Xueba: I study hard in the wasteland world

Chapter 30 30, Su Yu’s thesis defense

Every time he finished writing a paper, Su Yu always felt that his mind was hollowed out, insecure, and always afraid that he would not be able to write another paper, so he continued to "live".

After buying a thick set of 73 volumes of "Huazhang Mathematics Translation Series", Su Yu traveled to the wasteland world and started chewing on the books.

Mathematics is an indispensable tool for all subjects. This set of "Huazhang Mathematics Translation Series" contains many books and basically covers all fields and branches of mathematics.

Although the depth of knowledge in this set of books is a bit lacking, it is perfect as an introductory textbook.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Su Yu to finish reading 73 books, but he had extra time in the wasteland world.

Books always have an indescribable fragrance, and Su Yu likes this smell very much.

Su Yu thought it was an illusion at first, but now he was convinced that his thinking had become much clearer, and he could read the thick textbooks very comfortably.

This feeling of greedy sucking by the brain really makes people feel comfortable. Su Yu sat quietly at the desk in the wasteland world and began to study seriously.

There is a piece of scratch paper on Su Yu's right hand. When he encounters after-school exercises, he can solve them easily.

sense of security?

What is a sense of security?

For Su Yu, there is something in her head, which is a sense of security!

Early the next morning, a ray of bright sunlight entered Su Yu's mind. Su Yu, who was lying on the table, opened his eyes in a daze. The dazzling sunlight instantly blinded him.

"What a fool~"

His senses returned, and Su Yu cursed: his arms were numb, his waist was very stiff, and his whole body ached when he moved.

Su Yu twisted her stiff neck and breathed a sigh of relief.

Yesterday, Song Qing brought Su Yu dozens of books about the wasteland world, and Su Yu found a book made of glass material inside.

Su Yu has read many books about the wasteland world, and he still has a certain understanding of the knowledge system of this world, so he can now understand the books about this wasteland world.

As soon as Su Yu read this book about glass materials, she fell into it immediately.

According to the records in the book Wasteland World, there is a kind of ultra-thin, ultra-hard, highly transparent, scratch-resistant glass, which can be used as a mobile phone screen!

But it is a pity that Su Yu's knowledge of materials science is "poor and useless", otherwise Su Yu really wants to return to the real world to open a new glass company and sell mobile phone screens!

"It doesn't matter, don't worry, just take it step by step, I will figure it out eventually!"

After soothing her sleep-numbed body, Su Yu stretched out and leaned on the chair to comfort herself.

Su Yu couldn't read 73 mathematics textbooks and dozens of wasteland world books in one sitting. After reading for more than a month, when he was tired, he returned to the real world.

When Su Yu returned to the real world to rest, he received a call from Academician Tang Hong:

"I've read your latest paper. It's very good. There are no problems. Please prepare carefully and make a PPT. I will arrange a defense for you in a few days!"


After listening to Academician Tang's words, Su Yu nodded, isn't it just a thesis defense, simple!

But the defense that Academician Tang Hong was talking about was no ordinary graduation thesis defense.

Su Yu's defense was held in the small lecture hall of the Innovation Building on the old campus. As for the members who participated in the defense, Su Yu still doesn't know.

This is Su Yu's first time coming to the old campus.

Su Yu still attaches great importance to this defense, because no matter who is participating in this defense, this is the first time Su Yu has publicly explained his thoughts face to face.

After specially washing her Audi car, Su Yu put on a customized suit and tie, and drove into the old campus early in the morning.

After finding a place to park the car, Su Yu walked into the Innovation Building on the old campus.

Sitting in the lounge of the lecture hall, Su Yu was playing the PPT on her mobile phone while holding the prepared manuscript and looking at it carefully.

Su Yu had prepared this PPT and the manuscript for a long time and had gone through it many times. It could be said that she knew it by heart. But at this moment, Su Yu was still nervous.

Because he had just gone to the lecture hall to take a look, and originally thought it was the kind of defense that three or four teachers would participate in, similar to a graduation defense!

But there were dozens of people sitting in the lecture hall, and two rows of seats were vacant in the center of the front row. It seemed that the real boss hadn't arrived yet.

And although the boss hasn't arrived yet, his seat sign has already been put up.

Academician Tang Hong, chief designer of Kun 20;

Academician Yang Bin, chief designer of Zhan 20;

Academician Zhou Wentuo, chief designer of AVIC’s lunar exploration project;

Academician Jin Kepeng, executive director of the International Society of Mathematical Statistics and academician of mathematics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences

There are not only academicians who are experts in the field of aerospace, but also academicians in the field of mathematics.

Although there was only a name on the seat plate, Su Yu immediately recognized the corresponding title of the boss, and her heart beat faster instantly.

It’s very oppressive!

Put it this way, if the people in this room disappeared, the domestic aerospace field would come to a standstill.

Su Yu didn't expect that the standards of this defense would be so high!

This is not a defense, it is clearly an academic report!

Su Yu was really under a lot of pressure to give an academic report to a group of big guys!

Of course, great pressure also means great rewards. If Su Yu succeeds in this defense, he will be able to dominate the domestic aerospace field!

But Su Yu was also very panicked. At first, she thought it was just Academician Tang who was leading a few other teachers for the defense. So Su Yu was lazy when preparing the PPT. She simply found a PPT template and picked something from the paper.

Now Su Yu regrets not doing it properly!

Su Yu swore to God that no matter what she did in the future, she would never be lazy and she would do it with all her heart!

At nine o'clock in the morning, the defense began. A nervous Su Yu stood on the podium in the lecture hall and glanced uneasily at Academician Tang Hong in the front row.

Academician Tang Hong nodded encouragingly towards Su Yu, then said with a smile: "Don't look at me, I didn't bring this on, you brought it on yourself.

They read your thesis and want to find you, so I thought we might as well hold a thesis defense together!

Don’t worry, as long as I’m here, they won’t make things difficult for you! "

Su Yu blushed a little, smiled and scratched her head.

Academician Yang Bin, who looked very majestic in the audience, felt very oppressive, but when he saw Su Yu's panic on the stage, he waved his hand towards Su Yu with a smile and said:

"Don't panic, we won't make things difficult for you. It's just about some of the points in your paper. We want to hear your opinions in person!"

"Yes, we are here to listen to the class today. You are the teacher and we are the students. How can the teacher be nervous?" Another academician in the audience smiled and made a joke to lighten the atmosphere.

Su Yu smiled and began to explain his thesis: "Dear teachers, hello everyone, then I will briefly explain my thesis."

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