Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 3453 Sweeping all the way, the Supreme Arrives


In the void, a sound of gasping suddenly sounded.

Luo Yu stared in shock at the endless army of darkness and the large number of powerful Dark God Kings on the other side.

They were all like ants, being instantly killed by Du Long!

Among the many souls who were killed and captured alive, there was also the most powerful Dark God King who had successfully escaped before.

It was he who reported the news to the Dark Clan and reported the news that a large number of people here were being killed to the top of the Dark Clan.

Then it attracted a large number of almost all the Dark Legions, as well as a large number of God King Realm experts from the Dark Clan.

In the end, he never expected that his actions would bring about the near-annihilation of the entire Dark Clan? !

For this operation, the Dark Clan mobilized the god-kings who guarded various places and their armies.

Who would have thought that in just a moment of meeting each other, most of the entire Dark Clan's power would be completely suppressed? !

"Eight original clones merged into one?! During this period, eight original clones also experienced a desperate situation where almost all of them died?!"

Because of being bombarded by four beams of destruction for a long time, the white hole space-time channel has become extremely stable. It is definitely an existence that even the weakest God King has to pay the price of his life if he wants to retreat!

Before directly destroying our bodies, they directly captured the origin of our souls alive, and then suppressed them inside the four-story pagoda.

Unless your race has a different heart, I am the one who can tell the Anbai clan about the spirit of humanity.

Only during Du Long's explanation did we learn about the process of Luo Yu's breakthrough.

"Next, we just need to go straight to Huanglong, directly enter the core of the Dark Clan, and then we can sweep all the way!"

It is completely possible to directly cross several origin places and teleport to the best place to stay. The speed of traveling is so slow that it is difficult to imagine!

"It's wrong!" Du Long smiled and nodded in agreement: "That incident is very important, and it is something that all of you have been looking forward to for endless years!"

The world inside my body finally broke through the shackles of the past and became a small world of Xuantian's chaotic origin, and it is still growing at a low speed!


We were not overjoyed when we heard the news. We were all looking at the seven people who had just returned with suspicious eyes.

He would probably kill directly to the opponent's core clan area, and then kill them along the way and be done with it!

What usually needs to be mentioned is that from the Earth Spirit Clan, there are actually two weakest God Kings wearing Xuantian Armor!

"How is that possible?! It was two epochs before we separated, right? Du, how did the Supreme break through?!"

"There is a problem!" Du Longhao nodded firmly and agreed: "If your current speed will only be a drag on him!"

It can be seen that many areas are empty, and only a handful of Anbai tribesmen are left guarding outside.


Peng Peng Peng.


"Are they suspicious?!" Du Long instantly understood whether anyone at the scene doubted him: "Fu Shu! Show your hand to Xiaojia and let us know that he has indeed made a breakthrough to reach the realm of the Strong God King!"

Before listening to Du Long's explanation, there were waves of exclamations immediately ringing out from the scene. When we returned along the original path, it only took a few years to successfully reach the forbidden land at the origin of the world!

"What?!" The green-skinned man said with a surprised look on his face: "Du Long, you can make fun of something like that!"

Countless dark-white creatures were still able to react. Our energy bodies exploded instantly, and our souls were all sucked into the four-story pagoda by Luo Yu.

Among the god-kings of the Tuling clan, there are not even eight Vajra lattice brigades, and they have not yet completed the transaction agreement with Luo Yu.





An extremely weak tangible energy directly bound the areas shrouded in white mist, and then immediately killed the dark white creatures in them one after another!

Luo Yu was not using the eight-light policy of burning them all, killing them all, and robbing them all, to sweep away the seven small energy life groups along the way!

"Alas! You people are always getting old! After living at such a young age, you are still timid in trying to break through. In the end, even the young man in front of you is like this!"

But with my current terrifying speed, it only took me one year and two months to successfully reach the dark core land behind me!

I have never had any bad feelings towards the Anbai clan. Whether it is the Anbai clan in another world or the Anbai clan in the world where my hometown is, there is no bad thing anyway.

In the coming time, I will walk along the route I have taken before, and the energy life tribes and places I encounter along the way will become my targets!

"Then, what kind of terrifying power is that?! Could it be said that Brother Fu Shu really broke through and reached the realm of the Strong God King?!"

These so-called low-level emperors of the eight tribes, etc., when facing Luo Yu, who has broken through and reached the realm of the Strong God King, are almost different from ants!

"How?! Don't you have the confidence to blow up that white hole?!"

"Let's go!"


No matter what, we didn't expect that Fu Shu didn't want to negotiate a deal with us anymore.

Then he slightly discerned the direction and took a step directly in a certain direction.

With the breakthrough in cultivation, he reached the realm of the Strong God King.

I actually understand the other party's mood at the moment very well. If I see the other party is so weak, how bad will it be, right? !

Du Long wanted to deal with the Dark Clan because he had to travel for a long time.

In order to try to arouse the enemy as much as possible, Fu Shu did not touch these big shrimps while traveling inside the territory of the eight tribes in front.

Luo Yu directly released Du Long, and the two of them came to the pyramid together, silently watching the white hole that was bombarded by four pillars of destruction in turn!

"Yes!" Luo Yu shook his head and replied with a smile: "Has your strength increased to its peak limit? It is still in a state of stopping growth all the time!"

All the way across the territory of the Dark White tribe, all the land of the Dark White tribe covered by the straight line was completely destroyed by me!

"It doesn't take too long to come back and forth. I hope these friends are still alive!"

"The old man has a keen eye and is still as powerful as ever!" Du Long sighed.

With the breakthrough of my cultivation, the true power of the four-story pagoda has finally become apparent, which will basically allow the soul origin of any Anbai tribe to escape!

"It's still okay!" Luo Yu shook his head and sighed: "You feel that it is still a lot worse. I guess you need to wait for the world inside the body to grow to a certain degree of weakness, right?!"

"What are the expectations of none of you?!" The old man with extremely low prestige frowned and said: "What expectations of none of you are that none of you can break through and reach the realm of Master Fu Shuwei!"





"Bad, bad!" Du Long, who had survived for all these years, was still so shocked that he didn't lose his composure: "You just continue on your way and strive to return to this forbidden land in the origin of the world as soon as possible!"

Luo Yu used his true identity throughout the entire operation. Even some old acquaintances from the eight tribes did not recognize that I was not the mysterious weakling who had been wreaking havoc in my tribe's territory for a long time? !

Instead, they continued to attack Huanglong in a weak and aggressive manner, directly destroying the core tribes of the Ice Tribe, Fire Spirit Tribe, and even the Earth Spirit Tribe!

The two weakest god kings without the protection of Xuantian Armor barely withstood the first wave of attacks when facing Luo Yu.

Luo Yu didn't bother to talk nonsense at all, and directly attacked all the Anbai tribesmen covered by his spiritual consciousness!

While the two people were chatting, figures rushed out of the pyramid one after another and quickly appeared next to the two people.

Just like that, Luo Yu was polite to the other party and put the person away with a wave of his hand.

"Yes!" Luo Yu nodded heavily: "In order to rush on the road in the slowest time, I have to ask junior Fu Shu to come to one of yours first and rest inside the cave world for a while!"

At first, they looted all the resources and treasures of our tribe that had been collected for countless years, and also destroyed the core tribe’s land!

If the dark and white clan behind us is the descendant of this weak enemy, then naturally he needs to show mercy to us!

It was only in the Anbai tribe, the smallest core area, that I discovered that there were only two hundred God King auras left!

But during the immediate period, we had to face Luo Yu’s attention, and we were captured alive together with Xuantian Armor, and then suppressed inside the four-story pagoda!

Then he had no hesitation and rushed back to the origin of the world, rushing towards this forbidden place, the end point of the animal skin route.

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP to get 500 book coins for new users, and 200 book coins for old users] It doesn't mean that I need to quickly fly through the seven elements' origin places that block the way one by one!

"You were just talking about how long it will take for the two of them to get back there!"

"Fu Shu, Luo Yu!" The green-skinned weakest god king had an excited smile on his face: "Why are they coming back so slowly?!"

Each of the weakest god kings all showed expressions of disbelief.

"Are you kidding me?" Fu Shu's face became serious: "I'm going to tell you some bad news. Brother Luo Yu next to you will have a successful breakthrough and reach the realm of the Strong God King!"

There is a terrifying energy that directly covers and recedes all the weakest God Kings, leaving us with no feeling of being stuck in a quagmire and having no way to extricate ourselves!

Luo Yu's spiritual consciousness completely enveloped the entire area of ​​the Dark White Tribe, and then he weakly penetrated the areas with his spiritual consciousness and retreated into these areas that were shrouded in heavy white mist!

If not.

"Du, Luo Yu!" Fu Shu swallowed hard.

Luo Yu was too lazy to speak anymore, and directly released an extremely weak and tyrannical aura, completely shrouding the weak God King's descendants and retreating!

Luo Yu's consciousness can span the huge airspace formed by certain origin places!

Fu Shu looked at the dumbfounded Fu Shu without a smirk.

Because there was hope, Du Long, who had not made a joke for a long time, rarely made a big joke in front of many friends.

The core clan of the Anbai clan!

Then just like that, they wiped out the territories of the Ice Tribe, Fire Spirit Tribe and Earth Spirit Tribe!

The two of them stood outside and observed silently for a moment. Du Long immediately held back and asked.

It took tens of millions of years to return from the forbidden land to the home world.

"He, isn't he the real strength of the Strong God King?!"

As Du Long announced such an answer, everyone at the scene changed their expressions.


"You can no longer call me brother Luo Yu, but you should call me Du Zhizun!"

And that's exactly what happened.

What Fu Shu lacks most now is actually not time!

Before successfully destroying the entire core clan of the Anbai clan, Luo Yu directly dodged and teleported away in the distance.


Is it better to do this now? The dark clan can gather together and let him kill them all at once? !

According to Fu Shu's speed, which is still the weakest god king, it will take at most thousands of years for me to reach that airspace.

"A very important change?!" The green-skinned man said in astonishment: "Look at the smile on his face, even if it is a change, it is a bad change, right?!"

"It's bad!" Du Long said without regret: "This can only delay time quickly. Without the small amount of soul origin he brought back, he should be able to persist for a longer period of time, right?!"

Before successfully taking away the soul origin of all the Anbai clan, Luo Yu directly launched a devastating blow to that area of ​​​​air.

"Haha!" Du Long smiled calmly: "Because a very, very important incident happened, so you can return here so slowly!"

Inside the forbidden area where the four pyramids are located, when Luo Yu retreated again, he immediately alerted all the weakest god kings inside!

Including the smallest enemy we are about to face, the Anbai clan, who is also known as the terrifying and evil one? !

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