Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2372 Prepare to Sue for Peace

With a wave of his hand, countless strong men of the Ice Wolf Clan were crushed to pieces, just like a bunch of ants were trampled to death!

Fu Zhudanping's method of killing many powerful enemies with just a wave of his hand stunned countless people of the Fu clan for a moment. All the people of the Fu clan stared at this incredible scene with their eyes wide open in astonishment.

"Sister...Sister! Are you...a fairy from the sky who has come down to earth?! This is too powerful!!" A delicate female voice broke the short silence, and it was the little girl Danting who looked into her eyes. Staring at his sister with starry eyes.

For a time, countless pairs of eyes turned to Fu Zhu Danping. Villagers from the Fu Zhu clan in many villages finally discovered her, a beauty from the Fu Zhu clan who looked exactly like Dan Ping.

"Tantai! This little girl next to you who looks exactly like Tan Ting has never been seen before?!" Seeing that the crisis was resolved, an old man from the Fu clan finally couldn't help but ask.

"Go back to the old village chief!" Tantai finally woke up from the shock. After taking a deep look at her husband Zhu Danping, he respectfully said to the old man: "She is my other daughter who was lost outside. It’s called Dan Ping!”

"It turns out that she is the other daughter you have been searching for all these years?!" The old village chief suddenly realized, "Congratulations! It's really hard to find a daughter without any effort at all!"

"Thank you, village chief, for your concern!" Tantai replied politely, cupping his hands.

Over the years, my family of three had been forced to move around, and then they were taken in by the respected old village chief, and they have been living in this village ever since.

Tantai respected the old village chief in front of him from the bottom of his heart, and immediately shouted to his husband Zhu Danping: "Ping'er! Thanks to the old village chief who has taken care of our family over the years, we can't wait to meet him soon." village head!"

"Dan Ping pays homage to the senior village chief!" Husband Zhu Danping bowed to him without hesitation and said, "Thank you to the old village chief and all the elders in the village for your support to my father, mother, and sister-in-law over the years. Take care of me, Dan Ping will definitely remember it in your heart forever!"

"Haha!" The old village chief smiled kindly and waved his hand and said, "Our clansmen have always treated others with kindness, courtesy and justice. We are all our own clansmen, so there is no need to be so polite!"

While they were still being polite here, the Ice Wolf Clan man and others on the other side were now on pins and needles with fear!

"You... your village actually dares to kill the top expert of the Ice Wolf tribe in public?! The armies of the Ice Wolf, Ice Bear and Ice Leopard tribes will soon reach Fuzhu City. You'd better not get hurt. There is not a single hair on my head, otherwise, this small village will definitely be buried with me!!"

Seeing that the other party was almost done with being polite and began to turn his attention back to himself, the man from the Ice Wolf clan then threatened loudly and fiercely.

Fu Zhu Danping and Du Long looked at each other, and both saw a meaningful smile in each other's eyes. From the beginning to the end, Du Long had no intention of personally dealing with these little shrimps, but gave all the power to Fu Zhu. to handle.

"You want the whole village to bury you with you?!" A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Fu Zhudanping's mouth, and he smiled coldly at the ugly prince of the Ice Wolf Tribe and said: "Do you really think that those three tribes can enslave me by joining forces? All clans?!”

"Hmph!" The man from the Ice Wolf Tribe snorted coldly after realizing it: "Do you know how scared you are now?! If you don't want to be exterminated, it's best to surrender! Only in this way, all of you in the village will Only then can we have a way to survive!”


Faced with the continued threat of life and death, Fu Zhudanping just replied lightly, and then raised her crystal-clear jade palm again.

Puffy. . .

The sound of flesh shattering continued to sound again, and the clansmen around the Ice Wolf clan man were seen exploding into pieces of flesh and blood one after another.

This feeling is so scary!

Every time the Ice Wolf Tribe man heard a roar, his body would tremble violently. This fear of not knowing when death would suddenly come to him almost scared him to death on the spot.

"No!!" He finally couldn't help but screamed: "You can't kill me. I am the seventh prince of the Ice Wolf clan. I have just sent a message to my father for help. If you dare to kill me, My father will definitely lead the Ice Wolf Tribe’s army to conquer this place!”

Puffy. . .

Faced with his death threat, the roars of flesh exploding one after another continued to resound, and within a short time, only the seventh prince of the Ice Wolf Clan was left.

Closing his eyes in fear, this guy seemed to be waiting for death to come. However, after waiting for a long time and not feeling the pain of death, he opened his eyes in fear.


Looking at the pieces of flesh and blood around him, the guy subconsciously sighed, his whole face turned pale with fear.

"It's up to you... to be wise!" After finally suppressing the panic in his heart, this guy actually threatened again without mercy: "Not killing me will definitely be the most correct choice for you, otherwise... hum. !”

"Do you think I don't dare to kill you?!" Fu Zhudanping said expressionlessly: "That's because you think too much. I just want you to live a little longer. It's not that I'm afraid of you. The joint army of the three tribes, it's not that I suddenly became soft-hearted, but..."

"But what?!" The ugly seventh prince of the Ice Wolf Tribe saw that she had stopped mid-sentence, and immediately subconsciously followed her topic and asked.

"But I want you to see with your own eyes how vulnerable the so-called armies of the three tribes are. Only after you witness all this with your own eyes will you truly feel that life is hopeless, and will you know what is Real despair!" The corners of Fu Zhudanping's mouth turned up slightly, and he answered the question in an indifferent tone.

"No! The coalition of the three tribes is extremely powerful! It is definitely not something that the Fuzhu tribe can compete with!" The ugly seventh prince of the Ice Wolf tribe obviously did not want to believe all this, and roared a little hysterically: "No matter how strong your personal strength is, It is so powerful that it will only be completely crushed when faced with the invincible coalition forces of the three tribes!"


The horns of enemy attack alarms became louder and louder, and patches of dark clouds could be seen in the distant sky sweeping over quickly. The dark clouds were clearly the combined army of the three tribes rushing towards them in a menacing manner.

In Fuzhu City, there are countless warriors gathering to prepare for war, and there are also ordinary people on the streets who are like frightened birds. The war has not yet begun for those Fuzhu tribesmen, but chaos has begun to form from within.

After endless years of peace, these people of various tribes who were accustomed to living a comfortable life finally revealed their most deadly side to the world.

In the village on the outskirts of the city, Du Long and his husband Zhu Danping had a panoramic view of the situation between the enemy and ourselves. For a while, they could only shake their heads helplessly and sigh.

A kind-hearted tribe like Fu Zhu is really not suitable to survive in such a world where the weak can eat the strong. If they hadn't happened to arrive today, the only thing waiting for the Fu Zhu tribe would be annihilation!

Fu Zhucheng, in the core ice palace.

The senior members of the Fuzhu clan gathered together and were eagerly discussing how to deal with the current dangerous situation.

You can see two figures sitting on the main seat. One is an old man with white beard and hair, and the other is a beautiful girl wearing a white dress and holding a scepter in her hand.

At the lower positions on both sides of the main seat, stood two senior officials of the Lev tribes. These people were male and female. The men were well-dressed and elegant, while the women were as beautiful as flowers with bright eyes and white teeth.

It can be said that the bloodline of the Husband Divine Beast clan is indeed excellent, and the clan's management is also very open, allowing both men and women to have relatively fair opportunities.

The entire Fuzhu clan, with the great elder and the saint jointly presiding over clan affairs, is now the two of them jointly presiding over the meeting to discuss how to retreat from the enemy.

"Who can tell me what is going on?! Why did the three tribes join forces to launch a full-scale attack on us?! Why did we just receive the news until the enemies joined forces to kill us?!" A loud shout rang out in the Ice Palace. The elder's extremely angry voice.

The senior officials of the husband clan on the left and right rows were all speechless. No one stood up to answer the question of the great elder. For a while, the atmosphere in the palace seemed a bit depressing.

In the face of foreign enemies, the senior leaders of the Fuzhu clan are still at a loss here. If this trend does not change, even if Du Long comes to help today, there may still be a risk of annihilation one day in the future.

"Great Elder, calm down!" The saintly daughter of the Fuzhu clan spoke softly and broke the silence: "At present, we have a powerful enemy. We should first think of ways to retreat from the enemy. As for the issue of pursuing responsibility, we can postpone it until we have the opportunity in the future. It’s not too late to pursue the case!”

"What the saint said makes sense!" The great elder nodded and said, "Everyone, tell me, in the face of the invasion of the armies of the other three tribes, do you have any good strategies to retreat from the enemy?!"

The ice palace was still quiet, and the handsome men and beauties at the top of the Hu clan were all a little confused. In addition to practicing, they like to do some elegant things in front of flowers and under the moon. They have never encountered anything like today. situation? !

The great elder and the saint looked at each other, and each saw a hint of helplessness in the other's eyes. It was not a day to freeze three feet, and they also understood that it was not surprising that their clan would be in this situation today.

"Lord Danxing! It's up to you to express your opinion! We are facing a powerful enemy. If we don't come up with a suitable method, we may be annihilated today!" The great elder could only nod helplessly in the end. person's name.

"This..." The guy who was named was slightly startled, and finally he could only bite the bullet and said: "I think... the coalition of the three tribes is powerful, and our Fuzhu tribe has not experienced a life-and-death battle for too long, so we should He will not be their opponent, so...the only way out is to seek peace!"

"Suing for peace?!" The great elder frowned slightly and said undecidedly: "The other three tribes joined forces to attack the door aggressively, how can they easily accept our peace request?!"

"Those three tribes have always been greedy. The reason why they joined forces to launch a war against us this time is just because they want some benefits! I believe that as long as we provide enough benefits, the other party should be willing to withdraw, right?!" Dan Xing seemed to have found inspiration, continued to explain.

"After all, our husbands are from a clan of mythical beasts, and our individual strength is very strong. If we are forced to fight with them to the death, then they will have to pay a heavy price for it!"

"It makes sense!" The great elder nodded thoughtfully and said: "But if... the other party's request is too excessive, then what should we do?!"

"I think a lower limit should be set. As long as the enemy does not exceed the limit...then seek peace with them. If not, then fight to the end without hesitation in blood!" Although the saint's voice was weak, she revealed an unconcealable perseverance. .

"The saint's words make sense!" The great elder's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately continued: "Time waits for no one. Let's quickly discuss how high the limit should be set. It should be as reasonable as possible and satisfy the three tribes. .”

In this way, a group of naive senior members of the Fu clan began to seriously discuss how to seek peace in the Ice Palace.

For example, how much territory of the Fu clan should be ceded to the three clans, how much war compensation the Fu clan should give to each other, how much of the various special elixirs unique to the Fu clan should be given, etc.

As members of the mythical beast clan, facing the threat of invasion from those ordinary blood groups, what they were thinking about was not how to retreat from the enemy, but how to sue for peace in a serious manner.

The entire negotiation process carefully divided the limits of the concessions that the various clans could make into several levels, and discussed all possible abnormal situations that may arise during the negotiation process.

But they never seriously discussed how to drive the enemy out after the peace talks failed. In this regard, they only had a simple bloody battle to the end.

In fact, they said they would fight to the bitter end, but no one took this choice to heart.

This also shows that no one is willing to fight the enemy to the bitter end. The so-called bloody fight to the end is just a slogan used to scare the enemy.

It's a pity that facing enemies as ferocious as jackals, tigers and leopards, the Fuzhu clan is as tempting as the fat on their lips.

If a group of sheep shouted slogans about fighting jackals, tigers and leopards to the bitter end, not only would they not be able to scare off the enemy, but they would also make everyone in the world find it very ridiculous, right? !

On the other side, inside the Ice Wolf Clan army.

The Ice Wolf Emperor, who was riding on a tall silver wolf, was looking at a message in the message formation stone with confusion on his face, and then said with a gloomy face: "Why did Lao Qi lead people outside Fuzhu City in advance? Gone to the small village?!”

"Father!" The eldest prince of the Ice Wolf Tribe on the side responded hurriedly and respectfully: "Seventh brother has been pursuing a woman named Dan Ting from the Fu Zhu clan earlier, but he only wanted to pursue her because her family moved and fled outside Fu Zhu City. Unexpectedly, when I heard that the armies of the three tribes were about to overwhelm the Fu clan, my seventh brother couldn’t wait to rush over with his people to arrest them!”

"This sperm-brained waste!" the Ice Wolf Emperor roared angrily: "Not only did he act without any brains, but he also killed dozens of elite elite teams at the peak level. He is really stupid in the extreme!"

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