Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3409 The Ancient Bell of Zhenshi

In the vast void.

A khaki figure is running at full speed ahead, and behind it are a dozen huge figures, chasing him at full speed!

Du Long flew at full speed in the designated direction, letting the pursuers behind him continue to move closer to him.

That’s right!

In order to give these giant void beasts the motivation to continue chasing him, he deliberately maintained his speed a little slower than the opponent.

Anyway, it is to let them see the hope of catching up with the target, so that they can be attracted to a relatively stable airspace.

In fact.

As he continues to move away from the airspace where the three systems meet, the surroundings are becoming more and more stable, and he will soon be able to find an airspace suitable for fighting!


Suddenly, Du Long's high-speed flying figure suddenly stopped, which also made the giant void beasts who were chasing behind him at full speed all show expressions of surprise.

Oh ho!

Just when the other giant void beasts were suspicious, the most powerful giant beast that should be the leader suddenly raised its head to the sky and let out an excited roar.

As its roar sounded, bursts of red light burst out from the eyes of the giant void beasts that were still hesitant at first.

The eyes of the giant beasts of the void, which were already extremely hot-tempered, began to be filled with Taotian's murderous intent.

Then one by one, under the leadership of the leader, they roared and charged towards Du Long who had stopped!

In the void not far away.

Du Long was suspended there quietly, with a humane sneer at the corner of his mouth, waiting silently with a comfortable attitude, when the dozen or so powerful void beasts came to his door!

Until a certain moment, when those giant void beasts finally entered his optimal shooting distance, Du Long finally took the initiative to attack!


Chi You's poisonous dragon drill combat skills, supported by dozens of Xuantian divine weapons, once again appeared in front of these dozen powerful void beasts.

Du Long transformed into a high-speed rotating dragon and charged fiercely towards the most powerful void beasts.

Oh ho!

Seeing that he not only did not continue to run away, he actually dared to challenge the majesty of more than a dozen powerful beasts on his own with his own strength? !

The leader of the most powerful giant beast was directly angered, and he looked up to the sky and let out an angry roar!

The low roar of the beast spread out and rushed towards Du Long, but it did not shake his determination to decide the outcome in a battle!

Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond instantly penetrated the rolling sound waves and continued to charge towards the dozen giant void beasts.

At this time, Du Long's body was extremely huge, at least one-third the size of a giant void beast. When he used the Chi You Poison Dragon Diamond, he really looked like a terrifying void dragon.

A dozen giant void beasts were provoked, and they roared and launched various attacks at him.

Du Long, on the other hand, controlled Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill, directly avoiding the head-on collision with those giant void beasts, twisting his high-speed rotating body, and rushed towards the leader of the giant beasts at an extremely terrifying speed.

To capture the thief, capture the king first!

The leader of the giant beast has long been fed up with the opponent's territory, and he is ready to settle the old and new accounts that he was previously intimidated by!

Facing the Chi You Poison Dragon that suddenly turned a corner and charged towards him with all its strength, the giant beast leader was frightened.

It was only now that it was shocked to discover that the strong foreigner in front of it, who had always behaved very low-key when facing threats from him, was not someone he could rub lightly? !

Unfortunately, it only realized it was too late now!

Even if it tried its best to wave its extremely sharp claws, it wanted to tear this tiny alien into pieces.

But after the actual collision, it was shocked to find that it couldn't break through the opponent's defense? !

This is the Thousand-Hand Version of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond Combat Skill, which is composed of seventy or eighty Xuantian Divine Weapons as the core.

In the past, when there were only two or three Xuantian Divine Weapons, it was enough to make the most powerful god-kings die in hatred!

Now there are a total of seventy or eighty Xuantian divine weapons, which have been combined to form Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat skill. The power displayed under the combat skill directly makes the whole void tremble and tremble!

Clang clang clang.


There were bursts of lightning and sparks of gold and iron clashing, and a large number of Xuantian Divine Soldiers were spinning at high speed, directly throwing away the opponent's sharp claws!

The terrifying centrifugal force made the pair of sharp claws powerful but useless, unable to stop Du Long's progress!

After an instant of contact, Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond rushed towards the opponent unabated and plunged directly into its body!


Even the leader of the most powerful void beast cannot avoid the fate of having his body exploded with one blow when faced with such a powerful combat technique!

Back when Du Long didn't have so many Xuantian divine weapons, the most powerful void beast king had to die in hatred.

Not to mention that the one in front of me is obviously not the Beast King. Trying to break through the opponent's physical defense through the Poison Dragon Diamond is no different than breaking through a layer of paper!

More than a dozen crazy and powerful void beasts, each one seemed to be frozen, and they were instantly stunned by what they saw!

Was the being who was once the strongest of their tribe actually killed in one blow? !


After succeeding in the attack, Du Long did not pay attention to the fragments scattered everywhere, but turned the corner and rushed towards the other giant void beast that was closest!

Of course, when rushing towards the other target, he had already inspected the powerful beast he had just killed, and there was no trace of any three-system fusion energy crystal among the body fragments.

This further deepened his belief that only the bloodline of the King of Void Beasts could give birth to the three-system fusion energy crystal in the body!

Oh wow!

The giant void beast that was locked by Du Long for the second time, faced the figure charging at high speed, let out a whimper and screamed on the spot and wanted to turn around and run away.

It's a pity that with its huge and clumsy body, it didn't have time to escape Du Long's pursuit, and it followed in the footsteps of its leader in the blink of an eye.

When it turned around and ran away, it even gave up its defense and became a living target for Du Long to easily hunt!

The second giant void beast was easily killed instantly, and finally the other giant void beasts were completely awakened. They all roared and wanted to turn around and run away.

And Du Long turned a corner again to kill the nearest target on the other side. Although the opponent had already begun to speed up and run away, how could he escape Du Long who had accelerated his speed too early? !


Accompanied by another muffled sound of the body being exploded, the body of the third most powerful void beast exploded again!

Such a bloody and cruel scene stimulated all the void beasts on the spot, and they all ran away as if they had seen a ghost.

Du Long paused slightly and returned to his normal body form directly from the state of Chi You's Poison Dragon Diamond combat technique.

He did not continue to hunt down those giant void beasts that were fleeing in all directions. It was just for some weapon refining materials. It was really not worth wasting too much time to chase them down.

The leader of the giant beast that he wanted to kill the most in his heart has been killed. As for the other giant void beasts that have no grudges against him, just let them escape if they escape!

He glanced faintly at the dozens of figures that had gradually disappeared into the void in the distance.

Du Long then withdrew his gaze and began to clean up the scene where the war had just broken out, collecting all the materials that could be used to refine the Xuantian Divine Weapon.

Before this, Xuantian Divine Weapons were extremely difficult to obtain, and Du Long would be more interested in these materials.

As he has become more and more efficient in harvesting Xuantian Divine Weapons recently, since he can easily obtain the finished Xuantian Divine Weapons, why waste time and energy on collecting such things that he currently cannot refine into Xuantian Divine Weapons? Material? !

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


After successfully collecting the materials of the three most powerful void beasts, Du Long once again dodged and accelerated towards the distant sky.

The second most important goal of this trip has not yet been reached, and he has no time to waste too much time here.

As time went by, he finally broke out of the airspace where the three origins gathered. Although he passed through many origin places during this period, it was a pity that he never encountered a Xuantian divine weapon again? !

According to Du Long's guess, it should be the intersection area of ​​the three systems, which is more likely to cause the Xuantian Divine Soldier to be stranded.

As for the origin of Xuantian Divine Weapons in other airspaces, they will be washed away to other areas, resulting in an extremely low probability of Xuantian Divine Weapons appearing!

The original land of the Golden Light Giant Clan, the land of origin of the gold system, belonged to the latter.

So why did the leader of the Golden Light Giant Clan Hui tell himself that he had only seen the Xuantian Divine Weapon a handful of times in his life? !

This also directly misled Du Long's judgment.

The recent encounters along the way have brought Du Long's understanding of the place of origin back to the correct direction.

After breaking out of the airspace covered by the original energy of the three systems.

Du Long began to use ultra-long-distance teleportation again, and continued to teleport towards the primary goal of the trip at full speed.

However, this process of traveling cannot be completed overnight. He still has to stop again in certain airspaces and continue to fly through the airspace where the origin of the Five Elements is located.

As long as there is an airspace where the original energy leaks out, you cannot teleport and rush, you can only fly all the way through that airspace.

In the airspace that belongs to the original place that is passed through later, it is rare to encounter a place similar to the intersection of the three origins.

According to Du Long's judgment, it is not that there are no intersections of multiple origins along the way.

But because no devastating war broke out in those intersection areas, and because the void there was intact, it looked no different from ordinary void? !

Keep going.

Du Long also discovered a problem. In those airspaces where only a single source of energy leaks, even if the source is found, it is difficult to find the Xuantian Divine Weapon!

In other words, only under certain special conditions, the probability of Xuantian Divine Weapons appearing inside the Origin Land is greater.

The so-called special conditions have two aspects. One is the void rift in the intersection area of ​​multiple systems. It seems that it is easier to gather a large number of Xuantian divine weapons there? !

The second is that area. Did a fierce war break out in that area? Many powerful god kings fell there, and their Xuantian divine weapons naturally appeared more easily in the original land in that area? !

Precisely because of this conclusion, Du Long basically didn't bother to look for the location of the void rift in many single-system origin places during his subsequent journey.

Because even if you find it, you are basically doing some useless work!

Unless he encounters some gold origin places, he will go in and try his luck.

By the way, he can also let the two clan leaders, Hui and Nuo, persuade the golden giant clan in the origin of the metal system to let them follow him to come out and explore?

Along the way, they were able to convince some golden giants again, and the total number of golden giants following Du Long roughly doubled again!

As they go deeper and deeper into the origin of the world, the number of golden giants becomes more and more.

There are many golden giants of the older generation who are willing to believe in the prophet's predictions and choose to join Du Long's command!


On this day, as Du Long continued to rush on his way, somewhere in the world inside his body, the airspace where time accelerated a million times suddenly burst out with billions of colorful rays of light!

His figure flying at full speed suddenly stopped, and then he looked at the world inside his body with surprise.

In the blazing flames of creation.

A gleaming golden ancient bell appeared directly in front of Du Long, and an extremely huge memory began to pour into his mind.

The ancient bell that he had finally successfully refined was pouring a lot of information about his successful identification into the owner's memory.

"World-preserving Bell?!"

While constantly receiving a large amount of information, at the same time, it is analyzing some of the information that has been received.

Du Long finally found the basic information about this ancient clock from the information he had received.

"Sure enough, it is a super magic weapon that has reached Xuantian level. It is not only a super powerful defensive magic weapon, but also a magic weapon with extremely powerful attack power?!"

"Eh?! If you want to fully use all its functions, you must collect all the accessories that come with it?!"

"With only this world-suppressing clock, it can only serve the most basic defensive function?!"

By analyzing the information of Zhenshi Zhong.

Du Long quickly came to such a conclusion, which also made him feel a little depressed in his heart.

Could it be that this World-Suppressing Bell, like the Overlord's Divine Weapon, requires all the parts to be assembled before it can truly exert its super power? !

Although he was depressed, he still happily accepted this super magic weapon that reached Xuantian level.

Everything depends on luck. Since you can only obtain its defensive capabilities for the time being, you can only silently accept this reality.

in the subsequent time.

Du Long did not stay where he was, but continued to drive at full speed, while he was also distracted and silently studying various information about the World Zhenzhong.

Only by fully understanding how to use it can we use this super magic weapon to fight against the enemy at the most appropriate time in the future!

As time goes by, Du Long finds that he is getting closer and closer to his primary goal this time. Is it estimated that it will not take long to arrive at the treasure land that can restrain the Earth Spirit tribe? !

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