Xuanjian Immortal Clan

Chapter 663 Two people

After Li Zhouwei finished praying, the hall was surrounded by clear light, and the mysterious screen of Chongming Cave was filled with white air. Two white lights appeared in the void, turned around in a circle, planted two white flowers, and hung in the air, forming two lines of gold characters.

One is:

"Li Jiangqian."

The other one is:

"Li Shuwan."

Li Zhouwei and others thanked them, raised their eyebrows and looked at Li Qinghong. They saw that she was shocked. The two white flowers fluttered down and she immediately reached out to catch them.

"There are actually two talismans..."

Li Jiangqian's name made several people sigh in relief, but the other name had never been heard before. The three of them were all stunned, except Li Xuanxuan, who was somewhat reminiscing.

Li Qinghong looked complicated, while Li Xuanxuan frowned. He had already taken out the jade slip from his storage bag to look at it. The old man was nostalgic and often thought about which family and which lineage would be the last, and which lineage he had to settle on to make up for, so every year He has all the directories in his hand.

After pausing for two full breaths, Li Xuanxuan showed some enthusiasm and replied:

"It turns out they are my descendants...but they are a little far apart...now they are Xiaozong."

He laughed out loud, turned the jade slip over, handed it into their hands, and whispered:

"It could not be better!"

Li Qinghong breathed a sigh of relief, took the jade slip to read, and found Li Shuwan's name at a glance. As he went up, he frowned again and read:

"Li Yesheng...Li Xiewen...Li Pingyi...eh? Isn't this from Uncle Xie Wen's lineage? Did the uncle see it wrong?"

When Li Xuanxuan mentioned this matter, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes and he said softly:

"This matter... we still have to talk about your elder brother!"

Li Qinghong immediately raised his eyebrows and murmured:

"Brother Yuanxiu?"

Li Xuanxuan sat down aside, sorted out his words, and said softly:

"Uncle Ye Sheng doesn't have many heirs, and Xie Wen is still the main one. The rest are not good people. At that time, he opened a gambling den and became involved in adultery. He was caught by your elder brother and killed one of them. The rest were burned. He was driven out of the town and his name was removed from the clan, leaving Xie Wen alone..."

"Xie Wen has three daughters and one son, but Li Pingyi is the only one. He was young because of..."

Decades later, Li Xuanxuan still chokes up when talking about this matter and sighed:

"Because of the Yu family's Lei Huo incident, I committed suicide... so I ended my marriage."

"Xie Wensui has no children, and several of his brothers have committed serious sins and are no longer in the clan. I remember his old friendship. My seventh grandson's second son is a mortal and has fallen into a small clan. There are also small clans on the left and right, so I will adopt him. …”

"I see…"

Li Qinghong took a breath of silence and said softly:

"Then now that you have a spiritual orifice, let's return to the big sect again!"

Li Zhouwei listened quietly on the side, and Li Xuanxuan only said:

"I'll go get it right away."

Li Qinghong smiled, nodded, and said:

"Let me go. This matter should not be delayed. Count the time... She is only six years old. Don't attract the attention of interested people. I will take advantage of the night to meet and see what this little girl looks like."

Li Zhouwei responded and replied:

"I'll bring Jiang Qian over."

Li Qinghong disappeared into the main hall in an instant. Li Xuanxuan picked up the two white flowers, not daring to hold them in his hands. He only used his magic power to capture them from the air, and his spiritual consciousness moved lightly.

This flower has twelve petals, all of which are pure white. The flower core inside is like light and shadow, flickering in and out, exuding a strong cinnamon fragrance. The old man smelled it and felt relaxed and happy. He raised his head and asked:

"Does Minghuang know what this is?"

Li Zhouwei shook his head, feeling the abundant power of the lunar calendar in the flower, took out two jade boxes, put them inside, and said softly:

"I'm afraid it's another extinct spiritual object. When the younger generation has the opportunity, go to the Dragon or Fox tribe to find some jade slips that record the spiritual objects in ancient times and compare them."

In fact, these are not the only Taiyin treasures in the Li family. There is also a piece of cinnamon branches and white flowers that fell from the Xianjian riot when Yu Muxian came to the lake. They were carefully put away by Li Yuanjiao. However, according to the preservation methods of the Li family, this thing cannot be completely preserved. It's dissipating every year.

A small part of these things were used to give Li Wushao his life, and the rest had long since dissipated over the past few decades. Li Zhouwei put them away and whispered:

"It seems difficult to preserve. It may be some treasures that cannot be exposed. If you can't find them, or find traces and it's too valuable, it's better to use them. White Ape suffered too many injuries in his early years. Use these two items. Assigning him a life should allow him to replenish his foundation."


It's not that Li Xuanxuan doesn't feel sorry for this old brother, but he still feels a little bit bitter after listening to it. I'm afraid that this thing is probably much more precious than the [Ming Fang Tian Stone] in the lunar system such as Chun Dao.

"My family uses it to match fate... just like it used to use the lunar moonlight to cultivate the Xuanjing Wheel..."

The old man didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he turned over the jade box in his hand and carefully put it into his arms.

Lijing Prefecture, Lichuankou.

The night breeze was slightly cold, the loquat trees in the mansion were drooping, and the rain was dripping. Li Baotuo was shivering from the cold, so he put on two extra pieces of clothing, and several children laughed together in the courtyard.

"What are you shouting about!"

He buttoned up his clothes, pushed the door open and went out, rubbing his hands. The weather was indeed getting colder day by day, but Li Baotuo's heart was as hot as hot coals.

"God bless... from this generation of mortals, a cultivator is finally born..."

Li Baotuo's daughter, Li Shuwan, read the exercises distributed by her clan the day before yesterday and condensed a ray of spiritual power, which made Li Baotuo ecstatic.

Li Baotuo has never had a cultivator in his lineage, so he is very low on the list of monks who come to inspect spiritual orifices. There are too many mortals like his family, and there are even more six-year-old children. Now, it’s difficult to check them one by one. Usually, a book of the most common fetal breath exercises is given out for people to take home and try on their own.

Li Baotuo's ancestors had great achievements and did not lack this thing. When Li Shuwan was six years old, he was too lazy to queue up and tried the exercises by himself. After trying this, Li Baotuo almost fainted with joy.


When he saw his daughter coming over, his face was suddenly filled with smiles. When his children sat down at the table together, he sat down with a high posture and said in a deep voice:

"This matter is important. I went to find Uncle Chenghao... through him to find a monk to take a look at Shuwan! Counting the time, it will come soon, so everyone should pay attention."

Li Shuwan leaned on the table, his eyes moving around on the meatballs in the bowl - this was a rare meal.

Li Baotuo's ancestors were only as glorious as their ancestors. Today's life is actually extremely shabby. He only had a large empty house, and the ones that could be sold had been sold out by his ancestors. The remaining big house was really gone after it was sold.

The whole family relies on Li Baotuo and his eldest son to run several boats on the lake. These businesses can still be done. Occasionally, the clan chief will come to check, and Li Baotuo naturally has a clear conscience.

"But where can I compare to cultivating immortals?"

To put it bluntly, as long as Li Shuwan is talented enough, his family can even move to the lake, and the salary will be enough for the family to live in peace and stability for the rest of their lives.

"As for Shuwan... after decades of cultivation, if he comes back to see us, I'm afraid he won't be able to recognize him."

It was said in the play, and Li Baotuo had also heard a lot of rumors. Immortals were always high and low. He estimated that he would not have much time to see Li Shuwan in the rest of his life, and he felt relieved but also a little sad.

Li Baotuo quickly put it behind him, and discussed with his sons how to set the table, how to notify relatives and friends, and have a good banquet. Li Shuwan had a spiritual body, and all those who had been respected and looked down on were coming. With a smile on his face, several closely related branches of cultivation would send people over. This was to win over Li Shuwan.

He waited for a while, feeling increasingly anxious, and finally heard a cry from outside the hospital:

"Good nephew! I have invited your guest here!"

Li Baotuo jumped up from the table, and his sons stood up with a roar. One, two, three, and four all followed behind him. They rushed to the courtyard in a swarm and said respectfully:

"I've met two elders!"

The leader was his uncle Li Chenghao. Although he was a mortal, his blood was extremely precious. Li Baotuo had a deep relationship with his ancestors and brothers. He had seen him when he was a child and kept shouting:

"I haven't seen my uncle for many years! My nephew misses him so much!"

Li Chenghao laughed. He was a man who was good at sneaking into camps and was the son of Li Ximing. Although he was a mortal, he had made friends with many monks through this. He had a good impression of Li Baotuo in his heart, so he immediately invited the monks over.

He pointed to the old man in brown clothes beside him and said with a smile:

"This is Hu Keqing! He is a high-level Qi practitioner!"

"Practice your Qi!"

Li Baotuo was immediately shocked. He had a lot of experience. People like this were very powerful in Fufeng. He was very excited that Li Chenghao could invite such people here. He said respectfully:

"I've met senior! This place is crude... please forgive me, senior!"

Hu Keqing was very polite to Li Chenghao, but he was not so polite to Li Baotuo, who had been reduced to a minor sect for who knows how many years. For Li Chenghao's sake, he nodded slightly and said softly:

"You are Welcome."

Li Baotuo didn't think it was anything. He nodded repeatedly and welcomed him into the court. When he met Li Chenghao's eyes full of meaning, he was stunned and immediately understood:

"This is looking for support for my Shuwan family!"

"But...is this appropriate..."

If Li Baotuo were an ordinary disciple of a small sect, he would have greeted him with a smile on his face after receiving such a signal. However, he had some inheritance and knew something about the things in the palace. The sixteen palaces were not harmonious and beautiful. A peaceful atmosphere.

"This is the Lijing Mansion... It is the territory of the old four surnames... I have voted under these four surnames. I don't know which monk surnamed Hu is. If I have anything to do with him... I will offend the four surnames... "

What's more, Li Baotuo's family knew about his family affairs. He looked like an ordinary small sect, but in fact he was adopted from a large sect. If the younger generation stands out and excels, strives for one or two, and even returns to the large sect, then there is no need to argue with any faction or faction. Come and take it away!

A lot went through his mind as he changed his mind. He already pulled the girl over in his hand and said with a smile:

"Shu Wan! I've met these two seniors!"

Li Shuwan turned his head to look, and found that the man in brown clothes had six light spots flickering on his body, and a slightly mixed air flow surrounded him. He was slightly different from the people he had seen flying in the sky. He couldn't help but Take a second look.

However, Hu Keqing only glanced at her briefly, nodded and stepped forward, sighing secretly:

"The ancestors of Li Baotuo's family are all mortals. How can the talent of the first monk here be so good? Li Chenghao wants me to give you some advice... It's really troublesome."

He made a careful gesture and glanced around the table. He found that nothing was edible and said softly:

"Just drink tea."

The table full of food carefully prepared by Li Baotuo was empty, and he was welcomed in with sweating profusely. He sat down in the inner hall. Li Chenghao talked for a few words at first, and Hu Keqing responded somewhat. When Li Baotuo opened his mouth, this The man in brown clothes immediately lowered his head and became silent.

Now even a fool can see Hu Keqing's resistance. The food in the hall is getting colder, and his wife is standing helplessly at the end of the hall. After all, Li Baotuo is a mortal, what can he talk to a cultivator? Embarrassed and speechless.

Although Li Shuwan was only six years old, looking at Li Shuwan, he felt sad in his heart and said softly:

"My daughter is going down."

Li Baituo let out a breath and was about to stop her, but Li Chenghao let her go with a smile. When Li Shuwan left, Hu Keqing saw Li Chenghao's dissatisfaction and asked casually:

"I wonder how long it took for the daughter to gather the first ray of spiritual energy?"

Only then did Li Baotuo feel that his embarrassment was slightly relieved, and he whispered:

"It seemed like an hour."

Hu Keqing was stunned for a moment. Seeing Li Baotuo's confused face, he felt horrified in his heart:


A few people were chatting in the hall, and Li Shuwan just wandered all the way to the back courtyard. There were a few loquat trees standing in the deserted courtyard. She took a walk, thinking of her parents' helplessness, and couldn't help wiping her tears.

"This guy…"

She took two steps and was startled when she saw someone standing in the court.


Li Shuwan was shocked for a moment, and was immediately attracted to the woman in front of him. He stared at her tightly, unable to move away at all.

The woman was wearing a long feathered dress, her black hair was tied up, and a small white flower hairpin was in her hair. The skirt with green lines was dancing with purple light. Her eyes were dim and purple, and she was looking at her with a smile.


Li Shuwan was stunned for a moment and could not speak. The woman touched her face naturally and laughed. Her voice was clear and crisp:

"Li Shuwan?"


Li Shuwan's hands were clasped behind her back nervously. She knew that the person in front of her must be a monk, so she didn't dare to move around. She glanced at her secretly, but found that there were no six spots of light on her body, only a wave of purple. .

He just watched the fairy-like woman nod her head, her purple eyes looked at the courtyard gate behind her, and her tone was slightly cold:

"This Hu Jingye... is really good at planning. Seeing your extraordinary talent, he immediately began to coerce and lure you, and wanted to arrange a marriage between you and his youngest son..."

Strangely enough, the woman in white just stopped smiling, and spoke with a bit more coldness. Her whole body had a completely different temperament. A daunting majesty appeared on her face, and there seemed to be thunder in the clouds. Rolling and moving.

Li Shuwan raised his head and felt that the clouds in the sky were faintly purple, and he quickly whispered:

"But I heard from my father that this man is very powerful...he is a big shot in the peak..."

The woman was stunned by what she said, and the coldness on her face immediately disappeared. She had a pair of almond-shaped eyes, like the spring breeze thawing, she laughed very clearly, and said with a smile:

"What a big shot!"

Thanks to the leader:

Otaku who is on leave from school

silent soloist



Sifan's pig

Xiao Yewen



Xian Kuo

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