Xueba: I study hard in the wasteland world

Chapter 400 398, The son lied and refused to go home to accompany his girlfriend

Su Wanxia is tall and has inherited the advantages of her father and mother. She has a very good appearance. She has been exercising with her parents since she was a child, and she has also developed a good figure.

Coupled with the temperament cultivated from a top-notch family since childhood, this unruly young man was so charming that Su Yu, a father, must have suspected that his son did not like women but liked men.

It wasn't until her son went to the military academy and had his head shaved. The eyes of his son who was being strictly disciplined became a little more resolute and masculine. He also heard that he was in love, and he was still in love with a girl. Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief. .

"Don't worry about it! Don't bother them."

After taking a look at the information handed over by the relevant personnel about a man named Qi Qiang, Su Yu threw it aside.

The Su family doesn't need any marriage. The son and daughter can fall in love with whoever they want. Of course, the other party may be a "girl hunter". It doesn't matter. It's good to let the son suffer and improve his memory!

Huayin, Huashan Scenic Spot, summer vacation has just begun, and there are more college "special forces" from all over the world in the scenic spot.

The young couple who stayed in the hotel for almost three days after the holiday finally gave up. Su Wanxia and his girlfriend Qi Qiang's first stop was Huashan.

This is Su Wanxia’s second time to climb Mount Huashan. Last time, she followed her father, from the ropeway on the North Peak, and then down the ropeway on the West Peak. This time, she took her girlfriend with her, and the two of them hiked directly to the mountain.

“Sure enough, the most beautiful scenery is still on the road!”

Su Wanxia, ​​carrying a heavy tent on her back, stood at the foot of the mountain, looking at the scenery in the distance and sighing.

Qi Qiang was wearing a simple sportswear. The clothes were very simple, but she looked particularly good-looking in them. She had been nourished by her boyfriend these days, and the beautiful girl shone beautifully.

Su Wanxia has seen countless beauties since he was a child. What he admires is not the beauty of this girl, but the character of this girl who dares to love and hate.

Standing at the top of Beifeng, Qi Qiang stood excitedly on a big rock, pulled her boyfriend and said, "Quickly, let's take a photo together here. I heard that Academician Su Yu came here back then!"

Su Yu's influence on young students is very strong. When Qiqiang was in middle school, he always complained that the textbooks were twice as thick because of Academician Su Yu.

But after going to college, she learned more about the status of this big boss. What she dreamed of was to become a student of Academician Su Yu. Of course, now she is more realistic and knows how difficult it is to become a student of Academician Su Yu.

Su Wanxia shrugged. He had been hesitating to tell his girlfriend his identity, telling her that his father was the great god in her mind, Academician Su Yu, and telling her that the great god in her mind was not as powerful as she thought, but he was really I don't know how to speak.


The two stood on a huge rock on the north peak of Huashan Mountain and took a beautiful photo.

Originally, Su Wanxia carried a heavy tent on her back and planned to stay one night on the top of the mountain. However, the young couple were very strong and came down from the mountain before dark. Therefore, Su Wanxia carried the heavy tent down again. After descending from the mountain, Su Wanxia , the two checked into the Nanshan Hot Spring Hotel at the foot of the mountain.

"Oh, I'll do it!"

At the front desk of the hotel, seeing her boyfriend Su Wanxia about to pay, Qi Qiang hurriedly paid the money first.

Qi Qiang knew that her boyfriend's family conditions were not very good. Otherwise, he would not have been able to get such a high score in the college entrance examination and then go to the military academy.

Qi Qiang’s family is in very good condition. Her family was originally engaged in foreign trade. More than ten years ago, the fruit sugar mining industry was the leader, and China launched a global mining investment campaign. Her family also followed the fruit sugar mining industry to Australia to do mining business. There are several mines, large and small.

Qi Qiang really loves this boyfriend. Every time she sees him, Qi Qiang pays attention to it: she doesn’t wear too expensive clothes, doesn’t drive a Porsche or Fruit Candy supercar parked in the school, or stays in a hotel. Five-star like Fruit Candy Hotel

But fortunately, my boyfriend does not have too much inferiority complex. He is always neither humble nor arrogant. His whole person exudes a kind of confidence that "although I don't have it now, I will have it if I want to and work hard." This kind of confidence of my boyfriend makes me Qi Qiang was extremely fascinated.

Her best friend said that she is a "love brain", but Qi Qiang thought it didn't matter, she just loved it!

Su Wanxia smiled. His girlfriend bought his clothes and even his underwear with her help. When he went out to play, rent a house or eat, it was all paid for by his girlfriend. He seemed to be a "freeloader".

Su Wanxia thought it was really delicious!

After completing check-in, the hotel front desk handed over the room card and said respectfully: "Hello, your room is 8151 on the first floor. You can soak in the hot spring. There is a welcome car at the door to take you directly to the hot spring!"

"Okay, thank you!" Qi Qiang took the room card and nodded.

The front desk of the hotel has seen all kinds of tenants and has received professional training. When facing the tenants, it is very standard. However, when Su Wanxia and Qi Qiang left the room cards, the two front desk clerks who had just been serious My sister immediately lost her nerve and discussed excitedly:

"Wow, the young couple just now are so good-looking. The little brother is so handsome, and the little sister is so pretty!"

"Hahaha, if they make a movie, no matter how expensive it is or how much a ladder is needed, I will definitely watch the original version! I will definitely watch it!"

"How shameless!"

"Hehe! Quickly, take a look at this little brother's personal information!"

With that said, the two ladies secretly opened the guest room level system, but all of a sudden, the entire system was stuck. After the system reacted, the two ladies were stunned:

"Oops, why is the room registration just now gone?"

At this time, a commercial vehicle stopped at the door of the hotel lobby. Two men got down, walked into the lobby, showed their IDs to the front desk, and said, "Hello, these are our IDs! Is your manager here?" "

The two young ladies were stunned and looked at each other: "What kind of certificate is this?"

"Hello, I'm the manager!"

At this time, an exquisite middle-aged woman hurriedly came out to greet her.

Although these two visitors are not wearing uniforms, they are hotel managers who are very discerning. She knows that those who do not wear uniforms are often more powerful than those who wear uniforms.

The two men nodded and said, "We need to check your hotel's communication and monitoring system. Please also file a copy of today's tenant information."

The hotel manager is still very cautious, and being able to open such a large hotel locally shows that he has certain abilities. The manager hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, please wait a moment, I will talk to my boss, and then I'll contact the local police station to confirm."

The two men nodded without any impatience, but one man announced through the intercom: "Stop at the door and don't let the local officials disturb you."

After the briefing, several men got out of a low-key commercial vehicle parked at the door.

Sure enough, not long after the plainclothes men came down, two police cars quickly drove towards the hotel, followed by a low-key Hongqi government car.

The man at the door immediately stopped the high-profile police car convoy. After the convoy stopped, the local leaders hurriedly got out of the car and ran over.

He didn't know who the visitor was, but if he could alert these plainclothes people, the identity of the visitor must be unattainable.

But he was stopped, and the plainclothes man said: "I don't need you to disturb me. I just ask you to cooperate with us to complete the security inspection!"

"Okay, okay, definitely! Absolutely cooperate!" The local chief officer said hurriedly, and then winked at the police chief who got out of the police car, signaling him to go in personally to cooperate, and also went in to see who it was.

He also knew that with his status, he would not be able to see this mysterious visitor at all, but whether he would see him or not was one thing, and whether he would come or not was another matter entirely.

The police chief nodded, got out of the car and walked into the hotel lobby. When the hotel manager saw the chief coming in person, he was shocked and hurriedly cooperated.

In the red flag government car returning to the city, the chief officer and the director were sitting in the back row. The chief officer asked nervously: "Who?"

The director leaned close to the chief officer's ear and said, "Director Su's son."

"Oh my God!" The chief officer was startled.

Although Su Yu is most powerful in academia, where he is "Academician Su";

Secondly, he is also the "world's richest man" for nearly 30 years, and in the business world he is "Mr. Su";

But in addition, he is also "Director Su"!

Although his "power-containing formula" seems low, his status is there.

He seems like he can't control anything, but in fact, with his status, he can speak very effectively no matter where he is!

The boss's son had always been kept under wraps. Now that he appeared in his own place, he was of course shocked.

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