Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 2989 Six-dimensional Marksmanship

In the square in front of the Douzhan Palace, there were constant buzzing discussions.

In the blink of an eye, Du Long stood there with blank eyes for ten days. For ten days, he still maintained this posture without moving at all.

He just stared silently at the hole pierced by the gun light. No one knew what he was thinking in his mind, and he even thought about it for so long without stopping.

At a certain moment after everyone had been waiting for more than ten days, Du Long, who had been unresponsive, finally moved!

First, his eyes suddenly turned from blank to vivid. There seemed to be a glimmer of understanding and excitement flashing in his eyes. He nodded as if he had some understanding but did not say anything.

Immediately afterwards, the virtual screen suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and under everyone's surprised gaze, his figure appeared at the door of the Battle Hall.

I saw him smiling, nodding lightly at those familiar people as a greeting, and then ignored the others and disappeared directly at the exit of the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace.

Under the cover and lock of everyone's consciousness, Du Long's figure appeared in the palace where the entrance to the Jinshan Secret Realm was, and then he ducked directly into the palace door.

"In such a hurry to enter the inheritance space of Jinshan Secret Realm, does this guy have some insights that need to be verified?!"

"This child's cultivation talent is too evil. He has been promoted to the top ten in just a short time since he became an elder. If he is allowed to continue to grow for a while, wouldn't it be..."


In the square in front of the Dou Zhan Palace, there were constant discussions among the gradually dispersing crowd, and it could be heard that most of them had obvious feelings of envy and jealousy.

Du Long had just appeared in the Jinshan world under the false identity of Hongwu not long ago, and his connections with the higher-ups of the Jinshan Temple were still relatively weak, so it was not surprising that he was not recognized by most people.

Of course, he is an outsider after all and will leave the Jinshan world sooner or later. Naturally, there is no need to establish too many unnecessary interpersonal relationships.

In the bizarre land of multi-dimensional inherited time and space, Du Long once again came to this world filled with multi-dimensional time and space energy. He only maintained a normal human form and only held an ordinary spear in his hand!

Standing quietly in the void, standing there holding a spear in his right hand, a sharp aura began to spread around him.

He seemed to be learning Elder Lin Tao's spear intention, imagining himself as a spear and imagining the feeling of being integrated with the spear in his hand.

People are guns, guns are people, the state where people and guns become one!

As time continued to pass day by day, the gun spirit in his body became sharper and more powerful, vaguely able to blend with the surrounding multi-dimensional space-time energy.

Until a certain moment, the spear in his hand suddenly thrust out!

As the spear thrust out, the power of time and space in the entire multi-dimensional space-time inheritance land seemed to be surging with the spear thrust out.

However, this surge of multi-dimensional space-time power does not seem to add much to the power of a spear.

Du Long was not angry because of this. He was distracted and quickly found the shortcomings of this gun. At the same time, he was also re-conceiving the new gun intention and power!


Waiting for a suitable opportunity, another spear light suddenly pierced the void, once again causing the surrounding multi-dimensional space-time power to surge.

Du Long was gaining strength and feeling at the same time, and stabbed out one shot after another. Each shot could always cause a surge in the power of multi-dimensional space and time.

As time goes by, the space-time turbulence caused by the spear thrust gradually changes from the chaos at the beginning to a certain pattern!

After each spear is thrust out, the power of multi-dimensional space-time will form a ring-shaped energy surge around the gun body, layer upon layer, as if to propel the spear forward.

Time began to pass year after year, but Du Long continued to repeat boring movements, stabbing into the void with the spear in his hand.

Uh-huh! puff!

At a certain moment, the piercing light of the spear seemed to pierce the void in front of him. The sudden change made Du Long's eyes suddenly light up.

"This is how it feels! The four-dimensional space and time is suitable for sword skills, the five-dimensional time and space is suitable for axe skills, and the six-dimensional time and space is suitable for gun skills?!"

"The world was created in multi-dimensional time and space, and swords, axes, and swords are the three magical weapons that I am best at. Isn't this the will of God to fulfill me?!"


Thinking of the excitement, Du Long couldn't help but look up to the sky and let out a burst of excited and hearty laughter. After the laughter stopped, he started to enter the cultivation state again.

It was still a boring spear stabbing action, and he continued until each spear thrust could penetrate the void, and then he stopped again.

"The marksmanship has been perfected. It took thirty Jinshan tokens to succeed. Next, we need to apply the marksmanship to the swordsmanship to see if there is any difference between the two?!"

In the blink of an eye, the spear in his hand was directly replaced by the sixth-level eternal divine spear, and then it was stabbed out one after another.

"Huh?! There is really a difference in using Changjian to perform spear skills. It seems that the way of exerting force needs to be changed appropriately!"

After stabbing for several times in a row, Du Long, who felt a little unsatisfactory, immediately made a change and began to immerse himself in Chang Jian's stabbing method again.

It seemed that there was only a slight change in his strength, but it took more than a dozen Jinshan Tokens to succeed again. Now he can easily penetrate the void with every thrust.

"The fighting method has been completed, and the next step is the long snake spear method..."

After completing the spear and long sword techniques, Du Long once again changed to the new eternal divine weapon long snake spear, and then continued to try to find a way to activate the power of six-dimensional time and space.

It took another seven or eight Jinshan Tokens to achieve success. At this point, Du Long had mastered the six-dimensional power generation method of three eternal magic weapons with his spear and spear, and all of them had reached the level of Dacheng.

During the long years of practicing spear fighting, Du Long's understanding of the integration of six-dimensional time and space into actual combat has once again improved a lot, and his personal strength has also reached a state that is very close to the peak of the sixth level and almost perfect.

"The four-dimensional sword technique, the five-dimensional ax technique, the six-dimensional spear technique..."

"The three tactics are very close to reaching the invincible state of the sixth level of Dzogchen, but there is still a certain gap between it and the invincible state. How can we make up for this gap?!"

"Continue to challenge higher-ranked elders and protectors to achieve this?! Or... venture outside, stimulate your body's potential through critical moments of life and death, and break through to the invincible state of the sixth level of Great Perfection?!"

In this silent inheritance void, various ideas flashed through Du Long's mind, and he quickly made a decision.


At the entrance and exit of the Jinshan Secret Realm Hall, a figure appeared out of thin air at the space-time array gate, startling an elder who was about to enter the array gate on the spot.

"Elder Hongwu?! Are you... coming out?!" the elder greeted with surprise on his face.

"Elder Ge Teng?!" Du Long immediately recognized the other party's identity, smiled and nodded and said, "Are you planning to enter the Jinshan Secret Realm to practice?!"

"Ah?!" Elder Ge Teng was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand suddenly and said: "No, no! I was going to go in to practice for a while, but now that Elder Hongwu has come out, I won't be in a hurry to go in!"

His answer was a bit strange. Du Long shook his head and asked with a smile: "Whether Elder Ge Teng wants to enter the Jinshan secret realm to practice, what does it have to do with whether I come out or not?!"

"Hehe!" Ge Teng scratched his head and replied with a smile: "Every time Elder Hongwu comes out of seclusion, there will be a good show. Compared with seclusion and practice, watching you launch a fighting challenge is much more interesting!"


Du Long choked on his own saliva, and was obviously very speechless at Ge Teng's answer: "Oh! I'm afraid you will be disappointed this time! I have no intention of challenging other elders this time!"

"Aren't you ready to challenge?!" Ge Teng was stunned for a moment with some disappointment, but showed a bright smile and said: "That's okay, anyway, I believe that as long as Elder Hongwu appears, even if he does not launch a fight to challenge Jinshan World, he will definitely not Just be calm! Hehe!"

"Okay!" Du Long shook his head speechlessly and said, "That's up to you. We'll see you later!"

After bowing his hands in a salute, he disappeared directly outside the palace gate, then went straight to the elder's mansion where he lived and shot away.

The tenth-ranked elder's mansion is many times larger than the one Du Long stayed in when he first came in. All the waiters inside are uniformly assigned. He only needs to move in directly with his bags.

Before he could take a brief tour of the new mansion, more than a dozen visitors appeared outside the mansion's gate. They were apparently elders belonging to the Saintess camp.

Most of these elders had accepted his fighting challenge, and each of them was more or less familiar with him. When they saw Du Long returning home from seclusion, they all couldn't help but come to visit him.

Du Long knew very well in his heart that their visit was fake and they wanted to find out whether he was real or not. They probably wanted to know whether he had entered the Jinshan secret realm inheritance space again.

But before Du Long could bring people into the palace, everyone was summoned by the Saint to go to the Palace of the Saint.

In the Palace of the Saint, most of the guardian elders belonging to the Saint's camp gathered together, and Du Long and others were actually the last ones to arrive.

"Elder Hongwu!" After Du Long and others took their seats, Saint Yin Feifei said with a smile: "According to convention, every elder of our camp who advances to the top ten will have a celebration banquet, but you suddenly ran in last time We’ve gone to the Jinshan Secret Realm, now it’s time to make up for the owed celebration banquet!”

"Thank you, Your Highness the Saint!" I heard that it was customary, but Du Long was not too polite to the Saint.

In a celebration banquet, Du Long was definitely the protagonist of the entire banquet. He had to deal with the toasts of all the elders and protectors and even the saints present.

People seemed to be very interested in Du Long and asked various questions, such as whether he would launch a fighting challenge this time.

After learning that he would not launch another fighting challenge in the near future, the top ten elders secretly breathed a sigh of relief, while most of the others seemed a little disappointed.

If Du Long doesn't take the initiative to challenge, outsiders will have no way of knowing whether he has entered the secret territory of Jinshan recently, nor do they know what level his current strength has reached.

After Du Long was almost done with it, he was called forward by the saint and several guardians, obviously preparing to talk about some secret topics.

‘Hongwu! What’s next for you? ! They are preparing to manage their own forces well. . . Or do you have other plans? ! ’ Zhao Pojun asked via voice message with a concerned face.

‘I’m not interested in running my own forces! ’ Du Long shook his head directly and replied through a message: ‘I just want to improve my cultivation as soon as possible and strive to break through to the sixth level of peak perfection as soon as possible! ’

The saint and the guardians looked at each other, and they seemed not surprised by this answer.

'that. . . Elder Hongwu! ’ Saint Yin Feifei said thoughtfully: ‘You must know that the sixth level of Dzogchen is very difficult to break through, right? ! ’

'Yes! ’ Du Long looked at the saint with a smile and nodded and replied: ‘No matter how difficult it is, I will do my best! ’

'Um! ’ The saintly girl nodded slightly, with admiration in her beautiful eyes: ‘I believe that Elder Hongwu has a great possibility of successfully breaking through and reaching the invincible state of the sixth level of Dzogchen! ’

‘Thank you, Your Highness the Saint! ’ Du Long bowed his hands and then changed the subject: ‘Dare to ask Her Majesty the Saint. . . Can you tell Hong how Ling Zu broke through and reached the sixth level of Dzogchen? ! ’

'this. . . ’ The Saint obviously didn’t expect that he would ask this question, and she immediately pondered undecidedly and said: ‘I’m afraid no one knows how my ancestor made the breakthrough back then, I only know. . . He broke through while adventuring in a dangerous place! ’

'I see! ’ A faint smile appeared at the corner of Du Long’s mouth: ‘Thank you, Your Highness the Saint, for your guidance! ’

'etc! ’ Protector Zhao Pojun said a little anxiously: ‘Hong Wu! Don’t you also want to go to some dangerous areas to find opportunities for breakthroughs? ! You must not risk your life easily! ’

'yes! ’ Great Protector Geqiu couldn’t help but persuaded: ‘There are only three dangerous places that can be entered. You have been to Zijihan Abyss before, I believe you should be very aware of how dangerous it is! ’

'not to mention. . . Unless you have reached the bottleneck of the sixth level, which is close to the Great Perfection, even if you take risks, you will definitely not be able to break through and reach the Great Perfection! ’

It can be seen that the saint and several guardians are very concerned about their own safety, but Du Long doesn't want them to worry too much.

‘Don’t worry, everyone. With the strength that Hong has grown up to now, he will naturally not play with his own safety easily. Hong will definitely be fully prepared! ’

'well! ’ Protector Geqiu seemed to understand that it was useless to persuade him, so he could only sigh and said: ‘It’s good that you understand this truth, after all. . . His Royal Highness the Son hates you to the core. I believe that if you dare to enter the three dangerous areas again, in addition to dealing with the dangers from within the dangerous areas, you will also have to face threats from the Holy Son’s camp! ’

Neither the Great Protector Geqiu nor the Saint Yin Feifei wanted a general from their camp to die prematurely. They did not know that Du Long had already mastered the six-dimensional marksmanship.

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