"Senior sister, go out and eat something."

Bai Yi temporarily put aside the distractions in his mind, looked at He Yi and said with a smile.

The great destruction should be slowly planned, and the success has been seen for a long time.

He Yi thought about it, nodded and said, "Good." "

That vixen will definitely have action tonight.

If he wasn't around, maybe the little junior brother would be taken advantage of by her.

Iichi must personally stand out!

Approaching evening.

A gentle breeze blows through the forest sea, and the leaves rustle.

The brilliant sunset hangs high above the clouds, and a few chirping birds pass by the sky.

Bai Yi helped He Yiyi out of the room and sat down by the campfire in the courtyard.

"Wait a minute, you can eat it right away."

Wu Gang said with a smile, flipping the fawn that was clamped on the fire with two thick branches.

Sprinkle some seasonings from time to time, and the golden venison is bubbling with oil.

The fragrance is fragrant.

"Deer cubs at this age are the most delicious, the meat is tender and juicy, and they are all first-class good things without seasonings..."

Wu Gang was laughing and talking to Bai Yi when they were talking.

Wu Qianxi walked out of the doorway, her eyebrows crooked.

She wore a long floral dress with a touch of powder.

Skin is a healthy wheat color.

Perhaps because he hunted with his father for many years, his body was slender and well-proportioned.

That heavy pair of heavy looks just makes a certain girl by the bonfire like a big enemy.

Damn it! How spicy so many people are bigger than Yi.

He Yiyi's expression was gloomy, but his beautiful eyes were secretly vigilant.

"Dad, I'll do it."

Wu Qianxi stepped forward and took the branch in Wu Gang's hand.

Flip it up gently.

Looking at his daughter's dressed appearance, Wu Gang let out a long sigh.

Qiang smiled and said to Bai Yi: "I'll go prepare some dishes, it's easy to get greasy when you eat venison alone."

With that, he turned around and walked into the room.

"Uncle Wu, don't be busy, this is already very rich."

Bai Yi said with a smile, turned his head and chatted with his senior sister.

He didn't even look at me.

Wu Qianxi was annoyed in her heart, but her face was silent.

She adjusted her standing posture slightly, so that her back was to Bai Yi.

The gaze seems to be focused on the barbecue on the campfire.

Intentionally or unconsciously bent down.

The long skirt straightened, and the hem naturally rose to the top of the knee socket.

"Good you hoof!"

He Yiyi immediately narrowed his eyes and stretched out his hand to block Bai Yi's eyes.

"What's up, Senior Sister?"

Bai Yi had been talking to He Yiyi and did not look at Wu Qianxi at all.

So I didn't find anything abnormal, and I looked at her suspiciously and asked.

"There is a little bug, I'll help you get rid of it."

He Yiyi grabbed Bai Yi's shoulders and let him face him.

The small book in his heart silently ticked off Wu Qianxi's name.

"What is there to be afraid of insects, I remember Senior Sister, you used to drag me to catch snakes." Bai Yi grunted.

He Yiyi stretched out his small hand and waved in front of him.

Then I helped him sort out his clothes.

She glanced at Wu Qianxi and said with a smile: "

Some bugs Yiyi are very scared, and they must be slapped to death when they encounter them."

Bai Yi smiled dumbly and asked, "Since you are afraid of the worm, why do you have to hit it, just hide a little."

He Yiyi's eyes were pure and he shook his head seriously.

There was a slight glow in the depths of his eyes.

"Little junior brother doesn't understand this, sometimes, Yiyi can't hide."

Bai Yi thought about it, like what flies and mosquitoes are really annoying.

So he nodded in agreement: "Yes, too." "

How do they keep talking.

Seeing that Bai Yi did not look at herself, Wu Qianxi was irritable in her heart.

After thinking about it, while bending over and lowering his head to fiddle with the roasted deer, he said softly to Bai Yi:

"Bai Gongzi, you help Xiaoxi to see, is the meat grilled."

As she spoke, she adjusted her angle again to make sure she was facing away from Bai Yi.

"Oh, good."

Bai Yi agreed, and glanced sideways at the roasted deer caught on the campfire.

Golden brown and crispy, bright color.

Well, it was perfect.

"Almost, Xiaoxi, you go and call Uncle Wu, you can start."

Saying that, Bai Yi returned his gaze.

The whole time he didn't even glance at Wu Qianxi.

He reached out and took Ho Yi in the crook of his arm to help her block the wind.

Senior sister is still injured, but she can't catch a cold.


Qianxi's waist was sour, and as a result, he didn't look at his side at all!

All attention was on that sick seedling!!

She was very annoyed in her heart.

But there is nothing to be done.

I had to take a step on my leg, which was already standing numb, and go to the house to call Wu Gang.

"Dad, the venison is grilled."


Wu Gang agreed in a muffled voice, and walked out with a pot of greens.

Li ignored his daughter, looked at Bai Yi and said:

"Bai Gongzi taste it quickly, your wife can also eat it, I specially left a part of it without spicy seeds."

"Trouble Uncle Wu."

Bai Yi nodded with a smile, took off a fragrant deer leg and handed it to He Yiyi.

Looking at this scene, Wu Gang glanced at his daughter.

A long sigh.

People and couples are so loving, why should you.

Wu Qianxi noticed her father's gaze.

There was no expression, just eating venison reservedly, while looking at Bai Yi with autumn water eyes.

Neither father nor daughter spoke.

The meal ended in a slightly eerie atmosphere.

"Little junior brother, have you seen it, Uncle Wu's daughter is wearing a very beautiful skirt today."

After returning to the room, He Yiyi 'inadvertently' advanced Wu Qianxi.

"Huh? She wore a skirt and I didn't pay attention.

Bai Yi frowned and recalled, without the slightest impression.

He scratched his head in embarrassment:

"I'm afraid that Senior Sister will blow the wind and get cold and affect the injury, so I didn't pay attention to the others, see me tomorrow morning and ask her, buy Junior Sister the same."

He Yiyi stared at Bai Yi's eyes for a long time, and only then was he slightly relieved.

She snorted and said arrogantly: "It's not so good-looking, don't ask her." "

Yi Yicai won't give the little fox spirit a chance to contact the little junior disciple!

Bai Yi did not speak, silently remembering this matter in his heart.

Since Senior Sister mentioned it, it should still be liked.

Ask tomorrow.


Bai Yi and He Yiyi were both ready to rest.

Outside the door, Wu Qianxi's soft voice suddenly came.

"Bai Gongzi, can you come out? Brook has something to ask you.

"In the middle of the night, what do you have to ask?"

Bai Yi was confused.

Greeted He Yiyi and walked out of the room.

In the room, He Yi's eyes were deep.

Get up gently and stand at the door to observe silently.

"What are you going to ask?" Bai Yi walked out of the room and looked at Wu Qianxi in front of him and asked suspiciously.

As he spoke, he also took a special look at the skirt on her body.

It's not pretty, the texture is rough, and it's a bit tacky.

He tried to substitute the picture of Senior Sister wearing this dress...

Huh, it suddenly looks good.

"Bai Gongzi, can we go over there and talk?" Wu Qianxi pointed to the gate of the courtyard and asked in a low voice.

"That's it, what are you going to ask?"

Bai Yi refused, and Senior Sister was still waiting inside.

What if she misunderstands.

Seeing that Bai Yi was unwilling to go with him.

"Well, okay..."

Wu Qianxi hesitated for a long time, and a trace of determination flashed in her eyes.

Compared to flying on a branch to become a phoenix, a little shame is nothing!

Think so.

She bit her lip lightly, bent down, and pinched the floral skirt.

Suddenly pulled up....



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