Xueba: If You Don’T Work Hard, You Will Die

88, Jiang Huaishu Seems To Have Become Really Powerful

This experiment was conducted by Professor Ren Junhua and Professor Xu Duanyang in person. They were very nervous and excited.

Although the results of Jiang Huaishu's model exceeded their cognitive inertia, both of them were very cautious, and neither of them was in a hurry to completely deny Jiang Huaishu's model.

Because their projects are inherently unconstrained, why can’t Jiang Huaishu’s model be unconstrained?

1+1=3 impossible?

But if "1" represents "1.5 yuan", then "1"+"1"=3 yuan is not wrong!

The atmosphere in the laboratory is very tense, without the gags that originally eased the atmosphere, everyone is doing their tasks very seriously.

Huang Bin and Zhang Tao, who came to the laboratory to help, dared not breathe. They sat on the chairs blankly, looking forward to someone giving them some trivial tasks!

Jiang Huaishu was really tired, and he slept soundly on the sofa in Professor Ren Junhua's office.

While Jiang Huaishu was asleep, Professor Ren Junhua and Professor Xu Duanyang also completed the experiment.


Looking at the results of the experiment, Professor Ren Junhua and Professor Xu Duanyang's faces were full of disbelief, they seem to have succeeded!

The next day, after Jiang Huaishu woke up, before he had time to wash up, Professor Ren Junhua 460 and Professor Xu Duanyang dragged him to the group meeting.

"Gulu Gulu" Jiang Huaishu protested with hunger.

Fortunately, roommate Zhang Tao bought him breakfast, so when Professor Ren Junhua and Professor Xu Duanyang got into an argument, Jiang Huaishu was busy eating fried dough sticks!

"Huaishu, don't just eat, you can also say something!" Professor Ren Junhua no longer regarded Jiang Huaishu as a student, but as a member of the team

Jiang Huaishu shrugged and said, "I don't understand your biology, but I know my model is very mathematical.

"If you say it, you don't say it!" Professor Xu Duanyang complained, and he also regarded Jiang Huaishu as a colleague.

Jiang Huaishu is also helpless, the interlacing is like a mountain, not to mention the top academics!

Jiang Huaishu couldn't understand the academic discussion of the two professors at all. His biomedical knowledge is completely assaulted in the past few days.

Professor Xu Duanyang stared at the test chart in his hand, and said: "But our test conclusions show that CRP and cysteine ​​C detection are really effective in diagnosing adverse reactions to blood transfusions!"

Professor Ren Junhua took a look at Jiang Huaishu, and said: "That is, the mathematical model in Jiang Huai's (aibg) book not only made our success, but also pointed out a new direction!"

Professor Xu Duanyang nodded, then looked at Professor Ren Junhua, and asked, "You think the same as me?"

"A brand new worldwide topic?" When he said this, Professor Ren Junhua was full of excitement!

Professor Xu Duanyang's breathing also became short of breath. In scientific research, finding the problem is already half the battle!

There have been no breakthrough discoveries in the biomedicine of human society for a long time. Although countless biomedical scientific research results are born every day around the world, and new Nobel Prizes in Physiology are born every year, there is no essential breakthrough!

Today, Jiang Huaishu's mathematical model not only solves the problem of the blood project, but also finds a direction that can bring about a fundamental change for the entire physiological science!

Professor Ren Junhua and Professor Xu Duanyang couldn't calm down at all, which meant that they were at the forefront of physiological research.

"Comrade Jiang Huaishu, we officially invite you to join our project team host!"

Professor Ren Junhua and Professor Xu Duanyang stood up and made serious demands on Jiang Huaishu!

Jiang Huaishu was frightened by the two professors, and hurriedly took a sip of soy milk to suppress it.

Professor Ren Junhua's "pig blood to human blood" blood project is very difficult to scientifically research, so it is a cross-unit cooperation project, and there are four or five main researchers in the whole project.

Among them, Professor Ren Junhua and Professor Xu Duanyang are the hosts, and Jiang Huaishu is the "first participant" with another professor from Union Medical College Hospital. The other "second participant", "third participant", " The fourth entrant"... There are several more!

Let's put it this way, there are only a few Ph.D.s who have been working on it, and only one or two can put an insignificant name at the end, which shows how many big shots there are in this project!

Now that the two professors invite themselves to be the "host", Jiang Huaishu must be shocked!

Because although becoming a "host" means that one's own research contribution to the subject is great, the effect is great, and the gold content is high, but the "host" also means that you must be sure of the important events of the entire team!

And now as the "first participant" Jiang Huaishu only needs to focus on mathematics!

And he can only do math!

Jiang Huaishu is self-aware of how much he is, and he is quite satisfied with becoming the "first participant" of a provincial and ministerial scientific research project this time. If he applies for the "Outstanding Youth Fund" in the future, he will No problem, even the selection of professors in biomedicine has hope.

But as for becoming the host of the project, Jiang Huaishu said honestly: "Forget it, I only know mathematics, and what I know has already been exhausted!"

Professor Ren Junhua hurriedly said: "No, no, because of you, we will reapply for a national key project!"

"Ah?" Some of Jiang Huaishu didn't react. Didn't this blood project break through the bottleneck and is about to end? Why are there other projects? Why do these other projects involve me?

Then, Professor Ren Junhua and Professor Xu Duanyang introduced the new direction they discovered to Jiang Huaishu.

Jiang Huaishu thought for a while, and said, "Okay then! I also think it's very interesting! You can join, but I'm really not as good as you think!"

Professor Xu Duanyang smiled and said openly: "Your discovery pointed us in the right direction, and you have provided half of the contribution to this project!"

Jiang Huaishu couldn't hide his excitement, and said, "Even if I have participated in a national project, I'm still the host, isn't it equivalent to the chief designer?"

Professor Xu Duanyang said with a smile: "There can't be three chief designers, Professor Ren is the chief designer, and you and I are the deputy chief designers!"

Professor Ren Junhua was also very excited, and said: "Let's put it this way, if this project is successful, the three of us will have no problem selecting Changjiang Scholars in the future, and we can even impact the selection of academicians!"

Jiang Huaishu was a little excited, imagining that he would reprimand Fang Qiu in the future!

"Of course, the process of this project will be very long and very difficult." Professor Xu Duanyang saw Jiang Huaishu's enthusiasm and hurriedly poured cold water on him.

Jiang Huaishu nodded, yes, one blood project has been going on for four or five years, who knows how difficult the next project will be!

But Jiang Huaishu never dreamed that his first Nobel Prize would be the Nobel Prize in Physiology he won together with "Ren Junhua and Xu Duanyang". .

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