At your level, how can Teacher Su stand it?

“What kind of statement is this?”

Jiang Feng asked suspiciously.

Wei Jun smiled, “As Director Zeng said, in order to get closer to you, the students are studying day and night, and the pressure can be imagined.”

“If they find that they can’t keep up with this gap in the end, their state will be sluggish.”

“Let’s leave them with something to think about.”

Everyone present pursed their lips and concentrated.

This is indeed the case.

The truth is indeed such a truth.

When a person finds that the goal is too far away from him, so far away, he will give up on himself.

But is it really appropriate to say…

Playing the students like monkeys!

Work harder, come on a little more, and the moon in the water will be yours!

If the students hear this, they will live in the shadows for the rest of their lives, let alone in a sluggish state!

“Although it’s a bit insidious…but at least it can keep the students motivated.”

“Well, setting a goal doesn’t necessarily mean achieving the goal. You can compare yourself with yourself, as long as you make progress.”

“What’s more, Jiang Feng, you took the first place in all the exams you missed, so you have to give up the exam this time.”

Objectively for the sake of the students, everyone felt that the principal’s proposal was commendable.

Wei Jun: “Jiang Feng, what do you think? Anyway, this exam is meaningless to you.”

“Not much rest yet.”

Everyone nodded and looked at asking for instructions.

They can all guess Jiang Feng’s score!

Jiang Feng took a drinkSip tea, “You have the final say.”

I didn’t expect, I didn’t expect, I participated in a Hongmen meeting!

A group of people threatened themselves!

He was targeted brutally!

When Wei Jun heard these four words that were slightly perfunctory, he immediately looked embarrassed and hesitated in his heart.

If it affects Jiang Feng’s mood, then it will be self-defeating, picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon!

He held up his smile and said weakly: “Jiang Feng, it’s not that we don’t give you a chance to take the exam, and it’s not that we want to pick you out and leave you alone…you have to understand this.”

“You are Quan Li to be proud of. We are all counting on you.”

“If you have time, you can participate in the invigilation. What do you think?”

“Ding! New mission released!”

“Task content: Ask the host to participate in the invigilation, and be fair and just.”

“Task reward: Enrich and moisten the host’s knowledge involved in various subjects, specifically reading skills, beautifying writing of letters and numbers, spoken English, clearing sketches, etc.”

A smile appeared on Jiang Feng’s face.

Obviously, the rewards from the system are much more than those from learning, and they are also more straightforward.

What’s more, this time is something that cannot be learned in books.

“Okay, I’ll try.”

“Okay, then it’s settled!”

Only then did Wei Jun feel relieved, “The meeting is over!”

The corner of Fei Guoqiang’s mouth slightly raised.

Quickly returning to class 17, he walked up to the podium with a full face.

The students were a little surprised.

Lao Fei hasn’t been in this state for a long time.

Since Lu Xiaojuan left, he looks like a wilted eggplant in class every day.

Did you get bloody today?

“We performed well in the monthly exam this time, show our momentum!”

He looked down at Wu Shaohua in the front row, “Keep up, and bring back the number one in the school!”

When everyone heard such bold words, they immediately cheered up!

That’s right, what are we?

Section 62

Class 17!

The number one in the whole school does my part!

You won’t be overwhelmed by one or two setbacks!

Fei Guoqiang looked at his “Peach and Plum” with satisfaction and nodded repeatedly.

“I want to tell everyone a piece of good news. Jiang Feng will not participate in this monthly exam!”

Everyone: “…”

His expression froze for an instant, and his surging heart seemed to have stopped beating…

What are we excited about?

It was because of this premise that Lao Fei became impassioned and made a big splash…

Let’s sprint for the first place in the school, we must first get rid of Jiang Feng!

But teacher, we don’t want to be so unpursuing!

“Teacher, don’t worry, I will surpass Lu Xiaojuan this time!”

After all, Wu Shaohua is Fei Guoqiang’s confidant general.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


Lao Fei is going to avenge his shame!

Let Lu Xiaojuan regret her actions!

Fei Guoqiang smiled unabashedly.

“Okay, don’t relax these few days.”

When Lu Xiaojuan was here, Wu Shaohua was always ranked second, and the top three in the school.

But he has long seen the potential of this boy!

Just like on a long-distance running track, the one who can maintain the second place and keep chasing after him is bound to be a “dangerous person”!

Overtaking is only a short distance away!

Before, he needed to devote his attention to two people, and Lu Xiaojuan accounted for most of them.

But now, he devoted all his energy to Wu Shaohua, and even brought him back to make up lessons for free!

Just to breathe out!

Now the opportunity has come.

Proctor preparation classroom.

Jiang Feng followed Su Lingqiao to draw votes for the examination room.

All the teachers looked enviously.

“Teacher Su is so lucky.”

“Really, why don’t we have such students in our class?”

“Don’t even think about it, even if you have one, you may not be in love with you.”


The atmosphere was very harmonious, and no one was too surprised by Jiang Feng’s arrival.

If it wasn’t for the regulations, this guy could put down his textbooks and teach immediately.

“Come on, let’s smoke.”

Jiang Feng picked up one and opened it, 28.

Lost, the last exam room.

When it was too late, the female teachers immediately surrounded her.

“Where are you going, Jiang Feng?”

“You won’t be in the same examination room as me?”

“You have a pretty good idea.”

Jiang Feng: “…”

These teachers are no weaker than the girls in the class!

He took the note and showed it to everyone.

“Wow, 28.”


“At your level, how can Teacher Su stand it?”

Jiang Feng: “……”

“what did you say?”

“I said that your 28 is the biggest here.”

Jiang Feng was in a mess.

Is this him?

Who leaked the news!

The female teachers laughed again, and then asked, “Who is 28?”

No one answered, only Su Lingqiao lowered her head, her face turned red like a persimmon!

I can’t explain this clearly!

Everyone came over in surprise.

“Mr. Su, you won’t cheat every time you draw a lot, right?”

“You really won’t give us a chance to intervene?”

“It doesn’t matter if you’re in the classroom, it’s still the exam room! Hey!! You guys are playing a little too big.”

Su Lingqiao raised her head stubbornly, “Don’t talk nonsense, it’s just a coincidence, I just took it casually.”

“Well then, let’s change. I’ll treat you to dinner tonight.”


Everyone spread out their hands, as if they wanted to tell the world: Hey, don’t you just call yourself out?

The male teachers stood aside aggrievedly.

Principal many timesLet them focus on teaching without worrying, and encourage internal digestion.

But headmaster, let’s see, how can the female teacher have an attitude of internal digestion!

They didn’t even look at us until here!

We all suspected that we were invisible!

Can he not worry about this?

“I was fooled by this at the beginning. I was able to go to No. 1 Middle School, but I was persuaded. If I had known today, I, I…I would never be jealous here!”

“Pretty is pretty, it’s not for us!”


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