Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2082 One success

"Shajia! On the frontline battlefield against the Light God Clan, there were no unusual changes, right?!" In the reception hall, as everyone took their seats again, the goddess of war Athena immediately asked Shaka.

"We are still in the mission period of the Heavenly Emperor's Battlefield. Our Sun God Clan's Saint Seiya Legion has just made great achievements in the Heavenly Emperor's Battlefield. The Light God Clan only dares to make some small moves at most. They have not made any big changes for the time being!" Shaka responded respectfully! .

"Hmm! That's good!"

Athena breathed a sigh of relief. Although everything was as expected, it was not guaranteed. It would be weird if she didn't worry when she was away from home: "Hurry and give the weapon refining materials to Marshal Du Long. We must bring the Five Elements as soon as possible." The Coiling Dragon Array returns to the holy realm of heaven!"

"Yes!" Shaka turned over his hand and took out an ordinary space ring, then personally delivered it to Du Long and said, "Marshal Du Long! Thank you!"

After taking the space ring, Du Long didn't bother to look at the metal ores inside. He threw it directly into the time and space island and gave it to the clone and Master Xuanyu to refine the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Cone.

"That...goddess Athena!" Du Long said with a hint of confusion: "Don't you still have two avatars with divine power guarding the holy realm of heaven?! Why is this emperor-level power avatar guarding you? Do you want your clone to rush back in such a hurry?!"

"To be honest!" Athena shook her head and sighed: "The war in the holy realm of heaven also has its underlying rules. Normally, strong men in the realm of gods are not allowed to participate in the war, otherwise the war will easily slip into an uncontrollable situation!"

"So that's it!" Du Long suddenly realized: "A strong person in the Divine Realm is like a strategic weapon. No one dares to use it unless it is absolutely necessary!"


"Du Long! Well... when will our Tang Heavenly Kingdom's Five Elements Coiling Dragon Dharma Cone start refining?! Hearing what you said, I can't wait to quickly build the Five Elements Great Tang Dynasty. It's time to get ready! Hehe!" Tang Emperor Li Shimin said half-jokingly.

"No hurry!" Du Long waved his hands and said with laughter: "When I return to the Tang Dynasty, I estimate that I will stay for hundreds of thousands of years. After I help the Sun God Clan solve their urgent needs, I will slowly help the Tang Dynasty build a It’s not too late to form the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Formation!”

"Forget it!" Li Shimin said with a sneer: "The situation faced by the Tang Dynasty is not as dangerous as the Sun God Clan, so let's help the goddess Athena first!"

"Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty!" No matter how unsophisticated Athena is, she still has to accept the kindness of the Tang Dynasty and Du Long in front of so many people.

Even if she has two clones that have reached the level of God, they are of no use at all on the frontline battlefield of the Holy Realm of Heaven.

The pain of watching a large number of her elite soldiers die every day was constantly eroding her soul, turning this beautiful Western goddess into an iceberg that no one should approach!

In the main hall, since he still had to wait for his clone to refine the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Cone as soon as possible, Du Long simply had a banquet held to entertain Athena and other distinguished guests from the Sun God Clan.

During the banquet, everyone was chatting while eating and drinking. Princess Yayi had already sat down with Princess Hu Feifei and Princess Yuexi.

The three of them can be regarded as sisters who forged a friendship in the Blue Water Secret Realm. They can meet again here after being separated from each other on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven. Naturally, they must talk about their respective situations in recent years.

"Haha! I've heard for a long time that Brother Du Long is so beautiful that he has countless beauties and wives in his family. Today, when I saw him, his reputation is indeed well-deserved. Now that you two have become members of the Du family, it's really..." Princess Yayi secretly followed the two of them. The woman was laughing and chatting through the sound transmission of her spiritual consciousness, but at the end of the sentence she didn't know how to describe her feelings, and she was stuck there for a moment.

"Giggle!" Hu Feifei said with a sweet smile: "What are you serious about?! Are you jealous and jealous?! In that case, our beautiful sister Yayi is welcome to marry into the Du family!"

"Disgusting!" Princess Yayi blushed on the spot and responded sweetly: "Sister Feifei is so bad! I don't want to share a husband with so many sisters! In Yayi's mind, the husband should be for life. Only a hero who loves Yayi!"

"Tch!" Hu Feifei said softly, pretending to be disdainful: "Throughout the ages, true heroes and heroes have been loved by countless beauties like Du Long. Your concept of exclusive possession is too selfish. It is not true love. It should be called love. Too possessive, geez!”

At the end of the sentence, Hu Feifei was obviously amused by her own fallacies. The flower branches trembled wildly and she couldn't stop giggling.

"Sister Feifei, don't talk nonsense!" Princess Yayi retorted in a sweet voice: "Men and women should be equal, and there is no such thing as selfishness. If we want to explain it according to Sister Feifei's theory, then wouldn't it be true that my sister is so outstanding? How many husbands do you have to have to be fair?!"


Princess Yuexi, who was sitting next to her, pursed her lips and laughed softly. Although she did not laugh as exaggeratedly as Hu Feifei, she also swept away the melancholy knot of the past.

As time went by, she gradually began to integrate into the daily life of the Du family.

And she is trying hard to forget her true identity and background. Under the careful care of Hu Feifei and others, her heart has relaxed a lot.

"That...Sister Yayi!" Hu Feifei finally stopped laughing, then looked up and down at the Western princess in front of her with meaningful eyes and said, "Have you seen that beautiful oriental beauty?! Her name is Qingcheng, that is, Qingcheng Qingcheng Qingguo!"

"I saw it! She is indeed an Oriental beauty who is alluring to the whole country!" Princess Yayi exclaimed: "It's just that Sister Feifei suddenly introduced this sister to what she was doing?!"

"Giggle!" Hu Feifei smiled charmingly, blinking her captivating fox eyes and said: "She is Princess Qingcheng of the Tang Dynasty. She had a higher heart at the beginning, and she was determined like her sister not to share the same life with others. Man, in the end, it turned out not to be... Why did you marry Du Long when you knew he already had many wives?!"

"Ah?!" Princess Yayi's eyes widened in astonishment, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes as she said, "Sister Feifei... Do you think that I will be like her and marry Brother Du Long in the end?!"

"That's hard to say!" Hu Feifei curled her lips and said: "Nowadays, your Sun God Clan is suffering from internal and external troubles, and you are always looking for powerful allies. Maybe your sister has plans to marry you to Du Long. Woolen cloth!"


In the main living room, the reception banquet continued. In their spare time, everyone gathered in groups to communicate through spiritual sound transmission. The topics discussed in each different circle were almost inseparable from Du Long.

"Okay!" In the middle of the banquet, Du Long suddenly slapped his thigh and said: "The ten Five Elements Coiling Dragon Cone have all been refined!"

I saw that he took out an ordinary space ring with a flip of his hand, and then sent it to Athena in the air and said: "Thank you for your honor, here are ten Five Elements Coiling Dragon Dharma Cones!"

Athena, the goddess of war who had always been indifferent, rarely showed an expression of surprise and joy at this moment. She reached out to take the space ring without hesitation, and then directly sank her mind into it.


In just a moment, a Five Elements Coiling Dragon Dharma Cone appeared in front of everyone.

The sharp five-color cone blade that circled around exuded an icy chill, and the cone body was still trembling slightly, as if it was always ready to penetrate all obstacles in front of it.

"This is the base magic cone of the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array?!" Athena stared at the treasure in front of her with gleaming eyes. Colorful dragons began to appear in her mind, galloping freely on the battlefield of the Holy Realm of Heaven. picture.

"That's right!" Du Long replied with a smile: "With the help of this Five Elements Coiling Dragon Dharma Cone, you can display the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Formation you saw on the battlefield of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Marshal Du Long!" Athena said eagerly: "Can you teach me how to use the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Formation now?!"

"Uh!" Du Long said speechlessly: "Goddess Athena, if you want to truly train the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array to the point where it can be used in actual combat, it will take at least tens of thousands of years. You... don't be in such a hurry. Please do it happen?!"

"Thousands of years are not a problem at all!" Athena said with stern eyes: "I can train this magic circle in a space with a time acceleration of 100,000 times. It is estimated that it will only take less than a year!"

"Forget it!" Seeing that Athena had no intention of staying for the banquet, Du Long could only nod and said: "In that case, the others will continue to have the banquet here, and the goddess Athena and I will go back!"

"Shajia and Chris will go with me, and Yayi will stay with Du Long's family to continue the banquet!" Athena ordered to her people simply.

Just like that, without giving anyone else a chance to object, Du Long, Athena, Shaka and Chris disappeared out of thin air and entered his portable cave world.

Spaces similar to the Qinglang Cave are now mostly stored inside the palace of the Prince of Zhou, allowing people of the Du clan to enter and exit freely. The portable cave world used by Du Long randomly selected several cave worlds with different scenery.

"I will teach you how to control the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array here!" After Du Long looked around the surrounding environment for a while, he nodded with satisfaction and said: "This is a Gobi wasteland, you can do whatever you want. It’s okay no matter what!”

"No problem!" Athena naturally won't be picky about the training environment. She can't wait to start learning how to control the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array: "Marshal Du Long! I need to release the army immediately come out?!"

"Uh!" Du Long said in shock: "You couldn't have brought out the hundreds of millions of troops that were going to be used to train the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array, right?!"

"That's not true!" Athena shook her head and said: "The hundreds of millions of elite Saint Seiya Legions still need to guard against the invasion of the Gods of Light. I just brought out 10 million soldiers!"

"Yes!" Du Long suddenly nodded and said: "There is no rush to release them for the time being. I will first tell the three of you the principles of controlling the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array. When you fully understand how to control the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array, After the formation, it’s not too late to mobilize the army for training!”

"Then there is Marshal Laudu Long!"

The cave world, above the Gobi wilderness!

Du Long began to point to some key positions on the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Cone, and explained the operating principles of the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Cone, as well as how the operator should use this cone and how to inject the Five Elements energy of other people in the array into it. , told them one by one.

During this period, Athena also asked many questions, asking about things she didn't quite understand, and Du Long patiently explained them again until they understood everything.

"Okay! Since there are no other problems, Goddess Athena will now control the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Magic Cone and operate it according to the principle of energy operation to see if she can quickly master the essentials of the magic circle!"

Seeing that the three of them had no more doubts, Du Long pointed at the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Cone in front of everyone and motioned for Athena to be the first to step forward and control it.


Athena did not hesitate at all, and immediately placed her hands on the bottom of the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Cone, and then began to mobilize the five elements energy in her body and slowly inject it into the Cone.

As early as countless years ago, she had taken the elixir made from the Five Elements Ancestral Spiritual Root. There had been no problem with the Five Elements energy in her body for a long time, and she could directly control a Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array.


As the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Magic Cone rotated at high speed, five air waves of different colors spurted out from the tail of the cone blade crazily, immediately driving Athena forward and shooting away quickly.

The continuously gushing air waves clashed violently with the air, and deafening roars resounded through the sky. Athena succeeded in controlling the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Cone for just the first time.

"Sure enough, she is worthy of being called the goddess of war with both beauty and wisdom!" Du Long stared at the five-color dragon galloping back and forth in the sky with gleaming eyes, and said with emotion: "You actually just listened to my explanation once, and then you mastered it directly. Know how to cast the Five Elements Coiling Dragon Array?!"

"Hee hee!" Guardian goddess Chris replied with a slightly smug smile: "That's natural, our princess is also known as the goddess of wisdom! It's just a five-element coiled dragon array, so naturally it's impossible to hold her in! "

"Kris!" Shaka hurriedly stopped him: "This is a super magic circle that even the princess values ​​​​extremely, and has traveled hundreds of millions of miles to ask for it in person. How can you use just two words to describe it? !”

"I was wrong!" Chrissy reacted instantly, her cheeks immediately filled with blush and said: "Please...Brother Du Long, don't be offended!"

"It doesn't matter!" Du Long waved his hand indifferently and said: "This formation is only useful in wars below the emperor level. It is not really a super formation, but it just suits the current situation of the Sun God Clan. Otherwise, the goddess Athena wouldn’t care so much!”

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