Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2061 The Glory of the Gods

In the Holy City of Heaven and Earth, the left defense zone is in charge of the Sun God Clan.

Golden Saint Shaka and Guardian Goddess Chris are in the left defensive area of ​​the Commander's Palace, together with many emperor-level generals of the Sun God Clan, watching the battle scenes in the virtual screen with solemn expressions.

Not long ago, the siege battle in the Holy City of Heaven and Earth broke out without any warning. The left defense line in charge of the Sun God Clan was under great pressure and suffered heavy casualties under the focused attack of the foreign army.

Even though the dead and injured soldiers were not the elite troops of the Sun God Clan, seeing the tragic death of many clan members and soldiers with their own eyes made many generals in the palace feel their hearts bleeding and their hearts aching.

"Alas!" In the hall, Golden Saint Shaka sighed slightly unwillingly: "I originally thought that... the foreign forces would focus on the two cities of Tianwai Xianming and Mingming this time, and they should not launch attacks on the Holy City of Tianwai again. A general attack, I never thought... I still made a mistake!"

All the generals in the palace looked solemn, and they obviously agreed with Shaka's statement. Apart from nodding, they really didn't know what to say to express their mood at the moment.

For many years, they have known for a long time that the senior leaders of the Sun God Clan only sent some troops with poor spiritual talents to garrison in the Holy City of Heaven and Earth. To put it bluntly, these soldiers were just cannon fodder for the abandoned sons of the Sun God Clan.

Therefore, in every battle, they had to watch a large number of disciple soldiers die tragically in front of them. They already felt a little insensitive, and they could not think of any idea of ​​confronting the foreign armies in their hearts.

You must know that the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven is not the foundation of the Sun God Clan. Success or failure is not particularly important. For them, only successfully resisting the invasion of the Light God Clan in the Holy Land of Heaven is the most important event for the Sun God Clan!

"How abominable!"

The guardian goddess Chris frowned and said angrily: "Among the extraterritorial armies attacking the Holy City, there are only a few emperor-level experts who dare to launch a full-scale attack on the Holy City with the Hunyuan-level army. It's ridiculous. What’s more, the Light God Clan turned a blind eye and had no intention of sending out emperor-level warriors to fight back?!”

"When the Light God Clan dealt with the Sun God Clan, they spared no effort!" Shaka echoed with an unkind expression: "When facing the foreign armies, they will always be a coward!"

"How can they be so stupid?!" Guardian Goddess Chris shook her head and retorted: "I think they are simply colluding with that extraterrestrial force. They have already been in cahoots with each other!"


In the left legion station of the Holy City where the Sun God Clan was stationed, a group of generals were discussing angrily. They had witnessed the tragic deaths of many of their own soldiers. Apart from complaining, they really had no other way to vent their anger.

Just as everyone was talking about it, the guardian goddess Chris was suddenly stunned for a moment, and hurriedly took out her message formation stone. After reading the content of the letter clearly, her bitter face instantly bloomed with a myriad of expressions.

"Chris! Who wrote you a letter?! I wonder what kind of good news it is... It actually makes you so happy and excited?!" Shaka, who had been paying attention to Chris, saw her violent excitement After his expression changed, he immediately asked curiously.

A mysterious smile appeared on Chris's face. She did not immediately answer Shaka's question. Instead, she waved her hand to activate the isolation ban that protected the Commander's Palace. Then, as if she was still uneasy, she personally arranged a layer of isolation in the palace. Ban, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing how cautious she was, the curiosity of the generals on the scene was aroused, and they all looked at her, waiting for her to reveal the mystery to everyone.

"It's the message the goddess just sent me!" Chris said excitedly: "She said... Our Sun God Clan is not a tiger without teeth. Since the enemy dares to rely on such an emperor-level powerhouse, he will We launch a full-scale attack, so don’t be polite anymore, the fangs of the Sun God Clan must be deeply remembered by the enemy forces outside the territory!"


As Chrissy's words fell, the generals in the palace were in an uproar on the spot. Everyone was whispering excitedly and discussing the news they had just received with some disbelief.

"Chris! Is this true?! The goddess Athena personally gave the order to attack?!" Golden Saint Shaka was also excited, with a clear vibrato in his voice.

"How can I make a joke about this kind of thing? The goddess has already given instructions to the Saint Seiya Legion of the Sun God Clan in the Holy Land of Heaven. Except for one legion left to guard the Sun God Clan, all the remaining Saint Seiya Legions are deployed. We are coming here at full speed!" The guardian goddess Chris excitedly threw out another exciting piece of information.

"Very good!"

Golden Saint Shaka jumped up because he was so excited, and suddenly slapped his thigh armor. Such a rude behavior was really rare for him who had a relatively calm personality.

Behind the headquarters of the Holy City, in a huge and deep space-time rift, a golden saint suddenly crossed the rift and appeared in front of countless people.

Then he glanced at the surrounding defenders with a cold face. He could see that most of the defenders were soldiers from the Light God Clan, so naturally he would not give these enemies any good looks.

It seemed that this was not the first time he came to the Holy City of Heaven and Earth. After just a glance, he immediately shot towards the left battlefield where the Sun God Clan was stationed, and soon arrived at the palace of the left legion commander.

"Haha! Shura! You're finally here, how are you?! Are everything ready?!" Shaka and Chris stood up one after another and took the initiative to greet the Golden Saint Shura who had the same status as them.

"Here you go!" Then Shura waved his hand and threw a space formation stone and said: "By the order of the goddess, I have brought here all your men who were left in the holy realm of heaven!"


Shaka took the space formation stone with excitement, and instantly sensed the aura of the tens of millions of elite Saint Seiyas under his command inside, which also made the blood in his body begin to boil.

"Seiya followed the goddess to the Celestial City, and Moko led his men to reinforce the Celestial City. Only the unlucky guy Garen was left at home, Shura! It seems that there will be nine of our twelve golden saint warriors this time. Join forces to join the war in the Holy City of Heaven and Earth!" Shaka became more and more excited as he spoke.

The twelve Golden Saint Seiya Legion Commanders each command a tens-of-million-level Saint Seiya Legion. Unfortunately, they are often separated from each other. On the vast battlefield of the Holy Land of Heaven, they are often scattered along an extremely narrow path. On a long front, it is rare to gather together for joint operations.

"Most of the Saint Seiya Legions have gone into battle... Then our Sun God Clan's defense line in the Holy Land of Heaven... won't there be huge loopholes?!" Guardian Goddess Chris's worried expression was palpable.

"It doesn't matter!" Shura waved his hand very ably and said: "The goddess said that we are fighting for the Pangu world. Even the Light God Clan would not dare to kill the Sun God Clan at such a sensitive time. If they dare to do it, then Fortunately, the wrath of God Pangu will not be able to be competed by a mere god of light!"

"That's it!" Chris said with relief: "Then I'm relieved. If that's the case, let's not waste time here. We should go out immediately and teach those miscellaneous troops from the outside world a memorable lesson. Let them repay the countless blood debts they have owed to the Sun God Clan over the years!"

"Let's go! Let's go up to the city wall and take the initiative. Since those little turtles of the Light God Clan are using the excuse that it's not clear how many hidden emperor-level warriors are in the enemy's hands, then we, the Light God Clan, will use our real record today to beat them hard. A slap in the face will let the world see how hypocritical the Guangming God Clan really is!" Shaka also waved his hand energetically and took the lead in walking towards the door of the palace.

With him taking the lead, the guardian goddess Chris, the leader of the Golden Saint Legion, Shura, and many of the Golden Saint generals in the palace followed excitedly.

In the holy city outside the sky, in the palace of the commander-in-chief.

"What are those generals of the Sun God Clan doing?! Why did they all leave the Legion Commander's Hall on the left? Look at the direction they are going in... Are they preparing to go to the front line to join the battle in person?!" He, the head coach of the Light God Clan who is stationed in the Holy City of Heaven and Beyond. Xi, looking at one of the virtual screens with a surprised face, asked.

"Haha! They probably know that very few of their soldiers will survive after this battle. Are they going to the front line to cheer up those soldiers who have no morale?!"


In the hall, bursts of mocking laughter immediately rang out. At this moment, everyone in the hall could see how low the morale of the defenders from the Sun God Clan was on the city wall where the left legion defense zone was located.

For many years, the soldiers stationed by the Sun God Clan on the battlefield of the Heavenly Emperor almost always ended up with a narrow escape after experiencing a decisive battle.

Gradually, the soldiers of the Sun God Clan who were stationed on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven all knew that they were basically cannon fodder abandoned by the Sun God Clan. Under such circumstances, where did they get their morale? They didn't even know who they were fighting for.

Marshal Hexi of the Light God Clan relaxed his brows slightly. He obviously agreed with the generals' words. He had never seen the Sun God Clan go berserk on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven after many years. He really looked down on these scum legions who were used as cannon fodder. .

In the left defense area where the Sun God Clan was located, a group of generals wearing golden battle armor suddenly appeared on the city wall, which shocked many soldiers with low morale.

They obviously did not expect that their immediate boss would come to the front line in person, and it would be a scene where almost all the generals would gather together.

"All soldiers from the Sun God Clan!"

Just when the soldiers who were guarding the city were confused, Shaka stood on a towering turret on the city wall and transmitted his voice into the minds of all the soldiers of the Sun God Clan who were guarding the city through spiritual sound transmission.

"I am Shaka, the leader of the Golden Saint Legion! I know that everyone has some grievances in their hearts. They all think that being stationed on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven is basically being used as cannon fodder. They feel that they are abandoned by the Sun God Clan!"

"No! You are not cannon fodder! You are not the abandoned sons of the Sun God Clan!"

"Our Sun God Clan will never give up on any of our clan members easily. The blood of the Sun God Clan is flowing more or less in everyone here. The survival of the Sun God Clan is indispensable to the dedication of all soldiers!"

"For many years, our Sun God Clan has been under the oppression of the Light God Clan, and our sphere of influence has been continuously compressed, and countless people have been killed on the battlefield!"

"Whether it is the vast battlefield inside the Holy Land of Heaven or the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven, the biggest enemy of our Sun God Clan will always be the Light God Clan!"

"Do you know why this city in front of you is called the Holy City of Heaven?!"

"In fact, this city was originally fully controlled by our powerful Sun God Clan. At that time, the Light God Clan was not yet born in the belly of some girl!"

Hahaha. . .

The battle on the city wall was still going on, but the soldiers of the Sun God Clan in the battle couldn't help but burst out into bursts of understanding laughter. Such a strange scene made countless foreign enemy troops who climbed on the city wall feel grateful and a little shy. Feel.

For some reason, they could faintly feel that there seemed to be a slight change in the legion of the Sun God Clan in front of them. Since they could not hear Shaka's divine voice, they did not know what was going on behind the scenes.

"As early as in ancient times!" Golden Saint Shaka's slightly high-pitched spiritual voice continued: "There is only our Sun God Clan in the Holy Land of Heaven, and this outer city is also completely controlled by the Sun God Clan. Countless Our army of ancient saints from the Sun God Clan have paid an extremely heavy price in order to protect this space-time rift that can connect the holy realm of heaven and the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"It is precisely because of our Sun God Clan's Saint Seiya Legion's outstanding military performance in the battle to protect this city that this city was eventually called the Holy City Beyond the Heavens!"

"The so-called saints... represent the various forces in the Pangu world and are the greatest affirmation of the great achievements of our ancient Saint Seiya Legion of the Sun God Clan!"

"However, that ancient war... our Sun God Clan's losses were too heavy, so heavy that even the entire ancient Saint Seiya Legion was destroyed!"

Gradually, Shaka's voice gradually became deeper and deeper from the high pitch at the beginning.

"In that ancient war, in order to protect the Pangu world, our Sun God Clan sacrificed a large number of powerful men at the emperor level, god level, and even the supreme level, which directly caused the strength of the Sun God Clan to drop countless times!"

"Even the Saint Seiya Legion, which once frightened all the forces, was disbanded and disappeared from the Sun God Clan's legion for a long time!"

"Until one day, a goddess appeared within our Sun God Clan, and her name is Athena!"

"She seemed to have inherited all the excellent genes from her ancestors and was born out of nowhere. She rebuilt a powerful legion of Saints within the Holy Land of Heaven. Only then did she save the lineage of the Sun God Clan from being annexed by the hateful Light God Clan!"

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