Xueba: I study hard in the wasteland world

Chapter 6 6. The thesis is finally finished.

Day by day, time always flies by.

In the dormitory, Su Yu was working on diagrams for her thesis without any distractions.

The beginning of the paper was difficult, but after entering the state, Su Yu made rapid progress.

His previous accumulation was not in vain, now it has turned into nourishment for his thinking!

"What is this?"

Roommate Zhang Tao came around and looked at the data analysis on Su Yu's computer screen, a little confused.

"No, this is about flat fluid analysis?"

"Damn it, Su Yu, why are you using the Bernoulli model for analysis?"

Roommate Zhang Tao still had two mistakes. Looking at Su Yu's chart, he immediately realized something was wrong.

“I always feel that the divergence of this smooth plane under force impact is a bit unclear.

So I tried to analyze it myself, and then I discovered some new problems, so I analyzed it myself! "

Su Yu twisted her stiff neck, leaned on the chair, and explained to Zhang Tao.

Recently, Su Yu seemed to be obsessed with it and devoted herself wholeheartedly to this paper!

very tired!

Of course it’s also fulfilling!

This feeling really goes without saying, it’s like you have solved the last big question in high school mathematics with your hard work. It’s a great sense of accomplishment!

"Su Yu, how many books have you read? Fluid mechanics and aerodynamics look so solid!"

"Yeah! I've never heard of this Ahmed model!"

"Su Yu, you kid, I see you lying on the bed playing with your mobile phone at night. It seems that playing with your mobile phone is just a cover-up. In fact, you are secretly studying!"

"Oh my god, just drag me to death. There is already a Wang Wenbo in the dormitory, and here comes another Su Yu!"

"Awesome, Su Yu, if you successfully publish this, you will be the first person in our dormitory to develop SCI!"

When they learned that Su Yu was going to write a thesis, the roommates were all discussing it.

Su Yu smiled and felt quite happy.

The wind and snow in the wasteland world finally stopped, the sunshine after the snow was very bright, and the whole world was clear and white as far as the eye could see!

After staying in the wasteland world for so long, this was the first time Su Yu encountered a sunny day.

Finally it stopped snowing.

But the world outside after the snow seems very peaceful, but there are dangers hidden everywhere.

Even the girl Song Qing didn't go out, sitting quietly in front of the fire wiping her gun.

The coals in the fire were burning red, and the kettle on the stove was boiling hot water. The room was warm and not dry.

Su Yu and Song Qing finally took off their thick coats.

After taking off the thick down jacket, the sweater made Song Qing's round and tall chest look beautiful!

Mr. Qian Zhongshu once said: A boy of eighteen or nineteen years old probably has more women in his heart than the emperor's Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard, and their thoughts about women are dirtier than the toilet.

Su Yu was the same. She had already had various thoughts about Song Qing.

The girl Song Qing is really good-looking, and her figure is better than that of the pink lover. After her living conditions improved, her appearance has skyrocketed.

But the problem is, Su Yu feels that she can't beat her.

This little bitch looks like a girl, and her appearance makes it easy for people to underestimate her.

But Su Yu saw her kill a hungry wolf with her bare hands.

So Su Yu is a typical person who has a thief heart but no courage.

Shaking his head and getting rid of the "shit" in his head, Su Yu sat down and began to continue writing his thesis.

After all, Su Yu is a sophomore undergraduate, and her professional knowledge accumulation is still weak.

Although Su Yu already had a clear idea of ​​the major topic framework of this paper in his mind, every knowledge point he had to write made him miserable.

Others write papers as smoothly as squeezing a saturated sponge;

When Su Yu writes a paper, it is like squeezing a dry sponge. He needs to read first, drip water into the sponge first, and then squeeze.

So on Su Yu's desk were not only computers and thick draft paper, but also a tall stack of books.

The dozen or so thick textbooks on the desk have been almost torn by Su Yu.

It was originally a new book, but now the cover has begun to crack.

The footers of every page in the book are also raised, and every page is filled with notes.

Su Yu wrote almost more notes in the book than there are words in the book itself.

These books look very worn. This is not because Su Yu doesn't care about books, but because he has really absorbed the knowledge in these books into his brain.

Su Yu has been in this wasteland world for more than three months.

In the past three months, except for traveling back to the real world to purchase some supplies, he spent the rest of the time reading and writing papers!


After hitting the last Enter key, Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief. This damn paper was finally finished!

“The first pass is over, all that’s left is inspection and refinement!”

"I have to go back to school to do this inspection and refinement work. At least let people know that I am writing a thesis. Otherwise, if I suddenly come up with a paper, how can I explain it!"

"Of course, I also need help from the head teacher!"

"Hahaha, that's great!"

"If you can be favored by the class teacher, then you can be regarded as someone new!"

No matter how hard it was when writing the thesis, Su Yu felt so happy after finishing it now!

Looking at the articles on the computer and the dozen or so thick textbooks and journals on the desk, Su Yu suddenly felt that she was so awesome!

Especially the thick textbook, he actually chewed it down!

The feeling in my head is really great!

Song Qing, the girl by the fire, glanced at Su Yu, with a hint of joy in her eyes.

This big boy from another world looks silly and nerdy, and he only knows how to read books all day long.

But this "idiot" occupied a very important position in Song Qing's life, but he was like a bubble and seemed very nihilistic.

Song Qing knew that she was very beautiful, but in this wasteland world, her beauty brought her endless trouble.

So when the big boy Su Yu appeared in her world, Song Qing did not slack off at all.

With enough food and supplies, she worked hard to exercise and acquired guns and knives.

For girls, taking the opportunity to become stronger is the most important thing!

It's already a bit cold in Xijing City in December, but because the postgraduate entrance examination is approaching, the learning atmosphere at Xijing University of Technology is very strong.

Su Yu didn't have to go to the library to grab a seat. Taking the printed final draft of the paper, Su Yu walked into the office building.

As the "Chen Shilu Feitian Class" focused on Xijing Polytechnic University, Su Yu's class teacher is not only an academician, but also the chief designer of Kun 20 - Tang Hong.

As an academician whose qualifications and reputation have reached their peak, Academician Tang Hong is very busy. It is very difficult for ordinary people to see him, and even his whereabouts are kept secret.

But as a student, it is very simple to meet your class teacher.

The whole journey was smooth as we walked into the office building where Academician Tang Hong was located.

There are several academicians in this office building, including countless Yangtze River Scholars, Distinguished Young Scholars, and Outstanding Young Scholars.

Even though many of the big guys are not in the office at all, the aura given off by these big guys makes the whole office building feel very oppressive!

Walking into the hall, Su Yu stood in front of the grooming mirror and arranged her clothes:

The head teacher in this university is not the same as the head teacher in middle school. Not only can the head teacher in middle school be seen all day long, but he is also very annoying.

Su Yu, the head teacher of the university, is a real boss. No matter in terms of qualifications, reputation, or social status, he is all very high!

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