[Ding, it has been detected that the host has broken through the base building realm, the task has been completed, and the reward has been distributed to the storage space. ] 】

【Ding, the hidden mission has been completed, the special physique Heavenly Dao Holy Body is activated, and the exclusive exercise is rewarded: "Heaven and Earth Decision". The

system tone sounded one after another.

"What's going on with this hidden mission and special physique?" Bai Yi wondered.

[After the system is bound, the host's physique has been automatically improved to the Heavenly Dao Holy Body, triggering the hidden task to build the Celestial Spirit Platform, and the system detects that the host Spiritual Platform is golden, and the Heavenly Dao Sacred Body is activated.] After

listening to the system's explanation, Bai Yi probably understood.

Suddenly he was furious: "You old six also arranged a task behind your back!" "

[Hidden tasks are not informed to the host, and specific conditions can be met to obtain the corresponding reward.]

"So if I hadn't crunk out this golden spiritual platform, the hidden mission would have failed?" Bai Yi asked

, "Yes, the host will be notified after the task fails.

"That is, hidden missions only know if they succeed or fail, right?"


"It should be a bonus."

Bai Yi muttered and opened the personal panel.

The inventory is opened.

[Item Name: Heavenly Court Divine Book (Doubu Fragment)]

[Item introduction: One of the eight parts of the Heavenly Court is in charge of the Doubu Gods God Book that governs the operation of the stars, recording the Zhongtian Arctic Ziwei Emperor, Five Dou Jiu Yao, Twenty-eight Stars, Thirty-six Tiangang... and many other gods' real names.

Holding this divine book, supplemented by the edict of Reiki, you can summon the gods of the Doubu to descend!

This page is the twenty-eight stars. 】

【Item Name: Heaven and Earth Decision】

【Item introduction: The legendary god-level exercises, only the Heavenly Dao Holy Body can practice, in theory, as long as the cultivation resources are enough, it can directly reach the Supreme Emperor Realm! 】

【Heavenly Dao Holy Body: A special physique favored by Heaven's Dao, with the power of the law: hard!


reading the rewards for completing this mission.

Bai Yi pointed to the column of the Heavenly Dao Holy Body, and asked with a black line on his face: "System, you come out and explain, what kind of strange law is this 'hard'!" "

[One of the laws of the avenue: hard, very hard, very hard! The system is concise and to the point.

“...... Can you be more specific. Bai Yi said angrily.

[Please explore by yourself.]


a series of beautiful national essences, Bai Yi took a deep breath and temporarily put aside the question of the

Holy Body: "Okay, leave this Holy Body alone, how can I use the Divine Book to summon God?"

[The twenty-eight stars are divided into four houses, east, west, south and north, of which the seven houses belonging to the eastern Azure Dragon: horn, kang, qi, fang, heart, tail, ji, and the western white tiger belongs to...]

[Ding, the daily task has been activated, please ask the host to collect the wood attribute aura, activate the head of the seven eastern suku: the horned wood jiao. "

Sure enough, there are still activation conditions."

Bai Yi was not surprised, touching his chin and saying to himself:

"Wood attribute aura... I remember that the largest forest sea in Yanyue Peak seems to be on the mountainside? "

Get out of the secret room and see that it is already night.

Bai Yi recalled for a moment and muttered: "There is a Taiyou Lake in the middle of the forest and sea on the mountainside, go there..." Having

decided, he did not drag mud and water.

After changing his clothes, he walked straight down the mountain.


"Sister Lan, little junior brother, he is waiting for you on the shore of Taiyou Lake."

He Yiyi took Lan Minghuang's hand and said with a smile while walking towards the middle of the silent Lin Hai.

"Sister Yiyi, I'm tired of you." Lan Minghuang fakely thanked him.

"Sister, what are these words, my sister is willing to come with Yiyi, Yiyi is too late to be happy."

He Yiyi led the way ahead.

The bright moon hit her little face through the gap between the leaves, and you could vaguely see a happy smile on her face.

He Yiyi specially changed into a long black dress tonight.

The narrow knife that was inseparable from her was hanging around her waist, and she could touch it as soon as she reached out....

"I really can't believe that one day I can meet Bai Gongzi on the lakeshore in the middle of the night."

Lan Minghuang said with emotion.

She didn't lie, and the progress with Bai Yi was indeed unexpected.

According to Lan Minghuang's original arrangement, it would take at least half a month to really win Bai Yi.

And after taking it, she still has to stabilize the white game while planning to maximize his value.

It will take at least a month to see the benefits.

But now.

Lan Minghuang glanced sideways at He Yi.

He sneered in his heart:

"With the help of this fool, it saves at least half of my time."

"Yi Yi didn't expect that someone would like the little junior brother so soon..." He Yi glanced at Lan Minghuang behind him, and said with a smile that didn't mean anything.

Hearing this, Lan Minghuang laughed in her heart for leading the wolf into the room, but said on her mouth:

"A character like Bai Gongzi, naturally there is no shortage of girls to like, but Xiao Huang took advantage of Yi Yi's relationship to take advantage of the water building, Yi Yi's sister rest assured, her sister will definitely treat Bai Gongzi well."

He Yiyi turned his head and stopped looking at Lan Minghuang, and said to himself: "Yes, there are indeed many girls who like little junior brothers, what should Yiyi do?" "


Lan Minghuang didn't understand this headless word, and asked suspiciously.


He Yiyi rubbed the hilt of the narrow knife with his free hand, and said with a smile:

"Sister, let's go, the little junior brother is in a hurry."

Saying that, she took a pair of slender beautiful legs and walked forward firmly.

What else can Iichi do?

Who called you! I like the little junior brother who only belongs to Yiyi!!

A moment later.

The two came to the shore of Taiyou Lake, and the moonlight was scattered on the wide lake, reflecting a light red.

"What a coincidence, the moon is bloody tonight."

He Yiyi looked up at the sky, holding the hilt of the narrow knife in his hand.

"Sister Yiyi, Brother Bai... What about Bai Gongzi and others? Lan Minghuang was not in the mood to accompany her to see what Blood Moon was, her goal was Bai Yi.

"Sister Lan, Yiyi will tell you a story, right?"

He Yiyi withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Lan Minghuang.

She turned her back to the moonlight, her eyes ghostly.

"Good sister, let's go to Bai Gongzi first, he is in a hurry."

Lan Minghuang looked left and right looking for Bai Yi's figure, with a bit of impatience on his face.

Whoever wants to listen to what broken story you tell, quickly let the white game come out, and then you can go.

There is no eye to see.

"Doesn't my sister want to hear Iichi tell stories?" He Yiyi stared at Lan Minghuang with dead eyes, and his expression gradually became sick.

"Why is there no one? Hasn't it come yet?

Lan Minghuang looked around and did not find Bai Yi's figure.

Turning around and hearing that He Yiyi was still telling some broken story, his heart became more and more impatient.

Considering that He Yiyi still has use value for the time being, he had to say patiently:

"Yiyi, you first summon Bai Gongzi to ask if he has arrived, and then my sister will come to listen to your story, okay?"

He Yiyi didn't speak.

The eyes that looked at Lan Minghuang were filled with a deep dead silence.

She seemed to be looking at Lan Minghuang, and she seemed to be looking at someone like Lan Minghuang.

They all have to snatch the little junior brother who belongs to Yiyi.

The girl walked towards Lan Minghuang in silence.

The little green onion-white hand slowly withdrew the narrow knife hanging from the waist of the long black skirt.


The narrow knife is unsheathed.

In the moonlight, the shiny blade reflected the extremely morbid smile on her face.



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