Xuanjian Immortal Clan

Chapter 507 Northward Advance

There was mist in the sky over Beishan Mountain. Li Xijun was covered in snow. He had a sword on his waist and his eyes were white. He lowered his eyebrows and looked at the soldiers and horses of the Di Li family entering the city under his feet. "Snow on the Pines" made a snow cloud appear on the soles of his feet. , fluttering out of the dust.

"Minghuang is smart and has changed his name to Shanyue. Let's try the Lord of Northern Shanyue first."

Of course, Li Xijun had similar arrangements, but he just wanted to give the child a try first, so he didn't say anything. Now that he saw that he had arranged it well, he nodded and felt much relieved.

Li Ximing looked dazed, as if he was envious, or as if he had been satisfied with some long-cherished wish. He looked confused. After listening to his words, he took out a jade bottle from his arms and said:

"He is also at the fifth level of fetal breath. After taking the elixir, he will be at the sixth level... I have a [Ming Shen Powder] here, give it to him too, and he will be able to practice Qi right in front of him."

Li Xijun nodded, put it in his arms, raised his eyebrows to look, and saw two groups of soldiers and horses leaving the city in the night, he smiled and said:

"I heard that the one in Beishanyue is not a mediocre master. He is left to Ming Huang as a whetstone."

Li Ximing nodded and suddenly said:

"Xi Jun, have you read the "Ming Hua Huang Yuan Jing" carefully?"

Li Xijun shook his head and said:

"I don't practice this way. I have only studied it once or twice for reference. What's the matter?"

Li Ximing was silent, organized his words, and said softly:

"I looked at the nine secret methods to break through the Zi Mansion. They are all very difficult. If you master three of them, you have a 15% chance. If you master all nine, it's less than 50%. This doesn't include your own environment. "

Naturally, the Li family had no good environment to break through the Zifu. Li Xijun calculated in his mind and whispered:

"If you can really master these nine skills, then you really have a very high chance of success."

"It's not that simple!"

Li Ximing smiled bitterly and replied:

"Each secret technique is very rare, and it won't take more than ten years to get it!"

"So difficult!"

Li Xijun's expression changed, and he suddenly realized something, and said secretly:

"No wonder Ning Wan and the others have been delayed for so long in the late stage of foundation building... She may not have nine types to practice yet!"

Li Ximing paused and said:

"It's just that the volume also records several spiritual objects that can assist in breaking through the Zi Mansion..."

"Things such as [Mingguang Sky Stone], [Linwu Lingslaughter], and [Baidu Blood]."

Li Ximing mentioned the names of some spiritual objects, and after seeing that they were all rare and rare treasures, he explained:

"They are all at the Zifu level..."

Li Xijun nodded slightly and replied:

"You give me the directory, and I'll ask Brother Zhi to check it out. I'll also ask around. It would be best if I can get clues."


"Two passes and six towns."

Li Zhouwei took the map and looked at it carefully. Behind Jinguan is a plain with numerous villages and a large town. Beyond this plain is Moonlight Valley, which is also a heavy pass. Behind it are the other five towns and the king. Court.

At that time, our ancestor Li Xiangping could come and go freely here. Firstly, there were few people and it was secluded. Secondly, there was a severe drought at that time, and all the lands in the mountains and across the mountains had just been beaten to pieces by Jianixi, and they were in a mess.

Now that he has thousands of soldiers and horses, and controls the Yanguan Pass where Xiang Pinggong was trapped in the north, he naturally has a different strategy. Li Zhouwei thought about it and thought to himself:

"Let's do it in one go."

Li Zhouwei got off the door, climbed onto his horse without stopping, and asked the Shanyue general Du Dou to gather a group of soldiers and slaves, and stood on the stage holding a halberd, his helmet shining with cold light.

Some of the mountains were wearing armor, and some were simply slaves with their upper bodies bare. It could be seen that Du Dou was still training troops on weekdays, at least they would not stand in a group in a chaotic manner, but in the end it was not much better.

One by one, Shanyue looked around with blank expressions. It seemed that it made no difference to them whether they were generals. They only looked greedily at the weapons piled on the stage.

Li Zhouwei's eyes swept across the messy and dirty faces of the mountains. A strange red light slowly appeared on the halberd, which seemed to be breathtaking, making the mountains look up one after another.

Shangyue, who was reduced to guarding the checkpoint, was naturally not a noble breed, and was mostly slaves. He raised his head feebly and watched batches of grain and grass being carried onto the stage, and some whispered to each other.


Li Zhouwei's voice echoed in Guanzhong, deep and low, but resounded through the air, with a bewitching flavor:

"I am Da He Mingfang, and I have been ordered by heaven to conquer Beiting. The two armies captured the town. I first massacred the nobles, distributed the wealth and fields, and then conquered Beiting. All the lowly slaves should be freed from slavery."

"Distributing wealth?"

"Escape from slavery? This general can keep his word..."

Li Zhouwei paused and repeated it again. His voice became more and more ethereal, as if there was a power to confuse people's hearts. The suspicion and suspicion in the eyes of the mountains gradually disappeared, and blazing greed surged.

Their eyes slowly lit up with red light. They looked at each other and stepped forward one by one to pick up the weapons piled in front of them. They were as quiet as a pack of hungry wolves.

Chen Yang's eyes were glazed over as he listened. The sound penetrated his ears so pervasively that even he, a monk at the fourth level of fetal breath, felt excited for a moment.

Chen Yang was determined, quickly recovered and raised his head, looked at Li Zhouwei's shining eyes, quickly lowered his head, and said in his heart:

"Back then Jiani Xi... was nothing more than that!"

Di Li Youjie had already divided the troops and horses, put his men in, and came forward to report. Li Zhouwei's spirited horses quickly took action, and the troops and horses behind him were like an orderly tide, heading towards the towns in the night.

There were not many guards in the big town, and before they even reacted, several arrows flew through the air, shooting down the guards. Several wizards quickly climbed over the city wall, and the gate opened with a bang.

Li Zhouwei was riding on the horse, the gold in his eyes flashing a little, feeling the soldiers and horses following him in fascination, as if the instincts originally buried in his body were constantly emerging.

He quickly reined in his horse and looked at the stone tower at the entrance of the village. The soldiers and horses under his command were rushing into the town silently, like the tide that separated the rocks, silently and crazily being swept into the village.

Li Zhouwei heard a sound of ridicule in his ears. Looking at the stone tower, he suddenly had a strange thought:

"I should sit in the temple, sit on the ancestral hall..."

He stood quietly, and a sound passed through the mountains like a Sanskrit sound, murmuring in a low voice:

"When a town is captured, first massacre the nobles and distribute the wealth."

"When it comes to conquering Beiting, all lowly slaves should be freed from slavery."

The running mountains murmured in their mouths, and the towns in the night lit up a little fireworks. The killing shouts became louder and louder, and slowly converged into one voice:

"Dahe Mingfang!"

This sound made all the people on the mountain blush. Kong Heng, who was behind Li Zhouwei, had already spun a string of simple wooden beads in his hand. He still couldn't hide the shock on his face and murmured:

"The famous places are all clearly visible... Dahe is clearly visible..."

Gray smoke gathered and stopped beside Kong Heng, and Li Wushao's faint voice came:

"Mage...what are you thinking about?"

Kong Heng just shook his head and smiled bitterly, and replied:

"Wu Shao is too careful..."

The two foundation builders were talking silently. Li Zhouwei had already driven his horse forward, quickly passed the crowd, placed the people in the town, and ran towards the surrounding stockade. There were three to two hundred more people behind him, and he quickly walked out of the stockade, leaving behind There was blood everywhere.

He sent Chen Yuan and Di Liyou beside him to lead their own troops to gather their troops and horses. He drove his horses forward in one breath, no longer lingering on these villages, and quickly ran to the next pass.

Before Li Zhouwei arrived, a gray wind rushed over, leaving two jade bottles in his hands, one green and one white, very delicate.

Li Zhouwei used his spiritual sense to check and quickly put it away. The valley in front of him was narrow, and soldiers and horses were stationed on both mountains. The pass looked a little dilapidated, sandwiched between the two valleys.

After stopping for a while in front of the valley, all the soldiers lined up. Li Zhouwei lowered his head and asked the Vietnamese soldiers on the mountain beside:

"Is this Moonlight Valley?"

Shan Yue nodded and bowed down, and replied respectfully:

"Your Majesty, this place was once the territory of the Moonlight Ministry. It was named after the rumor that the priest Yuezhu was killed by the Easterners during the drought, but it is still called Moonlight Valley."

Li Zhouwei narrowed his eyes slightly and thought:

"It turns out that this is where he was killed by his ancestors."

He stood up his halberd, looked at the narrow valley in front of him, and murmured:

"Conquer this level and look for opportunities to break through."

Beishan Yuewangting.

The flames in the palace were burning quietly in the stone basin. Sitting on the Beishan Yue Throne was a lean man with disheveled hair, holding a stone slab in his hand and gently rubbing the words on it.

The King of Beishan Yue [Xiandu] does not look very powerful, and his name is just an ordinary mountain name. However, he is able to secure the throne in Beishan Yue where there are many nobles. There is no doubt that he has extraordinary means. He just looks at the slate in his hand quietly.

What is painted on this stone slab is a majestic scene. A man with feathers and animal bones is standing on the altar. The wind is changing in the sky, and a demon is standing in the sky.

Next to him, the high priest, who was dressed in animal bones and feathers, knelt on the ground. He stared blankly for a long time before asking:

"Wushan hasn't replied yet!"

"Your Majesty, I have tried for the eighth time, but I can't get in touch with you, and there is no feedback."

The high priest shook his head silently, without much panic, and even felt a little lucky, and replied:

"Your Majesty, that's fine... the children don't have to go up the mountain after breaking through the human witchcraft... None of the people who went up the mountain every year have come back... I'm afraid they've all been refined by the adults."

"Now there is no reply from Wushan. Perhaps Lord Jiao Zhongzi and Lord Mu Mili are out in the East China Sea. Wouldn't it be much easier for us?"

Xiandu's lean face was full of uneasiness. He shook his head heavily, gently put down the slate in his hand, and whispered:

"What did you see? If something goes wrong with Mr. Jiao Zhongzi, Li Jiman and the lackeys of the Li family are watching with eager eyes. From Dajueting to Jinguan, it is only a hundred miles. There are two passes and six cities. In front of the foundation, it is just a snap of the fingers. And destroyed."

The high priest was submissive and muttered in his heart:

"If something happens in Wushan...how many people can run away...Why don't we all vote for Li Jiman, we can naturally save our lives..."

Xiandu was thinking about it when he saw a man coming up from the mountain and shouting:

"Your Majesty! Something happened at Yanguan!"

‘There is indeed something wrong with Jiao Zhongzi! ’

Xiandu jumped up from his seat as if he had been struck by lightning, gritted his teeth and said:

"Is it Li Jiman who's coming? Or some other force from the Li family!"

The big man was stunned and replied:

"Your Majesty! The Li family entered Dajueting. Several tribes around them had no way of survival, so they deceived them into opening the Yan Pass... The guard general Du Dou was captured and surrendered to other troops. Now he has mobilized his troops to the north and entered the pass!"

"It turns out to be a rebellion!"

Xiandu breathed a sigh of relief and whispered:

"Which department is taking the lead? Who is the leader? How many soldiers and monks are there?!"

The taller man in the mountain worshiped:

"The King of Thieves is known as [Da He Ming Fang]...perhaps [Da He Tribe]. I don't know how many soldiers and horses there are. I heard that the Di Li Tribe in Guanwai secretly supports him."

"Da Hebu? Unheard of! What the hell!"

As the Lord of Beishanyue, he must remember which tribes have many tribes and powerful forces, and which tribes have pure blood and strong strength. Even if there are small and medium-sized tribes, most of them have names, so he just thinks about them in his mind. After some research, I found that there was no name for this tribe at all.

Xiandu frowned immediately. He was not afraid of these thousands of people. He was just afraid that the Di Li tribe was probably under the rule of the Li family. He didn't know if he had received a hint from Li Jiman.

‘This bitch is causing trouble to me every day! ’

Xiandu and Li Jiman were not mediocre masters. Beishanyue and Dongshanyue had secretly fought each other. It was just that both of them were vassals and did not dare to fight without orders.

Xiandu immediately realized that it was just a rebellion, and a lot of pressure suddenly disappeared from his heart. At least it meant that there was no problem in Wushan yet, otherwise the Li family would have been the one to fight. He immediately said:

"Why are you panicking? He can only hold up three or four thousand soldiers and horses. A few wizards can hold up a lot!"

But I saw that the taller man was sweating profusely and said in a low voice:

"That Da He Mingfang... claimed to have been instructed by Wushan... lied that the king had lost contact with Wushan... please, the king... please, the king."

Xiandu was immediately frightened. Wushan had indeed not sent anyone down for a long time. Seeing the man's hesitant expression, Xiandu certainly understood what he meant, but remained silent.

‘Wushan hasn’t sent anyone down for too long, and the nobles in the country have become restless... I want to use his mouth to ask about the situation in Wushan! ’

Xiandu quickly realized that this was a hint from the nobles, but he still forced himself to be calm and said in a deep voice:

"It's just a small turmoil, why should Wushan be alarmed? How can you and I bear the consequences? Just wait for me to put an end to the chaos!"

"Your Majesty made a mistake!"

The more Shan Shan was scolded by him, he sweated profusely, kowtowed repeatedly, and replied:

"It's just that this person is said to be like Ruga Nixi, so the king should be careful!"

"Of course I know!"

Hearing that the other party easily deceived him into opening the Jian Pass, he already knew that the other party was not a simple person. He looked back at the map and silently gave up on the towns behind the pass. His eyes stayed on the Moonlight Valley on the map and whispered:

"Deploy your troops immediately. I will personally conquer him and go to Moonlight Valley to block him out of the hinterland first."

He quickly walked down and kicked the big man. General Shanyue quickly got up from the ground. He had reached the peak level of Fetal Breath first. He had been suppressing it for a long time and did not break through. His strength was really good in Fetal Breath. This kick kicked him. Chest tightness, shortness of breath, and constant panic.

First of all, he put on armor and held a gun, and quickly walked down from the royal court. He thought quickly in his mind and said in a deep voice:

"I ordered Zhunfu first to lead five thousand troops to go down the lake from the east road and test the pass from the valley. I will lead seven thousand troops to rush to the aid of Moonlight Valley first. If we guard this place, there will be no big harm!"

Thanks to Qianlong for not using 3’s silver! The boss is also my first alliance leader! I'm very grateful, thank you sir.

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