"This can't be..." Feeling

the piercing pain coming from her neck, Gong Lingyun finally realized what had happened.

She, the peak cultivator of the Cave Market Realm, was defeated by Bai Yi's move of the Foundation Building Realm.

Even, he didn't make a move.

Just standing there, gently raising his hand, he took the initiative to bump into it.

Yes, from beginning to end, he didn't shoot at all.

"Nothing in the world is impossible, you see, one second you are still high, the next second..."

Bai Yi smiled and continued to tighten his palms.

"Crunch, crunch."

Gong Lingyun clearly sensed that the bones of her neck were gradually shattering.

There was a great horror between life and death, she never thought that she would lose, let alone that she might die in the hands of Bai Yi.

She couldn't believe it, she didn't want to believe it.

"Nope... You can't kill me, my father is the Yanyue Sect Master, my father is Gong Tianming, if you kill me, he will definitely kill you!"

Gong Lingyun's face turned red and she muttered absently.

The tone is as straightforward as ever.

"Yanyue raised you, my father is kind to you, you don't dare, I know you don't dare, let go of me, let me go."

Hearing this, Bai Yi turned his head to look at the high platform in the distance.

He knew that Gong Tianming was watching him there at the moment.

He had a harmless smile on his face.

After thinking about it, I changed my mind.

"Well, you're right."

Bai Yi's right hand pinching Gong Lingyun's neck relaxed some force.

Gong Lingyun gasped, and a flash of joy flashed in her eyes.

He was scared, he didn't dare to do it.

But do you think if you don't kill me, I'll let you go?

When the big competition is over, you will still die, and when the time comes, I will step on your head and make you....

Just when she was thinking bitterly about how to concoct the white game after the end of the big competition.

Bai Yi slowly raised his left hand.

Clench your fists, twist your waist, and swing your arms slightly.

In Gong Lingyun's stunned eyes, he bombarded her dantian.

"How dare you!"


A dull sound came, Gong Lingyun was like a heavy hammer, her lower abdomen was sunken, and her body bent back in a shocking arc.

Bai Yi let go of her hand, and the huge impact wrapped her and flew towards the distance.

It hit the martial arts enchantment fiercely, and slipped down like a pool of mud.

He passed out, and the chaotic aura in the broken dantian was everywhere.

It's like it's already a waste.

"Abolish you first, and help Master to cheer up." Bai Yi smiled.

He did not choose to kill Gong Lingyun now, which would make what happened next uncontrollable.

"The ninth game of Jiazi, white game, win."

With the shouts of the male disciples standing outside the enchantment, the enchantment of the martial arts arena slowly opened.

The overwhelming screams of girls outside reached Bai Yi's ears.


"Junior Brother Bai, I want to marry you!"

"Hehe, man, suck, suck~"

Bai Yi glanced outside the field, frightened.

Obediently, if they pounced, even if they ate a ton of Liuwei Dihuang Pill, they would have to die here today.


"The wind is tight!"

Bai Yi pulls out his legs and slips.

It's too late not to run anymore.

When passing by the unconscious Gong Lingyun, he slowed down slightly.

Inexplicably whispered:

"Stabilize her life for the time being, don't let her die, I am still useful."

After speaking, he waved to He Yi who was not far away, and shouted:

"Senior sister go quickly, these women are too terrible, my ears are about to be destroyed."

He Yiyi was carrying a narrow knife, not knowing which fox spirit to cut first.

Hearing Bai Yi's words, he glanced at the hooves on the stands.

Tattling kept up with him.


There are too many vixens.

Iichi must avoid the edge for a while.

On the high platform, Gong Tianming looked at his daughter lying in the martial arts arena, and his eyes were gloomy to the extreme.

"Send this disciple to the doctor."

"Yes, subordinates will go."

Chang Shou Chong, who was standing on the side, immediately stepped down from the high platform and ran towards the 'Young Master' with a few disciples.

"What a deep city, a good crossing of the Tribulation Realm..." Gong

Tianming looked at Bai Yi's back as he left from afar, and the killing intent in his eyes almost gushed out.

He adjusted his mood and smiled at the sect masters around him and said

, "Gong Mou went to see that disciple's injury, this inferior has a really tyrannical personality, everyone look at it first."

"Out of company, out of company."

Stepping down from the high platform, the smile on his face immediately disappeared.

The whole person is gloomy from the inside out.

"Sect Master, wait a minute."

Jinmata Bridge was supported by Shao Xiong and caught up with Gong Tianming.

"What's wrong." Gong Tianming's face was ugly, and he was anxious to see his daughter's injuries.

"This disciple of mine inadvertently found something, and my subordinates don't know whether to tell the sect master or not."

Kanamata Bridge pointed to Shao Xiong, who was standing behind him, and the expression on his face was very hesitant.

Gong Tianming frowned and asked, "What?"

Kanamata bowed his head and took a step forward.

Lowering his voice, he said respectfully: "And Bai Yi... And..." "

What else?"

Gong Tianming was irritable when he heard the words Bai Yi now, and said in a very impatient tone.

Jinmata Bridge raised his gaze and looked at Gong Tianming carefully, pretending

to stammer: "Also, there is also Vice Sect Master Liu, there is an unknown relationship between the two of them..."

Gong Tianming's heart sank.

Signal the people around you to back away.

Only Kanamata Bridge and Shao Xiong remained.

He squinted his eyes, his eyes were full of piercing killing intent, stared at Kanamata Bridge, and said coldly: "Do you know what you are talking about?" "


Kanamata Bridge knelt on the ground, took out a confession from his arms, and a small box, holding it in both hands.

"The subordinate sentence is true, this is the confession of the kitchen maid of the Moon Hall that the subordinate apprentice secretly obtained, as well as the record of Vice Sect Master Liu's purchase and use of the dragon whip."

Gong Tianming stared at the Jinmata Bridge for a long time and reached out to take it.

Taking advantage of Gong Tianming's reading effort, Jinmata Bridge gently kicked Shao Xiong.

Shao Xiong reacted, lowered his head and said:

"It happened during your retreat Sect Master, me and the maid Xiaocui... She told me that that evening, Vice Sect Master Liu called Bai Yi to dinner, and one of the dishes was soup made from dragon whips.

Speaking of this, Shao Xiong glanced at Gong Tianming's gloomy face and continued:

"Later, I investigated privately, and finally learned from the mouth of the Moon Hall's maid Basho that Bai Yi had stayed in the Moon Hall many times during your retreat as Sect Master, and the soup made from the dragon whip, Vice Sect Master Liu made it twice, Bai Yi did eat it, and other maids can also testify."

Gong Tianming's face was expressionless, and he clutched the confession in his hand.

Open the box, and inside there are some remnants of the dragon whip.

He took a deep breath, Kanamata Bridge and Shao Xiong did not dare to lie to themselves in this kind of thing.

That is....

Gong Tianming's body was filled with a strong killing intent to the extreme.

The terrifying power almost made Shao Xiong and Kanemamata Bridge in front of them breathless.

He was silent for a long time, and said gloomily: "Blocking the Moon Hall, without my order, Vice Sect Master Liu can't leave half a step!" "

Inform the elders in the sect and prepare for a war with the Qiongyu Demon Sect!"

"In addition, let Chang Shou Chong lead people to surround the residence of the Qiong Yu Demon Sect, and must not let anyone leave."

Gong Tianming paused, and his eyes surged with irrepressible anger.

"You go to Bai Yi now, find out where he is now, and notify me immediately."

"I want him, crush the bones!!"



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