Xueba: I study hard in the wasteland world

Chapter 90 88, Su Yu’s “retreat”

There was already a high pile of draft paper that had been scrapped by Su Yu, and several gel pens in his hand had been used. The pen callus on the middle finger of his right hand was very painful.

Su Yu, who had thick dark circles under his eyes, really looked as if he had been squeezed dry by the "little goblin", but the high-intensity output of adrenaline kept him high-intensity excited, and he said he could do it again. !

"Where is it? Why can't I deduce it further?"

Su Yu frowned. He had begun to become restless. The last step was clearly in front of him, but he just couldn't catch it!

This feeling was terrible for Su Yu!

It's like a "poor boy" and a "white, rich and beautiful" goddess have been secretly in love for a long time, but they encountered a lot of resistance in the country because of their status.

Now, in the name of traveling abroad, the two of them went crazy in the hotel for three days and four nights. "Bai Fumei" allowed the "poor boy" to do whatever he wanted, and she also asked for it like a "little goblin".

However, the tour was about to end and she was about to return to China, but the goddess "Bai Fumei" said: For the sake of both of us, let's not contact each other after we return to China.

Su Yu stared at the broken calculations on the white paper, as sad as a poor young man who had lost his goddess, but the long and intense thinking had made him exhausted!

The "buzzing buzzing~" tinnitus and slowed down thinking made him not only unable to think, but also a little confused!

"Sir, you need to rest."

Wu Chaozhong, who was in charge of Su Yu's security work, brought breakfast. Looking at Su Yu scratching his head, he spoke in a low voice.

The World Congress of Mathematicians outside has been held for four days, and Su Yu has not shown up.

There was already a lot of noise outside. Especially after seeing that the security of the hotel where Su Yu was sitting had been tightened, some conspiracy theorists began to add fuel to the fire. Especially before Su Yu went abroad, relevant comments around the world said that Su Yu would stay abroad.

But now that Su Yu's security has been strengthened, "relevant forces" have begun to instigate Su Yu to stay abroad. It was discovered that he wanted to stay abroad, so he was restricted.

There has been a small demonstration outside the hotel demanding the "release of Su Yu". The embassy is under great pressure!


Su Yu threw down the pen and exhaled a breath, waking up from the "obsessed" state.

Just like a "poor boy" and a "white and rich girl" fall in love, there is still great resistance due to their family status. Su Yu knew that it was impossible for him to overcome this mathematical problem that has been difficult for all mankind for hundreds of years.

Glancing at the hill of draft paper next to the table, Su Yu was also shocked that I had written so much.

Pointing to the draft papers, Su Yu told Wu Chaozhong: "Don't let anyone touch my draft papers. When we return to China, take these draft papers with us!"

These are the tender memories between him and the "goddess", and they must be taken with him!

"Yes, sir!" Wu Chaozhong nodded seriously, and then continued: "These manuscripts of yours have been classified as top secret by the embassy, ​​and we will treat them strictly."

After Wu Chaozhong finished speaking, he did not wait for Su Yu's reply. Wu Chaozhong glanced at Su Yu who was sitting on the chair and fell asleep with his head hanging down.

Wu Chaozhong lifted Su Yu onto the bed, closed the curtains, turned off the lights, and left the room.

Su Yu, who was squeezed dry, slept soundly. He lay in the hotel room and slept for a whole day and night. When he woke up, it was already the morning of the next day.

After waking up from extreme excitement, she felt extremely empty. Su Yu felt a little uncomfortable and got up and took a sip of water.

Looking at the date, it was already the last day of the World Congress of Mathematicians. He completely missed this rare opportunity and even missed his report yesterday.

But, again, to Su Yu, this was like a young couple going on a trip. Compared with the unbridled joy in the room all day long, missing the scenery outside the house was nothing.

After drinking the water, Su Yu opened the curtains, and the bright sunshine shone on him, making it warm and comfortable.

After extreme "exhaustion", Su Yu ushered in a rebirth-like "upgrade". He obviously felt that he was more powerful!

"Bang bang bang~"

At this time, there was a knock on the door of Su Yu's room.


Hearing the knock on the door outside the house, Su Yu shouted.

"Mr. Su, it's me, Diongo Eaton!"

An English reply came from outside the door.

When Su Yu heard this, it turned out to be Mr. Diongo Eaton, the chairman of this World Mathematical Congress, and he hurriedly opened the door: "Hello, Mr. Diongo, I'm sorry that I missed my report!"

Professor Diongo Eaton smiled and said, "Who said you missed your report?"

"Huh?" Su Yu was a little confused. His report was scheduled yesterday, and now it's today!

Professor Diongo Eaton smiled and said: "We are all waiting for you!"

Just like when you come back from a trip with your girlfriend and the gossips are curious about whether you have succeeded, Diango Eaton then asked Su Yu expectantly: "Have you achieved anything new these days? ?”

Seeing Professor Diongo Eaton's expectations, Su Yu shrugged and said, "Unfortunately, I didn't catch her!"

"Okay, that's right, after all, it's the NS equation!" Diango Eaton shrugged slightly disappointedly, and continued: "But it doesn't matter, we are all looking forward to your next report on the NS equation!"

"Okay, let me clean it up first!"

Originally thinking that his report was missed and the World Congress of Mathematicians was about to end, Su Yu didn't do much to clean up. When he heard that his report was still there and everyone was waiting for him, Su Yu hurriedly packed up.

The main lecture hall of the Convention and Exhibition Center is very large, and the audience is crowded.

Those sitting in the front row were all "hegemonic" figures in the field of international mathematics. Other scholars crowded in the back of the venue, and a group of mathematics practitioners who came here crowded in the aisles on both sides.

There was also a group of mathematics students from all over the world gathered excitedly outside the venue.

At the first day party of the World Congress of Mathematicians, news broke that shocked the entire mathematical community. Su Yu from China found the key clue to solve the "NS equation". This is the "NS equation", so today Su Yu There are many reports coming!

"There are so many people here! They all want to see my NS equation report?"

Su Yu, who was standing on the podium, looked at the crowded venue and spoke with a smile.

After Su Yu finished speaking, the audience burst into commotion in various languages.

Su Yu "retreated" for three days and four nights. Everyone was very confused. On the one hand, they hoped that Su Yu could win this beautiful "goddess" who has seduced mathematics practitioners all over the world for hundreds of years;

On the other hand, they don’t want Su Yu to win because they want to win it themselves!

Su Yu shrugged and said: "Unfortunately, I haven't solved it yet, but my report today will explain my views on the NS equation. Finally, if everyone is interested, I will also share my new knowledge in the past few days. Let me tell you about the harvest!”

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