Xuantian Dragon Zun

Chapter 749: The Cliff Distressed

Inside the pitch-black Black Devil Mountain, tunnels extending in all directions are criss-crossed, like a maze. Fortunately, some arrows pointing the direction appear on the cave walls from time to time, so that those who break into it to perform tasks feel a lot of peace of mind. !

In a blink of an eye, Du Long wandered around in this dark cave of the Black Demon Mountain for seven or eight days. Knowing that someone was looking for trouble for him, he was not in a hurry to find the six-star praying mantis monster.

Anyway, less than one-third of a month has passed, and there is still time to continue searching for black tungsten steel. Black tungsten steel ore reached a high price of 10,000 purple gold coins!

In the past few days, Du Long has killed 20 or 30 Beetle Monsters ranging from one to four stars. Unfortunately, only a few Beetle Monsters live in caves with black tungsten steel, and even if there are, it is only three or two yuan. I was lucky enough to get seven or eight yuan when I killed a four-star beetle monster.

These black tungsten steel ores are like diamond mines, and the largest is only two or three thumbs in size. Du Long has been busy for several days, and only got a total of fifty ore black tungsten steel ores the size of a thumb!

In other words, if he sells it to a pawn shop in the fairy world at a discount of about 20% off the retail price, he has earned another forty thousand purple gold coins these days. It seems that it is easy to make money in the fairy world.

In fact, it was not the case. If he hadn't reached the six-star level of strength, how would he dare to rampage in the hinterland of the Black Devil Mountain, where the strongest is only the six-star mantis monster? !

Even if they were as strong as Zhang Kuang and other five-star-level existences, if they wanted to walk in the hinterland of the Black Devil Mountain, they would have to form a team, and they would not dare to act alone, let alone those one- to four-star-level existences!

At the four-star level, at least a team of ten people is required to operate in the hinterland of the Black Devil Mountain. It is relatively safe to operate in the hinterland of the Black Devil Mountain. As for the existence of the one to three-star rank, no matter how many people the team forms, it is best not to go too deep into the hinterland of the Black Devil Mountain.

Otherwise, if you encounter a six-star mantis monster, you can wipe them out!

However, in the outer area of ​​the Black Devil Mountain, it is very difficult to meet a beetle monster below three stars. If you form a large group of people to act together for safety, even if you can get some black tungsten steel ore, there will be very little left in the hands of everyone. !

Therefore, every time when various star missions are performed, there will always be people who will risk their lives to go deep into dangerous situations in order to become rich overnight!

Of course, it is not without luck, but such people are still very few!

In short, compared to many immortals, it is very difficult to earn money in the immortal world. Du Long, who has just ascended to the immortal world, has a six-star combat power and makes money so easily. It is as rare as a phoenix feather. .

In the pitch-black tunnel, Du Long was wearing black armor, like a ghost in the dark, and continued to move downwards. Although his speed is a bit fast, he is actually careful everywhere, releasing his sense of immortality all the time, pay close attention to it. everything around.

It has been a long time to release the immortal consciousness, and it also consumes energy. Therefore, every time he advances for an hour or two, he will find a cave to rest for a while, so as to recover the lost mental power!

'Huh? ! There is actually an underground cliff at the bottom left? ! Looking at some caves on the cliff, it is probably the cave where the beetle monster lived? ! Let's go and have a look! ’ At a fork, Du Long pointed to a tunnel extending to the lower left and excitedly transmitted the voice.

This time, Jie Lingling'er appeared to be very quiet, she didn't speak, and she didn't know what she was thinking, Du Long didn't care, and shot away there.

Sure enough, about fifty meters away, the tunnel seemed to be cut off in the middle, and a long and narrow underground cliff appeared in front of him!

Cautiously coming to the cliff, Du Long did not hesitate to probe the immortal consciousness into the bottom of the cliff, and soon found two or three caves on the cliff within the tens of meters area covered by the immortal consciousness.

This is a very typical cave where Beetle monsters live. The entrance of the cave is generally two to five or six meters wide, and there is only a small space ranging from ten to tens of meters in the middle of the cave.

According to Du Long's experience these days, the bigger the cave where the Beetle Monster lives, the bigger and stronger the guy living in it will be!

‘There are two small caves on the lower right, and a slightly larger cave on the lower left. I’ll use my immortal sense to scan to see what monsters are inside, and whether there are black tungsten steel ore! ’ Du Long seemed to be talking to himself in his heart, but he was actually reporting his plan to Jie Linglinger.

Don't look at him rushing carelessly in the hinterland of the Black Devil Mountain, but in fact he is bold and cautious. He habitually tells Lingling'er his intentions, in fact, it means he is spying on her.

As long as she doesn't object, it means that there will be no existence in the target area that will trap her in a desperate situation. Otherwise, she should quickly change her plan!

Seeing that Ling Linger didn't object, Du Long probed his sense of immortality into the two small caves on the lower right cliff. These two caves were empty, not only was there no black tungsten steel ore, but even the beetle monster Without a head, it must have gone out to look for food!

Disappointed, he retracted his sense of immortality from those two small caves, then Du Long probed his sense of immortality into the big cave on the cliff in the lower left corner again. Just settled there dumbfounded.

After a brief moment of dumbfoundedness, Du Long's eyes suddenly burst into ecstasy, and his whole body trembled slightly with excitement. Obviously, something that made him feel extremely excited appeared in that slightly larger cave.

Under the inspection of the immortal consciousness, there was a five-star beetle monster lying in the slightly larger cave. Behind the huge body of this monster, a pile of small black stones were scattered on the ground. There are hundreds of black tungsten ores, which is a wealth of millions of purple gold coins!

If Du Long was a giant blue star in the mortal world, no matter how much wealth was in front of him, he wouldn't be so excited!

But when he arrived in the Immortal World, he knew that money was hard to come by. In addition, after many days of hard work these days, the black tungsten steel ore he harvested was not as good as half of that here.

It's like a fisherman who has worked hard for many days and then suddenly catches a big fish. This feeling is absolutely exciting and will make people ecstatic!

‘There are no other beetle monsters around, only a five-star-level scorpion. Killing it can not only complete the five-star-level task, but also get hundreds of black tungsten steel ore! ’ Du Long muttered to himself with bright eyes.

In the absence of any reply from Ring Linger, although she felt a little strangely quiet, Du Long still decided to take a risk to deal with this five-star-level scorpion monster!

His mission target this time is a six-star praying mantis monster. If he doesn't even dare to make a move on a mere five-star scorpion monster, then he might as well just slap his ass and quit!

Although he decided to take action, but because Jie Linglinger was unusually quiet, Du Long decided to make a quick decision this time, and leave this underground cliff as soon as possible after completing the task as soon as possible.

Somehow, indistinctly, the area under the cliff that the immortal sense could not detect brought him an inexplicable sense of danger!

Flipping his hand to take out the Chiyan Zhan, Du Long subconsciously glanced down the cliff, even though his eyes couldn't see the danger in the dark, he still did so.


Without realizing the danger of the mission, he breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the moment a ray of light flashed, he disappeared in place, turned into a black lightning and went straight to the city tens of meters away. The target cave shot away!

With a distance of tens of meters, they arrived in an instant. Du Long didn't dare to stay for a moment, and rushed into the cave directly!

Sigh, sip, squeak. . .

As if sensing the danger approaching, or smelling the breath of a stranger, the five-star scorpion armored monster that was lying in the cave instantly entered a fighting state and stood up, a poisonous scorpion tail emitting a faint light pointed at the very intruder. The human beings made a buzzing sound from their mouths, as if they were warning Du Long, the very intruder.

Facing such a powerful but extremely low-intelligence monster, how could Du Long have the time to fight against it, so he mercilessly went straight to chop off the head of the scorpion armored monster with the Chiyan Zhan in his hand.

In order to seek a quick battle, he gathered the artistic conception of Xuanyang Nine Folding Waves with this knife, and even the flames that had been upgraded to Xianyuanhuo in his body were also mobilized to the surface of Chi Yan Zhan, plus the magic circle of Chi Yan Zhan's top-grade fairy soldier itself addition!


Wrapped in Xianyuanhuo, the orange-red Chiyan Zhan transformed into a bewitching blade light, and went straight to the scorpion armored monster to slash it!

Hey, hey!

As if knowing how terrifying the power of this knife is, the terrifying scorpion tail of the scorpion armor monster turned into an ice cone lightning, and instantly shot towards the red flame. In this narrow cave, it was unavoidable. You can choose to go head-to-head with the intruders!

It seems that this monster has been expected to react in this way. As early as in the Liberty Alliance branch, he had fought against the golden light puppet that was simulated as a scorpion monster. Du Long knew that although his sword was fierce, he could no longer gain an absolute advantage, let alone Said to cut off the scorpion tail needle of the scorpion armor monster!

You know, this scorpion tail needle is the weapon that has grown up with it so far, and its toughness is definitely no less than a top-grade fairy weapon, and it is impossible to be cut off by the red flame!

Squinting his eyes slightly, he flipped his hands, and the Moon Godly Crossbow was in Du Long's hands, and he pulled the trigger almost at the same time as the Chiyan Zhan collided with the scorpion tail!

clang! hum!

The dazzling light of Chi Yan Zhan slashed fiercely on the scorpion tail needle, and a loud noise erupted, shaking the scorpion armor monster out of balance on the spot, and retreated back.

Almost at the same time, the blazing energy arrow shot from the Moon God Crossbow disappeared in a flash, entered from the left side of the scorpion's head, and instantly came out from the back of the scorpion's right side, unexpectedly giving it to the cave on the spot. !

Crack, crack!

The fatal blow, coupled with the anti-shock force of the Red Flame Slash, suddenly lifted the huge body of the scorpion. After the energy arrow sank into the cave wall, the body of the scorpion followed closely behind, and came close to the extremely hard cave wall. A close contact!

Amidst the bang, Du Long was not at all excited by the successful blow, and the palpitations deep in his heart became clearer. At this moment, how could he have the time to slowly cut open the scorpion's breastplate to obtain the energy crystal core, and directly shot With a wave of his hand, the big guy who lost his breath of life was taken into the small cave of Xuanling.

Then he rushed towards the pile of black tungsten steel ore, quickly put all the black tungsten steel ore into the space ring, and then rushed towards the entrance of the cave, wanting to return along the same path!

Tick ​​tock, tock tock. . .

Flashing to the entrance of the cave, the bursts of sudden abnormal noises made Du Long feel a little more uneasy, he hurriedly dodged and flew towards the entrance of the cave, while paying attention to what those abnormal noises were through his immortal consciousness.

Soon, a dense group of beetle monsters appeared in the coverage area of ​​the immortal consciousness, and the leader could be seen to be three humanoid mantis monsters, which were six-star level scary guys.

"Damn it!" Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Du Long suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the upper hole. Facing a six-star mantis monster, he went all out, and if he didn't chase the Moon God Crossbow None of them are opponents.

This will face three mantis monsters at the same time, and there is a large group of younger brothers behind them. If they are surrounded, will there still be life? !

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