Xueba: I study hard in the wasteland world

Chapter 92 90, he really wants to challenge the proof of the regularity of the NS equation!

The emotions among young students are always the most intense. When I heard that Su Yu was going to challenge the NS equation, many young students gathered outside the venue, wanting to join in the fun.

Outside the venue, a doctoral student in mathematics from Princeton University met a doctoral student from Yanjing University in China.

Ph.D. students from Yenching University who had come all the way to support Su Yu crowded outside the venue. Looking at Su Yu in the live broadcast on the big screen, they spoke expectantly: "Is he really going to prove the NS equation? "

When the doctoral student in mathematics from Princeton University heard this, he looked at the doctoral student from Yenching University like a fool and said, "Oh my god, you idiot. I said it from the beginning. I didn't prove the NS equation. I just explained the new equation." Achievements!"

"Tch!" The doctoral student from Yenching University rolled his eyes at the stupid white man and said, "You don't understand this. In our country, the real academic masters will be very humble before every exam. Some people say, oh, I didn’t prepare anything! I will definitely not do well in the exam!”

“After taking the exam, I would humbly say, oh my, I can’t do many questions, I will definitely not do well in the exam!”

"If you believe in the humility of a top student, you are just a complete idiot!"

This person with a Ph.D. in mathematics from Princeton University was stunned and a little less confident, because he had also seen such "tea-like" top academics from China at Princeton University. He was frightened by their pretense of being slapped in the face, so He said uncertainly: "Really? It's an NS equation. He, he shouldn't be able to complete the proof so quickly, right?"

When talking about Su Yu to foreigners, as a doctor from Yenching University in China, he said proudly with a strong sense of pride: "That's Su Yu. His academic achievements in the field of materials science have already won the Nobel Prize. If he hadn't been still young and in his early years, maybe he would have won the Nobel Prize this year!"

"It makes sense, my God, I don't really want to witness history!"

The doctoral students at Princeton University stared excitedly at the figure of Su Yu who was proving on the screen, with an indescribable excitement.

Su Yu has no plans to complete the proof of the regularity of the NS equation for the time being, at least not at this report meeting.

He was just taking the opportunity to sort out his thoughts on what he had gained from "retreat".

Su Yu, who was completely immersed in mathematics, forgot about external objects and concentrated on organizing her own thoughts.

When Su Yu finished writing the fifth line of calculations, more than half of the people in the venue could not follow his train of thought, but no one left. When he finished writing the tenth line, Professor Tao Zhexuan, who was sitting in front, made a pick. brow.

Tao Zhexuan took a look and saw that Grigory Perelman, who had proved "one of the seven major problems in mathematics in the world, Poincaré's conjecture" sitting next to him, looked like a man whose soul had been taken away by a "vixen" Likewise, staring at Su Yu's proof with fascination.

Professor Andrew Wiles changed his posture, holding a pen in his right hand, and his eyes gradually became serious as he stared at the whiteboard.

Su Yu's report went very quickly, and he completed the modeling of viscous fluids with just a few equations.


Next, I will simplify the first formula! "

Su Yu, who was concentrating on the stage, continued to write:

“div(u*v)=(div u)v+u▽v”

Then, Su Yu explained: "where u▽v is the operator, u▽v=uxx+uyy+uzz, u▽v is the operator u▽ applied to the vector

of each component.

In this way, we get another form of NS equation. "

Su Yu continued to write on the whiteboard:



"We always assume the incompressibility of the fluid, so p and t are independent of x and are constants. In this way, we have one less unknown function, and the equation becomes solvable and simplifies to:


Su Yu on the stage deduced and simplified the entire equation step by step. Soon, the whiteboards were filled with densely packed numbers and mathematical symbols.

And as Su Yu dissected the NS equation layer by layer, the audience in the audience listened very seriously, regardless of whether they understood it or not.

“The integral terms on the left and right must be equal, so we creatively completed the derivation of the kinetic energy equation!”

When Su Yu finished writing a new line of equations from the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, Professor Johnson spoke excitedly.

Reminiscent of Su Yu's research on energy conversion in the field of materials science, Professor Johnson's eyes widened in disbelief: "Oh my God, he doesn't really want to solve the NS equation!"

"Crazy, absolutely crazy!"

Unlike those watching the fun, they couldn't understand Su Yu's explanation. They just thought Su Yu would be cool solving the NS equation problem. As a scholar at the forefront of the world's NS equation research, Professor Johnson knew very well how difficult the NS equation was. !

But the problem is that until now, all the deductions made by the young Su Yu on the podium are correct!

Professor Johnson didn't have time to think too much, because Su Yu on the stage had already started the next step of derivation. He hurriedly opened a new page in his notebook and started to check the calculations following Su Yu's explanation!

Princess Naomi Bellamy of the Sunset Empire, who had been coveting Su Yu's "Fruit Candy Screen", also came. Of course, she couldn't understand Su Yu's explanation from the beginning, but she was taken seriously by Su Yu on the podium. Attracted by the look.

Naomi Bellamy could not understand Su Yu's report, but the attendant beside her, Professor Botolo Jedi from Cambridge University, said excitedly:

"Oh my god, he, he is really challenging the NS equation. Didn't he just talk about his latest achievement? So his latest achievement is to solve the NS equation?"

Naomi frowned. Looking at the old professor's expression, Naomi knew that damn Su Yu had achieved great results again. This meant that she no longer had any status advantage in front of Su Yu. !

"Damn it, why doesn't he bow down to me?" A trace of anger flashed through Naomi's beautiful emerald pupils, but the anger was secretly mixed with a kind of crazy fascination.

Princess Naomi, who has been arrogant since she was a child, has always been aloof, and once she is conquered, she becomes obsessed with the strong like crazy!

When Su Yu used three whiteboards to complete the creative simplification of the "NS equation", a small group of top mathematics scholars in the venue already understood what Su Yu wanted to do!

He really wants to challenge the proof of regularity of NS equations!

In fact, Su Yu on the stage did not want to challenge the NS equation. He was just concentrating on sorting out what he had gained in the past few days. But after sorting out, new ideas emerged. Su Yu's brain was operating at a high speed, and he was concentrating on holding the pen. It's completely based on my own thinking.

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