Xueba: I study hard in the wasteland world

Chapter 41 41, brightly lit conference room

In the office, Su Yu held the tablet quietly and seriously, sliding it, zooming in and out, and carefully looking at the aircraft layout on the screen.

Outside the office, all the "employees" gathered around the door of the office nervously and excitedly, looking forward to it.

What is on the flat screen is not a complete aircraft drawing, but a simple main frame composition.

However, this picture has a large memory, dozens of gigabytes. Every time Su Yu zooms in on a detail, the tablet will freeze.

"Sure enough, I was right!"

After browsing the drawings, Su Yu whispered to herself.

When writing this report, Su Yu also fell into self-doubt: the derivation results did not conform to common sense, and the data in the database could not be matched. Su Yu encountered various problems.

But Su Yu always felt that he was right, and the results of this verification also proved that Su Yu was correct!

"Yes! Su Yan, you are right!"

At this moment, Yao Guolong nodded excitedly to Su Yu with eyes filled with admiration!

Although Yao Guolong is older than Su Yu, and although Yao Guolong is a "researcher", he is still higher than Su Yu, an "associate researcher".

But in the real world of academic masters, the master is the teacher!

At this moment, Yao Guolong was in an extremely comfortable mood. It was like the big math problem that had troubled him for a semester was solved by someone else!

Yao Guolong still doesn't understand the ideas in Su Yu's report, but it doesn't matter, as long as he keeps studying, he will definitely gain something!

Yao Guolong stared at Su Yu like a treasured teacher.

Just like a martial arts master who has been stuck in a bottleneck and got a martial arts secret book!

Although this secret book is temporarily incomprehensible, it is correct and can help directly break through the bottleneck!

Yao Guolong has always been stuck in the selection of "Yangtze River Scholar". He has worked hard for many years to successfully be selected as a "Changjiang Scholar", but he always failed.

He also knew that this was not a matter of lack of favor, but a matter of his ability.

This time, as long as he understood Su Yu's report, Yao Guolong knew that he would successfully break through the bottleneck and successfully be selected as a "Yangtze River Scholar".

Not only Yao Guolong, but everyone in the "company" was nervously and excitedly staring at Su Yu who was browsing the tablet.

This time, it was not just a breakthrough in the project, but more importantly, everyone in the "company" was exposed to and learned a new kind of knowledge and new ideas!

Finally, Su Yu spoke: "Let's work overtime tonight!"


"Okay, okay!"


No one resists working overtime!

Su Yu put down the tablet and started assigning work!

"Team Leader Yao, go get all the previous drawings and let's compare them!"

Then, Su Yu told Xu Wei, the leader of the modeling team: "Brother Xu, go and find all the models that have been used to research large aircraft in China!"

"I'll get all the data!"

Before Su Yu could speak, Pang Yuehua, the leader of the data analysis team, spoke clearly.

"Yes!" Su Yu nodded and continued: "Everyone, although the composition is ready, we still need to compare it to see if it is correct!"

"What's going on? You're already off work, and you still have to access so many top-secret documents?"

In a secret archives room, the archivist on duty was stunned when he saw the secret document retrieval request sent by his superior.

"Who knows, there may be a breakthrough in some project, so hurry up and look for it!"

The archivist who was on duty together shrugged. Those crazy researchers had no concept of commuting and could make demands anytime and anywhere.

But it is rare to see such an urgency and such a large amount.

It was late at night, but the floor where Xijing Ruixing Commercial Data Co., Ltd. was located was brightly lit.

A Buick GL8 took advantage of the late night and slowly drove into the underground parking lot of the Innovation Building of NPU.

The Buick stopped, and six men got out of the car and looked around vigilantly.

The leading man nodded, and everyone began to move separately.

These six men are field staff of relevant departments. Their arrival shows that the security level of Xijing Ruixing Commercial Data Co., Ltd. has been raised to a higher level.

Su Yu also noticed that there was one more security guard at the company's front desk, and there were two more young men sitting in the corner of the company lobby reading newspapers.

Su Yu's new car, the Audi A5, was bought with a loan. It was equipped with a GPS when it was purchased. Now the GPS has been removed by professionals, and Su Yu's car has also been fully inspected.

Of course, all this is done in secret. To the outside world, Su Yu is just a "part-time employee."

As for his car purchase price, it was a bonus from negotiating a big deal with "Xijing Ruixing Business Data Co., Ltd."!

Everything is reasonable, Su Yu is clean, he is a college student.

The conference room of Xijing Ruixing Business Data Co., Ltd. was packed with people.

The "company employees" put the drawings on the secret research of the B2 bomber from all other departments in the country on the screen, and began to compare them with the drawings deduced based on Su Yu's theory!

It’s really a good product that I’m afraid of comparing!

The drawings that were originally regarded as treasures, when compared with the drawings on Su Yu's tablet, immediately appeared to be full of loopholes!

"The central axis should be here!"

Comparing the drawings projected on the whiteboard, Su Yu, standing on the podium, drew a straight line from the middle.

"In this case, the fluid lines of the fuselage are also wrong. The fluid lines announced by the US military are completely wrong and are deliberately leading us in the wrong direction."

Then, Su Yu simply drew the fluid lines of the body on the whiteboard.

Then comes the wing angle and landing gear.

A new framework was constructed under Su Yu's writing.

It was late at night, but the people in the conference room were in high spirits and not tired at all. As Su Yu explained, their eyes gradually widened.

No one even dared to take a deep breath. They were all nervous and excited, following Su Yu's thoughts.

"Su Yan, why is the angle here so big? Is there something wrong? Because obviously, with such a big angle, the lift obtained during takeoff will be insufficient!"

When Su Yu was doing the wing angle analysis, someone in the audience raised a question.

"Yes, the lift at such a large angle is insufficient for takeoff, but when cruising at high speed, the resistance at a large angle is less and high speed can be achieved. So why is the angle here so large?"

Su Yu continued: "Because this is a variable wing! The more bombs are loaded, the smaller the take-off angle will be adjusted to obtain enough take-off lift;

When cruising at high altitude and at high speed, increase the angle! "

"Yes, that makes sense!"

Xu Wei in the audience nodded and continued to analyze: "Our B2 video and information did not notice this."

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