"Senior Lady, I'll just sit here."

Bai Yi stood up.

In Liu Ziru's expectant eyes, he took a stool and sat upright in front of the bed....

Shi Niang is close to herself, that is Shi Niang's love and care, but as a disciple, she must know how to think about Shi Niang!

"You, you just pay too much attention to these etiquette, in fact, sometimes, you don't care so much about the name of master and apprentice."

Liu Ziru brushed the ends of her hair and said with deep meaning.

"That's not okay, Shi Niang is Shi Niang, and those who are apprentices must know respect!" Bai Yi said without hesitation.

Why can't he understand!

Seeing Bai Yi's reaction, Liu Ziru was anxious and annoyed.

Secretly scolded him for not understanding women's minds.

She stretched out her hand, gently held Bai Yi's wrist, and said with great feeling: "Xiao Baiyi, if I hadn't reacted a little faster in this assassination, Shi Niang would almost not have seen you." Bai

Yi didn't know how to answer these words, so he didn't speak.

In his heart, he pondered the purpose of Liu Ziru calling himself tonight.

Liu Ziru observed Bai Yi's expression and said, "I heard the maid say, Xiao Bai Yi came when I was in retreat to heal my injuries?" "

Well, I came, when the maid said that Senior Lady was in retreat, I went back." Bai Yi nodded.

Liu Ziru also nodded and did not speak again.

For a while, there was some cold in the house.

Liu Ziru didn't know what to say and was thinking about the topic.

Bai Yi, on the other hand, was simply waiting for the master to say the important thing in the mouth of the maid.

In his opinion, this matter that Shi Niang wanted to say must be very important.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to call yourself over in the middle of the night.

However, why didn't Shi Niang say it yet....

"Actually, Shi Niang called you here tonight just to discuss the previous assassination with you and listen to your opinion."

Liu Ziru suddenly mentioned the assassination that seriously injured her a few days ago.

Of course, her purpose is definitely not to discuss assassination with Bai Yi, but there must be a topic for the two to sit here.

Discuss this first and stabilize the white game.

She can start the next operation.

"I know too little about the assassination to speculate."

Bai Yi replied without hesitation, the elders in the sect had investigated this kind of thing for so long without saying anything, what were they talking about.

Hearing Bai Yi's words, Liu Ziru was not angry, anyway, her purpose was not on this.

She turned in Bai Yi's direction and sat down facing him.

Stretching and yawning lazily,

the hem of the nightdress, which was already on her knees, faded up and back.

Reveal a tender white thigh that is brought together together....

As if she didn't notice it, she continued:

"It's okay, Xiao Baiyi just talk about his opinion, there are only two people here, Shi Niang and you, and no one will blame you if you say something wrong."

"Senior lady, it's not that the apprentice doesn't dare to say it, my eyes are black, I don't understand anything, I can't say it."

Bai Yi continued to insist.

Although I had discussed it with my senior sister before, I felt that Xuan Tianzong was very suspicious, but I didn't get substantial evidence, and chaotic analysis was to provoke two wars.

He just wants to practice in peace.

This kind of thing that is accidentally covered in mud can hide as far as you can!

The two were sitting facing each other at the moment.

Liu Ziru sat on the edge of the bed, and Bai Yi moved the bench and sat in front of the bed.

The bed in Liuzi Ru's room is large, with a white jade base, and an ebony step to assist in getting into bed.

In order to avoid sitting too high, Bai Yi looked at Shi Niang condescendingly, and specially moved a relatively low stool.

This caused him to sit down a little lower than Liu Ziru now.

And Liu Ziru just stretched her waist and inadvertently faded a skirt.

So when Bai Yi raised his gaze to look at Liu Ziru while speaking...

Well, pure white silk.

It is also embroidered with gold thread with two water-playing mandarin ducks.

This is a beautiful scene that is enough to make any man's heart shake.

But for Bai Yi.

That's Shi Niang!

Even if the master herd him, he had no grace to teach.

Shi Niang can definitely say something about him.

As a good disciple with morality and perseverance, he would never allow himself to take a third look.

So without hesitation, he moved the bench sideways.

Seeing Bai Yi, he found the beauty that he deliberately displayed.

Liu Ziru's heart is full of white game bestiality, and he is half-pushing and half-pushing.

It turned out - he turned sideways!

Where does this work!

See! Must show the old lady!

She also has to make a hat for Gong Tianming, Bai Yi doesn't see how to do it.

So she did not hesitate to follow Bai Yi sideways, trying to let Bai Yi see enough of this beautiful scenery.

Seeing that he can't stand pounce!

Hey, Shi Niang has turned around!

That's pretty good.

Seeing that Liu Ziru also turned sideways, Bai Yi had the heart to remind, but he was embarrassed to speak.

I had to turn my body back again.

His eyes were glued to a speck of dust in the corner of the wall, and he said that he didn't look back.

"Elm pimples!"

Liu Ziru was angry in her heart, and she was extremely dissatisfied with Bai Yi's incomprehensible style.

After thinking about it, I didn't insist anymore.

Instead, he blinked his beautiful eyes like autumn water and began to boldly hint:

"Since Xiao Baiyi doesn't want to say it, then let's not discuss this matter, alas, after this assassination, Shi Niang can't sleep, your master is not there and no one can accompany me, sleeping alone at night always feels palpitating..."

Saying that, she bit her lip and looked at Bai Yi.

She admitted that these words were already extremely naked and bold for herself.

To put it bluntly, it is really difficult to talk about with her personality.

In her opinion, Bai Yi should be able to understand.

Sure enough, after Bai Yi heard these words, his eyes immediately lit up, and he slapped his thighs sharply, as if he understood!

"That's what Shi Niang meant!"


Preparations for the millennium contest are almost ready, and they can begin at the end of the month.

Kanamata Bridge can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

He put down the book in his hand, looked at the sky outside, estimated that the time was about the same, changed his clothes, and flew towards the bottom of the mountain.

A moment later.

At the foot of the mountain, at the gate of the Yanyue Holy Land Sect.

An imposing giant eagle docked in the clearing.

Two white-haired old men escorted Gong Lingyun off the back of the giant eagle, followed by a bunch of maids who were waiting for her.

For some reasons, Gong Tianming felt guilty about Gong Lingyun, the only daughter, so he was very pampered since childhood.

Except for not being with him, everything else is responsive, and he never reluctantly reprimands.

This also developed her brutal and willful character.

Stepping down from the giant eagle, Kanamata Bridge, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately stepped forward with a sycophantic smile:

"You have worked hard all the way, the residence has long been packed, I will take you over now."

"Why are you the only one, my slave?"

Gong Lingyun looked around and found that there was only Kanamata Bridge alone, and immediately frowned in dissatisfaction.

She had already spoken the words in front of the maid, and Bai Yi, who was a slave, did not take the initiative to greet her.

This made Gong Lingyun have an annoyed feeling of losing face.

"Slaves, minions?" Kanamata Bridge was a little unresponsive.

Gong Lingyun glanced at him irritably, walked forward, and said as he walked:

"Take me back to rest first, let Bai Yi come to see me tomorrow, there are no rules at all."



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