Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3245 Exciting Grandparents and Grandchildren

"Last questions!"

"Are there any powerful Eternal True Gods in the world you live in?! How many Eternal True Gods are there in total?! Is there any Eternal True God among them who can release a giant palm attack of time and space energy?!"

After asking about various details of the civilized world outside, Qingshi, the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, finally asked the question he was most concerned about.

After hearing the question asked by the other party, the face of the leader of the Monster Adventure Team changed slightly.

From Qingshi's words, he grasped a key point, that is, the giant palm that can release space-time energy to attack!

This reminded him of the giant palm of space-time energy that stirred up the entire world of advanced civilization not long ago. Could it be that the mysterious strong man from the human race had already arrived here first? !


. "Facing Qingshi with glaring eyes, the captain of the demon adventure team could only answer truthfully: "If it were more than 300,000 years ago, I can guarantee that there is no eternal true god in the civilized world outside! "

"But starting more than 300,000 years ago, a powerful human race appeared in the civilized world outside. This person is exactly what the adults say is a powerful being that can release the giant palm of space-time energy!"

"As for whether that strong human race has reached the realm of the Eternal True God, or what kind of combat power he has reached the realm of the Eternal True God, I don't know anything about it!"

"The little demon only knows that the other party is a mysterious and powerful person from the human race. In the years since the other party appeared, he has secretly used his giant palm of time and space energy several times to destroy or destroy several ethnic groups that were at odds with the human race. Heavy damage.

. "

Under the explanation of the team leader of the Yaozu, Qingshi finally had a rough understanding of Du Long's situation, and his frowning brows tightened.

Of course, after hearing that in the so-called powerful civilized world outside, there had never been a powerful Eternal God, Qingshi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"So!" After Qingshi listened to the story of the captain of the monster adventure team, Qingshi pondered and asked: "That powerful man from the human race who is suspected of being in the realm of eternal true gods, should he have broken through to the realm of eternal true gods recently? ?!”

"Maybe!" The leader of the Monster Adventure Team nodded in agreement: "All our tribes are secretly investigating this person's true identity, but unfortunately there is still no definite conclusion!"

"According to our guess, the other party should be a powerful human being who has just recently broken through to the realm of the eternal true god, and.

. "

"And what?!" Qingshi immediately shouted and asked after hearing the leader of the Monster Clan Adventure Team stop talking in the middle of his words: "If there is any situation, you must tell it in detail, otherwise.

. "

"Yes, sir!" The captain of the demon adventure team nodded in agreement: "Before that mysterious power of the human race appeared, it happened to be not long after the prehistoric battlefield ruins were closed!"

"Therefore, we all suspect that there is a mysterious and powerful human being who got a huge opportunity during the opening of the prehistoric battlefield ruins, and finally succeeded in breaking through and reaching the realm of the eternal true god!"

"Prehistoric battlefield ruins?!" Qingshi's eyes lit up again: "What kind of place is that?!"


. "The captain of the demon adventure team replied in a deep voice: "That is a place similar to your world. In the vast and chaotic void of Xuantian, a secret realm will be opened from time to time! "

"A secret realm that opens from time to time?!" Qingshi's eyes flashed, but he continued to ask calmly: "Tell me everything you know about the prehistoric battlefield ruins!"

"Yes, sir.

. "

After the leader of the Monster Adventure Team agreed, he immediately began to tell the Lord of the Heavenly Palace in front of him everything he knew about the ruins of the prehistoric battlefield.

It can be seen that after Master Qingshi of the Palace heard various situations inside the prehistoric battlefield ruins, especially when he heard the rumors about the Jinshan World, the light in his eyes flashed more and more intensely.

Obviously, as the top person in this secret world, he should have heard the rumors about the Jinshan World.

While listening to the story of the leader of the Monster Adventure Team, he also asked some new questions, some of which he could get clear answers to, and some that even the Leader of the Monster Adventure Team didn't quite understand.

no way!

In the entire civilized world outside, I am afraid that only Du Long, who has successfully integrated into the Jinshan world, has an extremely deep understanding of the entire Jinshan world.

Similar to several major dangers, the core area is a time and space passage leading to another world.

There are also the Jinshan World’s main holy city core temple, the Jinshan Secret Realm inheritance time and space, the Fighting Secret Realm, etc.

All the major and minor forces in the outside civilized world are not as well understood as Du Long alone.

"Okay!" After listening to the description of the prehistoric battlefield ruins by the captain of the Monster Adventure Team, Qingshi couldn't wait to end the interrogation: "Today's questioning ends here, I will talk to your teammates Confirm whether there are any deviations in your explanation!"

"Don't worry, as long as you don't lie, nothing will happen. I may ask you some questions if I have a chance in the future!"

"So, not only will your life not be in danger during this period, but you will also be able to live a comfortable life here!"

"Thank you, sir!" The captain of the demon adventure team said with surprise: "There is absolutely no lie in what the little demon said before, and the little demon is willing to guarantee this with his own life!"

"That's good!"

Qingshi, the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, nodded in response, then stood up and left without looking back.

After leaving the interrogation room, he immediately rushed to the other courtyard where his ancestor lived, and came to a heavily guarded secret cultivation hall without any hindrance.

"Ancestor!" Qingshi stood at the door of the Secret Cultivation Palace and shouted directly: "My grandson has something important to discuss with my ancestor. Please allow my grandson to come in and discuss it!"

The door to the Secret Cultivation Palace slowly opened. It was obvious that the ancestor who was practicing in seclusion opened the door, which was regarded as accepting the request of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace.

Qingshi, the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, immediately entered the Secret Palace and saw the calm old man who had appeared before, sitting cross-legged on a throne made of wood spiritual roots.

"Qingshi!" The old man frowned and looked at the uncertain Qingshi and said, "We have only been separated for a few days, have you found any trace of that mysterious strong man?!"

"Yes, but no!" Qingshi was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly explained: "My grandson did receive some information about that mysterious strong man, but unfortunately he still doesn't know where he is now!"

"Not long ago, another foreign adventure team entered our world. My grandson immediately led people to capture them all alive!"

"I just started interrogating them, and finally got a lot of news that shocked my grandson. That's why I had to disturb the ancestor's Qingxiu and report the matter to the ancestor immediately!"

"Oh!" The calm old man finally said with some interest on his face: "You actually captured an adventurous team from the outside world alive?! Please tell the other party's explanation clearly!"

"Yes, Ancestor!" Qingshi nodded hurriedly.

Then he began to tell his ancestor all the information he had just obtained from the interrogation.

When he heard that an extremely powerful world civilization had appeared in the chaotic world of Xuantian outside, the old man's face had already become a little ugly.

When he heard that the owner of the giant palm of time and space energy had appeared in the outside world not long ago, he was moved once again.

But in the end, the news I heard before was not as good as the information related to the prehistoric battlefield ruins, especially the legendary Jinshan world inside the prehistoric battlefield ruins!

"Jinshan World?!" The old man who was calm and self-confident had a look of ecstasy on his face at this moment: "Is it the legendary Jinshan World?!"

"There should be more than 80% chance that it is the legendary Jinshan World. According to the prisoner, there is indeed a Jinshan Heritage Secret Realm in that Jinshan World!" Qingshi also replied with some excitement.

"The secret realm of Jinshan inheritance?!" The old man was already trembling with excitement: "That's right, it's the legendary holy land that can create the eternal true god!"

"Yes!" Qingshi solemnly nodded in agreement: "I heard that the mysterious and powerful human being who suddenly appeared in the outside world should have been able to break through and reach the eternal true god realm because of the opportunity to obtain the Jinshan World!"


Because he was too excited, the old man who had always been calm and self-confident actually started coughing violently at this moment.

It is not difficult to see from this how much this old man covets the secret realm of Jinshan World Heritage!

"Ancestor, don't be excited!" Qingshi actually dared to persuade his ancestor: "I heard that the time and space channel at the prehistoric battlefield ruins was closed not long ago. It may take a long time to open it again!"

It was like a bucket of cold water being poured down suddenly, making the excited old man calm down on the spot.

"Have you asked the other party how long it will take before the so-called prehistoric battlefield ruins can be opened again?!"

"Asked!" Qingshi immediately replied: "The time interval between each activation is a bit long!"

His reply was like a second bucket of cold water being poured on him, directly extinguishing the fire welling up in the heart of the excited old man.

"Alas! The place of inheritance in our world can only have inheritances that have reached the peak of the ninth level at most. As for the inheritance of the eternal realm above that, there is nothing!" the old man sighed.

"It was also by chance that I unexpectedly broke through and reached the realm of the Eternal True God. So far, in the endless years, none of your descendants have broken through to the realm of the Eternal True God!"

"And even if I break through and reach the realm of the Eternal True God, how should I practice next, but I can only cross the river like a blind man feeling for pebbles. After countless years, I still haven't made much progress!"

"Therefore, once the eternal true god from the outside world appears, I can't guarantee whether I can defeat him!"

"At that time, I'm afraid I will need to retreat to the moon where the Heavenly Palace is located, and rely on the ancient defense formation here to launch defense. In this way, everything on the main planet may fall into the hands of the enemy!"

Until this moment, the ancestor of the secret world finally expressed his worries.

This is why he is so eager to practice in seclusion and break through the small bottleneck he is currently facing.

"Ancestor! Do we have to fight against that mysterious human race master?!" Qingshi couldn't help but say.

"As far as I know from my interrogation of the prisoner, this mysterious and powerful man from the human race seems to have a compassionate heart. We are both members of the human race and he shouldn't kill easily, right?!"

"Have a compassionate heart?!" the old man responded in shock: "Then why did he attack our heavenly palace without saying a word?!"

"After all, the other party only made a tentative attack and then stopped immediately!" Qingshi replied thoughtfully: "If the other party has malicious intentions, then why not directly attack other areas that are not guarded by the defensive array?! "

"That's true!" The old man nodded slightly and said, "But the other party still hasn't made any new moves. Even if we want to establish a good relationship with them, we don't have a chance?!"

"We can only wait until the other party shows up next time!" Qingshi replied thoughtfully: "When my grandson mentioned this, I just hope that my ancestor will not take action casually!"

"As long as the other party doesn't make some excessive demands, we can tolerate it even if there will be some losses!"

"Okay!" The old man sighed helplessly: "I hope the other party won't make too many demands, otherwise, it's not an unacceptable thing to endure it!"

In this way, the grandfather and grandson quickly reached a consensus.

It can be seen from the conversation between the two that there is only one eternal true god in this secret world.

Moreover, the inheritance land that this world possesses can only systematically cultivate experts at the peak nine-star realm.

As for the realm of the Eternal True God, which is a higher level up, there is nothing you can do.

Time passed, and in the following time, foreign adventure teams began to enter this secret world one after another.

And these adventurous teams were all captured alive without exception.

The strong men of the Heavenly Palace are obviously much more polite in their attitude towards the adventure teams of foreign human forces.

They all received an order from Qingshi, the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, asking them to be polite to the human adventure team.

Of course, for those adventure teams that dare to resist, even the human team will inevitably be attacked by force.

However, the strong men in the secret world will not completely kill the human adventure team. At most, they can only severely injure those strong human beings and capture them alive.

In this way, one day when more and more foreign adventure teams appeared in the secret world, Du Long's clone finally arrived too late.

Standing at the edge of the Bird's Nest space-time rift and the secret world, Du Long's multidimensional Creator clone was staring at the secret world in front of him with bright eyes.

In the main world of Xuantian within his body, the creation clone of Xumi is hiding inside, silently watching the secret world in front of him at this moment.

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