Xueba: I study hard in the wasteland world

Chapter 12 12. The paper is ready for submission

Time passed day by day. Su Yu originally wanted to ask Academician Tang Hong to help revise his paper, but Academician Tang had been attending meetings outside and never came back.

It wasn't until Su Yu's final exam was over that Academician Tang called Su Yu.

Academician Tang apologized. He had just returned to Xijing and was so busy in Yan Liang that he asked Su Yu to come to Yan Liang to find him when he had time.

Academician Tang is the real boss, he is humble and polite, even to Su Yu, an undergraduate, he is very polite and deserves an apology.

It was Su Yu's honor to trouble Academician Tang to revise the paper.

Not to mention Yan Liang, even if it was out of town, Su Yu would have to find a way to get there when Academician Tang called.

Because she often had to go out to purchase supplies to be sent to the wasteland world, Su Yu had already bought a car.

An ordinary Audi A4L cost less than 300,000.

After going back to the dormitory to get her computer and printing out the paper, Su Yu picked up the car keys, put on her schoolbag and walked out of the dormitory.

The Audi parked in the parking space on the school alley. Su Yu opened the door, threw her schoolbag into the passenger seat, and started the car.

While Su Yu waited for the car to warm up, she turned on the navigation and navigated to the location sent by Academician Tang.

Not bad, it takes less than an hour to get there by driving on the highway.

It's more convenient to have a car. Otherwise, Su Yu would have to take a bus from school to the bus station, and then go to the bus station to take a bus, which would waste all morning.

Su Yu drove over the speed bump at the school gate, merged into the main road, and drove towards Yan Liang according to the navigation.

Yanliang, named after the ancient town of Yanliang, was later placed under Xijing City and Yanliang District was established.

The aviation industry here is developed and it is a famous aviation city integrating aircraft design, manufacturing, identification, test flight, teaching and research.

China's large bombers and transport aircraft are all manufactured here.

Su Yu was driving on the Beijing-Kunming Expressway when there was a roar above her head.

Looking up through the windshield, I saw a huge Kun-20 transport plane lowering its landing gear, starting to slow down, slowly descending in altitude, and landing towards the military airport.

I had only seen this big guy in the news before, but now it was right above my head!

The impact of what I saw with my own eyes was indeed very strong. This big thing flying in the air was really exciting!

The security inspection at Xifei's factory was very strict. Academician Tang sent a doctoral student out to take Su Yu in.

Academician Tang's office is very quiet, and the simple decoration exudes a sense of oppressive seriousness.

Different from the school office, in this office, in addition to a few doctoral students sitting in front of the computer and working on their own projects, there are also a few employees asking for instructions on work arrangements.

"Hello teacher, hello fellow seniors!"

Su Yu walked in respectfully, carrying ten cups of milk tea, and greeted him respectfully.

It’s always a good idea to bring a small gift when you visit for the first time.

She didn't know how many people were in the office, so Su Yu bought ten cups of milk tea.

At first, I was afraid that it was not enough. After all, it would not be good if someone was missing!

Fortunately, there were only 5 people in Academician Tang's office, some of whom they knew and others they didn't know, so Su Yu respectfully gave everyone a cup of milk tea!

Sure enough, a small gift left a good first impression on several doctoral seniors in the office.

"Oh, my junior brother is very good! Thank you!"

Several senior students drank milk tea and expressed their gratitude to Su Yu!

Studying for a Ph.D. under a boss may seem very glamorous, but in fact it is very hard work. A sweet milk tea comes out of the hard work, which is very satisfying.

Academician Tang was not polite. He drank a cup of milk tea and said, "The paper was revised so quickly!"


The majestic Academician Tang's appearance while drinking milk tea was a bit contrasting, but he did not seem so far away. Su Yu nodded with a smile and handed over his paper: "I have revised and optimized it. Please help me take a look. Are there any questions?"

"Bring it here!"

Academician Tang put down the milk tea and waved to Su Yu with a smile.

In the office, several other doctoral students drinking milk tea looked at each other in shock: Who is this junior student delivering milk tea? He is so awesome that he can ask Academician Tang to read his paper!

You must know that Academician Tang is very busy recently, and he is actually willing to take time out of his busy schedule to read his paper to him!

Academician Tang briefly sorted out the various documents on the table, pushed up his glasses, and began to read Su Yu's paper seriously.

When Su Yu walked into his office, Academician Tang was quite looking forward to it. He wanted to see if this young man could surprise him.

Academically, this is a very cruel truth.

Some people spend their whole lives quietly and gain nothing.

But some people are born with geniuses like "darlings" and are extremely talented.

Academician Tang has already discovered the light in Su Yu, and he wants to see how much talent this young man has.

Upon seeing it, Academician Tang nodded with satisfaction.

Su Yu's basic knowledge has improved again. This paper is written like a textbook, and the basic knowledge is rigorous and detailed.

And then, Academician Tang's eyes began to glow with excitement!

Although I have read Su Yu's paper before, reading it again this time is like a leap from 99 points to 100 points.

Although the difference is only one point, this is an essential cross-domain.


Academician Tang commented excitedly!

Then, Academician Tang said seriously:

"Once your paper is published, it will definitely create a lot of sensation!"

"Although the research object in your paper is very basic, it creates a new development direction in aerodynamics and fluid mechanics! If we continue to develop in this direction, there will definitely be breakthrough scientific research results!"

Academician Tang’s vision is still very vicious!

Su Yu never said that her ultimate main goal was to study the force transformation of the impact of wind on glass. But Academician Tang could tell at a glance that Su Yu's research would make great achievements in the field of aerodynamics!

As for doubting whether this paper was written by Su Yu?

Academician Tang never doubted it from beginning to end, because the basic knowledge in this paper was too solid, and through communicating with Su Yu, Academician Tang could also detect Su Yu's solid basic knowledge!

Therefore, this is a genius, a genius that sprouts from solid basic knowledge!

Academician Tang didn't know how many books Su Yu had read, but he was certain that Su Yu had read every book thoroughly!

Academician Tang stared at Su Yu with sharp eyes. Behind his spectacles, his dark pupils shone with unconcealable excitement!

"Academician Tang, you think too highly of me!"

Su Yu smiled and scratched her head.

Academician Tang's evaluation made him very happy, but also a little flattered!

Although only more than two months have passed in the real world, plus the time in the wasteland world, Su Yu spent more than half a year on this paper!

Now that he has been affirmed by Academician Tang, Su Yu is very happy, and his efforts have not been in vain!

"The argumentation process in the article is very good! What's more important is that you fully absorbed and developed the relevant derivation ideas! You are really better than the master, and you are very beautiful in the derivation of several key models!" Academician Tang Hong was full of enthusiasm Praise with joy.

"Teacher, you still teach well!"

Su Yu smiled and spoke, and at the same time, Su Yu, a clever little guy, no longer called him "Academician Tang", but took the opportunity to call him "teacher".

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