Xueba: I study hard in the wasteland world

Chapter 293 291, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Sichuan Mansion, a small conference room at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. After all the participants arrived, Su Yu started this seminar.

There were not many people at this meeting. There were only five professors from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, including Professors Su Yu and Yuan Shubo, and the rest were a dozen doctoral students who came with their supervisors to attend the meeting.

"The main content of our meeting today is to discuss the operation of np=p? logic language in the Room Temperature Superconducting Supercomputing Center."

"This is a new supercomputing system, so it requires us to create a new programming logic to complete the verification work more efficiently and quickly."

Su Yu, standing on the podium, announced the topic of today's seminar, and the meeting officially began.

"np=p?", which is the np-complete problem, is a subversive mathematical problem.

Simply find the corresponding ticket gate at the station to illustrate:

If it is your first time to go to a certain station and you are not familiar with the distribution of the station, you need to look for the corresponding ticket gates one by one.

At this time, you see a staff member on duty there. After asking, you immediately find the ticket gate.

If there is no guidance from the staff, you can definitely find it by searching one by one. However, you can find it immediately with the guidance of the staff, which shortens the search time.

The answers to some questions cannot be calculated directly, and the results can only be obtained through indirect "guessing".

Unlike deterministic problems, which can be calculated step by step using formula functions, this is a non-deterministic problem.

There is usually an algorithm for these questions. It cannot directly tell you what the answer is, but it can tell you whether a certain possible result is the correct answer or wrong.

Let's put it this way, if Su Yu really established a computer language based on the logic of "np=p", then your bank card password will be useless.

Of course, cracking the code is only one aspect. Optimizing the world is the greatest achievement of the entire system.

"Academician Su, I think we can input here: a_1, a_2,..., a_n, n integers

Then output: non-decreasing sorting of n integers.

Use fixed-length encoding, let m=\\lceil\\log_2\\max(|a_i|+1)\\rceil"

In the conference room, when discussing the issue of coding length, a professor in the audience expressed his opinion.

"Not bad! Okay, I'll follow your ideas here."

Su Yu thought about the professor's opinion and nodded with satisfaction.

Everyone's wisdom is indeed not comparable to Su Yu's alone. This professor's views are great.

After seeing Academician Su Yu's praise, Yuan Shubo, who was attending the meeting, pursed his lips. He also thought of this, but he was rushed to answer.

In school, the talented Yuan Shubo, who was inexperienced in worldly affairs and looked like a worldly expert, was completely different when facing Su Yu. He was like a primary school student looking forward to praise from the teacher.

This is not that Yuan Shubo has lowered his status, but that the deeper he studies this field, the more he realizes his own insignificance, and the more he feels that Su Yu has a high mountain to look up to.

Wang Guowei said in "Renjian Ci Hua": Those who have achieved great things and learned great things in ancient and modern times must pass through three realms: "Last night, the west wind withered the green trees, and I climbed up to the tall building alone, looking at the end of the world." This is the first realm;

"The belt is getting wider and wider, but I don't regret it anymore. I feel haggard because of the loss of my clothes." This is the second state;

"The crowd searched for him thousands of times, but suddenly I looked back, and there he was, in a dimly lit place." This is the third realm.

For Yuan Shubo, it took a lot of effort for him to enter the first state of "going up to a tall building alone" and standing on a tall building to "see all the way to the end of the world."

And only by "going up to a tall building alone" and further improving your vision can you understand how "goddess Su Yuxue" is like the ethereal universe and difficult to trace.

Therefore, in front of Su Yu, Yuan Shubo was really like a child in elementary school, eager to be seen and praised by the "teacher".

Su Yu spent the whole morning discussing with professors from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in the conference room, and it was time for Su Yu's summary in the afternoon.

While everyone was having lunch and resting, Su Yu traveled to the wasteland world to complete the data collection for the morning seminar, and took a nap by the way.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone returned to the conference room. Su Yu stood on the stage, opened the prepared summary report, and said:

"After the discussion in the morning, I feel that everyone's computer skills are very professional and strong, but the mathematical theory is a little lacking."

Su Yu is now four years old and the father of three children. After so many years of being competitive, he has now learned how to behave and take care of other people's feelings. Now that his status is high, he speaks very politely:

"It's just a little lacking. I'm here to tell you about a mapping convention based on my mathematical system. It's a bit abstract. I'll speak slowly. If you have questions, you can ask them at any time."

When the five professors from the University of Electronic Science and Technology in the audience heard this, Academician Su Yu all agreed with his computer skills. He was very happy. Moreover, he was only slightly lacking in mathematical theory. It seemed that he was pretty good~

But when Su Yu started to speak on the stage, the five professors were confused: Boss, do you call this a little lacking?

Damn it, the mathematics you taught me moistened the dry earth like spring rain!

When Su Yu began to teach these five professors about the mapping conventions in the computer field from Su Yu's perspective of mathematics, the five professors felt as if they had been passed on new techniques by the "Great Luo Jinxian" and suddenly felt that the door to a new world had opened. ——So it can still be like this!

At this moment, the five professors looked at each other, and then all turned their attention to Su Yu's doctoral student Gao Bin, who was sitting in the corner with his head seriously lowered and writing and drawing in his notebook.

Although there were no words, the eyes of the five people conveyed the same sentence: "After Gao Bin graduates, we must introduce Gao Bin to the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China at all costs, and let Gao Bin lead the University of Electronic Science and Technology to complete the study of Su Yu and computer science." The fusion of learning!”

Gao Bin was listening to the teacher's lecture and carefully improving his notes. Suddenly he felt a chill coming over him. He looked up and saw five professors from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China staring at him as if they were staring at a peerless beauty.

Gao Bin gave the five of them a look: these five idiots, the teacher hasn't taught specific theoretical knowledge for a long time, why don't you listen carefully, why are you here to see me!

Ignoring them, Gao Bin continued to listen to the teacher's lectures carefully and carefully improved his notes.

"Whoa whoa whoa~"

The afternoon school bell rang outside the campus, and suddenly the whole campus became lively.

The campus radio rang: "Good afternoon, dear students. Today, we will play an interlude from the movie "Science and Villains" starring Academician Su Yu and ranked No. 1 in the world's box office. This interlude is composed by"

In the conference room, Su Yu, who heard the broadcast on campus, glanced at the time, then glanced at the equation he had completed and explained, and said: "Okay, we are here today, and the next work will be troublesome. There are five of you.”

"Complete it with supercomputing language programming. If possible, I hope you can appropriately add the new SYnp language produced by some projects. A small system designed by Warwick's graphics card uses this language, and the effect is proved to be very good. of."

"Everyone, my work will now focus on key research. If the supercomputing center passes the verification, it means that we are one step closer to proving the np complete problem. It means that we have opened the door to a new computer era. .”

"Academician Su, don't worry!"

Seeing everyone's expressions, Su Yu nodded and said, "Okay, feel free to communicate with me if you have any questions. I will stay at UESTC until you complete the project."

At that time, Su Yu was about to leave. Yuan Shubo, a young man from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, stood up hurriedly, pointed at Gao Bin in the corner, and said to Su Yu: "Academician Su, look, can you lend us this Dr. Gao Bin?" Use it, after all, there are many theories about you, and we don’t understand them deeply enough.”

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