Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2871 Accepting the Introduction

In the misty cave world of fairy mist, there is a picturesque garden.

Two guys with monkey faces and human bodies were standing there, looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes. They looked like monkey brothers who had been separated for many years suddenly reunited. They wanted to recognize each other but didn't know how to say it. feeling.

"My name is Sun Xiaosheng... What do you call me?!" In the end, Sun Xiaosheng was the first to speak, breaking the awkward silence.

I saw the corner of Sun Wukong's mouth twitching slightly. He was obviously shocked by the other party's name. He immediately thought of his own title when he was causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace: Monkey King!

Many people called him Sun Dasheng on weekdays, which suddenly gave him the illusion that he was his elder brother. When he looked at Sun Xiaosheng, his eyes became obviously full of confidence.

"That..." Sun Wukong suppressed all the distracting thoughts in his heart and said with a little hesitation: "I was born a stone monkey. Ever since I can remember... I was conceived and raised inside a crystal stone, so when I was born Originally he didn’t have a name…but then he got three different names as he grew up!”

"Three names?!" Sun Xiaosheng said in surprise: "Speak out and listen to see what kind of three names they will be!"

"When I became a disciple of my first master, Patriarch Bodhi, Master Bodhi gave me the surname Sun Wukong..."

"Wait! You are the direct disciple of Ancient Buddha Bodhi?! How is this possible?!" Before Sun Wukong could finish speaking, Sun Xiaosheng immediately interrupted and exclaimed: "It is impossible for Ancient Buddha Bodhi to accept a person who has just reached the realm of God. The early personal disciple!”

"This Bodhi Patriarch...is not the Bodhi Ancient Buddha!" ​​Sun Wukong laughed and shook his head in denial: "My Bodhi Master is a senior ancestor in the Xuantian World in my hometown, not Wanwan. The Master of the Ancient Bodhi Buddha Palace in the Buddhist Palace!”

Since following Du Long to the advanced civilization world, Sun Wukong and others have also gained a certain understanding of the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas. Naturally, they also know that there is also an ancient Bodhi Buddha in the World of Ten Thousand Buddhas, and he has reached the peak of Xuantian's Nine Stars of Creation. The mighty and powerful one.

"That's it!" Sun Xiaosheng breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You can continue talking!"

"Yes!" Sun Wukong smiled and nodded, and continued: "In addition to the correct name of Sun Wukong, I worshiped another master during my journey to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures. He also named me Sun Xingzhe, and the last name. This is what many monks spontaneously call me..."

At this point, Sun Wukong looked at Sun Xiaosheng thoughtfully, as if he was hesitant to speak, as if he was considering whether to say another name.

"Say it! It's just a title, just say it!" Sun Xiaosheng didn't expect the impact of this title on him, so he actually urged him.

"Okay! My third name is Sun Dasheng! It is a title that many monks spontaneously gave me..." Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and finally said his third name.

Sun Xiaosheng, who was listening carefully, was stunned for a moment, and then jumped up on the spot like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"What did you say?! Your third name is...Sun Dasheng?!" Sun Xiaosheng asked one after another while being shocked and angry, and feeling extremely unacceptable.

"Yes!" With a faint smile on his lips, Sun Wukong pretended to be calm and replied: "This is not a name I chose myself, it is just a title that the monks spontaneously gave me. It is not worth caring about. It’s worth worrying about!”


Du Long, who was secretly listening to the conversation between the two, was tasting the wine when he finally couldn't help laughing and spit out a sip of the wine on the spot.

Most of this mouthful of wine mixed with saliva sprayed onto Princess Lingshan who was standing aside. Although this girl wanted to get angry after suffering such a disaster, she was also curious about Du Long's sudden loss of temper.

In the end, she could only stamp her feet, blushing and fled the banquet hall. It seemed that she should have gone to change clothes!

Everyone else on the side looked at Du Long curiously. Finally, the human Zhang Jing couldn't help asking for the reason. Du Long could only find an excuse to get over it.

In the cave world, the two monkey heads fell into silence again, and stared at each other for a long time.

"Um..." This time, it was finally Sun Wukong's turn to ask first, "I wonder why Brother Little Saint wants me?!"

With Sun Wukong's explosive temper, it is naturally impossible to maintain this awkward silence for a long time!

For him, this is a complete waste of time and life. It would be better to accept the various inheritances in the Dragon Secret Realm with time accelerated a million times.

"I want to lead you back to the monkey clan!" After being brought back to the topic by Sun Wukong, Sun Xiaosheng finally put the name issue behind him and also revealed his true purpose.

"Bring me... back to the divine monkey clan?!" Sun Wukong's eyes widened in shock. Apparently he didn't understand the meaning of the other party's words. He was obviously an orphan, so why did the other party want to lead him back to the so-called divine monkey clan? ? !

"That's right!" Sun Xiaosheng nodded solemnly and replied: "I want to take you back to the divine monkey clan, not the ordinary monkey clan. As the rarest stone monkey with natural spiritual intelligence, you are qualified to be taken back! "

"Stone monkey born with spiritual intelligence?!" Sun Wukong's head was still confused and he said: "It's still the rarest...a kind of monkey clan?!"

"Yes!" Sun Xiaosheng replied with a smile: "You are the divine monkeys who were born with innate pregnancy. Even our six-eared monkey clan is slightly inferior in comparison. You should not continue to live in the outside world and waste your life. talent!"

"Um...little holy brother! Can you explain to me...the so-called information about the monkey clan?!" Sun Wukong pondered for a moment, and then asked solemnly.

"No problem!" Sun Xiaosheng nodded very simply and agreed: "The so-called divine monkey clan... is actually a clan under the Monster Clan Alliance, but it is a relatively small clan."

"There are four major groups of divine monkeys among the divine monkey tribe. The first and rarest one is your stone monkey tribe with natural spiritual powers, followed by our six-eared macaques, thong-armed monkeys, and red-necked horse monkeys!"

"Among the four great divine monkey clans, only your innate spiritual stone monkey is born with a natural pregnancy, so your number is extremely rare, but your cultivation talent and strength are also extremely powerful!"

"But our other three great monkey clans can cultivate the next generation of purebreds through breeding and breeding. Among a certain proportion of future generations, there will be clansmen with relatively pure blood!"

"So that's it!" Sun Wukong suddenly realized, but still had many questions, and immediately continued to ask: "Can't I get married and have children?! In the future, won't my descendants be born with pure blood... The Lingming Stone Monkey ?!”

"Haha!" Sun Xiaosheng grinned dryly and said, "Of course you can also get married and have children, but the offspring you give birth to will no longer be born with spiritual intelligence stone monkeys, but should be called acquired spiritual intelligence stone monkeys!"

"If you want to give birth to an acquired stone monkey, you have to choose a Taoist companion who is also a natural stone monkey. Otherwise...even if you can give birth to an heir, it will be hard to say what ethnic group it will be by then!"

Sun Wukong touched the tip of his nose speechlessly, and then continued to ask: "I just heard from the Little Saint Brother that our natural spiritual power, the Stone Monkey, is very talented?! But why did I not feel my talent during my practice? How high is it?!”

"That's because you haven't returned to the Divine Monkey Clan yet!" Sun Xiaosheng replied solemnly: "The stone monkey with natural intelligence can only return to the clan and accept the clan's special means to gain enlightenment. Then you will understand why your talent has not been Taller!"

"Enlightenment?!" Sun Wukong's eyes finally lit up, and his fiery golden eyes looked at Sun Xiaosheng even more ardently: "I'm just saying... I always feel like I'm being covered up in the process of comprehending the mysteries of heaven. It’s like closing your eyes, so it’s because you haven’t awakened yet?!”

"Haha! Of course!" Sun Xiaosheng, the six-eared monkey, said with a hearty smile: "After the descendants of our divine monkey clan grow to a certain stage, they usually undergo the enlightenment process of the clan. Once they awaken, the talent of that clan member will also be reduced. It’s finalized!”

As Sun Xiaosheng said, every once in a while, the Monkey Clan will enlighten all descendants. This enlightenment process will directly affect the status and treatment of each child in the family.

Only tribesmen who have enlightened themselves and acquired higher talents can receive key training from the tribe. Otherwise, their status within the tribe will drop significantly, and the consequences are self-evident!

Some of the children of the Monkey Clan are obviously direct children like princes and princesses. Once they discover that their talents are too poor after enlightenment, they may immediately end up in a worse situation than many of their collateral children.

This is what all forces have in common in cultivating their younger generations. Everything must be determined by an individual's talent and strength. Only this kind of healthy competition environment can make the entire ethnic group become stronger and stronger!

"Brother Wukong!" Sun Xiaosheng seemed to have deliberately ignored the title of Great Sage. He looked at Sun Wukong with a smile and continued: "Returning to the Monkey Clan will not only allow you to gain enlightenment, but also learn various unique techniques suitable for the Monkey Clan. Only in this way can you grow up as quickly as possible!"

"I have decided to return to the Monkey Clan with Brother Xiaosheng!" As soon as Sun Xiaosheng finished speaking, Sun Wukong immediately made the decision impatiently.

Over the years, even with time accelerating a million times, his progress in cultivation has been extremely slow!

He has long been driven crazy by the mysterious and profound mysteries of heaven. Over the years, he has not dared to spend a lot of time on understanding the mysteries of heaven. Instead, he spent his time on forging souls and forging bodies.

The sudden appearance of Sun Xiaosheng was like a piece of pie in the sky for him. If he was pretentious about such a good thing, he wouldn't be the Monkey King, the Monkey King!

"Haha! Great!" Sun Xiaosheng immediately laughed excitedly: "Brother Wukong! You will definitely be very happy for your decision today. I believe that in the near future... you will understand how wise your decision today is. Got it!"

"Yes!" Sun Wukong nodded and continued: "Little Holy Brother! I always feel that you seem to be very keen on bringing me back to the Monkey Clan. Is there any reason behind this?!"

After growing up for many years, Sun Wukong is no longer the ignorant boy he once was. Although he is willing to accept the good things that fall from the sky, he also understands that there must be some secrets behind it that he does not know.

"The reason is actually very simple!" Sun Xiaosheng just pondered for a moment before replying directly: "The first is that if I successfully bring you back, the higher your talent achievement will be in the future, the greater the points reward I will receive! "

"Second... The number of naturally intelligent stone monkeys is extremely rare. Almost all of the naturally intelligent stone monkeys will achieve very high achievements in the end. I also hope that you can grow into the pinnacle of the divine monkey clan in the future, and you can also get one by then. Isn’t it a good idea?!”

Sun Xiaosheng stopped here. He had another reason in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud.

The divine monkey clan is very powerful, but it is not a harmonious group internally. The six-eared macaque clan is relatively close to the natural spiritual bright stone monkey clan, and the thong-armed monkey is close to the red-armed horse monkey.

For many years, because the number of naturally intelligent stone monkeys was too rare, the six-eared macaques could only fight against the other two groups alone.

It is precisely because of this that the six-eared monkey clan is more enthusiastic about bringing back the natural spiritual bright stone monkey, while the other two clans are relatively more passive.

Regarding this kind of internal conflict within the clan, Sun Xiaosheng did not want to tell the newcomer in front of him immediately, lest he would be frightened into not returning to the clan with him, which would be more gain than loss.

Sun Wukong nodded slightly. He was obviously very satisfied with Sun Xiaosheng's answer, and he had no other questions to ask.

"Haha! It seems that Brother Wukong doesn't have any other questions to ask. In that case... please also resolve all matters behind you. I'm afraid it will take a long time to return to the clan with me before I have a chance to see you again. Brother Dulong!"

"Okay!" Sun Wukong did not refuse the other party's good intention, and nodded directly and agreed: "Then I will go back and say goodbye to my relatives and friends first. Brother Little Saint can come over to Du Long at any time, and then take me away!"

"no problem!"

The two finally ended their conversation, and Sun Xiaosheng did not take Sun Wukong away immediately, but returned directly to the Tianzi No. 1 banquet hall in Tianlingshan Palace.

Sun Xiaosheng left and returned, which naturally attracted the attention of many young heroes. When asked by everyone, he simply said that he wanted to bring a clansman who was in the realm of a god to return to his family.

The others didn't say much after hearing this. No matter which monkey clan disciple he recruited, as long as he hadn't reached the Xuantian Creation Realm, he didn't need to pay too much attention.

After all, everyone present was the leader of the young generation from all forces. Even if the Monkey Clan brought back a good seedling, there was no telling whether it would be able to grow to their level in the future!

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