Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 318 Plowing the Court and Sweeping the Cave

The Haotian Alliance Army Camp ushered in an army of tens of thousands of slaves. Each one appeared unarmed outside the gate of the camp. Kang Tuo, the leader of the Guide Army who was responsible for guarding the camp, was waiting outside the gate.

This time, Du Long personally led the army to meet the enemy, and deliberately left Kang Tuo, the acting commander of the Guide Army, for the simple purpose of letting them take over the slave army of the Blue Moon Empire!

Long before the gambling war started, Du Long had directly established contact with the slave army leader Geis through the Nazgul Beauty. After confirming that the voice in his head was really the commander-in-chief of the Haotian Empire, Geis's always serious face finally changed. There is a hint of joy!

No matter how good the promise the second prince made, Geis, who had long since given up on the Blue Moon Empire, had always struggled with being unable to reconcile with the legendary magical lord who treated his slaves like brothers!

I heard that as long as you surrender to his command, you can freely choose to continue joining the army, or quit the army and live in a newly established city in Qingyun Grassland!

It can be said that Du Long has become the savior of all slaves in the Blue Moon Empire!

In the Blue Moon Empire, many slaves ran directly towards the Qingyun Grassland after escaping from the control of their slave owners. As long as they could cross the Hansi River alive, they could obtain the status of civilians in the Haotian Empire and live a free life!

Therefore, when Geis confirmed that the person with whom he had established contact was indeed the magical young commander of the Haotian Empire, he directly agreed to Du Long's various arrangements!

"Hahaha! Brother Gass! Do you still recognize me?!" In the Haotian Alliance camp, Kang Tuo personally led his soldiers to welcome Gass outside the camp gate and laughed at Gass in the Slave Army.

"Kang Tuo! Is it really you?!" Gass rushed over excitedly and gave Kang Tuo a bear hug. From the look on his face, it was obvious that he was very familiar with Kang Tuo, who was also a former slave.

The soldiers beside Gass who were originally uneasy, saw this scene, they all breathed a sigh of relief and showed a relieved smile. They finally felt a sense of security!

"Haha! Gass, I have been ordered by Lord Dulong to wait here specially for you!" Kang Tuo laughed and patted Gass on the shoulder and joked.

Glancing around, Gass wondered: "Could it be that the entire camp is guarded by you former slave legions?!"

"That's right!" Kang Tuo said with great reverence: "You didn't expect it?! Lord Du would actually trust us former slaves so much! Moreover, when the war came, not only did he not push us out to be used as cannon fodder, but he also deliberately used We will use the excuse of welcoming you to leave half of our troops to garrison the camp!"

"I, Geis, have never obeyed anyone in my life! Today I am so impressed by Lord Dulong that I am completely in awe!"

. . . . . .

In front of the two armies, the 400,000-strong slave army suddenly surrendered. The other three armies of the Blue Moon Empire were dumbfounded on the spot. Facing the million-strong coalition army that rushed over aggressively, the second prince directly rode his horse and fled towards the rear. He also loudly ordered the entire army to Attack!

The coach escapes from battle, but lets his men die? !

At this moment, countless soldiers of the main army of the Blue Moon Empire rushed forward according to the instructions, while others who knew about it ran back. The entire formation was in chaos on the spot!

"Those who drop their weapons and raise their hands high will not be killed! The rest will be killed without mercy!" Du Long, who once again rode the big lion and charged at the front line, saw this scene and immediately used all his strength to roar.

His roar was so loud that it shook the area. Many Blue Moon Empire troops dropped their weapons and raised their hands high on the spot!

But there were still people who bravely launched a counterattack against the millions of Haotian's coalition forces. For those who charged more vigorously, Du Long directly signaled the big lion to take action and shot a flaming bomb at them!

In the sound of several explosions, patches of elite cavalry were blown into ashes. However, compared to the dozens of miles wide battlefield front, this attack was not too conspicuous!

Seeing that there were still a large number of enemies from the Blue Moon Empire charging towards him across from him, Du Long finally couldn't help but take action!


A flame blade shot out, exploded in the wind, turned into a giant flame blade hundreds of meters long, and shot towards the Blue Moon Empire army!

The giant flaming blade hundreds of meters long cut into the enemy's ranks in an instant, flew forward for thousands of meters before dissipating, and created a no-man's land hundreds of meters wide and hundreds of meters long on the spot!

In this area, thousands of people were cut into two pieces on the spot, and then set on fire, turning into a bonfire!

Such a terrifying scene finally crushed the last line of psychological defense of the main army soldiers of the Blue Moon Empire. At this time, someone shouted: "All soldiers of the Blue Moon Empire, let's stop fighting for those dogs of the Blue Moon Empire." The officer is selling his life! That bullshit commander-in-chief, the Second Prince, has long since escaped on his war horse!"

At this shout, the soldiers of the Blue Moon Empire who were originally charging towards me with their swords were all dumbfounded. Some continued to charge forward regardless, some dropped their swords and raised their hands to surrender, and some turned their horses and started running away!

In short, there are very few people who are willing to fight to the death against the millions of coalition forces in Haotian!

Those who foolishly rushed into Haotian's army were wiped out by millions of coalition troops in the blink of an eye, like a huge wave. There was no backup. The result of rushing in like this can be imagined!

So, what was originally a big battle between the two armies turned into a great escape!

On the battlefield, if either side breaks away, there is no need to think too much about the outcome. The Haotian army pursues them all the way, and those who put down their weapons and surrender are simply ignored. Naturally, the subsequent troops will clean up the mess!

The chase continued until the entrance of the Blue Moon Empire's camp. The defenders of the Blue Moon Empire's camp had long been taken away by the second prince. Almost all the enemy troops in the camp were driven back to the camp like ducks. Everyone who came from the camp entered through the main gate and ran straight to the back door. How could they think of holding on to the camp? !

After Du Long chased all the way to the camp that originally belonged to the Blue Moon Empire, he did not continue to chase out. The next battle could be fought well without him.

In addition to continuing to arrange for the pursuit of enemy troops in the Blue Moon camp, he also began to arrange for manpower to take over the camp, which was filled with various supplies, and clean up the few remaining enemy troops in the camp!

Time passed day by day, and the millions of Haotian Allied Forces began to hunt down the hundreds of thousands of troops of the Blue Moon Empire from the Hexi Corridor, and then left the Hexi Corridor and killed all the way eastward along the Hansi River Bank!

Along the way, we passed more than a dozen towns that originally belonged to the Haoyue Kingdom. Most of these towns surrendered directly, but there were one or two fortified cities whose gates were tightly closed and unwilling to surrender!

In response to this, the hundreds of thousands of Haotian coalition forces chasing the enemy in the front did not waste time and slowly attack the city. Instead, they went directly around the city and rushed to the next target. At the same time, they also sent people to the rear to convey the message to Commander Du Long. News that he was unwilling to surrender after returning to a certain city.

After Du Long received the news, he directly arranged for the follow-up army to rush towards those cities, and then used heavy city-breaking rockets to blast the city gates first, and then the army gnawed down these difficult nails in one fell swoop.

About ten days later, the Haotian Million Alliance Army swept across from west to east, conquering all the cities along the way, and let the newly conquered army of hundreds of thousands of slaves garrison these cities respectively to prevent problems in the rear!

And Haotian's million-strong army finally reached the location of Haoyue City. After allowing the 400,000-strong army to cooperate with the two legions of the original Yulin Pass to surround the capital city that originally belonged to the Haoyue Kingdom, Du Long also arranged for another 60 The army of ten thousand continues to sweep eastward, aiming to conquer all the land between Haoyue City and Tonghaiguan within half a month!

Let me talk about it here. Originally, the Haotian Zhongwu, Zhenwei, and Grassland Legions combined totaled 7 to 800,000. In addition, the Guide Legion had a total of more than 200,000, which amounted to over one million troops. A new 400,000 slave legions were reorganized, and they were all unified. General Kang Tuo is in command!

Du Long's military strength was like a snowball. The more he fought, the more people he fought, and the more supplies he had in hand. Every time he occupied a place, all the supplies were merged into military supplies.

Every time a city is captured, with the help of the Shadow Guards, the houses of the evil slave owners, unscrupulous nobles and corrupt officials in the city will be raided!

A large amount of wealth obtained from the confiscation of homes, part of the cash was directly accepted by Du Long, and a large number of other treasures were continuously transported to the capital of the Haotian Empire and handed over to His Majesty the Emperor!

Under the astonished attention of all the forces across the continent, the strength of the several legions of the Haotian Empire was not weakened after the battle with the Blue Moon Empire, but became stronger and stronger!

Outside Haoyue City, in the tent of the commander of the Haotian Army, Du Long finally met with Luo Hao, the commander of the two armies of the Yulin Pass, the commander of the Jinglin Regiment, and Qin Hanfan, the commander of the Xindunwu Regiment, in the camp outside Haoyue City.

"Haha! Marshal Du Long! I didn't expect! We met outside Haoyue City so quickly!" General Jinglin Luo Hao looked at this young man who was nominally his nephew with great admiration.

"Haha! I didn't expect that the Blue Moon Empire's million-strong army would be so vulnerable and flee so quickly!" Du Long said modestly.

"Marshal Du Long is joking! All of this is the result of your godly military skills! I heard that in the Hexi Corridor, you fought the second prince in two consecutive gambling battles, and won two games in a row with minimal casualties! What's more, In front of the formation of the two armies..." Qin Hanfan, the royal disciple on the side and the chief general of the New Dunwu Army, said in amazement.

"Haha! General Qin doesn't need to praise me anymore, otherwise, I will be proud..." Du Long said with a slight smile as he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Marshal Du Long indeed has qualifications to be proud of! Do you know what the people on the mainland are saying now?!" Luo Hao said with bright eyes.

"What do you mean?!" Du Long asked in confusion.

"The people of Star Continent all agree that putting you together with that idiot second prince is the greatest insult to you! In the entire Star Continent, there can only be one peerless young genius, and that is Marshal Du Long!" Qin Hanfan He rushed to tell the result.

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