Xuanjian Immortal Clan

Chapter 569 One Side

"Master... After the incident at Qingsongguan, the body of Yuanwu Caocao died. This animal had no time to take care of itself and had no time to trouble my family..."

Li Chengliao responded respectfully, Tu Longjian nodded slightly, put one hand on the case and said:

"Yuanwu is impatient and vicious, and he endured it well before his death. Yuanwu Peak is a mess. His temperament is such that his own family is still afraid of him."

Li Chengliao heard that Tu Longjian was unexpectedly familiar with Yuanwu and even the Tang and Yu families. When he moved slightly, Tu Longjian began to think deeply:

"Back then, when Guo E entered [Mirage Sky] with Yu Xiuxian, Zhang Lingshu, Cheng Mianfu, Zhang Cuotian... they had a dispute in the middle, killing most of them, and a few people escaped..."

"Guo E said that he was forced by Yuan Wu to dare not go out, and he was seriously injured and was about to die, so he had to refine himself into the [Six Ding Binghuo Order]... fell into a deep sleep, and was brought out by Zhang Lingshu... But how did Zhang Lingshu die? …”

"He said he came to the Chongming Palace. There was a futon beside the steps outside the palace, which also contained a jade box. It was taken away by Zhang Cuotian and is now missing."

"Where did the jade that Zhang Lingshu took away... fall? Cheng Mianfu died, and who took away his spiritual sword at that time..."

Although he was extremely gentle towards his friends, he was not unguarded and vigilant. His heart moved like lightning. On the surface, he just took a sip of tea and looked at the white ape for a moment, but his thoughts just stopped suddenly.

"Who is this…"

Tu Longjian's pupils turned slightly red, and the Zi Mansion's magical power was mobilized. Fragments in his memory were suddenly brought out. He stood up suddenly:

"Have you ever been to this mountain before?"

The white ape was neither humble nor arrogant, he just bowed and said:

"Old Ape is lucky enough to have been making medicine here for more than ten years, and he has also seen a real person."


The white ape's current appearance is completely different from that of the past, but his aura is somewhat similar to that of the past. Dragon Slaying Jian used his magical power to evoke the contrast, his heart was slightly shaken, and he said in a complex way:

"You have had another encounter... Now you have become a foundation, or a 'True Qi'... Why don't you tell us about it?"

White Ape bowed down and said in a deep voice:

"Reporting to the Master, the mountain gate was broken, the white ape was captured by the Yu family, chained with cold iron, tortured with iron whips, and met with evil tribulations in the market. Fortunately, he was saved by the main family, and I have been blessed by the kindness to this day."

Dragon Slaying Jian lowered his eyebrows and asked in a hoarse voice:

"At that time, the demon cultivators were attacking the mountain gate, and the sect master sent me all the way out through the secret passage, and then he turned back again."

"I originally wanted to go back to check, but I was discovered by the demon cultivator and chased me. I ran away thousands of miles away. I was lucky enough to kill the demon cultivator... I wonder what happened to the sect afterwards?"

The white ape replied with a rich voice:

"The sect leader was fighting one against three, and his body was refined. The young master's head was taken off at the foot of the mountain... The magic smoke rolled up, and the demon cultivator used his head to eat the senior brother. All the cultivators died soon. .”

"I protected the second young lady and escaped for several miles. I lost all my power and fell from the air. Half of my body was broken and the second young lady also died."

"The old slave lay on the muddy ground for a long time. Fortunately, the evil cultivators were raging and the demons dispersed. No monsters came to eat me. The old slave crawled out with his hands, drank a few mouthfuls of muddy water, dug a cave, and then got lucky. Life."

Tu Longjian paused for more than ten breaths without speaking. His voice was a little choked and he asked:

"Where's my father?"

When Bai Yuan said this, his tone could no longer calm down, revealing a bit of hoarseness:

"The protector's body was strong and the demon cultivators liked him very much. The demon cultivators lifted him up and flew across the mountains. The old ape was dying below and listened. The demons made fists and drank wine, dividing his flesh and blood until there was no sound until the horizon."

Tu Longjian closed his eyes, and Li Chengliao felt his heart beating wildly, the soles of his feet burning, and all the blood in his body rushed to his head. The hazy light jumped twice on the palm of the real man's hand and then went out.

As if aware of his discomfort, these abnormalities immediately disappeared. After a full quarter of an hour, Dragon Slayer opened his eyes and whispered:

"I understand. You go with me to the mountains and point out these places one by one. I will use my magical powers to listen and check to see if I can find a few bones."

Bai Yuan looked at Li Chengliao, saw him nodding, and then went out with Tu Longjian. The young master only left one sentence:

"Cheng Liao, wait here. Someone will invite you to the mountain for a banquet soon."

Li Chengliao sent them out, and then he felt that the sweat on his face had stopped a little. He looked down at the ground again, and saw that the bluestone was already glowing red.

"Male Fire Female Water... is extremely rare nowadays... the power is difficult, let alone the Zi Mansion."

He also wanted to stay in this cave, but it was extremely hot here, and even his magic power was heated up and dissipated. He couldn't stay any longer, so he had to leave the cave in two steps and wait patiently in front of the stone door.

Li Chengliao paused for a moment, and sure enough, a man came down on the wind, his attitude was very respectful, and he said respectfully:

"The banquet on the mountain has been prepared. Fellow Taoists, please take a seat first."

Li Chengliao naturally understood that for a grand event like this to build the foundation and practice Qi, he would have to wait at the table early. Generally, he would only see Zifu in the past three or four hours.

"The current situation is unusual. There should be fewer people coming to Zifu."

He was thinking secretly when he saw a group of people falling from the front. They were all wearing clear blue robes, with white jade dazzling Taoist crowns on their tops. Each of them was holding a magical weapon, and they were all unusual.

"The Immortal Envoy of Qingchi... presented the precious medicine and spiritual weapon... to congratulate the real person..."

Li Chengliao listened to the person in front singing, and then realized that it was the Qingchi monk. Each of these people was young and energetic, chatting freely, and the leader was handsome and should be a member of the Chi family.

He did not sit down immediately, but silently observed from the corner. When he saw the leader sitting down, he pulled the young man next to him to talk eagerly. His eyes were immediately attracted by the young man on the left side of the Chi family.

This young man has a wild and uninhibited posture, leaning on the table with one hand and putting the other foot on the futon on the table next to him. The look on his eyebrows is very scornful, but his eyebrows are sharp and long, and his eyes are slightly narrow and long. If he is serious, he should be very serious. Fierce.

He only felt that the young man's face was familiar, and he had some guesses in his mind. He pretended to look for a place and walked past the group of people. Hearing the Chi family laugh and say:

"Yuan Qin! Your cultivation has improved tremendously in the past few days! After all, you are the legitimate son of that Immortal Gong!"

These words fell into Li Chengliao's ears very softly, and he reacted immediately, feeling happy and surprised in his heart:

"It's him……"

The young man with a scornful attitude swept his eyes around the seat, as if looking for something, and said casually:

"What's the use of this old guy if he doesn't want to teach me my real skills? Brother Fu Bo, it's better to talk about something else... Chi Fuju went to the ruins of the Northern Cave Mansion, so we can only eat and drink here..."

These words made Li Chengliao's heart sink, and Chi Fubo's expression suddenly became gloomy. He put down the jade cup in his hand and his voice gradually became lower:

"What Yuan Qin said is... But now the head of the Thirty-Six Peaks still has Jiu Feng... It is not easy to fight him... I have also tried the method I discussed with you first. The uncle has some feelings for him. Suspect…"

Li Chengliao was afraid of being discovered by this group of people, so he quickly walked away. White mist slowly rose from the table, blocking all the words. When he reached the end, he looked back carefully.

But he saw the white mist slowly enveloping him, and he happened to encounter the scornful and vicious gaze in the gap of the clouds. The scornful young man was holding jade chopsticks in one hand and was turning the spiritual fruits over and over.

Li Chengliao's heart skipped a beat. Fortunately, the young man didn't seem to be looking at him. He was just lost in thought. His lips opened and closed slightly, his mouth was decisive and sharp, and he quickly looked away.

As the clouds enveloped him, Li Chengliao stepped to the edge of the table. That look still appeared in his mind, and his heart felt like a mixture of five emotions, and he couldn't tell what it was like.


Bian Yanshan.

Li Xuanfeng had just come out of seclusion and walked slowly out of the cave. He drank a cup of tea in front of the main hall, and Ning Heyuan hurried forward.

As Ning He approached, he was startled by the middle-aged man in front of him. After taking a closer look, he recognized Li Xuanfeng. Seeing his sharp eyebrows, fierce temperament, and his body slowly exuding a white-gold brilliance, he quickly congratulated him. road:

"Congratulations to my brother-in-law for his great improvement in strength! He has regained his youth!"

Li Xuanfeng was still a little unaccustomed to his current appearance. He lowered his brows. Even though he had no expression, his face was still full of high spirits and bravery. He replied:

"Why are you so polite...how long have I been in seclusion? What happened?"

"Less than half a year!"

Ning Heyuan quickly whispered:

"In the past six months, Tang Shedu first took advantage of Tuoba Zhongyuan's death to raid the Baixiang Valley and regained most of the territory that was originally lost. In some places, he even expanded a few miles to the north. Then he fought to the death, and the north and south Everyone has suffered losses, but there have been no major changes."

"In the past few months, demonic cultivators have suffered repeated setbacks, and many monks have been defeated...Many cave ruins have also fallen from the sky. Two of them are larger, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles. Many people have come to compete for the opportunity."

After hearing this, Li Xuanfeng nodded slightly. Looking at the way he came up in a hurry, he guessed that there was probably something going on and he was waiting for him to speak.

Sure enough, only two breaths passed before Ning Heyuan said in a deep voice:

"Brother-in-law, on the other side of the demon cultivator, there are two new people in the Murong family... It is said that the cultivation level should not be underestimated. It is estimated that the demon cultivator has gone south again in the past two months. Chi Zhiyan asked me several times about my brother-in-law, maybe I have some ideas. .”

Li Xuanfeng was not in a hurry, but changed the subject and asked him:

"So how's the recasting of the spirit armor going?"

Ning Heyuan suddenly realized and replied:

"Of course it's fine, I'll ask someone to bring it to my brother-in-law!"

He ordered to go down and then said:

"Brother-in-law, there have been two more real people in Jiangnan in the past six months..."

Ning Heyuan introduced them one by one. Needless to say Dragon Slaughter, there was also one who was an immortal cultivator from the Wu Kingdom, Cheng Zifu. He was from the Ni family of the Wu Kingdom. They were located on the edge of the Great Western Plateau at the western end of the Wu Kingdom, so there was not much movement.

"The dragon-slaying sword breaks through... someone really can't sleep peacefully!"

There was a smile on Li Xuanfeng's gloomy face. After all, this was rare good news for the Li family. With one more Zifu who was close to his family, he might be able to save several lives and avoid a lot of grievances.

"Taoist, your Excellency has summoned you!"

While he was introducing, the people from the Chi family were not slow at all, and followed closely behind. Before he finished speaking, His Highness came up and two people carried a pair of platinum-gold helmets together, which were dazzling and floating. Pale white glow.

The helmet hadn't been named yet, but Li Xuanfeng specifically ordered that a lot of Mingyang's treasures be added to it when it was made. Most of them were bought by him himself, and he spent most of his storage bag.

Li Xuanfeng didn't have time to observe the helmet, so he put it away and strode out. Ning Heyuan followed closely behind. The two of them rode the wind together and landed in front of the main hall.

Chi Zhiyan was holding a map to observe. When he saw the two people coming in, he waved casually. Ning Heyuan immediately exited knowingly. Chi Zhiyan came over enthusiastically and asked:

"What kind of immortal foundation has the Taoist obtained?"

Li Xuanfeng nodded slightly, but he knew in his heart:

‘Either Chi Zhiyan knows what kind of elixir the [Geng Jin Three Qi Pill] is, or there must be a tacit understanding and consensus among the real core direct descendants of Qingchi on this matter...'

"It's the 'Heavenly Gold Armor'."

After hearing this, Chi Zhiyan nodded with satisfaction and said happily:

"The real person is still worried! The 'Heavenly Golden Armor' is inherently good, and coupled with Senior Xuanfeng's bow skills, it will definitely make these demon cultivators come back!"

Li Xuanfeng gestured with his hand, and Chi Zhiyan pulled him forward, lightly drew a circle on the map, encircling a mountain forest, and said in a deep voice:

"This is [called Shuiling]. It used to be where the royal tombs of the Ning Kingdom were located. The terrain is flat, but the spiritual power is very deep and it is very suitable for setting up formations. Therefore, the demon cultivators of the Murong family are stationed."

"This time there is another demon cultivator in the Murong family. It cannot be broken except by senior Xuanfeng. Senior led the men and horses I ordered up the river. I have ordered Tang Shedu to attack from the other side, and Yu Su intercepted them from the south. …”

His eyes were eager and he said in a deep voice:

"Tuoba Zhongyuan made me suffer such a big loss earlier, and now he is going to kill him!"

Li Xuanfeng heard that it was not an easy job, he sighed in his heart and asked:

"I don't know where to take the capable men and horses?"

Chi Zhiyan smiled and replied:

"Transferred from Yanshanguan! The monks here have won many battles these days, and they have made a lot of contributions. They are also the ones with the least injuries. Li Qinghong, Lingu Lanying and others are all the best in foundation building... "

Li Xuanfeng felt his heart become cold when he heard this, and said secretly:

"This is to let all the foundation builders of my clan go into battle... Anyway, it is better to go to Tang Shedu, Yu Su and others under my command... I can take care of them at least."

"What's more, if you come down this time, you won't have to fight anymore for at least a year or two..."

He looked at the map carefully, and found that three soldiers and horses were able to intercept this group of demonic cultivators. Even if the demonic cultivators collapsed, they would only run into Yu Su's people, and would not threaten Yanshan Pass, which had all mobilized to build bases.

"At least Chi Zhiyan doesn't want to see his combat power compromised for no reason... That's why he will hand over the Li family's foundation building to me."

As for Li Xizhi, who was under the command of Tang Shedu, he was even more forced to support each other. Li Xuanfeng looked at the list and found that there were indeed many Tang family members and Yu family members under his command.

Chi Zhiyan discussed with him for a while, and Li Xuanfeng nodded in agreement, took a token, and rode out. Ning Heyuan had been waiting in front of the hall for a long time. Li Xuanfeng just threw out the list and said in a deep voice:

"Instruct the cultivators at Yanshan Pass to come to the mountain to meet me within three days!"

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