Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3263 Synchronous Practice

Time flies.

Under the accelerating time of a million times, it took Du Long a full 10 million years of real time to cultivate, which is actually equivalent to the real time of 10 epoch years.

And after time is accelerated a million times, it will reach a terrifyingly long period of ten million epoch-years.

Of course, relatively speaking, this amount of time is only a fraction of the time he spent practicing the two-two fusion avenue.

After spending 10 million years of real time, the creation clone of Yin Yang finally went from the early stage of eternal god general to the theoretical stage of reaching the peak limit in the later period.

That's right!

The creation clone of Yin Yang was extremely lucky to successfully break through the theoretical realm of reaching the peak limit of the eternal god general in the first time!


The creation clone of Yin and Yang exhaled a heavy breath, and finally slowly opened his eyes from the state of immersed in ascetic cultivation, looking at the Yin and Yang world in front of him with a slightly chaotic look.

The two original clones of Yin and Yang's creation clones can easily share each other's memories in the core places of the two Yin and Yang poles.

Naturally, it is very clear that both of them have reached the limit of their understanding of the theory of Yin and Yang's creation path.

"The creation clone of Yin and Yang started to practice in seclusion at the latest, but has never received a letter from the other two origin clones. I don't know how far the other two origin clones have reached in their cultivation?!"

A slightly hoarse voice sounded in the raging flames of the Yin and Yang polar regions. Du Long's Yin Yang creation clone directly sent a brief message, and the other two original clones were able to receive the content of the brief message immediately.

Soon, he received a reply from the other two origin clones. After seeing the content of the reply, he was immediately dumbfounded.

"Unexpectedly, the creation clone of Xumi has only reached the late peak of the divine general realm. There is still about 10% of the theoretical knowledge before the peak limit and needs to continue to comprehend and practice!"

"The multi-dimensional creation clone is even worse. It has only reached the late stage of the divine general realm and is still nearly 30% away from the peak limit?!"

The Yin-Yang Creation Clone murmured the results it had just received, as well as the progress of the other two Creation Clone's!

"This is just theoretical understanding and practice. Later, we need to conduct combat training with the three major clones, so that the three original clones can fully integrate all theoretical insights into practical applications!"

"Of course, this requires the other two origin clones to first reach the peak of theoretical understanding and practice, otherwise it will all be in vain!"

"Yin-Yang Creation, I didn't expect that the secret realm of Yin-Yang Creation at the level of a god-general in front of me actually contains the mysterious inheritance of the theory of the peak level of a god-general?!"

"What makes me even more unexpected is that the creation clone of Yin and Yang is here in seclusion to comprehend and cultivate, and the speed is actually much faster than the other two origin clones?!"

"Is it just because the secret world of Yin-Yang creation in front of us is highly similar to my own Yin-Yang creation method?!"

While murmuring, Du Long looked at the Yin-Yang Secret Realm in front of him with some curiosity, as if he wanted to carefully analyze how similar this Yin-Yang Xuantian Secret Realm was to the Yin-Yang World he created.

"Huh?!" Trillions of minds were working with all their strength, and he began to conduct a comprehensive exploration of the Yin-Yang Xuantian secret realm in front of him. He finally found some clues: "I seem to be able to get out of the Yin-Yang Xuantian secret realm in front of me. Feel the traces of Xuantian Jue Kung Fu everywhere?!"

Xuantian Jue is a cultivation technique that Du Long acquired since he was a child. It is also an incomplete technique that was deliberately taught to him by the great creator Pangu!

It was through this technique that he practiced all the way to the realm of God.

In the end, the three original avatars embarked on three different Xuantian creation paths from this realm!

In other words, before breaking through and reaching the realm of Xuantian's great creation god, Du Long's three original clones were actually trained based on Xuantian Jue.

Because of this, he was extremely familiar with the Xuantian Jue Technique. After conducting a comprehensive exploration of the Yin and Yang secret realm in front of him, he quickly discovered traces of having practiced the Xuantian Jue Technique!

This discovery made him extremely excited. It was also the first time that he found traces of practicing the Xuantian Jue technique in the outside world after he broke through and reached Xuantian's realm of creation.

"Could it be said that the Xuantian Jue technique that I practice was handed down from the extremely powerful prehistoric civilization?!"

"The owner of the Yin-Yang Secret Realm in front of me once practiced the Xuantian Jue Technique and broke through to reach the peak of the Eternal God General. However, he only left this Xuantian Chaos Secret Realm because he had fallen?!"

"Could this vast Xuantian secret realm in the chaotic void of Xuantian be the secret realms of the inner world left behind by the many eternal strong men in the prehistoric civilized world after their fall?!"

"In the eternal realm, foreign enemies will also kill and perish in battle, but the eternal world they created will not completely die. Is this the true meaning of the word eternity?!"





Du Long looked at the Yin Yang Xuantian secret realm in front of him with sharp eyes. Under the high-speed calculations in his mind, he quickly found one conclusion after another that was very close to the truth!

Of course, these conclusions are just his inferences based on some existing information. The accuracy is only more than 99% at best, but there is no guarantee of 100% accuracy.

After all, the existing information is imperfect. If you want to infer the truth from imperfect information, there will still be a certain probability of error!


After the two creation clones of Yin and Yang conducted a comprehensive exploration of the secret realm of Yin and Yang in front of them, they finally rushed out of the core of Yin and Yang at the same time, and the two original clones instantly merged into one.

After successfully understanding all the mysteries of the creation path in this secret realm of yin and yang, it makes no sense to continue to stay.


After looking around, he finally rushed towards the exit time and space channel again, and quickly rushed out of this Yin and Yang secret realm through the time and space channel!

Outside the secret realm, there is still a world where all kinds of deadly chaotic energies are raging!

After Du Long simply determined the direction, he immediately locked on a certain direction and rushed over.

Since the other two origin clones still need a period of time to continue their enlightenment and practice, this Yin-Yang creation clone will also have some free time.

He will not let this free time go to waste, but will work hard to make good use of this time to see if he can find a secret yin and yang realm of the God King!

The two clones of Xumi and Duowei were lucky enough to find a god-king realm. If this Yin-Yang creation clone failed to find it, sooner or later it would become a hindrance.

after all.

Once the three clones have the opportunity to break through and reach the eternal divine king realm, they will need a secret inheritance realm of the divine king realm to continue to work hard to understand the theoretical mysteries of cultivating the divine king realm.

But now among the three major clones, there is still a Yin-Yang creation clone, but it has not been able to find a suitable inheritance place for the God King Realm!

Time continued to pass year after year, and Du Long's yin and yang creation clones ran back and forth in the vast Xuantian Chaos Void, constantly entering one after another known Xuantian Chaos Secret World.

However, every time I entered those secret worlds of Yin Yang Xuantian with full hopes, I was disappointed again and again.

In the void of this Xuantian chaotic world, there are countless yin and yang Xuantian secret realms, but this also makes it more difficult for Du Long to find the yin and yang secret realms of the God King Realm.

It’s not surprising that this happens. Just imagine if someone were to explore all the planets in a certain universe, the time it would take just to travel again and again would be an astronomical number!

After continuous failures, Du Long could only ask Hunyuan Taozu for help again after becoming numb, and then got a long list of suspected targets from Hunyuan Taozu.

After he explored all the suspicious targets, he finally found only some Yin-Yang secret realms of the Eternal God General Realm inside!

As he has a thorough grasp of all the theoretical mysteries of the Yin-Yang Divine General Realm, as soon as he enters the Yin-Yang Secret Realm of the Divine General Realm, he can immediately find out what level the Yin-Yang Secret Realm reaches.

After this investigation, we discovered that at best we only found a secret realm of Yin and Yang that had reached the late stage of the Eternal God General. This result made Du Long very depressed!

Time continued to pass by. After Du Long explored most of the targets provided by Hunyuan Daozu, he still did not find any Yin and Yang secret realm in the God King Realm!

This also made him secretly doubt in his heart. Could it be that it is simply impossible to find a God King-level Yin-Yang secret realm among the Yin-Yang secret realms that have been clearly explored? !

Does the Yin-Yang Secret Realm of the God King Realm exist among the many unexplored secret realms of Xuantian Chaos? !

This speculation made Du Long very depressed. It also represented a larger process of finding a needle in a haystack, which might also be accompanied by some possibility of endangering his own life? !

Precisely because of this life-threatening possibility, Du Long has never explored those secret worlds that have never been explored before.

It's not yet the helpless moment when he needs to risk his life. The training of the other two origin clones has also come to an end. In particular, the creation clone of Xumi is about to break through and reach the peak of the eternal divine general realm!

And he only needs to try his luck here and there before that, and there is no need to risk his life to find a needle in a haystack!

Just after the creation clone of Yin Yang searched for a needle in a haystack for more than a million years, he finally received a letter from the creation clone of Xumi, and this was the end of his long journey of finding a needle in a haystack!

The creation clone of Yin and Yang once again came to the secret realm of Xumi Xuantian and met with the original clone of Xumi Creation!

After setting up a magic circle that accelerated time a million times in a certain airspace in the Xumi Secret Realm, the two finally began to enter a state of combat understanding and practice.

The two original avatars all displayed the Mahayana Thousand Hands magical power, and various magical weapons crazily stirred up the void, and a fierce battle quickly broke out!

Because it was shrouded by a million-fold time-accelerating magic circle, this fierce battle could not be seen from outside the coverage area of ​​the magic circle.

Two time-spaces with different time flow rates will naturally form a time barrier between the inside and outside. Only outsiders rushing in can truly see this battle clearly!

In this way, an extremely fierce battle broke out directly in the void between the two origin clones without any interference!

Both sides of the battle are deliberately controlling the output of their total combat power and trying to participate in the battle with the minimum output of combat power.

This can greatly avoid causing huge damage to the Xumi Secret Realm, and at the same time, it can also greatly prevent the million-fold acceleration circle from being damaged!

After all, both sides of the battle are just trying to integrate theoretical insights into actual combat applications. It does not mean that the stronger the combat power output, the better!

It has to be said that fighting against each other through battles at the same level will always be the best way to improve the level of actual combat application.

The two origin clones cooperated tacitly, first allowing the Xumi creation clone to improve his actual combat application level, and then suppressing the Yin Yang creation clone to help him quickly improve his actual combat application level.

The two origin clones are constantly improving their practical application level with mutual help.

It only took less than half a million years of real time for the two original clones to break through and reach the peak limit of the eternal god general realm!

That's right!

This is no longer just a theoretical peak limit, but a real peak combat power that includes actual combat applications!

Until the two major clones broke through and reached the peak combat power of the Eternal God General, the multi-dimensional creation clone still failed to reach the peak limit of theoretical understanding and practice.

It is impossible for the two original clones to wait for his arrival and return directly to the Sumeru Mountain to continue the enlightenment practice of merging the two avenues.

At the beginning, this practice was stuck in the realm of integrating 60% of the avenue. Because they did not have enough understanding of the creation path of the divine general realm, the three clones had to choose to separate first, each to understand the theoretical mysteries of each other's creation path.

Now, Xumi and Yin Yang's creation clones have all cultivated to reach the peak of the eternal god general's ultimate combat power. Naturally, they can continue to practice the fusion of the two avenues!

Accelerating time a million times, the two clones began to practice in an orderly manner, and the integration of the two avenues once again made progress with a certain efficiency!

Just after the two clones merged and practiced for hundreds of thousands of years in real time, the multi-dimensional creation clone finally reached the peak of theoretical understanding and practice, and rushed to the Xumi Secret Realm as soon as possible!

The Yin Yang and Xumi creation clones simply gave up the fusion practice for the time being, and instead joined forces to attack the multi-dimensional creation clones, trying their best to help the multi-dimensional creation clones integrate theoretical insights into practical applications as soon as possible!

Du Long's three origin clones are helping each other improve their cultivation with the highest efficiency.

After quickly helping the multi-dimensional creation avatars integrate all theoretical insights into practical applications, the three original avatars finally synchronized once again into a long-term state of hard training that merged the two avenues!

The fusion practice of the two great avenues will become more difficult as you go to the later stages.

Du Long's three major parts of his body and mind are very clear. If he wants to reach the peak of his cultivation, he will definitely need to spend the longest period of practice in his life!

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