Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 1833 Sixth Level of Perfection

‘After this pursuit, my losses are obvious to all. If you scrape off both treasures, wouldn’t the losses of my lineage of Dark Paladins be in vain? ! ’ Under the pressure of the situation, Shenlong’s tone softened significantly.

‘Naturally I won’t let your efforts go in vain! ’ Sariel replied with a half-smile: ‘Except for the two treasures, no matter how many treasures Du Long has on him, they all belong to you! ’

'this. . . ’ Shenlong was stunned for a moment. Just when he didn’t know whether he should agree or not, Gabriel objected first: ‘That can’t be done. If it is distributed like this, wouldn’t my Guangming lineage suffer a huge loss? ! ’

'All right! In this case, the three of you should continue to go all out to deal with Du Long! I won't participate in it. I want to see if you can kill it here? ! ’ Sariel replied with some dissatisfaction.

‘. . . . . . ’

After a brief silence, Buck finally spoke up and acted as peacemaker: 'Lord Sariel! Your distribution method is indeed unfair. Why don't we all take a step back and divide Du Long's other trophies in half between light and dark, except for the two treasures? What do you think? ! ’

‘I don’t have any objection to how you allocate it! ’ Sariel waved his hands impatiently and said: ‘Anyway, I only want the time acceleration space among the two treasures. As for how to distribute the other trophies, I don’t care! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

Sariel's direct selection of the target once again left the other three Western strongest commanders speechless. They all besieged Dulong with all their strength while thinking about the gains and losses of the distribution plan.


At this moment, another wave of heavenly power descended on the battlefield. It was obvious that while they were hesitating, Du Long once again broke through the final bottleneck of a certain heavenly mystery.

'hey-hey! ’ Sariel sneered at the right moment and said, ‘Just continue to think about it slowly! It's best to wait until you think about it. Du Long has also successfully broken through some important secret of heaven. ’

‘Not to mention distributing the spoils on his body, whether he can kill the other party will be a question, and the so-called distribution plan between us is simply a big joke! ’

Sariel's words became the last straw that crushed the other three most powerful commanders in the West. After the three looked at each other, they finally made a decision.

'How about this! The four of us join forces to kill Du Long, and then if there is any time-accelerating treasure on him, it will belong to Sariel, the Dragon Lord Ring will belong to me, and all other trophies will be divided equally between Buck and Shenlong! ’ Gabriel said with the final word.

'I have no opinion! ’ Buck was the first to agree and said: ‘As long as Du Long can be killed inside the Heavenly Emperor’s battlefield, it will be a great achievement when he returns in the future! ’

‘I have no objection either! ’ Sariel responded calmly: ‘I only want time-accelerating treasures. I can assure you that if Du Long does not have such treasures, then I will not take any of them! ’

'All right! ’ Seeing that everyone else was talking about that, Shenlong sighed helplessly: ‘I also agree with this distribution plan! ’

'very good! ’ Gabriel said excitedly: ‘Now that the conditions have been met, Sariel! It’s time for you to take action for your own benefit! ’


Sariel did not talk nonsense and directly let his actions speak for himself. He no longer stood aside to watch the show, and started to flash toward the battlefield in a flash.

Du Long, who was always paying attention to the battlefield environment, was slightly shocked. After seeing the speed of Sariel's movements, he was secretly shocked. This guy's level of perception on the avenue of time and space has reached the peak state of the eighth level. , even worse than Gabriel.

'fine. . . There are narrow tunnels blocking enemies. . . So that they could not encircle themselves in the middle and carry out a siege. . . Otherwise, something would really be wrong! ’

While Du Long was secretly shocked, he was also secretly grateful for the convenient location at this moment. Otherwise, how could he have blocked the joint siege from the four most powerful commanders in the West? !

Of course, successfully increasing the total combat power bonus to 50 stars before this is also one of the most important weights for him to remain invincible. If not, even if the cave is blocked, he may not be able to withstand it. Are these the most powerful commanders in the West joining forces to lay siege? !

Clang clang clang. . .

The sound of gold and iron clashing resounded through the cave. This super battle, which represented the strongest emperors, was constantly stirring the space inside the cave, causing ripples and wrinkles to appear.

Terrible energy was scattered in all directions. If some of the weaker early-stage Heavenly Emperor masters were hit by these energies, they would probably be in danger of falling on the spot!

As the fallen angel leader Sariel joined the battle, Du Long's pressure exploded. He could feel Sariel's terrifying cultivation in the time and space avenue and combat power bonus.

This guy's combat power bonus has reached the 5-star level. This level is two stars higher than him, which is about four times. Even with the blessing of magical powers, the combat power between the two is still different. A big chunk!

In this way, he was able to block the opponent's attack relatively easily, but as Sariel joined the battle, he immediately became extremely disadvantaged.

He had to use a large number of arms to deal with Sariel's onslaught. Facing a strong man whose understanding of the Avenue of Time and Space had reached an almost perfect level in the late eighth level, his defense line gradually became unstable.

Clang clang clang. . .

The sound of gold and iron clashing resounded through the cave at a terrifying frequency. Facing the enemy's crazy siege, Du Long had to allocate more of his mind and arms to deal with it.

Time continued to pass in this unbearable dilemma. Although the situation seemed precarious, Du Long had no intention of letting his clone join the battle.

Instead, let the clone continue to flow within the sixth space-time island at a time speed of 100,000 times, plus the insights from the on-site battle, to fully comprehend the mystery of the sixth level of the space-time avenue, and strive to penetrate the final bottleneck of the sixth level.

Unfortunately, the final bottleneck of the sixth level of the Avenue of Time and Space is extremely difficult to break through. Even if the clone is extremely talented in the Avenue of Time and Space, it still cannot achieve a breakthrough in a short period of time!

Buzz, buzz, buzz. . .

On the contrary, Du Long himself succeeded in breaking through the final bottleneck of certain heavenly mysteries again and again in such critical battle situations.

Time passed by minute by second, no matter how hard the four most powerful Westerners tried their best to besiege Du Long, his seemingly precarious defense line could not be broken!

‘The Avenue of Time and Space. . . Why should it be subdivided into levels one to nine. . . time. . . space. . . Each of the two has nine levels of mysteries that need to be understood. . . ’

‘Island of time and space. . . A mysterious system inheritance of time and space that completely integrates time and space. . . It is even more difficult to comprehend and understand than other people who practice alone in time or space! ’

'Fortunately for me, I am a person who entered the Tao through formation pattern, so I was able to make great progress in the time and space avenue, and was able to receive systematic training, instead of practicing alone and going down the wrong path! ’

‘These powerful commanders in the West. . . On the surface, it seems that the level of cultivation on the avenue of time or space is very high. . . Actually. . . But it has embarked on a crooked path that is not perfect. . . ’

‘Once any of the mysteries of heaven go astray, it’s easy to say in the early stage, but in the later stage it will become more and more difficult to break through and reach a higher state! ’

‘Because these people went astray in the early stages, the seventh and eighth realms of the Time and Space Avenue they have reached have become extremely unstable, and they cannot achieve perfection! ’

'Precisely because their path is not perfect enough, it has become extremely difficult to use the mysteries of the time and space avenues displayed in their battles to break through to the sixth level of perfection! ’

'no. . . You cannot rely too much on the mysteries of time and space shown by the other person to understand and practice. . . You must have your deepest understanding of the avenue of time and space! ’

‘. . . . . . ’

During the fierce battle, the clone sat alone on the sixth space-time island, with various thoughts flashing through his mind, gradually correcting the direction of his practice.

During this period, the clone continued to interact and share their respective insights and memories with the original body through the ray of mind that penetrated the outside world. . .

'I see. . . ’

After Du Long shared his clone's memory, he couldn't help but ponder: 'Because these Westerners have not laid a solid foundation, they will never be able to break through the avenue of time and space and reach the final perfection! ’

‘In other words. . . Even if they can achieve great success, it will take endless years to correct the wrong course of the past! ’


At this moment, the fallen angel commander Sariel suddenly slashed out a black sword light that cut through time and space, and went straight to Du Long's face with an electric slash!

While subconsciously wielding his sword for layer upon layer of defense, a bright light suddenly lit up in Du Long's mind, and this realization was instantly shared with the clone in the sixth space island along with the memory.

'Ha ha! So that’s it! The sixth great achievement of the Avenue of Time and Space may seem difficult to understand, but once you have the inspiration, it is nothing more than that! ’


Along with the clone's laughter in the sixth space-time island, the scene of power coming between heaven and earth once again appeared!

However, the four most powerful commanders in the West had long been numb to this. They thought that Du Long had achieved a breakthrough on some ordinary path, so they did not pay enough attention to it.

The sounds of gold and iron clashing were still there, and Du Long did not show much change in strength. Faced with the joint siege of the four most powerful commanders in the West, his defense line still seemed precarious.

At this time, in the sixth space-time island.

However, his clone turned his hand and took out a sword, and began to run back and forth in this space, and then swayed the sword light again and again, and continuously integrated the complete mystery of the Sixth Space-Time Avenue into the sword light. And in the body method.

However, Du Long's true self did not reveal at all the secret that he had successfully comprehended the sixth level of the Avenue of Time and Space and reached the perfect state. He was still struggling to cope with the joint siege of the four most powerful commanders in the West. (To be continued)

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