Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1774 Bodhi Sapling

In the eighth space-time island, Du Long is sitting cross-legged in this space where the flow of time is a million times faster than the outside world. At this moment, he is in a state of three heads and more than 1,600 arms, without any distractions, sinking all his mind into his Dantian. inside the world.

Only by displaying the Thousand Hands Divine Power can he be better able to multi-task and at the same time be distracted by various mysterious changes in heaven!

In the Dantian world, the huge space-time rift has not closed yet, and is constantly pouring a large amount of pure energy into the Dantian world!

Between heaven and earth, heavenly formations are constantly appearing, and a brand new world is being born. This process will definitely last for a relatively long time before it ends.

It is precisely because the evolution of the Dantian world has not yet ended that Du Long couldn't wait to find such a secret cave, and then he had to cover it up so carefully!

Because he didn't know how long he would have to devote himself to the cultivation state, he didn't want to be interrupted by outsiders who suddenly came to him at the critical moment of his cultivation!

In the Dantian world, the huge planet is still getting bigger like a balloon. The world is filled with pure energy. Abundant energy is constantly expanding this wonderful Dantian world!

At this moment, in addition to the clone who is also working hard to comprehend various mysteries of heaven, Du Long's soul is also working hard to comprehend many mysterious changes of heaven.

The main body and the clone each choose four of the nine avenues to comprehend. Since the clone has a head that is fused with the space-time crystal, the avenues of time and space are naturally left to him to comprehend.

The main direction of my understanding is the array pattern and the Five Elements Avenue. As for the Dou Zhan Dao, it is slightly ignored by the two. The Dou Zhan Dao mainly has to understand the breakthrough in the battle. In this kind of creation, it is similar to the creation of the world. There was not much advantage under the initial conditions!

Rumble. . .

The drastic changes in the world of Dantian are continuing, and Du Long's original body and clones are also racing against time to understand the changes in the formations that are constantly appearing between heaven and earth, constantly comprehending and entering into a certain way of heaven, and then turning their attention to Other mysterious changes in the way of heaven have gone up.

That's right!

Without the guidance of any expert, Du Long did this completely subconsciously. Many mysteries of heaven are extremely difficult to learn. Once you get started, you will have the direction of cultivation. What is missing is the investment of time!

Compared to Du Long, who owns the Time and Space Island, the most indispensable thing is probably time, right? !

Time keeps passing by, one year. . . Two years. . . millennium. . . Thousands of years. . .

In the blink of an eye, millions of years passed between your fingers.

In the Dantian space, the space-time rift that was still pouring out pure energy gradually closed, and no more pure energy poured into the Dantian world.

Between heaven and earth, the formations caused by the drastic changes in time and space gradually calmed down. After millions of years of evolution, this Dantian world finally became extremely stable.

In mid-air, the souls of the original deity and the avatar woke up from the state of ascetic cultivation that was racing against time. Compared to a retreating practitioner, millions of years are just a moment of effort with the flick of a finger!

As if they were connected, the attention of the main body and the clone suddenly shifted to the extremely huge planet in front of them. After millions of years of changes, this planet has evolved into a huge planet that shocked Du Long.

This is a huge planet that will definitely not be smaller than the God Realm. Anyway, as the master of this space, Du Long quickly judged the terrifying diameter of this planet in his Dantian world!

He once flew all the way south from Nanfangbuzhou, crossed the vast and boundless ocean, and came to the extreme south of the God Realm. He still had some idea of ​​the size of the God Realm.

It was precisely because of this that he was able to instantly judge that the planet he created in front of him was definitely many times larger than the God Realm!

"Huh?!" The clone murmured softly as if he was feeling something, and then took a step forward and instantly arrived at the center of a certain landmass on this huge planet.

The consciousness of the original deity followed the clone in an instant, and the perspective immediately appeared on this vast land, where a small sapling was swinging in the wind at the moment.


The moment he came to the sapling at close range, Du Long's original body and clone took a breath of cold air almost at the same time.

The green leaves of this ordinary sapling swinging in the wind in front of me seem to be made up of thousands of patterns. Why does this feeling feel so familiar? !

"Oh my God! The Bodhi Tree?! This... is this the sapling form of the Bodhi Tree?!" Du Long's clone instantly screamed, obviously shocked by the small sapling in front of him.

"The lake and the sea are condensed into thick soil... The grass and trees are first born?! This... This whole world only gave birth to a single sapling. Could it be said that this sapling of the Bodhi tree was the only one from the beginning of the creation of the world? A born creature?!”

In an instant, Du Longruo realized something.

Finally, from the young Bodhi tree in front of me, I thought of a certain possibility. In the late stage of the fifth level of Xuantian Jue, a seedling of the Bodhi tree would actually be born. This is really incredible!

"Ling'er! Sister Zi Yan back then should have also entered the fifth late stage of the Xuantian Art, right?! How are the changes in my Dantian world different from hers?!"

As his thoughts flashed, Du Long immediately asked the Ring Spirit. As the owner of the Dragon Ring, his secrets were presented to the Ring Spirit Ling'er with almost no reservations. All he had to do was ask directly from the bottom of his heart.

After a long while, the ring spirit Ling'er just woke up from the shock. For the first time in so many years since Du Long recognized her master, she said incoherently: "This... How should I put it... The changes in your Dantian world are really real. It’s so earth-shattering...Well...it’s simply incomparable to the changes that occurred when Sister Zi Yan broke through to the late stage of the fifth level of Xuantian Jue!”

"What do you mean?! Can you explain the difference between the two in detail?!" Du Long continued to ask doubtfully.

"That..." Ring Spirit Ling'er seemed to be trying to calm down, and then he said indecisively: "First of all, when Sister Zi Yan broke through this realm, she did not open such a huge space-time rift in the Dantian world. , and there is no large amount of pure energy pouring into the Dantian world from the cracks in time and space!"

"Secondly, it only took less than a day for Sister Zi Yan to break through, but you spent a million years to continuously expand and expand the world of Dantian!"

"Finally, the Dantian world between the two is not at the same level at all, and... there is no creature similar to the Bodhi tree in Sister Ziyan's Dantian world!"


After listening to Ring Spirit Ling'er's explanation, Du Long was finally a little dumbfounded. He never expected that there would be such a huge gap between the two. No wonder Ling'er was dumbfounded!

"Okay!" Shaking his head helplessly, Du Longman responded, and then began to shift his attention back to the world of Dantian.

On the surface of this huge planet in front of you, there are endless mountains and rivers, and countless rivers are rushing inside, constantly pouring into the lakes and seas!

There is only this little seedling in front of you in the whole world, but it still gives people a feeling of infinite vitality. It is no longer completely devoid of vitality like before the breakthrough!

On the time and space island, Du Long opened his eyes that had been closed for millions of years, and then slowly stood up!

Hoo ho ho. . .

A set of vigorous Five Elements Fist was swung out one after another. In the blink of an eye, he had completed the entire routine of the Five Elements Fist, and immediately stopped his fists.

"The basic combat power has only reached sixteen times of what it was before the breakthrough?! The combat power bonus has only increased by 4 stars from the previous 41 stars, reaching a 45-star combat power bonus!"

"There seems to be something wrong! The basic combat power has increased sixteen times. Logically speaking... the total combat power should not only increase by this little amount?! What on earth is going on?!"

Du Long instantly figured out the growth of his combat power. He seemed to be dissatisfied with the increase in combat power. It stands to reason that the basic combat power has increased by more than ten times. Under the vector increase of combat power bonus stars, it should be Only if we can get a terrifying explosion!

However, in fact, it only increased the four-star combat power bonus, which made him really not very satisfied!

Unable to figure it out for the moment, he had no choice but to put aside the problem for the time being and begin to shift his attention to other aspects.

Xuantian Jue's breakthrough has reached the late stage of the fifth level, and there is no other practice method for reference. He has to find the direction of his own cultivation, which comes from the techniques after the fifth level of Chuangxuan Tianjue!

"That's all!"

After just a brief thought, he immediately gave up on considering the unknown technique to break through the fifth level of Xuantian Jue so quickly, and murmured to himself: "There are still thousands of heavenly mysteries waiting for him to understand the breakthrough, so It’s too early to think about breaking through to the fifth level of Xuantian Art!”

As he said, there are thousands of mysteries in the way of heaven, most of which he is just getting started with. The path of cultivation in the future is still far away. It is really too early to think about how Xuantian Jue can break through and reach the sixth level now!

"One, two, three, four... This time, with the help of Xuantian Jue's breakthrough to reach the late stage of the fifth level, I actually realized the secrets of more than 30,000 heavenly ways at once. Tsk tsk! The nine avenues contain a total of ten There are more than 8,000 paths, and it is not easy to be able to understand one-third of the mysteries of heaven!"

Du Long quickly calculated the number of mysteries of heaven that he had spent millions of years comprehending and gaining access to. It turned out that there were more than 30,000 paths. If this result were leaked, it would definitely scare a lot of people to death!

"Hmm! The leaves of that magical sapling also happen to contain the mysteries of more than 30,000 paths. From this point of view, the growth of this Bodhi tree will also represent one of my own realms of understanding the mysteries of heaven. miniature!"

. . . . . .

The combat power bonus star in the previous chapter should be 44 stars, not 50 stars. This has been corrected! (To be continued)

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