Xueba: I study hard in the wasteland world

Chapter 296 Chapter 294, The national system of the Holy Kingdom of Dawn in the wasteland world

Since Gao Bin gave lectures to the programming team of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, the team has made rapid progress.

In the early morning of a new day, when Professor Yuan Shubo and the five professors with dark circles under their eyes received the latest work summary and project guidance report from Su Yu, they were completely impressed: "I can't help but feel sorry for Su Yu." I am so impressed by the academician’s strong energy.”

"Me too~"

"+1! Damn it, aren't we just looking for trouble? Good guy, now we have made the progress so fast, and next, if we want to relax, Academician Su Yu thinks we are lazy."

"You have to do something wrong for yourself! Go to work!"

Although this programming project is led by five professors from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and are doing the specific work, it is Su Yu who controls the project.

Every night, at the end of the project, Su Yu’s student Chen Hongdao would complete a progress report and hand it to Su Yu.

Then, like correcting homework, Su Yu issued a summary and guidance report to the group to ensure that their work was error-free.

And looking at the detailed revision opinions sent by Academician Su Yu every day, they were very curious, why is Academician Su Yu so energetic?

So privately, they wanted to speed up the progress and secretly test Academician Su Yu's limits.

Unexpectedly, even though they had stayed up late for a week and were almost exhausted, Academician Su Yu still sent detailed reports on time as usual every day.

They were completely impressed by Su Yu's strong energy. The greatest confidence of a scholar is his strong energy. Academician Su Yu is forty years old, and he can still keep up with the entire group with his energy alone.

Everyone has to admire and at the same time full of expectations for the future. Academician Su Yu has radiant energy, which means that he can continue to lead everyone.

Su Yu didn't know the "little thoughts" of the five-person team at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Seeing the accelerated progress of the project, Su Yu was a little shocked. Now he needed to use his "golden finger" to go to the wasteland world to process the report.

He thought it was Gao Bin's teaching that worked, and it wasn't everyone who was being irritated.

Wasteland World, Holy Kingdom of Dawn, Leader's Mansion, Su Yu was sitting in the study room sorting out the progress report of the five-member team of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.

Not bad. According to the current progress, it won't take long for the project's programming to be completed, and it can be verified at a supercomputing center using room-temperature superconducting chips.

"Hey, I'm really old~"

After sorting out the report of the five-member team, Su Yu sighed. In the past, he would not have to go to the wasteland world at all, and could finish the corrections in the real world in one or two hours.

Now, he needs to come to the wasteland world and use extra time to revise this report. Su Yu couldn't help but sigh, he is getting old.

But think about it, he is already forty years old, and the only acquaintance he knows in this wasteland world is Su Fang, the loyal commander of the "Chief Guards Army".

Song Qing had not seen Su Yu for several years. Su Chun, who was originally serving in the official residence, resigned from the position of "Steward of the Chief's Residence" due to his aging appearance and went to work on the "Lingming Management Committee".

But now, even Su Fang is not here. He has led the army on an expedition. In the past few years, the map of the Holy Kingdom of Dawn has been expanding again and again. The capital "Su Yu City" that was originally in the center of the map is now in the center of the map. It's just a small dot on the map.

Originally located in the "Dawn Basin" with an area of ​​just over 10,000 square kilometers, the Holy Kingdom of Dawn now has an area of ​​more than 10 million square kilometers.

Su Fang, who had become a veteran general, went on an expedition. Following Su Yu as a guard was a young man named Su Zhenli. This young man was full of energy, with perseverance shining in his childish eyes.

"Come on, let's go for a walk."

Since Dawn Base became Dawn Holy Kingdom, Su Yu has not been out for a long time. He has become like a god. Every time he comes, he is just in the study. Su Yu really doesn't care about the people and things here. How to care.

When the leader spoke, young Su Zhenli's eyes immediately lit up and he hurriedly went down to give instructions. Su Yu waved her hand and said, "Is there no problem with the security here?"

The young man spoke hurriedly: "Report to the leader, this is the holy land where you live, and there is no problem with security!"

"Then there's no need to bother people, let's just go out and have a look." Su Yu said with a smile and picked up her coat.

"Yes!" The young man nodded respectfully, but he glanced at the maid next to him. The maid understood instantly, nodded, and went down to give the order.

Those who can come close to the leader's official residence to worship are the most devout believers who are strictly controlled by the Dawn Sect.

Those who can work in the leader's official residence are absolutely loyal "holy sons" and "holy ladies". They are not only loyal, but also smart.

With a look from young Su Zhenli, the maid nodded and went to arrange the leader's security.

In front of a group of soldiers, the originally inconspicuous, respectful and humble girl immediately changed her temperament and became arrogant and unquestionable.


A group of soldiers hurriedly and respectfully saluted the maid from the leader's mansion. Of course, what they were in awe of was not the maid herself, but her incomparable loyalty to the leader.

The national system implemented by the Holy Kingdom of Dawn is a system of separation of military power, divine power and political power:

Military power is controlled by two departments: the "Dawn Base Military Committee" and the "Chief Guards".

Among them, although the "Chief Guards Army" only has the strength of one army and the "Dawn Military Council" has twelve armies, the "Chief Guards Army" that directly guards the leader is half a level higher than the "Dawn Military Council".

The "Chief Guards" are not only the elite among the elite, they also have the power to supervise the entire army, which is equivalent to the "Royal Guards" plus the "Jinyi Guards".

Unlike the "Guarding Chief" of the "Chief Guards", the "Dawn Military Council" is the "Guarding Chief".

The theocratic power is controlled by the "Dawn Sect", which is completely loyal to and serves the "leader". The followers of the "Dawn Sect" are distributed in the military and governments at all levels, and the imams at all levels preside over major work in various fields.

The political power is controlled by the "Holy Dawn Kingdom Management Committee", which is responsible for handling the administrative work of the entire Holy Kingdom of Dawn from the central to local levels.

If the chairman of a county's "management committee" is regarded as a county magistrate, then the leader of the Dawn Sect in that county is equivalent to a senior county official.

Therefore, the status of the Dawn Sect is very high in the Holy Kingdom of Dawn, and the "Holy Son" and "Holy Lady" who serve in the "Chief's Mansion" are regarded as beings with the "Leader's right to interpret".

The maid from the leader's official residence stood in front of the soldiers, and her sweet and beautiful mouth spat out a fierce order: "The leader is going out, and the whole city is under secret martial law. If the leader loses a hair while he is out, you will be buried together!"

"Yes!" the soldier immediately said seriously.

With an order, millions of Dawn soldiers throughout the Holy Kingdom of Dawn began to mobilize nervously, and no accidents were allowed in any place today.

Walking out of the chief's official residence, Su Yu raised his head and stretched. After many renovations and optimizations, the various living facilities in the chief's official residence were very complete. Su Yu had not been out for a long time.


Looking at the thick ginkgo trees in the big square in front, Su Yu was amazed. He remembered that when the ginkgo trees were first planted, they were not so thick.

After touching a few ginkgo trees, Su Yu stood on the high wall and looked down at the vast endless city at the bottom of the mountain. He suddenly lost interest in going down. What he longed for was the wilderness.

But there is no wilderness here for a long time. I heard that the entire Liming Basin has been developed. Su Yu ran far away if he wanted to see the wilderness again.

"Oh, it's raining!"

Su Yu was standing on the high wall when she suddenly felt it raining.

This made him feel very novel, because in his impression, the summer in the wasteland world was extremely dry. The cultivated land here was completely irrigated by artificial water networks, and now it actually rained.


Su Yu turned around, and behind him, a group of envoys and soldiers, as if they were watching a miracle, knelt on the ground respectfully, in awe of the leader in the rain.

"Whoa whoa whoa~"

The rain instantly became heavier, and there was thunder in the distance.

In the past few years, although it has started to rain in the wasteland world in summer, there has been very little rain. As for today's heavy rain, it has never happened before.

They were extremely convinced that this was the miracle brought by the leader. They were extremely awe-inspiring, extremely pious, and extremely excited. They fell at the feet of the leader Su Yu, like dew after a long drought.

Su Yu was also bored. This rain was entirely because there were more plants in the Liming Basin this year, more reservoirs and artificial canals were built, and the climate improved. It had nothing to do with him!

At this moment, countless citizens were lying on the ground with great piety, worshiping in the direction of the leader's official residence. Citizens who were closer saw the leader standing on the high wall, waving his hand, and summoned him instantly. heavy rain.

Su Yu felt very annoyed about this and couldn't explain it at all. It didn't rain because he waved his hand, or it rained anyway. He waved his hand and tried the rain.

He said something annoying and traveled back to the real world.

And the sudden disappearance of the great leader proved to all witnesses that their leader was God!

It rained all night in the wasteland world, and all kinds of creatures thrived.

And that night, as the leader's "miracle" came out, every citizen of the Holy Kingdom of Dawn was extremely proud, their chests were held high, they were very proud because they were protected by "gods" people!

As for doubting "miracles"?

The great leader exists alive. His appearance has not been changed by time, the supplies he brings from the sky, and his appearance and disappearance at any time. All these are "miraculous".

And in this relatively bad "waste world", the survivors also need a god to give them spiritual strength.

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