No. 1 High School is a toad who wants to eat swan meat

inside the house.

Being crushed by the overwhelming advantage, Su Lingqiao looked at the unopened computer in front of her and thought of a plan.

She also visited the DIY circle in the past two days.

Section 114

I saw a comment with a lot of likes, saying that the voice of unpacking is the best in the world, more exciting than a woman’s…

The notebooks worth 260,000 must be the same.She stood up, looked at Jiang Feng and said, “I saw this notebook in your favorites, let’s take it apart and have a look now.”

Saying that, she took the initiative to go to Jiang Feng’s bedroom.

If you want to enjoy the joy of unpacking, you have to find a quiet place.

Jiang Feng’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help showing his liking, “Mr. Su, you are so caring.”

Zhou Jinyu just shook his head.

This is called stubborn resistance.

In the face of the conditions given by Jin Tan No. 4, this computer has no competitiveness.

“Zi la—”

Su Lingqiao carefully and lightly opened a seal, and then signaled Jiang Feng to do it himself.

“If you continue to stay in Licai, the benefits provided by the school will definitely get better and better.”

“Although there may be some restrictions on your growth,… your excellent grades should not be affected much by the environment.”

“Not only is it not affected much by the environment, but it can also affect the environment!”

She said one sentence after another, her tone full of pity.

Class 16 was originally the bottom class, but now it has been promoted to the top of the school.

Enlarging the angle of view, the whole Licai is the same.

“Although it will be a little selfish…”

Jiang Feng turned his head and smiled relaxedly, “Mr. Su, you look down on me too much, don’t you?”

“I didn’t say I was leaving either.”

Su Lingqiao raised her eyebrows!

The watery eyes were wide open, and he said excitedly: “Really!”

Immediately afterwards, he took out two pieces of chocolate from his pocket, and handed one to Jiang Feng, “I made this myself, try it.”

There are so many people outside, it’s inconvenient to take this thing out.

Jiang Feng peeled one and put it in his mouth, nodded with satisfaction and said, “Yes, it’s delicious.”

Su Lingqiao also ate one with her, and the two opened the door and went out.

She was afraid that the chocolate on her teeth would seriously affect her appearance, so she approached Pan Guolan and asked, “Is it convenient for me to go to the bathroom, I want to rinse my mouth.”

Zhou Jinyu: “!!!”

His face was stunned!

Leading Jiang Feng to the bedroom, do you want to rinse your mouth when you come out? !

What are you doing in there?

Could it be under the guise of looking at the computer, but actually…

Hiss! ! !

He frowned and took a deep breath!

Do you still need to guess? It’s obvious!

“Principal Fang, Teacher Pan, Teacher Zhou,” Jiang Feng nodded politely, “You guys should come back, please.”

“Encouraging talent is enough for me to use. I’m not as capable as you said.”

Fang Kewei looked serious, and stood up respectfully after a few seconds, with a smile of approval on the corner of his mouth.

Being able to bring Jiang Feng to Jintan No. 4 Middle School is the best of both worlds.

But if you can’t take it with you, you should respect Jiang Feng’s choice.

Calm, humble, bold and firm!

A real talent should be like this, not only know how to learn, but also know why to learn.

Don’t be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, just because you are at the highest level!

The pillars of the country in the near future!

“Okay, we are here to give you the right to choose.”

He stepped forward to shake hands.

Zhou Jinyu was sure he was still in shock.

Sure enough, sure enough!

Su Lingqiao is not only caring, she is too caring!

“Everyone sit down and eat here at noon.”

Pan Guolan came from the kitchen with a smile on her face and said, “I don’t have soy sauce at home, I’ll go buy some.”

When I came to the door, as soon as the door opened, three or five elder sisters fell in!

“I said Sister-in-law Zhang, when can I stop doing these horrible things?”

“Oh, it’s so lively,” Mrs. Zhang said with an apologetic smile, “Who was that one who walked out just now?”

“Could it be a teacher too?”

“Which school?”

“Has the gift arrived?”

Everyone showed curious expressions.

Pan Guolan frowned, but really didn’t care.

She yelled inside: “Pingguo, which school’s teacher is the one who left just now?”

Jiang Pingguo didn’t answer in a hurry, but got up and walked to the door of the main room, and shouted in the loudest voice in his life: “No. 1 middle school, what a few words at the door, I don’t have the nerve to come in!”

Everyone’s expressions froze!

I wanted to gasp, but my breath was uncontrollably held!

Is this what people say?

No. 1 middle school teacher, I’m not ashamed to enter the door to participate in the competition!

That’s right, Qingshui Middle School, Jintan No. 4 Middle School, where is the corner of the No. 1 Middle School that can be on an equal footing.

But there are many people in Pingsheng Village who wanted to enter No. 1 Middle School but failed!

Why is the gap between people so big!

In the room, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

This is He Bo’s game over.

His official career has been flooded, and now his reputation has spread again!

I’m afraid I won’t dare to meet people as a teacher in the future!

Zhou Jinyu got up, “Then Jiang Feng’s father, Jiang Feng, I will go first too.”

“Oh, don’t be in a hurry, we’ll have dinner later!” Jiang Pinguo asked to stay.

“No, no, I still have something to do.”

Seeing the strength of the intelligence bureau in the village, he had better retreat earlier.

“Then take the things away?”

Jiang Pingguo slowly reached out to the mobile phone on the table, raised his eyebrows and said.

“Just stay here, maybe you can think about it again.”

“This, this is so embarrassing…Then you go slowly?”


Zhou Jinyu turned around and left quickly.

Seeing the situation, Fang Kewei also greeted a few words, and left with Pan Hongkang.

Zhao Qiang looked around and said, “Then you are busy, I have something to do over there.”

Turning her head to look at Su Lingqiao again, she made a look,”Mr. Su is fine today, you can stay for dinner.”

Su Lingqiao: “…”

“Hey! Then why should I turn around!”

“Take a taxi!”


The news in the group will be refreshed quickly.

A lot of people have gathered at the entrance of the village.

“The son of the Guolan family is amazing! Teachers from the four schools all came to give gifts!”

“Isn’t that right, two Licai students came early in the morning, for fear that Jiang Feng would be snatched away by other schools!”

“Oh, the gift items are so precious, all of them are things that my family wants to buy but can’t afford!”

“What is this? The principal of Jintan No. 4 Middle School personally came to the door and said that he would give Jiang Feng a scholarship of 500,000 yuan a year! Send him a set of school district housing in Jintan City!”


“However, Jiang Feng hasn’t agreed yet. Hey, when will my family be able to do such a good thing.”

“Oh? Did you see it in the group? The No. 1 Middle School also sent someone here, so I didn’t have the nerve to come in!”

“Oh, you listened to their nonsense, so why are you embarrassed? It was the husband and wife who refused to let people in and kicked them out! I don’t even think about who are sitting inside!”

“Yeah, I said, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about here.”

Section 115

“Tsk tsk tsk, this guy is really lost.”

“He should! He didn’t bring anything with him when he went to beg someone, and he’s not as rich as Principal Jin Tan, so he still wants to make a deal?”

“That’s right, Jiang Feng doesn’t love money, but he has to give it away.”

“This idiot, he’s still not pragmatic. He doesn’t look like a teacher!”

“No. 1 Middle School didn’t keep their eyes open by sending him here.”

“This is the toad wanting to eat swan meat.”


Next to him, He Bo, who was bending over and covering his face, walked quickly.

If time permits, he wants to dig a tunnel and move forward!

Brother Feng! I promise I won’t be fooled again!

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