Xuanjian Immortal Clan

Chapter 553 Xiayou


The five-eyed Lian was trembling with fear when he saw the voice of his superior saying coldly:

"So bold..."

Wumu Lian kowtowed and said in horror:

"Xiao Xiu understands! Xiao Xiu understands! Your Majesty's immortal karma is vast and your destiny is made by nature. Xiao Xiu accidentally went astray due to fate-saving fate. Only by chance can he catch a glimpse of your face!"

"Now that I have met the Lord, my life has immediately improved...Xiao Xiu understands that all the top leaders have come together...After seeing the immortal face, they will all die violently here...Now I can only respect and obey!"

Five Eyes pitied and mourned and replied:

"There are all kinds of karma in the world, and I am willing to pay for it with my body. I will be burned by the fire of all kinds of karma. I only want to get rid of a pure body, surrender to the immortals, and become a boy in the immortal cave and a small official in the Dharma Realm..."

His voice was full of sorrow, and his eyes were full of tears. Lu Jiangxian couldn't help but sigh:

‘As expected of Shixiu Lianmin! A good pair of lips and tongue! ’

His voice was soft and echoed in the air. He ignored the sympathetic words in his eyes and said coldly:

"I have become a chess piece in the world, but you have many hands and feet... If you leave traces in the future, I will not only make you burn with all kinds of karma..."

Wumu Lianmin understood the key point, and wished he could take out his heart to show it, and said in horror:

"Shangxian...Shangxian...Xiao Xiu still has some tricks! He must make this matter done properly! He will not let the Shangxian worry even a little bit. If something goes wrong, he will suffer extremely painfully and will never be reincarnated!"

Unexpectedly, a bright light fell from above and penetrated directly into my mind. The voice of the white-clothed immortal above me was vague, and he replied:

"Today's oath shall be with you."

Lu Jiangxian's hands were filled with brilliance, and the bright Yang was flashing. The compassion in his eyes drifted away like smoke and disappeared. The moon-white hall slowly disappeared and returned to the deep sky again.

The memory of sympathy flowed through his eyes, and Lu Jiangxian looked at it carefully twice.

This five-eyed Lianmin, whose common name is Xiao, was originally a minor cultivator in the northern Tiefu country. He practiced magic skills. At that time, under the rule of Qi Yan, the father of Emperor Zhaowu, this five-eyed Lianmin was still a follower of the Helian family.

"This father, Qi Yan, is an enlightened king. Under his rule, the three realms of immortality, demonism, and Buddhism are on an equal footing. Each one prospers and has its place."

At that time, Wu Yan Lianmin broke through the foundation. In his memory, the sky was dim, the sky was full of red blood, the trees and stones on the road were weeping, and everyone was panicked. The ancestor of the Helian family just stood up and was taken away by something. Leaving behind panicked cries.

Wu Mu hid underground for three months. Only when he came out did he find out that Emperor Zhaowu's father, Qi Yan, died in Yincheng County, and the prince's father, Qi Dangle, came to the throne and welcomed the Seven Dao statues to the capital. Wu Mu was hunted down many times because of his identity as a demon cultivator, and almost lost his life.

He quickly abandoned his Taoism and became a disciple of Buddhism. He never thought that his temperament would be in line with this Taoism, and he would step into the position of compassion.

This person cherishes his life the most. Even if he becomes a mage and has many means of reincarnation, he rarely leaves the north. He only does whatever he wants on one-third of an acre in Wumu Temple. He has seven hundred years of memory and four hundred years of enjoying himself.

Finally, on a whim, I planned to go to the south. Unexpectedly, I arrived in the Xu Kingdom in the north of the Yangtze River. I happened to meet Duan Mukui, who came to the north of the Yangtze River to look for things and had seen the immortal.

When Wu Mu saw that he was only in the late stage of foundation building, he felt pity for him and laughed three times. He never thought that Duanmu Kui would beat him to a pulp while holding a book, so his pity and pity body was crippled and he would never cross the river again.

"Seven hundred years of practice..."

Most of Wumu's memories are about interpretation and cultivation methods, but after seven hundred years of practice, he has studied the techniques of both demonic and immortal cultivators in detail. Needless to say, the techniques of demonic cultivators are all ancient methods.

He briefly read it and found out that the magic skills and immortal skills of these exercises during the transition between Liang and Zhao were not very clear. The Zifu Jindan Dao exercises were naturally followed by various methods of swallowing the same ginseng.

"No wonder Wumu Lianmin also classified Zifu Jindan Dao as a demonic cultivator..."

He quickly changed directions and checked carefully. In Wu Mu Lian's memory, there were three visions of the fall of a true king like Emperor Zhaowu, let alone a suspicious one...

"The other three times were concentrated in the two hundred years from seven hundred years ago to five hundred years ago..."

Lu Jiangxian silently noted it down, and used the backhand left in Wu Mu Lian's soul to secretly observe the scene in Taixu.


Wu Ming Lian woke up from the trance in a trance. He had only pinched half of the magic formula in his hand. It seemed that only one breath had passed. He felt as if he had been in another world, with golden light shining in front of him and lotus flowers falling.

He was shocked for a moment, feeling the scorching magic power that was looming deep in his soul, and realized that everything just now was not an illusion, and his heart suddenly felt extremely painful.


The red-skinned and blue-eyed person on the side asked sadly, but his tone was very mocking:

"Master Wumu woke up suddenly. He must have been affected by his destiny. He had some good opportunity! Tell me?"

Although everyone was motionless, each holding a magic weapon, like a pile of densely packed statues, Five Eyes Lianmin knew that his meal had already fallen into the eyes of the cultivators, and they were all looking at him.

What made him even more frightened was the empty Maha [Zhelu] behind him. Although he was sinking in the void at the moment, turning into a thousand-eyed body and watching the Xu Kingdom, there was a lot of movement and movement, and this Maha must be seen, and his situation became even worse. Tougher.

He remained calm in the face of danger, pretending to put away the small copper sword in his hand in panic. As expected, Lian Min, who had red skin and blue eyes, laughed and said sarcastically:

"Yuan is your Arhat is dead!"

As soon as he said this, he secretly cheered in his heart. Sure enough, the peeping eyes retreated by more than half, and moved away boringly. With pitiful eyes, he said coldly:

"Chiluo, what do you have to do with me?"

Chiluo Lianmin's dojo was close to his Five Eyes Temple, and they had never dealt with him. What's more, there were many disputes in the early years. Five Eyes had been hating him for a long time. For the first time, he felt that this guy was of some use, and he made a look of fierceness and inwardness. Sure enough, he saw Chi Luo smiled sympathetically and said:

"Did your Arhat die in Jiangnan?"

Without waiting for his reply, Chiluo Lianmin only said:

"Duanmukui died a long time ago! To be so afraid...is to lose all the face of Kong Wuxiang. Mr. [Zhelu] actually has a waste like you under his command? If I had been here at that time, I would have beaten this barbarian to a bloody head. flow."

'not good! ’

He screamed bitterly in his heart, and sure enough, when he mentioned [Zhelu], an eye slowly looked from behind him, staring directly at the two of them, with a voice like a ghost:

"Stop making any noise! ​​We have guests."

The five eyes were pitiful and the heart paused, and he said secretly:

"After all, it's because the Immortal's methods are so good. My fate has been placed in Maha's hands. Something has been planted in my soul, and he doesn't know anything about it... Sure enough, it's at least a level one Golden Pill method!"

As he was thinking about it, hundreds of golden lights rose in front of him, and a lotus flower platform flew up out of thin air. On it sat a child of fifteen or six years old, carved in pink and jade, exquisite and cute. Behind him was a golden temple, like a waterfall of incense and incense. The smoke flows out, soft and beautiful.

There was a small repair announcement immediately below:

"Welcome to the Lotus Temple [Great Compassion and Good Joy Lotus Prime Minister] Viola Lotus Maha Maha!"

"[Shan Le Xiang] is here..."

A thought flashed through everyone's hearts, and then they saw the child's voice floating around, shouting:

"Zhelu! Someone from the Tuoba family is here!"

Baixiang Valley.

Li Xizhi has been practicing for half a year. The weather has been calm, and winter has gradually begun to snow again. The mountains and forests are completely white, and the scenery is different from that in the south of the Yangtze River. It is very reassuring.

After being stationed for a long time, the heaven and earth were changing continuously, and the glow was flowing. Li Xizhi had already accumulated a lot of savings, so he swallowed the pill and successfully broke through to the later stage of foundation building.

The two people who came with him: Yu Yuwei from Panqi Peak and Quan Yi from Linghe Peak, are now gradually settling down. Yu Yuwei's two disciples have arrived, and Quan Yi, who was timid at first, is also practicing with peace of mind.

Several people were chatting in the courtyard from time to time, facing the sky full of white snow. The two juniors were waiting in front of them. Everyone in the valley sat down and knelt down to listen. They were mesmerized by the conversation. They drank and discussed trivial matters. They were really carefree. feel.

Occasionally, several checkpoints under the jurisdiction of the valley sent people to come and the stationed foundation-building monks came to report, but it was nothing serious, only a few demon cultivators came randomly.

"Brother Xi Zhi!"

The middle-aged man Quan Yi is now a brother-in-law. Although he is slightly older, he dare not trust him.

“What a nice snow!”

In half a year, Li Xizhi also became familiar with Quan Yi. This person grew up in the sect and was not very scheming. He had no wife or children, and only had an old mother in the peak.

He has no Taoist companionship and no partners. His rare success is to successfully build a foundation. He just wants to protect his mother in her old age. Now that he has been recruited, he is naturally unwilling to do so. Fortunately, he has become familiar with her after more than half a year. , and also had a little smile.

Yu Yuwei sat aside, took a sip of wine, and sighed:

"Xi Zhi... that elder of your family is really powerful... he killed Murong Wu in formation..."

Li Xizhi chuckled. He was really happy when he got the news. Quan Yi also asked questions. The past few months have slowly faded away. This is the only thing that Yu Wei always thinks about. He always has to talk and have memories. color.

Li Xizhi nodded slightly, still thinking about his family on the other side of the mountain, staring at the snow quietly, and soon he saw a black light coming from the south and stopping outside the formation.


Li Xizhi stood up, and Yu Yuwei, who was also the old god, also became serious, and suddenly heard a shout from outside the formation:

"Third Young Master! Third Young Master? Wu Shao is here! Send me something!"

"Li Wushao..."

Li Xizhi was a little surprised. Li Wushao was surrendered by his father Li Yuanjiao himself. He had naturally seen this demonic snake before. Even in name of the patriarchal clan, he was Li Wushao's master.

Recognizing him at a glance, he flew to the front of the formation and asked softly:

"How are you at home? Why did you get sent here?"

Li Wushao, still dusty, shook off the flying snow from his body, revealing his black clothes that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, and replied:

"Third Young Master, Guan Guan just resisted a wave of demonic cultivators. There is no serious problem. However, Master Qinghong collected the magic weapon and recast it and asked his subordinates to bring it to him."

Li Xizhi nodded and observed carefully. It was indeed Li Wushao. He checked a few tokens and then came out. Li Wushao stared at him with envy on his gloomy face and said:

"The third young master has surpassed me in cultivation! I really envy him."

Li Xizhi used his spiritual sense to see that it was indeed Li Wushao, so he led him into the battle and replied:

"Although your cultivation is slower, you have a long lifespan. Each has its own benefits... Don't say who is envious of the other."

Li Xizhi confessed to the people in the courtyard and took Li Wushao back to his room. Only then did Li Wushao take out a folding fan from his sleeve.

Then I saw that the fan was a faint blue, showing most of an arc. The twelve umbrella ribs were clean and neat, exuding a faint brilliance, as if mixed with some kind of rosy light, and dots of colored light appeared on the body of the fan.

Li Xizhi smiled a little, took it in his hand, and examined it carefully. Li Wushao replied:

"Master Qinghong took this from the Helian family after he killed it. It originally had only six fan bones. It is a magic weapon. The whole body is refined with soul and blood. It can blow out gray magic wind, and maybe also Other uses…”

"Later, I had people carefully change it. I thought about using it for Young Master, so I removed the blood souls and used cold essence and black iron to make up for it. The quality dropped a bit, but it is still pretty good."

"It was originally a large fan that could cover half a person. Now it has ribs added to make the fan thicker. It is only about the size of a chest... After searching around, I only found some Xiaguang treasures and smelted them in."

After Li Xizhi listened carefully, he answered "Okay" very softly. From his point of view, this magical weapon can only be regarded as ordinary in foundation building, but it has a different meaning, so he smiled and said:

"Senior Wushao, please tell my aunt, I'm sorry to worry about it."

Li Wushao nodded and replied:

"I'll definitely bring it to you...Young Master can give you a name, and I'll go back and give you the answer."

Li Xizhi tried it for a while. After all, it was not as good as the sword, but it also had a unique advantage. It was very convenient to use some rejection, exploration, and capture spells. He said softly:

"Let's call it [Xiayou]."

Li Wushao nodded, and Li Xizhi quickly remembered something:

"When I made the breakthrough, Xiao'er picked a [Six Rainbow Mist] for me. It is still in the storage bag. I just took it out and refined it day and night, and refined it into this fan."

As he was thinking about it, Li Wushao nodded quickly, took a letter and put it in his hand, cupped his hand and replied:

"Then my subordinate will go back now... I'm afraid that if I leave for too long, something will happen at the checkpoint, and I still have to confirm the truth..."

Li Xizhi nodded naturally and flew all the way out of the formation. Li Wushao hesitated for a moment with a gloomy face and replied:

"The old master is not alive... Wu Shao should have been by the young master's side, but he was not around due to the assignment. Please take care of the young master."

This old snake is usually gloomy and rude when he scolds people, but over the past few decades, he has lived a life that is completely incomparable to Donghai. The kindness is remembered. Li Xizhi listened silently, nodded in agreement, and sent it all the way. Outside the valley.

He hung the [Xiayou] Spirit Fan on his waist and flew in the wind. After reading the letter, he also understood something about Guanzhong. When he fell back into the formation, Yu Yuwei only glanced at it and said with a smile:

"Congratulations to Xi Zhi for getting the magic weapon."

Quan Yi glanced at it with envy. He just thought that the sword behind Li Xizhi must be a foundation, and there was a feather coat, and the precious fan was also a foundation. He said congratulations and secretly sighed:

'It's a pity that my ancestors of the Quan family... missed the opportunity. It was a great opportunity to invest in Qingchi alone early... Even if we occupy more territory and wait for annexation... my Quan family can compare with the surnames of Yuan, Yu, and Ning, and we will not be defeated by the generation. To the point of passing it on behalf of a single person...'

While he was thinking secretly, Li Xizhi and Yu Yuwei stood in horror. They both looked to the north and saw gray mist rising, looming and floating in the sky.

Quan Yi's face turned pale and he said in shock:

"There is something going on in the Tuoba family!"

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