Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3393 Finally picking the fruit


Very close to the airspace of the Purple Extreme Sun, fierce battles are still going on in several places!

With the cover of his soul slave Shi, Du Long successfully got rid of the large number of extremely cold creatures that caused trouble to the east of the Ice Tribe.

Moreover, he has not killed any extremely cold creature so far, so naturally there is no hatred value on his body!

After seeing him use this method to successfully escape the siege of a large number of extremely cold creatures, several other adventure teams followed suit.

Each of them asked certain teammates in the team to make sacrifices. As for how they would distribute the benefits behind the scenes, there was no need to explain too clearly!

One after another, the adventure teams successfully got rid of the entanglement of the extremely cold creatures, and then continued to accelerate towards the three adventure teams of the Ice Tribe.

The three adventure teams of the Ice Tribe were once again besieged by extremely cold creatures.

Their speed was not as fast as the adventure team behind them that was catching up again.

"The third team continues to go up to attract hatred, help us get out of trouble, and at the same time lead the trouble to the adventure teams behind!"

The most powerful God King of the Ice Clan once again secretly issued this order.

As his order was issued, the five members of the third team, known as the third team, immediately implemented it without hesitation.



One after another, the extremely cold creatures were killed.

The extremely cold creatures that originally only tried to surround them became furious because of this!

Du Long and the rest of the adventure team, who were speeding over, naturally understood the five-person team of the Ice Tribe, and were obviously preparing to repeat their old tricks!

Other adventure teams with larger numbers are doing better, but Du Long, the most powerful god-king who walks alone, is now facing the dilemma of having no one to help him!

Without teammates to help lure away the extremely cold creatures, how should he deal with the siege of the extremely cold creatures? !

Du Long's eyes narrowed slightly, and his mind went all out to make deductions and calculations, preparing to quickly calculate the best plan of action.

Whoosh whoosh!

The five-person team of the Ice Clan finally dispersed. They led piles of extremely cold creatures to intercept the team where Du Long and others were!

As they got closer and closer to the purple arctic fruit tree, the route Du Long could avoid became narrower.

No matter how he detours, it will be difficult to avoid the trouble caused by the Ice Tribe. At most, he can only try to avoid the densest areas and rush through some sparse areas!

Of course, no matter which direction he comes from, the members of the Ice Tribe will not be idle, and they will definitely continue to surround him with the extremely cold creatures!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


Du Long began to move forward along an unpredictable trajectory, rushing forward at full speed.

The goal of doing this is to disrupt the trouble caused by the Ice Clan to the east, so that the other party cannot block their way so easily!

At this moment.

Because the third team had taken away a large number of extremely cold creatures, the two remaining adventure teams of the Ice Tribe once again accelerated towards the extreme cold fruit trees below very easily.

It can be seen that there is only the last layer of extreme cold creatures guarding the bottom. If nothing happens, it is really possible for the Ice Tribe to get to the purple extreme cold fruit tree first!

Du Long narrowed his eyes slightly, activated all the soul calculation power in his body, and finally plunged into the airspace that was densely blocking the way!

Just when everyone in the Ice Tribe had cold smiles on their lips, they felt that he would be delayed without any suspense.


An invisible force field suddenly burst out from Du Long's body, which was the innate ability of Chongshui Haiyang Miaomiao finally appeared!

The invisible force field overwhelmingly affects the void around Du Long, directly causing the flight speed of the extremely cold creatures to continuously decrease, and at the same time, a strong repulsive force is formed around Du Long!

This repulsive force will repel the extremely cold creatures around him, which also greatly reduces the pressure on Du Long.

After all, those extremely cold creatures were the source of trouble, because Du Long had not yet killed any of the extremely cold creatures, which also led to the fact that the intention of those extremely cold creatures to block him was not obvious.



With his mental calculation power fully unleashed, Du Long quickly calculated an optimal route.

Then, with the help of the heavy water Haiyang Miaomiao, the speed of the extremely cold creatures was completely slowed down, and at the same time, the extremely cold creatures around him were repeled!

He was like a fish swimming freely in the water, quickly passing through dense groups of extremely cold creatures.

Then, under the astonished gazes of the Ice Tribe and other adventure teams, in the blink of an eye, they successfully crossed the large group of extremely cold creatures!

Because it carries a large amount of hatred, the extremely cold creature that leads the trouble to the east, although it tries its best to lead the trouble to Du Long, still seems to be somewhat powerless!

Flying with a large number of extremely cold creatures, he also needs to be constantly besieged.

If you are not careful, let alone divert the disaster to the east, you will very likely be drowned by the disaster!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


After successfully passing through this wave of extremely cold creatures, Du Long immediately accelerated towards the Ice Clan in excitement, and the last two adventure teams rushed over.

The two adventure teams of the Ice Clan were once again blocked by the last wave of extremely cold creatures.

The most powerful god-king of the Ice Tribe glanced at the most powerful god-king of the Earth Spirit Tribe transformed from Du Long with an extremely ugly expression.

to be honest.

Although the most powerful God King of the Ice Tribe wanted to curse, in the end he could only swallow the words that came to his lips.

He didn't dare to provoke a powerful enemy on behalf of the Ice Tribe.

If the Earth Spirit Clan is completely angered, then he will become the eternal sinner of the entire Ice Clan!



The Ice Clan once again came into contact with the last wave of extremely cold creatures and a war broke out. It can be seen that the strength of this last wave of extremely cold creatures is obviously many times stronger!

This is the result of successively attracting a large number of powerful extremely cold creatures through the method of attracting hatred. Otherwise, their current pressure will definitely be countless times greater!

"The second team is ready to draw hatred and bring as many extremely cold creatures as possible to block that one!"

"The first team must also be prepared to attract hatred. In the end, we only need one person to successfully rush to the purple arctic fruit tree, so the final winner of this treasure hunt is still our Ice Tribe!"

Seeing Du Long approaching, the most powerful God King of the Ice Clan immediately issued this order with some urgency.

The Ice Tribe spent a lot of effort to get here this time, and he just saw the fruit that was about to ripen in his bag. He didn't want to just watch the fruit that was about to go into the bag and lose it again!



One after another, the members of the second team of the Ice Tribe began to kill the extremely cold creatures, specifically picking out those weak targets that were not as strong as themselves!

As they went on a killing spree, a large number of extremely cold creatures were immediately angered.

Then it becomes a tool they use to block other adventure teams!

Of course, this time the other adventure teams had not yet escaped the predicament and rushed over.

So naturally, everything must be used to block Du Long's way!

When Du Long saw this scene, his eyes narrowed unconsciously.

He knew very well in his heart that if he allowed the Ice Tribe to continue to do what he did, several disasters would be directed towards him at the same time, and it would be difficult to get out of the predicament!

However, in this time and space where teleportation is impossible, one can only fly at one's own speed.

In addition to flying at his own speed, he can't find a better way to speed up for the time being!

But if he can't find a suitable way to accelerate forward, then he can only watch one after another Ice Tribe people lead the trouble to block his way!

'no! ’

‘These are the last batch of extremely cold creatures! ’

‘The most powerful god king of the Ice Clan, because a large number of extreme cold creatures have been diverted away, he will soon rush towards the purple extreme cold fruit tree without any hindrance! ’

‘When the opponent rushes out at full speed, it will be too late to get out of the predicament! ’

‘Should we wait for the other party to successfully obtain the Purple Cold Fruit, and then find a way to slowly chase and snatch it? ! ’

‘In this time and space where you can only fly, the Xuantian-level space-fixing magic weapon on your body has no effect at all. ’

‘When the speed of both sides is almost the same, there is no good way for me to catch up with the opponent! ’

Seeing the most powerful god-king of the Ice Clan, the number of extremely cold creatures is getting smaller and smaller.

There are already members of the first team of the Ice Tribe who have also joined the ranks of attracting hatred!

Du Long finally felt a little anxious in his heart!

If this continues, I am afraid that after wasting so much time and energy, I will still miss out on the Purple Extreme Cold Fruit? !

'etc! It seems that there is another stupid way that I can try? ! ’

In a state of extreme anxiety, a bright light suddenly flashed across Du Long's mind.

Immediately afterwards, a seemingly ordinary stick appeared in his hand, and then a scene that shocked countless people suddenly appeared!


A dark golden long stick appeared out of thin air.

Then it grew longer and longer at an extremely fast speed, and one end of the dark gold long stick was still tightly held by Du Long!

That is to say.

While this dark gold long stick was rapidly growing in length, it was also rushing towards the square body of the Zijihan fruit tree with Du Long as its owner? !

“Long long.

. Hahaha.

. "

Feeling the speed countless times faster than flying, Du Long shouted the long words while bursting into laughter excitedly!

"Stop him! Stop him at all costs!


Seeing that the extreme cold creatures in front were almost pulled away, the strongest god king of the Ice Tribe let out a scream and asked his teammates to intercept Du Long. At the same time, he took the lead and rushed towards the purple extreme cold fruit tree!



The Heaven-Bearing Divine Staff was rapidly growing in length at an extremely terrifying speed, knocking away the extremely cold creatures wherever it passed.

Du Long had no intention of killing the extreme cold creatures, for fear that he would not be able to pick the purple extreme cold fruit.

Just through normal impact, a straight channel was quickly cleared!


There were only two Ice Tribe members left who had no hatred value when they saw this.

He could only grit his teeth and wave it around, charging over with the rubbish eternal magic weapon in his hand!

Although the two people without the Xuantian Divine Weapon have the combat power of the peak of the God King, their strength will definitely drop by a big level!

It is impossible to stop Du Long through the extreme cold creature seal, so they can only take the risk and kill Du Long in person!

Seeing the two peak god-kings of the Ice Tribe who did not know whether to live or die, Du Long couldn't help but feel a cold murderous intent on his lips.

This time I spent so much time and energy on the Purple Cold Fruit, only to be repeatedly interfered and destroyed by the Ice Tribe, so let’s use these two guys as interest first!


It’s a long story, the two sides met in the blink of an eye.

I only saw the moment when two rays of light flashed away in succession, and the Overlord's swords came out in unison.

He easily cut off the eternal divine weapons of the two Ice Tribes and the Peak God King, and then blasted their bodies apart.

Naturally, Du Long would not let go. The soul origins of these two divine kings at their peak state were taken away and suppressed directly through the nine-story pagoda!

that's all.

As the master of the magic stick, Du Long only paused for a moment during the battle and successfully eliminated two blind Ice Clan peak god kings!

Then he continued to drive the Tongtian Divine Stick and continued to grow, catching up with the strongest god king of the Ice Tribe from behind.


"Hey! You have killed three Ice Tribe God-Kings in a row, I will fight with you today!


Witnessing with his own eyes that Du Long continued to grow in length as he drove the Divine Staff, the speed was simply not comparable to flying.

The most powerful god-king of the Ice Clan finally turned around and attacked.

In his hand was a Xuantian Divine Weapon war spear, and Du Long fell in love with this Xuantian Divine Weapon that suited him at a glance.

Spears, spears and halberds both belong to the category of spears, but the shapes of the spear points are different.

But they all use Chiyou Poison Dragon Diamond, which is most suitable for use as the core magic weapon!

But Du Long had no intention of attacking the opponent immediately and then snatching the Xuantian-level battle spear from the opponent's hand.

Killing the opponent is not as easy as before, and it takes a certain amount of time.

The Ice Tribe people behind him were continuing to charge towards this side with the Extreme Cold Creatures. He didn't want to be slowed down and eventually cause something to happen to the Purple Extreme Cold Fruit!

As time passed, he could already feel that the Zijihan Fruit was about to mature.

Even the peak God King Realm experts among the many extreme cold creatures began to give up chasing the enemy and instead flew towards the purple extreme cold fruit tree.

The people of the Ice Tribe are not the only ones who pose a threat to Du Long in his fight for the Purple Cold Fruit!


Facing the Xuantian-level war spear that was stabbing at him, Du Long just waved the Overlord War Sword in his hand and knocked it away with one blow.

Then he himself continued to drive the Tongtian Divine Stick and rushed towards the purple arctic fruit tree that was about to mature!


Damn it! The Purple Extreme Cold Fruit is the holy fruit belonging to our Ice Clan!


After a single blow failed to save Du Long.

The most powerful god-king of the Ice Tribe chased after him like crazy.

Then he desperately waved the Xuantian war spear in his hand, using the war spear as a long stick, and constantly bombarded the Tongtian divine stick along the way.

Clang clang clang.


I saw bursts of sparks flying along the way. No matter how the strongest god king of the Ice Tribe attacked, the Heaven-reaching Divine Staff did not leave even a scratch.

He could only watch helplessly as Du Long came to the Zijihan Fruit Tree, and then quickly harvested all the Zijihan Fruits the moment they ripened!

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