone suddenly lost some interest.

The same is true for Lin Xuan in the bank.

Without the Thunder creature, he has no desire to make a move.

Simply let Taikoo Bank absorb the thunder calamity directly.


Suddenly, above the robbery cloud, the sound of thunder and thunder resounded.

Several thick lightning arcs suddenly descended.

Looking at it, it is very bluffing.

Wherever the arc of lightning passes, the void is shattered, and cracks in the void appear where the lightning strikes pass.

Seeing this scene, Jiong still frowned.

Such a thunder calamity, certainly cannot withstand the bombardment of the giant golden palm.

However, as the lightning arc got closer and closer, and the familiar giant golden palm still didn't appear, they all panicked.

The monks in the live broadcast room spoke one after another.

"What's going on, is the strong man from Swire Bank injured, why didn't he make a move.

"Probably so, after all, the first two thunder tribulations were too powerful, and they probably survived by force.

"Hey, it's a pity, that brother, I'm afraid he will be sacrificed under this terrifying thunder calamity."

"Sure enough, the robbery business is all nonsense."

Outside the bank, above the square.

With his eyes closed tightly, the man who was breaking through felt the tyrannical breath getting closer, and his heart became more and more flustered.

It was another two breaths, before he felt the appearance of the giant golden palm, he panicked.

He himself can't stop this lightning calamity at all.

However, at this juncture, even if he ran, he couldn't run away, so he could only make up his mind and continue to break through.

At this time, he can only bet that the strong man in the bank will make a move.

As time passed by second by second, the thick lightning arc was getting closer and closer, and everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

When they saw that Lei Jie was less than one meter away from Taikoo Bank, they were startled.

The giant golden palm still did not appear.

That man might really be dying under this catastrophe.

one meter!

Thirty centimeters!

one centimeter!

Finally, the thunder arc landed on the bank.

However, the next second.

The scene they imagined that Lei Jie would directly smash the Swire Bank did not appear.

All I saw was the ferocious Lei Jie before, but the moment it touched the Swire Bank, it all disappeared.

At this moment, they were all stunned.

The monks who spoke before were also blushing.


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