Class 16 is not easy, it is a good class

Office of Academic Affairs.

Zeng Hongwei looked excitedly at the integrated report card.

The hand holding the paper was trembling slightly!

“Encourage talents to hopeup! ”

“We only have hope!”

Licai Middle School is located in the small place of Qingshui City, and it has been in the fourth place for many years.

There are Hengshui Middle School, Qingshui No. 1 Middle School, and the iron-clad Qingshui Middle School!

The source of students is scarce, and good students all go to good schools.

In this way, their capital increase rate is very low.

I can only rely on the students in the intensive class to support me.

Unexpectedly, ah, unexpectedly, there is now a gold coin in the ordinary class!

It’s still 24k pure gold!

Absolutely crushing students from other schools!

Zhao Qiang next to him heard the sound and leaned over, “What’s wrong, Director Zeng?”

Zeng Hongwei proudly handed out the transcript, “Look at the grades of Jiang Feng!”

Immediately, Zhao Qiang’s eyebrows tightened!

Exclaimed: “Full marks?!”

The 150, 150, 100 at the back… are so eye-catching that he even ignored the “0” in front!

Section 13

“That’s right, except for the language.”

Zeng Hongwei’s face didn’t show any resentment, instead it was full of pampering.

“He should be the one who missed the exam in Class 16, and I asked Mr. Wang to criticize him.”

“Tsk, I really misunderstood the good student.”

“He must have his own ideas, so he didn’t take the Chinese test.”

“But it doesn’t matter, it’s still number one in the school.”

Zhao Qiang: “Hiss—”

Compared with this situation, a full score in all subjects is really nothing!

“Amazing, that’s amazing, this student.”


Zeng Hongwei raised the corner of his mouth, “Think about it carefully, there are two reasons for this.”

“The test papers this time are generally difficult, so the scores of other students are very low.”

“And the most important thing is Jiang Feng’s strength!”

“The test paper is difficult for other students, isn’t it difficult for him?”

Having said that, he suddenly turned around and met Zhao Qiang’s eyes!

“It’s not difficult??”

Zhao Qiang: “It should be…he got full marks, which means that the test papers are not at his level.”

“That’s the reason.”

Zeng Hongwei nodded, lost in thought.

Two minutes later, he opened his mouth and said, “Well, let’s give him a custom test.”

“Make a set of test papers just for him to see his top level.”

“This way we can also see his future development.”

“I think it’s okay.” Zhao Qiang nodded in agreement.

Zeng Hongwei: “Then you can write the math test paper, how about it?”


Zhao Qiang pointed to his nose, “I haven’t taught Senior One before.”

As one of the backbone of the school, he has been in charge of mathematics teaching and tutoring for the graduating class.

The mathematics content in the first year of high school was too monotonous, and he couldn’t grasp the scale.

Zeng Hongwei raised his eyebrows, “I want you to come up with some complicated and in-depth questions.”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s out of bounds.”

“We’re just getting to the bottom of it. Wouldn’t it be useless if we haven’t figured it out?”

“That’s it.” Zhao Qiang’s expression became serious.

“If that’s the case, give me two days and I’ll give you a copy.”

“Well, that’s it.”

With a squeeze of Zeng Hongwei’s fist, the fate of Licai is here!

The school has two evaluation factors.

One is the comprehensive enrollment rate.

One is the highest enrollment rate.

The relationship between these two factors is subtle, and they can promote each other!

And they are going to grab it from the second direction!

Jiang Feng is the turning point!

He called the teachers of the English group, the comprehensive science group, and the comprehensive literature group, and gave up a test paper each.

The kind that increases the difficulty crazily!

As for the language, you can let it go first.

After all, Jiang Feng’s lack of Chinese may simply not be his liking, or it may be due to other reasons.

In short, we need to guide step by step, so as not to affect the mood of this top student!

He stood up and walked downstairs.

High School Mathematics Group Office.

“Boom boom boom.”

“Please come in.”

Gu Xiaoli shouted crisply.

The door opened, and Zeng Hongwei walked in slowly.

Seeing that it was the director, everyone stood up one after another.

Wang Chengyuan also got up and nodded.

Gu Xiaoli was amused in her heart.

This old Wang, as soon as he asked the director to come to him in person, the director came.

to see how tough you are.

Zeng Hongwei approached Wang Chengyuan directly.

Everyone couldn’t help but feel the icy coolness!

Only Wang Chengyuan, who was looking at each other, saw the relief on the director’s face.

This is a compliment!

Zeng Hongwei took his hand and said kindly: “Class 16 is not easy, it’s a good class.”

Wang Chengyuan understood that the director had seen Jiang Feng’s achievements.

He nodded, “Yes, yes.”

Gu Xiaoli: “???”

No, two?

One said Class 16 was a good class, and the other said it should be? ?

WTF? ?

It’s not so unreliable to promote each other in business.

How about putting on a play here?

Li Chengyou’s face was full of calm.

He has accepted this fact and is pouring tea to Zeng Hongwei and Wang Chengyuan.

The status of the teacher is also positively related to the grades of the students.

Starting today, Lao Wang’s official career is about to go uphill, straight up!

He has to take care of the relationship in advance.

Zeng Hongwei showed hesitation, and asked in a soft voice: “I asked you to criticize Jiang Feng, did you criticize?”

Beads of sweat actually appeared on his wrinkled forehead!

Wang Chengyuan smiled instantly, “No, the people from the Academic Affairs Office came in time.”

But my heart was full of shock.If it was later, it would really be unstoppable!

It almost caused a catastrophe.

“That’s good, that’s good.”

Zeng Hongwei let out a sigh of relief, looked at Wang Chengyuan, and said seriously: “We must ensure that Jiang Feng has an absolutely good learning environment and atmosphere, you know?”

“I know, that is necessary.”

Wang Chengyuan’s tone was also very firm and unambiguous.

“Okay, then you are busy, I’m leaving.”

Zeng Hongwei turned around and went out.

Gu Xiaoli: “……”

She really couldn’t understand at all.

Just now, I asked myself to spread the word, asking Lao Wang to criticize Jiang Feng and take care of it.

Now let Lao Wang give Jiang Feng the best learning environment?

What is Director Zeng doing?

Special counseling for poor students? ?

The school doesn’t have this tradition.

Also, came all the way to talk about this?

As for…

She approached Wang Chengyuan, “Mr. Wang, did you drug Director Zeng?”

Wang Chengyuan snorted, “No need.”

“Our class 16 now has Jiang Feng, and this waist can’t be straight.”

“I’ll go, is it true?”

Section 14

“Hey! Is it true or not!”

He took out the report card and slapped it hard on the table, “Look for yourself.”

Gu Xiaoli stared straight at her eyes!

In her heart, Jiang Feng, who had always been a scumbag in her heart, turned out to be number one in the school? !

A combination of talent and beauty? !

A hero among men? !

It worked out, she figured it out.

No wonder everything that happened just now was so strange!

She breathed a sigh of relief and said, “It really is a phoenix out of the chicken coop.”

Wang Chengyuan: “???”

“Can you speak?”

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