Taiyou Lake....

It's a familiar name.

Last time, Senior Sister and Lan Minghuang were attacked there.

Bai Yi needed to collect wood attribute aura, and he also thought of it there for the first time.

The reason is simple - remote, silent, do not worry about being disturbed.

Taiyou Lake is located in the middle of the mountainside Spirit Sea, far from the core of Yanyue Peak, except for some friends who love to sing, no one will come here idle.

What purpose Liu Ziru wanted to take himself to Taiyou Lake is unknown.

But just from her current state.

Surely nothing too rosy will happen.

Coupled with the eyes that were interpreted before, Liu Ziru already had the idea of extinguishing her mouth because of love and hatred.

Then the outcome of selecting task one is easy to predict.

There is a 50% chance that their ashes will be lifted and sprinkled in Taiyou Lake.

Another fifty percent should be abolished, broken legs and imprisoned.

Thinking of this, Bai Yi muttered: "Looking at the wheelchair like this is a very appropriate reward." "

How did Xiao Baiyi decide?" Liu Ziru looked at Bai Yi and asked with a smile.

She knew that it was unlikely that she wanted to take Bai Yi away tonight.

But what if Bai Yi chooses to go to Taiyou Lake.

Despite this, Liu Ziru would not be very happy, he decided to take risks for the sake of other women, just thinking about it made her want to chop up the two female disciples.

But as long as she arrived at Taiyou Lake, she could not hesitate to abolish Bai Yi's cultivation, break his legs, and fly away together.

He Yiyi, female disciple... All threats from vixens who want to snatch the white game will no longer exist.

As for Bai Yi not liking himself for the time being, this is not a problem.

He is alive, Liu Ziru will accompany him to grow old, he dies, Liu Ziru will also hold his soul, no matter what, they will be together for a long time and forever.

"Time will wash away everything, will make Xiao Baiyi understand his mistakes, and will make him gradually like me in the long-term company."

Liu Ziru's eyes were confused, and she looked at the young man in front of her intoxicatedly.

As long as you are willing to go with Shi Niang.

Bai Yi's back was a little cold when she looked at it, and he always felt that if it continued like this, Liu Ziru would directly do it.

After a little thought, he made a decision.

Don't go.

If you go, if you don't have to die, you will at least have to die half-dead!

"Senior Sister, I'll go back first, I made an appointment with Senior Sister to meet later, she should be there soon." Bai Yi said.

Even if he felt that the female disciple was a little wronged, it did not mean that he would gamble with his life that Liu Ziru would change his decision.

A fool can see that Liu Ziru has bad intentions!

His consciousness was not high enough to go to Leshan to sit in place of the Great Buddha.

[Mission completed, rewards have been distributed to the storage space.] The

system prompt sounded in his ears, and Bai Yi turned around and walked towards Yanwu Square.

While walking, he took out the transmission jade card, and entered a wisp of spiritual energy in a fake model.

"Senior sister, are you almost there? Oh, the third senior uncle is also there, it's okay, I'm waiting in Yanwu Square, you guys come quickly, it's right away, right? Okay..." Looking

at Bai Yi's back as he left, Liu Ziru hesitated, but still dismissed the idea of forcibly acting.

She didn't have the confidence to leave with Bai Yi in full view, not to mention that He Yiyi and the elders of the Qiong Yu Demon Sect might arrive soon.

"Xiao Baiyi, you can only belong to Shi Niang..."

muttered softly, and Liu Ziru's figure disappeared.

Since there is no chance to take Xiao Baiyi away for the time being, let's deal with He Yiyi first....


Bai Yi returned to the old house.

After Liu Ziru left, he found the two female disciples and gave them some spirit stones.

The two of them took advantage of the night to quietly leave the Yanyue Holy Land, and never planned to return.

It is worth mentioning that the male disciple who confessed to the swallow unexpectedly chose to accompany the female disciple Yanzi to escape from the holy place.

By mistake, the two eventually came together.

"Alas, I will never go for a walk again, and everything is not appropriate."

Lying on the bed, Bai Yi muttered in annoyance.

Looking too good is also a very distressing thing.

"However, what is going on with Senior Lady?"

Thinking of the strong desire for control on Liu Ziru's face, Bai Yi summoned the system.

"Shi Niang's condition, is it considered some mental illness?"

[After strict calculation, the system determined that Liu Ziru was ill. "

Sick? What is that? "Bai Yi didn't know about Jiao Jiao in his previous life, and this is the first time I've heard of it.

[Sickness: An unsound psychological illness that refers to the pathological distortion of psychology produced by deformed love, and the existence of extremely possessive thoughts or behaviors.

People with this personality usually have a pathological obsession with a person, and will not hesitate to possess it by any means, common situations are: crazy desire for control, extreme tendencies to not get destroyed, self-harm, harm or even kill others...

That's all right!

This is exactly the same as Liu Ziru!

What she will show is also the paranoid control that makes people look palpitating!

In this way, Liu Ziru's punishment of those two female disciples also had traces to follow.

Bai Yi recalled Liu Ziru's demeanor and expression in the evening, and couldn't help but be shocked:

"Turtle turtle, how can you like people like people like this."

I love you to death, this sentence may just be a phrase to express liking for ordinary people.

But put it on the sick petite....

There's a good chance she's really 'loved' you.

Thinking of this, Bai Yi secretly rejoiced at his original decision.

Fortunately, I didn't get from the teacher!


Bai Yi suddenly sounded He Yiyi's white and cute beautiful little face.

My heart is inexplicably settled a lot.

"Compared with such a terrifying senior sister, it is very good for a gentle and lovely, kind and virtuous senior sister to be a daughter-in-law."

Bai Yi thought inexplicably.


Moon Temple.

"Get ready to do it."

Liu Ziru changed into a black night robe and ordered the two maids beside her.

The maid also wore a night robe, revealing only a pair of eyes.

They and Lin Yamei before them are absolute henchmen brought by Liu Ziru from home.

"Later, I will contain the rest of the guard her, and you must finish in a quarter of an hour."

Liu Ziru pinched the sword Aoki, revealing a pair of cold eyes outside the mask, and the strong killing intent continued to roll.

"Remember, cut off her head."

After everything was ready, the three left the Moon Hall and disappeared into the darkness,

night, and deep.



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