Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1680 Clearing out the stronghold

In the starry sky, Du Long stood on a falling star, letting the falling star fly forward aimlessly!

"Time...space...the avenue of time and space..."

"We can still see some essence in terms of space, but in terms of time... it's still too abstract..."

"Forget it! First find the secret strongholds of the God Killing Guild hidden in this fairy world. My Du Long's hometown, the Immortal World, will never allow anyone from the God Killing Guild to get involved!!"


The figure on the meteorite disappeared without a trace, as if no one had ever appeared on it. Only the meteorite was left alone and continued to fly along the established track at high speed toward the unknown starry sky.

The Black Dragon Palace is located in a certain edge star field in the fairy world. Because of its powerful strength, it has become the overlord of this star field!

However, this powerful Black Dragon Palace is extremely low-key on the surface. In addition to dominating this star field, they never easily go to the outside world to cause trouble. They also allow the four major alliances and even the Black Killing Society to establish in this star field. Division.

Of course, the planet where the Black Dragon Palace is located will never allow external forces to interfere. It is an extremely mysterious planet that refuses all outsiders to enter, otherwise they will be killed!


A figure appeared out of thin air on the outskirts of the forbidden area of ​​​​the star system. It was Du Long with the strength of the Emperor of Heaven who came here!

He got news from Tan Emperor Jiang Xu that this planet, which on the surface does not have contact with any forces, is actually a secret base planet of the God Killing Society!

As a powerful being who grew up in Fang Xianfan's world, Jiang Xu knew the true face of the Black Dragon Palace early on, but because the other party did not provoke the Tan people, he did not go to find trouble with them!

He stared dimly at the dark red planet in the distance. Except for one building, there were almost no buildings on the entire planet, and no trace of human beings living on it.

This is a half-dead star. Du Long can't understand why the God Killing Society would choose such a planet as a secret base. The environment on the planet can only be described as harsh!

His eyes turned to the only building on the planet, which was a black palace built on the base of a huge black dragon skeleton. It was also the location of the headquarters of the Black Dragon Palace!

According to Huo Hong, the old leader of the Qi Alliance, the Black Dragon Palace is so powerful that even the four major alliances have suffered heavy losses at the hands of the other parties. There should be gods of god-level strength within it.

"A strong man of the god level is stationed here?! There must be an ancient teleportation array that can lead to the God Realm here?! Then I will cut off your retreat first, and then slowly deal with you scum!"

After muttering a few words softly to himself, Du Long narrowed his eyes slightly, then took a step forward and instantly displayed the Mahayana magical power of Peng Xianwanli!


His entire body turned into a ray of purple lightning, which instantly passed through the forbidden area and shot towards the target planet at an extremely terrifying speed.

"Huh?! After integrating the secrets of the Great Avenue of Time and Space into the magical power of Peng Xing Wanli, the flying speed has at least more than doubled!" Du Long muttered secretly with joy as he shot away at the target planet at full speed.

At this moment, he is flying from the periphery of the Black Dragon Galaxy to the Black Dragon Planet, reaching the speed of light in an instant and continuing to move forward beyond the speed of light!

"The Avenue of Time and Space... shouldn't be just that!" Although the speed was already very fast, he was still not satisfied. It seemed that there was still something missing, which made him think secretly while rushing.

"The space is locked...can we only move forward at the speed of light?! Why was it possible to break through the forbidden space with the help of the Xuantian Mirror when we were only at the level of Daluo Jinxian before?!"

With a flip of his hands, Xuantian Mirror immediately appeared in his hand. He gently waved the Xuantian Mirror and directly performed Xuantian Escape. A space-time channel instantly appeared in this forbidden area.

"So this is the essence of Xuantian's Escape!" Du Long stared at the space-time channel in front of him with bright eyes. He had no intention of rushing in, but continued to think about something there.

"It's just a forbidden space in the immortal world...that's all! I can open a super long-distance space-time channel without the help of the Xuantian Mirror!"

With a gentle wave of his hand, a space-time passage immediately appeared in front of him, and then he stepped into it without hesitation, and reappeared outside the dark red Black Dragon Star.

Within the Black Dragon Palace, terrifying alarms rang out, and dozens of figures immediately shot out. They were dozens of gods-level beings.

"Who is here?! Why are you trespassing on our Black Dragon Planet?!" A middle-aged man who seemed to be taking the lead shouted angrily at Du Long.

With a faint sneer on his face, Du Long didn't even bother to pay attention to this little god-level ant.

He stared at the Black Dragon Planet and murmured to himself: "It's interesting! You can actually hide your aura with the help of a large formation. No wonder I can't detect the presence of a god-level person here from a distance!"

"You shameless brat!" The middle-aged man shouted angrily again: "Since you want to trespass into the forbidden area of ​​​​my Black Dragon Planet, then go to hell! Kill!"


After being scolded by the guy one after another, Du Long finally got angry, and he didn't see him taking action. An invisible energy instantly enveloped the dozens of gods, making them unable to move!


Under the horrified gaze of many gods, the middle-aged man who had been arrogant and domineering before burst into pieces, and was actually squeezed alive by this terrifying binding force and exploded into a ball of flesh and blood!


Du Long continued to ignore those ant-like gods, and lightly drew his right hand towards the Black Dragon Planet. He could immediately see an invisible energy shield flashing out of thin air, and then countless energies gathered crazily towards the part where his palm had passed.


Just like a balloon being scratched by a blade, the large energy shield covering the entire Black Dragon planet burst instantly. Du Long's consciousness finally penetrated into the Black Dragon Palace smoothly and gained insight into all the changes in it!

"Do you really want to use the ancient formation to escape?!" In the Black Dragon Palace, an ancient formation began to emit light, and was about to activate.

call out!

A stream of colorful light fell from the sky and instantly shattered the teleportation array into pieces. As for the old man standing on it, he was not harmed at all!

The old man looked in horror at the light that suddenly shattered the ancient teleportation array. It was a magic cone with thunder and fire divine light all over its body. Space cracks could be vaguely seen on the edge of the magic cone.

He just watched helplessly as the magic cone exuding the aura of destruction turned around in front of him, and then shot through the top of the building again, returning to the purple figure outside the sky.

Du Long was not in a hurry to take back the Huang Lei Magic Cone, letting it float up and down beside him.

'Time and space. . . The time and space of the fairy world is so fragile. . . Instead, you can try to integrate the mystery of time and space into the palm of Tathagata. What kind of power will there be? ! ';

With his thoughts in his mind, he immediately started to implement it. He lightly printed down with his right palm, and an energy palm print with golden lines exploded in the wind, instantly crossing the boundary of time and appearing above the Black Dragon Palace.

This is hundreds of thousands of miles away in space, and a palm print can reach the target in an instant? !

Such terrifying speed is actually the application of his understanding of the Avenue of Time and Space!

In space, Du Long raised his right hand and could see that the huge energy palm print above the Black Dragon Palace was also clenched tightly. He could hold the huge Black Dragon Palace!

Immediately afterwards, a scene that stunned many gods appeared again. That huge energy palm print actually grabbed the Black Dragon Palace and pulled it up from the ground.

The huge Black Dragon Palace fell apart, and only the remains of the black dragon remained intact. At the original site of the Black Dragon Palace, the old man who had just tried to escape through the ancient teleportation array stood there with dull eyes.

He knew very well the identity of the purple-robed man in the sky, and also knew how terrifying his strength was. He was definitely the most powerful Heavenly Emperor who could easily crush him!

However, he couldn't figure out why this being who could easily kill him with one strike would go to such great lengths to overthrow the entire Black Dragon Palace? !

In fact, Du Long just felt itchy for a moment and took advantage of this move to test his understanding of the Avenue of Time and Space. He was also very satisfied with the results of this test!


With a wave of his hand, the huge Black Dragon Palace crashed into an open space, stirring up smoke and dust all over the sky!

The old man's body floated into the sky uncontrollably, and soon came to Du Long. He finally faced directly the god-killer who was killing everyone in the God Realm!

"Emperor Du Long!" Although the old man was scared in his heart, he said calmly on the surface: "Give me a good time!"

"Want to die happily?!" Du Long said with a cold expression: "Then answer me a few questions honestly, otherwise, I will make you immortal and let your soul live forever in the burning flames. Burning!"

The old man's body trembled involuntarily and he said, "Tell me! Whatever you want to know, I will definitely tell you everything!"

"Very good!" Du Long was obviously very satisfied with his cooperation: "You must have reported the news of my return to this world to the God Killing Club, right?!"

"Yes!" The old man nodded very simply.

"How many secret strongholds does the Divine Killing Society have in this immortal world?! How many heavenly guards are left?!" Du Long continued to ask.

"Besides this place, there are two other secret strongholds, one in... In addition to us people in this Fangxian mortal world, there must be nearly a hundred heavenly guards in the other two strongholds!" The old man still answered very simply.

Facing the old man who cooperated with him so simply, Du Long couldn't help but wonder: "Why are you so cooperative?! Could it be that you have something to hide?!"

"Alas!" The old man sighed softly: "This Fang Xianfan world doesn't have much value anymore. You have to clean it up anyway, so I might as well give up!"

"Very good!" Du Long said with cold eyes: "As long as you don't lie, then I will definitely give you a pleasure. On the contrary, after I verify with the other two secret strongholds, if I find that you have anything to hide, then Just wait for immortality!" (To be continued)

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