Which freshman in high school can do this?

He Qing quickly pulled a chair and sat down.

I’m afraid I won’t be able to stand still!

Shock was still written all over her face!

He couldn’t believe it, but Jiang Feng temporarily calculated the optical path difference formula for thin film interference!

This should belong to the content of college physics!

What he thought was “irrelevant content” turned out to be Jiang Feng’s process of turning the impossible “high school students do college questions” into a possible process!

If Jiang Feng used the formula directly, it might also mean that Jiang Feng was only interested in physics, had learned a lot in advance, and happened to be able to solve this problem.

And the current situation can only show that this guy is a physics genius!

Thinking about it carefully, if the current physics does not have this formula, then Jiang Feng is setting a precedent!

He’s messed up.

I feel like I can’t stand up.

For a genius who can deduce the formula on the spot, what else is impossible!

How dare he bet with his surname!

Seeing He Qing’s tense posture, everyone understood in their hearts.

Mr. He played himself into this wave.

I have suffered the loss of not seeing the world.

Jiang Feng wrote the derivation process of the optical path difference on the test paper, and then used the formula to easily answer the questions.

I thought to myself: This question looks unfamiliar on the surface, but it is average in practice. The difficulty must be the last question.

So he quickly turned his attention to the last question.

“A uniform chain with a mass of m and a total length of l is placed on a slope in a straight line… Try to calculate the speed of the chain when it just leaves the table.”

Typical mechanics topics.

But the difficulty lies in the “chain” and “slope” of change.

From force analysis to motion analysis, the difficulty has doubled!

The work done for each whereabouts needs to be carefully considered!

Jiang Feng began to draw pictures on the draft paper.

He Qing looked tense, and lost the confidence he had just now.

He could only pin his hopes on this last question.

This question is not only complicated, if you don’t flexibly use the relationship between the individual and the whole, and don’t know how to use the kinetic energy theorem repeatedly, you won’t be able to solve it at all!

This requires extremely strong thinking ability to integrate the chains piece by piece!

The difficulty is not ordinary. When he was doing this problem, he went crazy for five minutes before he calmed down and pondered it slowly.

Even so, he was still worried.

What kind of role will such topics play in front of physics geniuses?

Jiang Feng drew six slightly different pictures on the draft paper.

They are schematic diagrams of the whereabouts of the six chain blocks.

Immediately afterwards, he wrote a line of equations under each graph.

Kinetic energy theorem.

He Qing was dumbfounded.

He who knows how to solve the problem is very clear about what is happening in front of him!

Come out, Jiang Feng has already solved this problem!

The complex falling process of the chain was actually orderly in the mind of this physics genius…

His last line of defense is broken, cracked!

Although this question can be solved with the knowledge of high school, the overall force thinking will gradually mature in college.

Before using the kinetic energy theorem, a complicated force analysis is required.

But Jiang Feng didn’t take this process seriously!

Just write the result out!

He lowered his head, closed his eyes, and accepted this fact.

The two topics that I am “proud of” are nothing more than under the knife!

After Jiang Feng finished writing the final answer, he shook his head boringly, and was about to open the front to finish writing the test paper.

He didn’t expect that Teacher He would use such a paper to bet his surname…

He Qing stretched out his hand and said slowly, “No need to do it, it’s fine.”

Zeng Hongwei: “Old He, what are you doing?”

He stood up and insisted, “Director, you don’t need to do it anymore.”

“Isn’t this a waste of classmate Jiang Feng’s time?”

“Comprehension and reasoning are all dead things. The last two questions have been solved in this way, and the previous ones are just playing tricks.”

Zeng Hongwei nodded slightly, “So, Jiang Feng also got full marks in the comprehensive science?”

“Full score, must be full score, but unfortunately there are no additional points, otherwise it will count as much as you have.”

He Qing said seriously.

Full marks, just for students like Jiang Feng!

Zhao Qiang and the others noticed that something was wrong, and said, “I said, Teacher He, does the matter of changing your surname still count?”

He Qing blushed so suppressedly that he had no choice but to respond, “Forget it, do it for me. From now on, my surname is Jiang…”


peopleLaugh a lot and not tease much.

After all, getting full marks in the exam by Jiang Feng is commonplace.

Who hasn’t been given full marks by Jiang Feng.

No matter how well prepared they are, they can’t match the performance of a genius on the spot.

Jiang Feng couldn’t help laughing and said: “You flatter me, I’m doing the questions in normal steps, you shouldn’t be like this.”

He Qing leaned over with a blushing face, pointed to the optical path difference formula on the draft paper, and asked, “Did you think of pushing this formula first?”

“Well, there must be some kind of connection between these coefficients in the question. Only by finding this relationship can the problem be solved.”

“Then looking at this structure, we can only use the derivative relationship.”


He Qing took a deep breath after hearing such a mature understanding.

This is the highest state of learning and applying it flexibly, drawing inferences from one instance.

Suddenly, he frowned, “Are you really a freshman in high school?”

Zeng Hongwei: “Oh, what are you doing, old He? Didn’t I tell you, Class 16, Grade One.”

Wang Chengyuan on the side nodded proudly.

He Qing held the draft paper, his face full of disbelief, “Is this the work of the first year of high school?”

“Which freshman in high school can do this?”

Everyone was silent, hiding their eyes, expressing their support.

Jiang Feng: “…”

I had no choice but to turn my head and look at my head teacher, “You won’t give me an explanation?”

Wang Chengyuan: “I, uh…”

He stammered and spread his hands, “I can’t find a reason.”

Jiang Feng: “……”

Don’t be like this, there aren’t many buddies who meet, it’s obvious that these sets of papers are too lucrative.

Seeing the situation, Hua Xiang said awkwardly: “Are I still using this test paper…?”

Zhao Qiang shook his head, Zou Anming shook his head, He Qing shook his head.

They have all challenged the height of Jiang Feng, and the fact of “bulingbuling” is in front of them.

“It’s not necessary.”

Section 21

“You Wenzong is like practicing calligraphy in front of classmate Jiang Feng.”

“Agreed, don’t waste time?”

Hua Xiang, who had seen strong winds and waves, did not dare to refute at this time, but only looked at Zeng Hongwei.

Zeng Hongwei looked at the time, and said in a tone of asking for instructions: “Anyway, there is still a while before dinner, so why don’t you do another set, Jiang Feng?”

“You have the final say.”

Jiang Feng spread his hands, indifferent.

It never occurred to him that after taking so many test papers, it would not affect the meal time…

Is my efficiency already this high?

Obviously, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the comprehensive subject index of the system!

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