Xuanjian Immortal Clan

Chapter 499 Fighting

When Chen Yang said this, he thought about all the possible actions of the boy in front of him, but he held himself together and said nothing wrong. He was highly cultivated, so he only lowered his head slightly, pretending to be humble.

‘I don’t break the rules? What can you do? ’

But he didn't hear a reply for a long time, and his eyes quickly stopped on Li Zhouwei's face. His black pupils moved to the narrow corners of his eyes, showing a gloomy and speculative look, neither bowing nor bowing, and even a bit condescending.

As he glanced into the eyes of the prince in front of him, his heart suddenly became empty, and all the evil and arrogance in his heart seemed to be completely wiped out, and he thought to himself:


In an instant, Li Zhouwei in front of him suddenly took a step forward. Chen Yang felt his throat tighten, and a pair of hands suddenly went up his neck like lightning and clasped tightly around his neck.


He never thought that Li Zhouwei in front of him would suddenly rise up, but he was like a tiger and leopard colliding with him, with such force and heavy force that his body was unstable for a moment, and he was pushed to the ground with a plop.


The back of Chen Yang's head hit the stone floor so hard that stars popped out of his eyes. The hit was not light. If he hadn't been at the fourth level of fetal breath cultivation, he would have probably fainted from such a hit.

The poisonous fire in his heart suddenly burned into his throat, and he grasped with both hands. Several spells appeared in his mind. Only then did he restrain his anger, but found that the other party had already straddled him, pressing down on his chest, and supporting him with both hands. On both sides, no spells could be used for a while.

Chen Yang couldn't breathe, but he was controlled from the spell-casting posture again. He suddenly panicked, but he was not a simple person. He quickly reacted in his mind and just broke his hand.

"His cultivation level is much lower than mine. As long as I use my magic power, I can counterattack him immediately!"

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Li Zhouwei decisively let go of his hand, freed his hand, picked up the inkstone on the case, and hit him on the head cleanly. Chen Yang's forehead was hit red and black, and the black ink was dizzy. The dye is blooming, and the eyebrows are raised angrily.

"Fuck you."

This hit immediately made his hands loosen. After all, Chen Yang was at the fourth level of Fetal Breath. He only reacted after being confused for a moment. He was filled with contempt and anger and finally couldn't contain it. He pulled his hands on Li Zhouwei's clothes and tried to pull them off. He pulled it up.

Chen Yuan is not an ordinary child. The Chen family has a lot of swordsmanship and skills in the past hundred years. To say that Qi training and foundation building are not as good as those of the direct descendants of the Li family, but the fetal breath level skills are really not bad, and the blue light is already shining in his hands.


But Li Zhouwei once again exceeded his expectations. He only heard a cold clang of cold iron, the table was kicked over, and Li Zhouwei had already pulled out the halberd under the table.

The blue light in Chen Yang's hand stopped in his hand, and the sharp edge of the gleaming halberd was pressed directly against his neck. The cold metallic air stimulated his hair to stand on end, and the anger in his heart was quickly extinguished and restrained.

‘Damn it…who would put the halberd under the table! It’s not a personal sword! He is always on guard against someone assassinating him! ’

But there was no time to think about it. His throat felt stinging. Chen Yang quickly walked back slowly and looked into those dark golden eyes. There was no emotion at all. The only sound left in the courtyard was the sound of two pairs of boots scraping on the ground one after another. .

Li Zhouwei said nothing, his eyes were calm, and he forced him to the corner step by step, and then he said his first words:

"Don't look at me like that."

Chen Yang paused, then calmed down the expression on his face with great familiarity, and quickly disguised himself, all those cunning, contemptuous, and sizing up actions were gone.

But he felt that Li Zhouwei's hand was squeezing tighter and tighter. The halberd moved forward and pressed hard. Chen Yang felt unbelievable and said wildly in his heart:

"He's crazy!"


The halberd stabbed hard into the wooden wall behind him. Chen Yang was finally shocked like a mountain falling apart. Sweat dripped down his head and face. His legs were drained of strength and he knelt down weakly. Then he lowered his head, but The man in front of him lifted his jaw again.

He was forced to look into the dark golden eyes, and saw the large and small ring-like objects in them shrinking slightly, like black rings falling into the golden water, rising and falling.

Li Zhouwei saw the look of horror in his eyes as he wished, and then he silently let go of his hand, letting Chen Yuan fall limply in front of him. Chen Yuan managed to hold himself up, and vaguely saw three people standing quietly in front of the hospital.

One of them had black gold armor and broad shoulders, while the other wore fluttering white clothes and carried a sword behind him. Neither of them spoke and watched quietly. Only an old man came up quickly, fixed the table and asked:

"what happened!"

Chen Yang's blood mixed with ink dripped from Li Zhouwei's forearm. The boy cupped his hand and replied:

"Sir, it's just for fun and fun."

Li Xuanxuan sighed, waved to Bai Yuan who was waiting outside the courtyard, and whispered:

"Take him down first and use a calming spell to comfort him. This child is frightened and needs a good rest."

Chen Yang was picked up by Bai Yuan and quickly carried out of the yard. Li Xuanxuan frowned and looked at the mess on the ground. He picked up a few magic spells and used magic power to arrange various objects before he sat down.

Waiting for Li Xuanfeng to sit down, Li Xijun sat down with a smile on his face, made tea, and said softly:

"This boy from the Chen family...is quite interesting."

Li Xuanfeng only observed Li Zhouwei carefully and said casually:

"Somewhat vicious."

Li Xuanxuan remained silent, but Li Xijun showed no worry at all and said with a smile:

"He is more than cruel and deceitful, but not cautious enough. He relies on his talent and is arrogant. He cannot bow his head. He has to be extremely talented. In today's world, he can kill people and make a career, but sooner or later he will die of his arrogance."

As Li Xijun said this, Li Xuanxuan nodded slightly, but Li Zhouwei, who was sitting obediently beside him, blinked, as if he understood that he had other intentions and accepted it silently.

"I just hope that I can change after suffering setbacks."

Li Xuanfeng moved his cup and whispered:

"This kind of people cannot change. They are just like Jianixi back then. They use their edge lightly in everything. No one is an enemy. When big things happen, they will just die."

Li Xuanxuan pondered for such a long time and finally spoke and replied softly:

"Only the son of the Chen family can control this child of the Chen family."

Li Xuanxuan diverted the worries of several people with one sentence, smiled, touched Li Zhouwei, and said softly:

"It's been less than two years, and it's already the second level of the Ming Wheel."

Li Xuanfeng had been observing him carefully, and after a while he said:

"I have been traveling back and forth between Southern Xinjiang and the East China Sea these days, and I have paid special attention to many things. I will tell you clearly."

He paused and said softly:

"The first is Ming Yang. In the past, Taoism was rare, and there were only Ming Yang left on a few overseas islands. Now, because of the Eastern Fire incident, Ming Yang foundations have appeared both at home and abroad, and they are gradually becoming known."

"This foundation building is most suitable for descendants, but practitioners often become increasingly fierce in temperament, either becoming more domineering or stubborn, influenced by the Immortal Foundation."

Li Xijun frowned slightly, thinking of Li Ximing on the mountain, Li Xuanfeng continued:

"Among the yin and yang, 'Ming Yang' corresponds to 'Jue Yin'. Taoism complements and conflicts with each other, so we should pay attention to one or two things."

"The Kingdom of Wu is close to the West Sea to the northwest, which is called Jizhong. There is a Kingdom of Chen, also known as the Kingdom of Daughters. The practice is "Jueyin". In today's world, we don't often move around, but we must be careful."

Li Xuanfeng instructed, Li Xijun nodded silently, the old man casually talked about some recent events, Li Xijun was very alert and asked:

"I don't know about Boring Gold Sect Situ Chen's affairs..."

Li Xuanfeng's expression did not change and he said no:

"not my business."

The young man in white nodded thoughtfully, and Li Xuanfeng pulled Li Zhouwei over and asked:

"Wei'er, Mingyang is a domineering ruler in governing people. I heard that it helps with spiritual practice. I need you to take more care of things at home from now on."

"Zhou Wei understands."

Li Zhouwei nodded, and Li Xijun finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked:

"Why...Brother Ming's practice of Ming Yang is somewhat different from many descriptions."

Li Xijun told Li Ximing everything about what happened before and after. Li Xuanfeng twirled his beard and said softly:

"I think Xi Ming is not the material to cultivate Mingyang! Mingyang is the way to enter the world. If Xi Ming and Cheng Liao are so dedicated to cultivating it, he should cultivate some Taoist traditions such as Twelve Qi and Yu Zhen. His current thoughts are not in line with the Taoism. , it goes against your will everywhere, it’s not interesting at all.”

"So that's what it is!"

Li Xijun only felt that his hands were numb, and he put the jade pot on the table in a daze. He suddenly remembered that one night under the moonlight, Li Ximing seemed to have a premonition of something, and gently handed the [Jinyang Huangyuan] to his hand and asked for it. Exchange their skills.

A burning pain arose in the young man's heart, and his voice was low and deep:

"I wait...how can I understand? I just hope to leave the best things to him..."

Li Xuanxuan was listening on the sidelines, looking at Li Xijun's appearance, a rare anger appeared on his face, and he only said:

"Don't say who is to blame! There is no such thing!"

Li Xuanfeng read the blame in his brother's eyes and said softly:

"I shouldn't have said that the "Ming Hua Huang Yuan Jing" at home is of extremely high grade. Xi Ming has never suffered a loss. Even if he chooses it himself, he will choose a higher grade one for the sake of his great path."

Li Xuanfeng didn't know that Li Xijun and Li Ximing had thought about exchanging skills when they were young, but Li Xijun remembered it clearly. His face quickly regained his composure, and he lamented in his heart:

"These two pieces... I can't help Brother Ming."

Li Xuanfeng only talked for a moment, without delay, stood up, took out his bow, and said to several people:

"I'll go there first and then come back home to take a look in a few years."

Li Xijun and Li Xuanxuan sent him out together. Li Xuanxuan was in a good mood and did not notice that the calm appearance of his grandnephew and brother beside him was full of turmoil and sorrow.

Doufushan, Song family.

The Song family's territory is in the south of Mushroom Plain and north of Helin County. The territory is not big or small, and it can be regarded as a family with a long history.

The Song family's current territory is not commensurate with its own strength, especially after the death of the last foundation builder, a mere Qi Lian family should not occupy such territory.

It's just that the Song family once had a female cultivator who preferred to be a concubine and marry a disciple of the Immortal Sect who came down from Qingchi Mountain at that time. Later, this disciple became the head of Qingchi, and the Song girl also benefited from the breakthrough in foundation building, and the Song family became Developed all at once.

I never thought that this disciple named Chi Wei would later break through the Zi Mansion, and his blessings would be endless. Even though Song Nu was just a concubine, she could ensure that the family would be prosperous for hundreds of years.

"It's a pity that future generations failed to live up to expectations and ended up in this situation!"

Yuan Huyuan stood quietly in the courtyard with the loud sounds of gongs and drums. His appearance was much younger than that of Yuan Huyuan, with sunken eye sockets and a higher nose, which made him look even more sinister.

People in the courtyard below were smiling, but no one dared to come forward and talk to him. Only the head of the Song family stood behind him with a flattering look on his face, saying some innocuous words.

Yuan Fuyao was dressed in a red robe, standing in the courtyard with a smile, and his childhood sweetheart was wearing a hijab in the backyard. He was very proud of himself, with all the treasures and beauties in his pocket, and his face was slightly red, showing that he was very happy.

However, Yuan Hudu quietly squinted his eyes and looked back and forth in the courtyard. He soon saw an old man in black and gold armor standing at the edge, standing with his hands folded, looking coldly at the scene in front of him.

Yuan Hudu did not use his spiritual sense to test, but intuitively felt that this person was unusual. He quickly asked someone to come up and said softly:

"Go and find out if there is anyone in the Li family with white hair and gold clothes."

Yuan Hudu vaguely guessed who he was. At least nine out of ten, he was the Li family who came, but he was not afraid at all, and even expected it.

"I'm really tolerant. I've been wandering around outside every day during this period, and finally I'm waiting for you!"

Yuan Hu thought to himself that he would not be able to bear this tone. He knew that the Li family would come sooner or later, but he just waited for the Li family to come.

"You can't kill me just to break off the engagement. It's just a scolding. It's better to fight or even hurt me."

The more serious the dispute between the two families became, the more obvious it was that they wanted to give it to the Chi family. No matter how they could not lose their lives, Yuan Hu was happy like this.

"It's just that no matter who it is...even Li Qinghong...don't be this fierce god..."

When his subordinates came up and whispered a few words, Yuan Hudu's face suddenly turned ugly and he murmured:

"Sure enough, it's him! [Jin Geng Gang Xian] Li Xuan Feng!"

Yuan Hu has not been trained as a master since he was young, and he is not as talented as Yuan Chengdun. It took him most of his life just to practice to build the foundation. How can he not be afraid?

He is not very talented and is not good at fighting. He relied on elixirs when he broke through. He can only be ranked in the middle level among cultivators. How can he be Li Xuanfeng's opponent! Even if Li Qinghong came, he would probably be killed within a hundred rounds.

Yuan Hudu took a deep breath, and when he looked closely, he found that those calm eyes were already looking at him.

"Damn it!"

Yuan Hudu showed a forced and stiff smile, and the hand hidden in the sleeve suddenly grabbed the sleeve. He had long heard that this murderous man was unscrupulous, and he couldn't help but feel suspicious in his heart.

Finally, he saw the man coming forward step by step, getting closer and closer among the crowded and laughing crowd. The crowd unconsciously separated into a path, allowing him to step forward calmly.

It seemed that the only thing left in Yuan Hudu's ears was the cold sound of the black-gold boots on the ground. He forcibly resisted the urge to run away and stood there pretending to be calm.

Li Xuanfeng walked up to him until Yuan Hu could clearly see the lines on his black gold spirit armor. Only then did he see him tilt his head slightly and say quietly:

"Yuan Hudu?"

This cold voice was very clear in the noise, making him break out in a cold sweat.

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