Chapter 46 46, "China" "NPU" "Su.Yu"

Professor Bob Magath opened his mailbox and found "99+" unread emails.

After all, he is an old man and has long been used to it, so seeing so many unread emails, Professor Bob Magath calmly began to browse and filter the email subjects carefully.

There are more than a dozen review manuscripts from major academic journals in my mailbox, including three from the "four major mathematics journals".

However, a review of a manuscript from the "Annals of Mathematics" caught the attention of Professor Bob Magath because it was a paper on "NS equations".

Opening the email, the email contained the review comments of the previous reviewer, Frank Dorje from the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton:

"Dear Bob, long time no see. I admit that your research is the most outstanding in the field of partial differential equations, especially the field of NS equations.

After reading this paper, I immediately thought of you.

Looking forward to your review comments. "

"This paper can actually make a proud guy like Frank take it so seriously!"

After reading the review comments of Professor Frank Dorje, Professor Bob Magath became interested and downloaded the attachment.

A paper titled "Regularity Criteria for Microscopic Seepage in Porous Media for Axisymmetric NS Equations" was presented to Professor Bob Magath.

Professor Bob Magath first looked at the author of the paper to see if any of his old friends had made a breakthrough.

When seeing the author's name "Su.Yu", Professor Bob Magath was confused. How to pronounce this name?

Then I looked at the nationality, and it turned out to be a paper from China. More importantly, it was from NPU, which was sanctioned by the United States!


As for Professor Bob Magath, will Professor Bob Magath refuse to publish this paper because of sanctions imposed by the US government?

Just kidding, Professor Bob Magath doesn't care about the U.S. government!

Seeing that it was from the sanctioned NPU, Professor Bob Magath had a good first impression of this paper!

As a scholar, Professor Bob Magath hates academics being tainted by politics!

As long as this paper is not shit and is slightly good, Professor Bob Magath will definitely let it pass!


And after adjusting his heartbeat and reading the paper carefully, Professor Bob Magath raised his eyebrows!

There’s something not quite right about this paper!

As time passed by, the originally sunny apartment became dim.

Professor Bob Magath maintained his original posture of sitting in front of the computer, sliding the mouse and browsing the paper.

He has read this paper many times!

"my Lord!"

Professor Bob Magath let out an exclamation.

This exclamation contained admiration for the paper, but it was more of a groan. After sitting for a whole day, his waist was about to break, and the pain of broken bones was felt when he moved!

Professor Bob Magath is close to 80 years old. Letting such an old man sit in front of the computer for a day will indeed have a great impact on the body!

But even though his body was in pain, Professor Bob Magath's mind was extremely excited!

This state of forgetting external objects and concentrating fully is the dream state of all scholars!

Professor Bob Magath has long since forgotten the last time he was in such a wonderful state!

"It seems like you are really getting older!"

After doing some simple exercises to soothe his body, Professor Bob Magath sighed with emotion.

Similarly, on the one hand, his emotion was about his own body; on the other hand, it was also a kind of gratification to see the rise of the younger generation.

Professor Bob Magath It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a wonderful article!

After spending a whole day, over and over again, Professor Bob Magath did not fully understand this paper, but he was convinced that there was no problem with the argument and logical process of this paper!

After a simple dinner, Professor Bob Magath canceled his schedule for the next week. He needed a week to understand this paper.

Professor Bob Magath, who is almost 80 years old, is in a state of having no desires and desires. He has no hope of making a breakthrough in the field of mathematics. After all, he is old and his thinking ability has significantly declined.

But this paper by "Su.Yu" is like a "rejuvenation pill" that makes Professor Bob Magath's old heart start to beat at a surging frequency.

"Hey, I clearly know that the external review will definitely not be so fast, and I am full of expectations to refresh the status!"

On a new day, Su Yu, who got up early, squatted on a chair and logged into the official website of the "Annual Review of Mathematics" to refresh the status of her paper.

There is no doubt that the status of the paper has not been updated and is still "SUBITTED-TO-EFITOIA-OFFICE".

"If I had known earlier, I would not have submitted my application for the Annual Review of Mathematics. It is so slow and the waiting process is really frustrating."

Su Yu sighed and lay back on the bed.

Regardless of the paper, Su Yu thought she would go crazy by looking forward to it all day long.

Su Yu took the quilt she purchased not long ago and traveled to the wasteland world.

Lying on Song Qing's white and tender thighs, Su Yu grinned and enjoyed Song Qing's ear picking. It was very itchy, but very comfortable.

"Don't move!" Song Qing impatiently hit Su Yu on the head.

Su Yu smiled evilly.

With hope, human creativity is endless.

Since receiving Su Yu's material support, the "Dawn Base" in the wasteland world has developed extremely rapidly.

There were only five survivors who originally lived in the wall on the top of the mountain, but now they have been reorganized.

In the planning drawings, a residential area consisting of 120 houses is planned within the "Lingming Base";

a commercial street on Central Avenue;

a central park surrounding the chief’s official residence;

A 5-story city hall to the right of the chief’s official residence;

A military camp with rows of barracks and playgrounds was planned to the left of the chief's official residence;

The person who presided over the re-planning of the "Dawn Base" was a middle-aged man named Wang Wei who came from the abandoned city. He was originally an urban design engineer.

Wang Wei also naturally became the "Director of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Liming Base". This is a government agency of "Lingming Base"!

This Wang Wei has a bright future!

Of course, planning is still just planning. Whether the "big pie" can be realized depends on the results.

Only one of the 120 houses planned was built, so Su Yu went to check it out.

The house planning is very unified. Each house is a 6-meter by 7-meter homestead, all with two floors.

There are two rooms on the first floor and two rooms on the second floor, two floors above and below, with a total area of ​​about 80 square meters. There is a small courtyard of 18 square meters in front of the building.

It was very good, it made Su Yu want to do something else.

In the wasteland world, such housing conditions are unimaginable to nobles in other bases.

Especially the large quantity of building materials is like luxury goods.

Therefore, those who are eligible to stay here are, firstly, technical talents like Wang Wei; secondly, base soldiers who have families and families.

This also means that "Dawn Base" is capable of raising full-time soldiers!

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