Xueba: I study hard in the wasteland world

Chapter 51 51. Spend money and recruit people!

"I finally know why there are graduate students and doctoral students in this world!"

She was so excited when she first entered the laboratory, but now she was so disappointed. After working in the laboratory for a whole day, Su Yu's waist was almost broken from exhaustion.

Su Yu finally understood why graduate students were needed. This kind of free labor was really important to a laboratory project.

"Yes, there are too many trivial tasks in this laboratory!"

Xia Ning, who was in the lab with Su Yu, also nodded and agreed.

When she first went to Professor Wang's project team, Xia Ning complained that Professor Wang wouldn't let her do this or touch that!

Now I just want to express my gratitude to Professor Wang!

"Spend money and recruit people!"

Su Yu made a decision with a wave of her hand. After all, there was still an interest-free loan of 1 million yuan in the company's public account!

"I heard that the company of a junior in our school is hiring for a part-time job!"

"Yes, yes, I saw it on the school confessional wall. The minimum salary is 300 yuan a day!"

"How about we go for an interview too!"


After all, Su Yu spent some time at Xijing Ruixing Business Data Co., Ltd. Although he was a part-time employee on the surface, he was actually the person in charge of that company.

So now sitting in the main seat of the empty classroom, Su Yu still has a bit of a "boss" temperament.

Looking at the resumes submitted by classmates one by one, Su Yu frowned and began to reject them one by one:

"Sorry, we are recruiting part-time workers in the laboratory. We need relevant science and engineering majors and R\u0026D positions!"

"Yes, yes, sorry, we don't want freshmen!"

When Su Yu's "Fruit Candy" company wanted to recruit part-time employees, the applicants were either liberal arts students or freshmen.

This is not because Su Yu has any prejudice. For these liberal arts students majoring in economics, management, and foreign languages, Su Yu's company has no use at all!

"Finally, someone from the School of Materials is here."

After reading the resume of a senior from the School of Materials Science, Su Yu's frown finally relaxed a little, and finally found a professional counterpart.

But after looking at the senior's grades, Su Yu shook her head: "Sorry, we want to have good academic performance!"

The senior felt that he had been discriminated against and said arrogantly: "Does academic performance mean everything?"

Su Yu said: "Although academic performance does not represent everything, at least good academic performance can prove that you are hardworking and willing to work?"

The senior continued: "But I have a lot of ideas, I have participated in a lot of social practice, and I am a member of the student union!"

Su Yu shook her head and said, "Sorry, we already have an idea for our project. What we need is someone who can execute it patiently!"

"You're a lousy company, take jujube pills!"

Perhaps because he couldn't save face, the senior said a harsh word and left!

"Hey! What a waste of a day!"

Su Yu shrugged. It's so difficult to recruit a suitable graduate student!

There are many outstanding students at NPU, but these outstanding students are very busy, and not many outstanding students care about Su Yu's work.

After all, the scholarships of NPU are very generous. These students do it more for their ideals than for money.

However, after a few days of fermentation, the students learned that the "Fruit Candy" company actually provided laboratory work, and instead of doing odd jobs in the laboratory, they could operate experiments themselves. This news instantly spread to all science and engineering schools in the school. Professionalism exploded.

If Su Yu, who was sitting in the classroom interviewing classmates a few days ago, was a company "boss" interviewing employees;

So today, Su Yu sitting in the same classroom is more like a tutor interviewing "new students".


Looking at the resumes of each classmate, Su Yu sighed, this Western Polytechnic University is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon!

Academic performance? There are dozens of students with an average score of 99.5 or above in the final exam, and their grade points are fully achieved;

Issue SCI? Basically, every one of the students who submitted resumes to Su Yu had submitted SCI articles;

Research Experience? These students are all students of various professors’ project groups.

"I'm getting rich!"

Looking at these thick resumes, Su Yu was so excited!

"Su, Su~"

Sitting in front of Su Yu was a senior with a bachelor's degree, wearing thick glasses and wearing very simple clothes. He subconsciously wanted to call Su Yu "Professor Su", but he didn't say it out loud. After thinking about it, it felt wrong, so he called her out. : "Hello, classmate Su!"

Su Yu asked the senior with respect, "Senior, have you ever been in Academician Wang's research group?

"I did odd jobs!" The senior said slightly embarrassed.

Su Yu looked at the ideas of several SCI articles published by her seniors. They were very good and consistent with Su Yu's project.

Su Yu handed the senior a task list, nodded with satisfaction, and said to the senior:

"Senior, this is your project task.

The reward is 10,000 yuan.

If you can complete the project tasks for me tomorrow, you can take away these ten thousand yuan tomorrow! "

Looking at the task list in his hand, the senior was a little flustered. He turned to Su Yu and confirmed, "No, no, student Su, I don't need any money. Can I really do the experiment myself?"

Su Yu nodded hurriedly. What he wanted was for these people to experiment with their own hands. Otherwise, the entire project would depend on him and Xia Ning, which would exhaust them both to death.

Su Yu said: "Of course, you submit the application, prepare the information, and I will sign it for you!"

"Great, great!" The senior stood up excitedly.

Top academics often have very high IQs but low emotional intelligence. The seniors are straightforward and candid, and cannot hide their excitement at all.

Su Yu smiled and said: "Don't panic, this is your project task, you can't fall behind the overall progress, otherwise, I may have to replace you midway!"

The senior said confidently: "No problem! Don't worry, my tutor is studying this, and I have worked on this kind of project!"

"Okay, then go back and get ready!" Su Yu smiled!

Next, Su Yu spent a week dividing the basic work of the entire project into 100 parts;

At the same time, he divided the 1 million in the public account of the fruit candy company into 100 points.

A project is assigned to a "worker" and the reward for each project is 10,000 yuan.

When the basic project of "outsourcing" is completed, all the foundations of this project will be completed, and Su Yu's next work will be much easier.

Su Yu was very satisfied with her "outsourcing" wisdom. Otherwise, they would not be able to complete this subject experiment until they graduated if they relied on him and Xia Ning.

These "workers" have always been at the lowest level in the field of scientific research. Now that they have the opportunity to experiment on their own, they are even more satisfied.

In contrast, they really didn't care too much about the 10,000 yuan reward given by Su Yu!

The "workers" who can be accepted by Su Yu are all outstanding students who receive scholarships, allowances from tutors, awards from SCI schools, and part-time scientific research jobs.

Although they all look very simple and even a bit like losers, as students, they have a lot of savings!

Of course, the "workers" for each "contracting" project are carefully selected by Su Yu.

The academic thoughts of these "workers" either match Su Yu's thoughts; or they can accept Su Yu's thoughts.

Only in this way, with consistent thinking standards, can Su Yu integrate these hundreds of scattered sub-projects.

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